What is the normal temperature in dogs of small, medium and large rocks, in a pregnant dog, after childbirth. How to measure the temperature in dogs, how to determine by the temperature of dogs by external signs? What to do to normalize the temperature in the dog?

What is the normal temperature in dogs of small, medium and large rocks, in a pregnant dog, after childbirth. How to measure the temperature in dogs, how to determine by the temperature of dogs by external signs? What to do to normalize the temperature in the dog?

If your pet is curious and feels bad, look if he has a temperature. But remember that in dogs it differs from human.

Like people, in animals, including dogs, temperature is one of the factors that determine well -being and health. And in order to be sure that the pet is healthy, you need to know exactly what temperature is normal for him, and when the help of a veterinarian is needed.

What is the normal temperature of dogs?

  • Unlike a person, dogs have a higher average temperature, at which it is time for people to call an ambulance. So, the lower boundary is 37.7 ° C, the upper reaches 39 ° C. These are averaged indicators, usually experts allow deviations depending on the time of year, breed, age, floor.
  • Therefore, do not worry if the thermometer column is lowered or rises to 2-3 tenths of degrees in relation to the norm.
  • If the difference is more significant, this is already a reason for concern. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the most dangerous is gradual, not sharp an increase in temperature in the dog.
  • Firstly, in this case, it is more difficult for the owner to notice the planning problem with the health of the dog, and, secondly, the immunity of the animal “does not have time” to work.

What is the normal temperature in dogs of small breeds?

  • As for any breed, the body temperature of puppies and adult dogs should be distinguished. So, for the first, the norm is the range from 38.6 ° C to 39.3 ° C.

Adult dogs have a temperature range just below: the lower limit is 38.5 ° C, upper - 39 ° C.

  • Such differences with the average indicators are due to the fact that the metabolic processes in dogs of small breeds occur faster. This also explains the differences between puppies and adults of one breed.
  • Measure the temperature to small dogs, Put them on the side or on the stomach. It is better to carry out this procedure together so that the second person holds the animal in a horizontal position. If this is not possible, then it is better to place the dog across its own knees, holding it and pushing the tail with one hand, and inserting the thermometer - the second.

What is the normal temperature of medium -sized dogs?

What is the normal temperature of medium -sized dogs? In adult medium dogs, body temperature a little lower and is from 37.5 ° C to 39 ° C, puppies have a higher temperature - from 38.3 ° C to 39.1 ° C.

  • Small fluctuations in one direction or another can be due to the fact that there are many variations of breeds of this size, but each animal is individual.

What is the normal temperature in dogs of large breeds?

  • The lowest temperature compared to other rocks have large dogs, the metabolism of which occurs slower, and the heart beats smoother.

Temperature 37.4 ° C for adults of large dogs and 38.2 ° C. For puppies - this is the lower border. The upper one is, respectively 38.3 ° C and 39 ° C.

  • It should be remembered that, as for representatives of other breeds, minor deviations from average indicators are also possible for large dogs. In addition, it is representatives of large breeds that tolerate the heat, so in the summer the temperature in dogs Almost always rises.
By categories
By categories
  • It is desirable to measure the temperature of a large dog together so that the assistant holds it. It is better if the animal is in a muzzle or at least it should fix the mouth.

The temperature of the bitches during pregnancy, before and after childbirth

  • What is the temperature of the bitches during pregnancy, before and after childbirth? As a rule, during pregnancy, the temperature of the dog It remains normal, while a decrease by one degree is also considered normal.
  • Shortly before giving birth, literally a day or two, temperature reduced by 1-1.5 ° C. Therefore, on the eve of childbirth, it is advisable to fix the temperature indicators in the morning and in the evenings in order to navigate in time.
Usually decreases
Usually decreases
  • If the temperature increased, albeit slightly, you need to contact a veterinarian, since an inflammatory process is possible or problems with future offspring.
  • When the birth begins and amniotic fluid departs, normal temperature values \u200b\u200bare restored.
  • After childbirth, the temperature usually rises, and it is very important to ensure that the thermometer column did not rise above 40 ° C. If this happens, immediately contact the veterinarian.

What depends on the temperature of the dogs?

  • As mentioned above - first of all from age and size. In addition, it matters the floor of the animal - Sucks have a higher temperature than male, which is explained by hormonal features.
  • The temperature is also connected with a general physiological state Animal organism: a period of pregnancy, childbirth or estrus in bitches, rehabilitation period after the disease and other factors.
  • In hot weather The temperature in dogs rises. The same thing happens if the dog is excited, is in a state of estrus, subjected to long physical exertion, and also immediately after the animal is eaten or molars are cut in puppies.
  • In addition, a change in temperature towards the increase may be due to with infectious processes, poisoning, inflammation.
Infectious or non -infectious causes
Infectious or non -infectious causes
  • To non -infectious reasons The presence of necrotic processes, taking certain drugs, overheating in the sun, vaccination, joint problems, allergies or feverish condition, sometimes characteristic of scarves, include.
  • Temperature decrease It may be due to the presence of worms, food poisoning, enteritis. The reason may be severe blood loss, chronic renal or liver problems characteristic of old dogs or injury. In the end, the animal can simply overcool.

How often do you need to measure the temperature in the dog?

  • If the animal is actively, eats well and does not show anxiety - There is no need for constant control over its temperature. The exception is only tribal puppies And exhibition dogs. But during pregnancy, this should be done with constant frequency.
With activity, you do not need to measure the temperature
With activity, you do not need to measure the temperature
  • The same applies to the antenatal and postpartum period. In addition, it is necessary to know the temperature indicators before making a vaccine to the dog, and after it.
  • And, of course, it is necessary to measure the animal temperature when the symptoms described above appear.
  • Can recyclable, if you are not sure that it is healthy - this will help the veterinarian in establishing a diagnosis.

How to measure the dog at home?

  • You need to start by lubricating the thermometer. It can be cream, vaseline, glycerin - Everything that will help the easier entry of the device.
  • Having gone the tail of the dog, gently rotate the thermometer, introducing it into the rectum of the animal not very deep-1-2 cm is enough.
  • Do not forget to talk affectionately during temperature measurements in the dog. If you use an electronic thermometer, hold it until the sound signal is heard.
  • Mercury should be held for up to 5 minutes, and with the help of infrared (it is used for the ears) you will find out the result in the first seconds.
  • Having taken out the thermometer, wipe it with a cotton swab, previously having moistened it in any disinfectant.

How to determine the temperature of the dog without a thermometer?

How to determine the temperature of the dog without a thermometer:

  • Taking the ear shells of the animal. Due to the large number of blood vessels passing through them, in the case of an increase in temperature, the ears become especially hot. Be sure to feel two ears and compare whether they are the same. If not, then most likely, in a hotter there is any inflammatory process.
Take the ears
Take the ears
  • Feeling the hollows under the paws - inguinal and axillary. If The temperature of the dog increased, In these places you will feel distinct heat. The main thing is that your hands are at room temperature, so as not to be mistaken in sensations.
  • Looking at the gum of the animal. If they are pink and wet enough - the dog is healthy. With an increase in temperature, the gums are blushed and dry.

What are the external signs of temperature changes in the dog?

  • Understand that the dog does not prevent the temperature from measured, you can by external signs and its behavior. It should be remembered that the reduced temperature is no less dangerous than high.

Obviously the temperature of the dog, if it is sluggish, with apathetic behavior, her nose has become hot and dry for a long time. The dog refuses to eat, and possibly drinking, while she has dry gums and tongue.

  • At elevated temperatures, dogs may have vomiting, breathing becomes heavy, and the heartbeat quickens. The presence of convulsions is not excluded.
  • On a decrease in temperature (hypothermia) They may testify slow heartbeat, tense muscles, reduced pressure. Breathing becomes rare and superficial, the animal itself is drunken and unable to eat and drink.
  • Hypothermia can be light when the temperature drops to 32 ° C, moderate (not lower than 28 ° C) and deep, if the thermometer is dropped below 28 ° C.

How to bring down or raise the temperature of the dog yourself?

  • If the temperature of the dog increased, it needs to be shot down. But not paracetamol! And in general, do not use the funds intended for admission to a person. Therefore, start with simple cooling, putting on the paws in the pillow area, on the neck and inner thighs ice, wrapping it in any fabric.
  • If there is no ice at hand, wet the same places with water, not forgetting about the entire surface of the wool. Give the animal a sufficient amount of cool water and lay it in a cool place.
  • If temperature dropped, you should act on the contrary: place the animal in a warm place and cover it, give a warm drink. And be sure, having provided such first aid, to deliver the dog to the veterinarian who will determine what caused such temperature changes and prescribe treatment.

Video: What is the normal temperature for the dog?

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