How to choose the right Kagor: the best brands, tips for choosing high-quality Kagor, video review with tasting

How to choose the right Kagor: the best brands, tips for choosing high-quality Kagor, video review with tasting

In many people, Kagors are associated with the celebration of Easter, as well as with many church rites, because it is known that this wine is used during their holding. However, not only for this reason, Kagor is so popular among wine lovers.

Kagor is distinguished by an exquisite taste, a beautiful color and a pleasant aftertaste. At the same time, only a real Kagor has such qualities, whose fakes, unfortunately, are a lot of stores on the shelves. Today we will talk about this drink and learn how to choose it correctly.

CAGOR: History of the drink

  • The appearance of Kagor in the vastness of our country is still closely related to religion. It was the needs of the Church in a drink that would be like the blood of Jesus Christ that led to the fact that today we have such a drink such as Kagor wine on the shelves of our supermarkets.
  • Initially, the church used for its rites the fault of Greece, Italy and Moldova, Since at that time there was still no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat drinks for these needs can be used.
  • Almost any wines of red were used. However, at the end of the 19th century, a clear opinion was in society regarding what wine can be church. Its main characteristics are: it should be sweet, strong and must have a rich dark red color.
Ideal for Easter holidays
Ideal for Easter holidays
  • The production of such wine was entrusted to France. The most suitable place for these purposes was a small town Koror, Which actually gave the name to the drink.
  • In the first half of the 20th century, the drink “experienced” difficult times, it was practically stopped producing it, replacing it with less strong wines. It was this, as well as the fact that at the end of the 19th century in the town, in which the Kaor (on our territory already called as the Kagor) was rampant, the grape phylloxer raged, led to the fact that our state began to make such a drink on its own.
  • It is worth noting that the Kagor produced in France and the Kagor produced with us is still different wines. But at the same time, none of the drinks can be called bad.

Kagor wine: benefits and harm to humans

Many people mistakenly think that “church” wine has literally miraculous properties. However, do not forget that Kagor is primarily alcohol and therefore its excessive use will bring nothing but harm to health.

The beneficial properties of Kagor are as follows:

  • Kagor contains many vitamins and trace elements.
  • There is also a drink Organic acids and tannins.
  • In small doses, Kagor improves heart function, increases hemoglobin, improves appetite.
  • There are assumptions that wine can act as a means prevention of cancer.
Can be either useful or harmful
Can be either useful or harmful

But, as already mentioned earlier, Kagor is alcohol, so there are a number of contraindications to it:

  • Categorically you can’t drink kagor children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Those who have allergies to grapes, wine and red products.
  • People who suffer from increased pressure.
  • People suffering from the ailments of the nervous system.
  • You can not use kagor in the period exacerbations of chronic diseases, Especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and urinary systems.

CAGOR: Types and Best brands

Kagor cannot “boast” a huge number of species and brands, such as Calvados or Cognac. But in this case, there is something to tell about.

  • So, Kagor can be ordinary. In this case, we are talking about a non -contained drink, the cost of which will be much lower than that of other species.
  • Kagor can also be ordinary sustained. Such wine should be kept in oak barrels for at least six months.
  • And, of course, vintage. Truck Kagor is the most expensive of all varieties. Such a drink is withstanded for years, has been distinguished by special taste and color qualities. The fact that the wine is indicated by the sticker on the neck of the bottle. On the same sticker the year of harvesting from which the wine is made, and the period for its exposure, should be indicated.
Popular brands
Popular brands

Now let's talk about the brands of Kagora, which, according to experts, are the best in the market:

  • "Kagor from the Holy Mount Athos." It is made from grapes of the Cabernet-Sovignon variety, has sweet-mining, berry-fruity taste. In the aroma, notes of the dark are visible raisins and prunes.
High quality
High quality
  • "Kagor South Berezhny." This Kagor is delivered to the Vatican called "Church".
  • "Kagor No. 32". This Kagor is used by the Russian Orthodox Church during various rites.
To Easter
To Easter
  • Kagor "Sunny Valley". This kagor has a slight currant taste and sweet-spicy aftertaste, the aroma of the drink includes notes gorky chocolate, smoke, raisins and figs.
Sunny drink
Sunny drink
  • Kagor "New Athos", Red Special, manufacturer of Obina and Water of Abkhazia LLC. Kagor has a thin aroma of cream and a soft, velvety taste.
  • Kagor "NR 1957" Kagor canonical, manufacturer of fanagory. The wine has a pleasant chocolate taste with creamy aftertaste. The aroma of wine is cherry, thorns.
Sweet drink
Sweet drink
  • Kagor "Our Traditions", manufacturer "Massandra". Kagor has a complex, very bright aroma with notes of fruits and spices.
  • Wine Vinal, "Monastic Kagor". Kagor has a rich taste of black berries and a pleasant aroma of cherries, spices.
  • Vei Alco, Kagor. The taste is bright, the aftertaste is long. The taste of caramels, fruits and black berries can be traced. The fragrance of the drink is fruit.
  • Wine "Armenia" KAGOR. This wine has a bright, saturated fruit and berry taste and the same aroma.
  • Koktebel wine, “Higher Quality”. Kagor has a sweet taste and fruit aftertaste, is distinguished by the aroma of prunes and spices.
From sunny Crimea
From sunny Crimea

How to choose a kagor in a store?

Now, knowing about the properties, types and brands of this drink, you can start considering the following issue, how to choose a really good Kagor? So, we present to your attention the criteria by which you can evaluate whether the Kagor is good in front of you:

  • Kagora price. Kagor cannot be too cheap and, as a rule, costs more than ordinary wines in the average price segment. The thing is that rectifical alcohol is added to Kagor and this makes the cost of the drink more expensive.
  • Kagor belongs to fortified wines, so alcohol in it should be at least 16-18%. The percentage of sugar should be approximately the same.
  • There is no single grape variety that would be used for the manufacture of Kagor. But most often varieties are used for these purposes Cabernet-Sovignon, Merlo, Saperavi. If the CAGOR does not indicate the grape varieties, but something like “wine materials” is written, etc., you are most likely a common one in front of you wine drink, not a real kagor.
  • Pay attention to the type of liquid. Kagor has a rich dark one, we can say grenade, but at the same time a pure, transparent color, without impurities, turbidity and sediment. However, do not confuse the usual droop at the bottom with a wine siege in the form of small crystals - this precipitate is permissible.
  • It is best to buy kagor in glass, dark bottles, since in such a container the drink is not exhausted, does not clutch and does not oxidize.
Choose a quality drink
Choose a quality drink
  • Choose proven Kagora brands. On the bottles of such manufacturers there is always all the information necessary for the buyer: what kind of wine is made of, when it is done, the period of aging, the warranty shelf life (4-5 months), etc.

How to check the Kagor at home?

The quality of the purchased Kagor can be checked at home. It is quite simple to make it:

  • Take a glass, pour wine and water into it in a proportion of 5: 1 if the color of the wine does not change, it will remain dark, but transparent, which means that you have a real Kagor.
  • Pour wine into a glass and add a little to it soda. If the drink does not change its color (in a quality drink it will become dark blue, even sometimes almost black), then the kagor is not of high quality.
Checking naturalness and quality
Checking naturalness and quality
  • Pour wine into a glass and upset the container. If the wine leaves “tears” on a glass (traces of draining wine), then it is of high quality. These simple ways will allow you to understand what CAGOR is in front of you - a real or ordinary drink

How to drink CAGOR correctly and how to bite Kagor?

Well, we will complete the conversations about this delicious and aromatic fault with recommendations regarding how to drink it and how to bite it correctly.

  • Drink Kagor is permissible any time of the day.
  • You can serve this wine In the glasses "Tulips"who contain 250 ml of Kagor.
  • The taste and aroma of wine is completely revealed if it is cooled or heated to 16-17 ° C before serving. At the same time, in front of the spill along the glasses, a bottle of Kagor is recommended to open and leave to “breathe” for 15-20 minutes.
  • Drinking this alcohol is accepted without rushing, little by little with very small sips - this is the only way to understand its taste and aroma.
  • You can bite the kagor white bread, fruits, nuts, dried fruits, for example, prunes, sweet raisins. Some claim that a good Kagor is combined with chocolate And other sweets, but with cheeses - for an amateur.
Kagor feed
Kagor feed

It is impossible not to say that Kagor is still drunk for medicinal purposes, however, this is a delicate and responsible matter:

  • To defeat the cold, it is recommended to heat 150 ml of Kagor and drink it in warm form. If desired, you can add spices and honey to alcohol. Hot kagor with a cold will help you get to your feet faster.
  • In the same way, you can improve appetite, the digestive tract.
  • Drink kagor for medical purposes It is necessary moderately and accurately. Like any other alcohol, Kagor causes dependence and can greatly harm our health.

Kagor is a fragrant and delicious wine with an interesting history of origin. As you already understood, it can be served on the table not only during church holidays, but simply during home gatherings, meetings of friends and other celebrations.

We advise you interesting articles. Of these, you will learn about drinks:

Video: Choosing Kagor - Review and tasting

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Comments K. article

  1. An incomprehensible picture with glasses of wine and food soda, is the present?

  2. Pour wine into a glass and add a little soda to it. If the drink does not change its color (in a quality drink it will become dark blue, even sometimes almost black), then the kagor is not of high quality. The blue color of Kagor after adding soda - real, no changes - no.

  3. I suffered myself and all about the wines when I was looking for drinks for my wedding. In general, you can still find a high -quality kagor, but now the market has been too filled with powder wines and you can be unpleasantly surprised when you take a good brand for a good price, and the taste is about anything.

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