How to grow cabbage without caterpillars and slugs? How to get rid of caterpillars and slugs on cabbage folk remedies, chemicals and biological method: recommendations, drugs, recipes, instructions

How to grow cabbage without caterpillars and slugs? How to get rid of caterpillars and slugs on cabbage folk remedies, chemicals and biological method: recommendations, drugs, recipes, instructions

Getting rid of the slugs on the cabbage is simple. Look for recipes in the article.

Growing vegetable crops, gardeners are faced with many problems, including pests.

  • Caterpillars and slugs on cabbage can not only harm the green leaves of this vegetable, but also completely destroy the crop.
  • These insects can be detected thanks to the mucous trace on the leaves of cabbage.
  • If you notice the first signs of the appearance of such pests, you must immediately save the crop.
  • There are several proven methods for this. Read about them in the article below.

How to get rid of caterpillars and slugs on cabbage folk remedies: tips, recipes

Slubs on cabbage
Slubs on cabbage

Gardeners are increasingly using folk methods to combat pests. They are safe for green cultures and human health. To date, there are many folk ways to combat cabbage caterpillar and slugs. Here are some tips before starting work:

  • Carry out cultures in the morning or in the evening, but not during the scorching sun, as this can harm plants.
  • If it rained after processing, then the procedure will have to be repeated, otherwise the caterpillars again attack the beds.
  • Do not make the solution for the future. Prepare it at once before use.

Advice: Be sure to constantly examine the cabbage to pour in a timely manner to notice the appearance of treasures of eggs or slugs and start an immediate struggle with them.

Here are a few effective ways to combat cabbage slugs:

  • Beer. It doesn’t matter which beer to use: exhausted or fresh, caterpillars attracts the smell of this drink. Prepare several small plastic containers or ordinary glass cans. Brease them near cabbage bushes, and pour beer into containers. Mollusks have a thin scent, they will immediately feel the aroma alluring for them, and crawl to it. After they fall into beer containers, you need to collect slugs and burn behind the garden.
  • Instant coffee. It is necessary to brew dual soluble coffee and spray the leaves of cabbage with this drink. It helps not only from slugs, but also from the cabbage fly.
  • Traps. You can make them from old rags that need to be wetted. A burlap or even old boards is suitable. Wipe the surface of the board or fabric with water well and put it near the beds. When the slugs are creeping to wet traps, collect them and burn them behind the site.
  • Close access to the beds. It is known that caterpillars and slugs crawl, moving with a sole on the abdomen along even surfaces. So that they do not get to the beds, can be poured along the perimeter of cabbage planting with a crushed shell of eggs, nuts, shells or large sand. Such a rough surface is an obstacle to slugs, since wounds may appear on their thin body.

These are one of the simplest and most effective ways to combat cabbage pests. There are other methods of struggle. Read below.

How to process cabbage from caterpillars and slugs of baking soda: folk recipes

Healthy cabbage leaves without slugs
Healthy cabbage leaves without slugs

A solution of baking soda is one of the most effective ways to combat pests in the garden. Food soda is used in different forms, but more often in the form of a solution. Experienced gardeners use this antiseptic even at the stage of soaking seeds, as a prevention, but this will be described below.

What to do if the slugs have already been started on cabbage leaves, how to treat them with baking soda? Here is the prescription:

  •   In 5 liters of warm defended water, dilute 10 grams of baking soda.
  • Mix well and spray the leaves.

With this solution, you can even water the beds, since baking soda also fertilizes the soil, filling out a lack of useful substances.

You can also mix soda with ash (on a liter jar of ash 2 tablespoons of soda) and sprinkle cabbage leaves with this powder. After rain, this technique will have to be repeated.

Another recipe for the fight against slugs:

  • In 5 liters of water, dissolve 10 grams of soda.
  • Add 2 venes for ordinary white flour And stir well.
  • Then collect floral pollen (how much will it work - you will not collect it much) and also put it in the solution.
  • Stir the mixture well And spray cabbage leaves.

Slugs and caterpillars that will disappear should not lie or crawl between the beds. They need to be collected and burned behind the garden. This recipe is used by elderly experienced gardeners, as the best recipe for combating cabbage pests.

How to poison caterpillars and slugs on cabbage vinegar: folk recipes

Cabbage leaves eaten by slugs or caterpillars
Cabbage leaves eaten by slugs or caterpillars

To combat cabbage pests, 9%table vinegar is used. Here are the effective recipes that you will prepare for several seconds:

  • In a 10 liter bucket with water, add 2 cups (400 ml) vinegar. Mix well and spray cabbage leaves. It helps to deal with pests on seedlings or already adult heads.
  • In 10 liters, dissolve 1 cup of 9%vinegar and 50 grams of ammonia. Mix the solution well and sprinkle the leaves. Helps from the slugs and caterpillars of the butterfly repnitsa and whitish.
  • In 10 liters of water, dissolve 1 cup 9% vinegar and 2 tablespoons of sodred coarse salt. Draise the leaves with a solution generously. Helps from butterflies, cabbage moths and slugs.

There is always vinegar in the house, so you can cook such a solution without difficulty. Spray them with leaves every 10 days and after the rain.

Caviar processing from caterpes toothpaste: folk recipes


Experienced gardeners have long been using toothpaste to combat garden pests. To do this, it is not necessary to buy new tubes.

  • You can collect used tubes during the winter, and then, when it is time to fight insects, cut them and soak them in a bucket of water for a day, and stir the solution in the evening and spray cabbage.
  • If you threw used tubes, and you need to deal with pests now, then buy the cheapest toothpaste. Then 2 tablespoons of this cleaner for teeth, dissolve in a bucket of water and spray the cabbage in the evening - at sunset.

In the morning on the beds you will not find a single insect. Where they go is unknown. Most likely, insects will crawl to another place. But you do not even have to remove the fallen bodies of slugs or caterpillars from the beds - this is convenient.

Ammonia from caterpillars on cabbage: folk recipes


If you did not have the necessary ingredients and you could not prepare the solution according to the above recipes, then you can use ammonia. Prepare such a mixture from it:

  • Dissolve fifty milliliters of ammonia in 10 liters of water.
  • Add 1 glass of ash.
  • Mix and spray the plants in the evening before sunset. Two such processing per season is enough.

Instead of ash to the solution, you can add 2 tablespoons of chips of laundry soap. Thanks to soap, the solution will stay on the leaves for a long time and drive the slugs and caterpillars. Such a mixture of drugs and water will definitely drive evil insects from the garden.

Bay leaf against caterpillars on cabbage: folk recipes

Bay leaf
Bay leaf

The easiest way to combat caterpillars and slugs on cabbage is to lay out a bay leaf in the garden next to the seedlings of culture. The smell of lavrushka will scare off insects. You can also make a solution that will effectively help in the struggle not only with these crawling insects, but also with a cabbage fly.

  • Pour ten grams of bay leaf with one liter of boiling water.
  • Insist the solution for half an hour or an hour, until completely cooled.
  • Then carefully moisten the leaves with this solution, repeat after five days and after rain.

Remember: If you want to get a cabbage fly with a bay leaf, then this method is effective until the fly put down the larvae. If this has already happened, then you need to resort to chemical treatment.

Garlic against caterpillars on cabbage: Folk recipes


Garlic is known to everyone as the best antiseptic in the fight against microbes and bacteria of different origin. Gardeners use it, if you need to remove slugs and caterpillars from cabbage. Here is the prescription:

  • Make an infusion From the leaves of tomato, onion stems and garlic (you can use both stems and heads).
  • The solution should be saturated and odorous. It will take about 3 kilograms of tops of tomato, 1 kilogram of onion and garlic feathers or 10 heads of garlic. Instead of onion feathers, you can use onion husks (how much it will fit into the floor of a liter jar).
  • Pour it all with boiling water (10 liters) and insist during the day. Then spray cabbage.

If you do not want to collect tomato tops and onion husks, you can grind 10 heads of garlic and pour 8 liters of boiling water. Let the solution stand, do not cool down, and then moisten the leaves of cabbage abundantly.

The best chemicals for slugs and caterpillars on cabbage: Instructions for use

Chemical drugs are also actively used by gardeners in the fight against pests. Such modern means will help to quickly and mercilessly cope with caterpillars and slugs. The most popular such chemicals:

The best chemicals for slugs
The best chemicals for slugs

Remember: Spray the solution in dry calm weather. Be sure to protect your face with a mask, your eyes with glasses, and the body with dense clothes.

The fight against caterpillars and slugs biological method: recommendations, drugs, instructions


The biological way to combat pests in the garden is the use of special fungi and bacteria. They naturally destroy insects, without causing harm to people and plants. Environmental agriculture has long reached a new level of development, and many gardeners use this.

Such drugs as Entobacterin, lepidocide, bitoxibacillin and phytoverm.The drug must be diluted in water (50 grams per bucket of water) and sprayed with cabbage. The solution will enter the insect body during the meal, and lead to death.

The action of this method is as follows:

  • Microbes, bacteria and fungi infect insectswho then get sick and die.
  • When pests disappear, microbiological creatures also disappear. The treatment with the drug is performed twice a season with an interval of one week.
  • The processing a week before harvesting.
  • The effect of the drug depends on the air temperature. If it is below 18 degrees of heat, then the bacteria will not multiply and the drug will not act. If the air temperature is above 30 degrees, then bacteria may die without starting to act.

Remember: Be sure to use the drug for the use of the drug, so that the air temperature is in the range of 18-30 degrees.

What to do for the prevention of slugs and caterpillars on cabbage: the necessary measures

Prevention - planting calendula and other fragrant herbs
Prevention - planting calendula and other fragrant herbs

Everyone knows that it is better to warn than to treat. This folk statement applies to gardeners. In order not to lose the crop from the invasion of slugs, caterpillars and other pests, it is necessary to take care of this in advance. Important preventive measures are as follows:

  • Planting fragrant herbs and flowers. Their smell will scare off pests. You can use calendula, coriander, lover and celery. These plants also attract useful insects in the garden, for example, God's cows and other bugs. They feed on aphids and caterpillars.
  • Attract birds to the garden. They feed on insects and help clean the garden of pests.
  • You can use thin spanbond or finely cellular mesh To cover the beds to block the path of butterflies for laying down larvae.
  • Remove weeds thoroughly. They attract butterflies.
  • Inspection of cabbage leaves from below, and remove egg laying.
  • Follow the growth of plants during the entire vegetative period, feed, process, as a strong plant can withstand the invasion of pests.
  • Process the seeds before germination. For example, in a solution of baking soda: per 1 liter of water 5 grams of soda. Stir and soak the seeds for a day.

When choosing a method of combating pests, remember that preference should be given to folk methods and microbiological drugs. They are safe, both for humans and plants, and the use of chemicals can lead to the accumulation of carcinogens - hazardous substances for human health. Remember that on well -groomed land there is no place for pests. Clean the garden of weeds, attract birds, process cultures in a timely manner, if necessary. Good crop!

Video: How to get rid of slugs? The best ways

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