How to choose a good artificial Christmas tree: types of mounts, shape, price. How to handle an artificial Christmas tree?

How to choose a good artificial Christmas tree: types of mounts, shape, price. How to handle an artificial Christmas tree?

Choosing an artificial Christmas tree is not easy. It is important to consider its shape, size of the room and other factors.

Previously, natural spruce was used more often to make the holiday fabulous, add the New Year atmosphere to the house. But technology is not standing still and now you can buy an option that will be more economical and will save the trees from cutting down.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How to choose a good live Christmas tree for the New Year?". You will find out what New Year's Christmas trees are when you need to buy a live Christmas tree, what to pay attention to when choosing.

Artificial Christmas trees differ in many parameters: color, size, material from which spruce is made, and most importantly - price. Because of all this, people fall into confusion, wondering: “How and what kind of artificial Christmas tree to choose?” Below are described qualities, thanks to which it will already be possible to make a choice. Read further.

What should be the size of an artificial Christmas tree?

First you need to solve what size of an artificial Christmas tree is most suitable for your interior. These “trees” are found in a variety of sizes: from a small desktop version, to a large spruce 4-5 meters high. For an ordinary apartment, it is recommended to consider options in the range of 1-2.5 meters. You can decide more specifically, given the size of the room and the place that you are ready to allocate.

With a standard ratio, everything is simple:

  • Need they spit the height by 3 and multiply by 2, it turns out the length of the area necessary for installation.
  • For example, for a spruce with a height of 240 centimeters, you will need a square of 160 by 160 centimeters.

Although there are many options, but usually the interval between the size of large specimens is about 30 centimeters.

What are good artificial Christmas trees made of?

Different materials are also used depending on the cost. Consider from cheap to expensive.

Artificial Christmas tree from fishing line
Artificial Christmas tree from fishing line

A cheap option - fishing line products:

  • Even people with poor vision will not take such a spruce for the present.
  • This option can be found for 3-5 thousand rubles.
  • The design is simple - needles from fishing line are attached to the branches.
  • If you find more expensive, then the needles may be trimmed closer to the edge of the branch, but usually the length is the same.
  • To the touch, it is quite unpleasant and Christmas toys are more complicated.
PVC artificial Christmas tree
PVC artificial Christmas tree

Average price - PVC Christmas tree:

  • The technology is slightly different. A thin film is wound on the wire.
  • From the advantages, it can be noted that there are no unpleasant stitching sensations when contacting the branches.
  • A clear disadvantage - during storage, the material is a lot and after one use does not look the way we would like.
  • Such a spruce can be purchased much more expensive.
Cast artificial Christmas tree
Cast artificial Christmas tree

Dear option - casting:

  • The high cost is explained by the fact that absolutely every twig casts in the form of silicone.
  • The plus of this option is that such a Christmas tree looks like real. The needles in shape and color are very like the real one.
  • Two disadvantages pop up at once. The first is high cost, if you do not want to give more than 20 thousand to such a necessary New Year's decoration, then this option is likely not to be like.
  • The second is due to material and weight, it is not very convenient to store. It is necessary to allocate a place for storage.
Artificial Christmas tree made of mixed materials
Artificial Christmas tree made of mixed materials

Mixed materials:

  • If you don’t want to give a lot of money, but you need a beautiful spruce, there are also options for such a case.
  • The branches in the most prominent place will be from PVC, and inside from the fishing line.
  • Another - a cast part is visible, and the rest of the PVC.

Such Christmas trees, as a rule, are on the boundaries of price groups below. Read further.

The price of a good artificial Christmas tree

In terms of quality, size and material of an artificial Christmas tree, you can divide into several price categories. Table spruce can usually be purchased for 1000 rubles or cheaper. Considering options about two meters high, the following groups can be distinguished:

Inexpensive artificial Christmas tree
Inexpensive artificial Christmas tree
  • Up to 8000 rubles

This option is most often from fishing line, sometimes partially from PVC. The view is not the most pleasant, and there are many minuses, but if this attribute is not given special significance, then it is quite suitable.

Artificial Christmas tree of the middle price category
Artificial Christmas tree of the middle price category
  • From 9,000 to 20,000 rubles

The material of such Christmas trees - PVC prevails. It looks much better and sometimes you can take the real one. Closer to 20 thousand, mixed Christmas trees from PVC and silicone are found.

Dear artificial Christmas trees
Dear artificial Christmas trees
  • From 21,000 rubles and more expensive

"Elite" spruce. Not everyone is ready to give so much money (there are even options from 100,000), but the Christmas trees are beautiful. The color is natural, since all the details are stained with high quality.

Types of fasteners of branches of artificial Christmas tree

After the budget, size and material are determined, you can choose mounts so that when assembling, do not throw out artificial spruce into the window. There are three main types:

Fleet fasteners in the form of hooks
Fleet fasteners in the form of hooks
  • Hooks

This option is considered the most difficult due to the fact that it is necessary to manually fix each branch with hooks.

Fleet fasteners in the form of wire
Fleet fasteners in the form of wire
  • Wire

Everything is much easier here. Each branch can be bent at the required angle. The disadvantage is that it cannot be disassembled and stored more compactly.

Fleet fasteners in the form of hinges
Fleet fasteners in the form of hinges
  • Hinges

This method is considered "magical." In the right position, the branches themselves unfold and turn into a beautiful spruce. Cons is exactly the same as in the "bending version."

The price also depends on the mounts, but it is better not to save in order to be guaranteed to collect, otherwise this process will definitely not please.

The shape of an artificial Christmas tree

A very important parameter is the form of artificial spruce. There are several varieties:

  • Classic spruce

Outwardly resembles the letter “A” and is most common, because it is a natural shape of a tree and we are used to seeing it.

Narrow artificial Christmas tree
Narrow artificial Christmas tree
  • Narrow

An interesting choice. Such specimens can be of different lengths and thicknesses, but it is very convenient to use it if you want a holiday, but there is no place to decorate.

  • "Half" spruce.

If you need to place it in the corner or near the wall, then you can simply not add part of the branches. If you do everything neatly, it will be imperceptible from the outside and look very beautiful.

Original decisions of an artificial Christmas tree

You can choose a product that is found much less often than the above or even do it with your own hands. Below you will find a description of the original solutions of artificial spruce. For example, you can buy or make the following options yourself:

Artificial Christmas tree with LEDs
Artificial Christmas tree with LEDs
  • LED

Such a Christmas tree can be purchased or made independently in order to save. Threads with LEDs are woven directly into the wire, and when included in the outlet, it seems that they ate the garland, but unlike it, the LED copy consumes much less electricity. Also, such a choice is less dangerous in terms of fire, since the LED tape does not overheat.

  • Paper needles

This is a more dangerous option. Such a spruce is made as from PVC, only paper tapes are wound on the wire, not a film. Such products are found quite rarely, and it is not recommended to use them. The plus of this option is what looks like a natural tree. There are more disadvantages, due to the fact that there is a high probability of fire and it can not be used for long, only about three years, and then it already looks much worse.

A snowy artificial Christmas tree
A snowy artificial Christmas tree
  • More snow

Often in the store there is a “snowy” copy. The same spruce, but only partially or completely white. You can divide this diversity into several types:

  • Slightly covered with hoarfrost. On the needles, only tips are painted in white. You can choose if you want something new, but without cardinal changes.
  • After snowfall. The closest to reality, the green branches are visible from the inside, but outside the white is completely painted.
  • "Winter Tale". In reality, you will not meet such a Christmas tree, but it gives magic atmosphere in the house. There is absolutely no green color.
Color artificial Christmas tree
Color artificial Christmas tree
  • Multi -colored

This appears even less often, but it is still worth mentioning. Everything is simple: pink, blue, purple, yellow and even black. Even a few colors are mixed. If you try hard, you can find rainbow.

  • Cones

It does not matter what they are, but there is an exact guarantee that the cones will give realism. Compared to the usual product, it looks much better. It can also dilute a continuous green color.

Not all ideas are very original, but if you use them competently, they will definitely improve the appearance of the room and cheer up the mood at the holiday.

How to handle an artificial Christmas tree?

Increasingly, people prefer a “rubber” option than natural. Despite the fact that plastic needles fall much less often, this does not do the eternal product. How to handle an artificial Christmas tree? Consider several rules thanks to which the decoration will delight you longer:

  • Put away from the window. From the influence of ultraviolet light, the needles change color after the first use, so if the Christmas tree stands by the window, you can throw it in a couple of years.
  • If there is a garland, do not leave unattended. Especially in cheap garlands, overheating or short circuit often occurs. A cast species is unlikely to be ignited, but from the paper for sure.
  • Follow animals and children. The products are not particularly dangerous, but nevertheless needles and even garlands can be in the stomach, for example, in a cat or even a child.

If all this is observed, then the spruce will last much longer.  Above all the main features were described, which must be taken into account when choosing artificial spruce if you prefer it to natural “sisters”, who are increasingly out of fashion every year. We hope we helped you that you have the main idea of \u200b\u200bartificial fir trees and what you need to choose.

Video: How to choose an artificial Christmas tree?

Video: Dream Tree. Simple and complex decorative techniques

Video: How to put an artificial Christmas tree? 4 ways that change the look of the Christmas tree!

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