How to choose a wedding date: wedding date by year, signs, beautiful dates for the wedding, test for the date of the wedding

How to choose a wedding date: wedding date by year, signs, beautiful dates for the wedding, test for the date of the wedding

For each girl, one of the most beloved and desired melodies are the sounds of Mr. Mendelson, which accompany her transition from a carefree girlish life, to complete concerns and duties, marital life. And in the same way, each of those who says the cherished “yes” to his lover would like to know in advance what her family life will become, and whether it is possible to make her happy with the help of a correctly selected wedding date.

In order for family life to really become happy, first of all you need to find the person who will be your happiness, but at the same time it is very important to choose the right day when you fasten your union. After all, you probably looked at various horoscopes, trying to understand which of the signs of the zodiac and the eastern horoscope you have the best compatibility. So the date of the wedding is best to monitor with the horoscopes of both partners and resort to such a concept as numerology.

Happy Wedding Dates: Wedding date by date of birth

  • Since we are talking about two people, it is not so easy to find a date that would be favorable for both, and sometimes such a coincidence falls literally once or twice for the whole year.
  • Therefore, it is best to plan the date of the wedding in advance, starting by determining whether this or that year will be successful for you, and you can achieve this by using it in the calculations The date of your own birth, including a month and a day.
  • For example, if you were born on November 10 (i.e. 10.11), then you should add all the numbers included in this date: 1+0+1+1 - totaling 3, this will be your personal number from which it follows make further calculations.
  • Next, add your personal number with the numbers of the year in which you want to celebrate the wedding. If this is the 2020th year, then your calculation will be like this: 3+2+0+2+0 \u003d 7. This result will serve as a starting point. The resulting number 7 is in this case your personal year, namely, the seventh year is extremely unsuccessful to to make a marriage or get married.
  • This can manifest itself in bad relationships in the family, in health problems, including children, in betrayal, etc. It is extremely undesirable to choose a poet to choose for marriage to marry the seventh.
Count a good wedding day
Count a good wedding day

How to choose a wedding date?

  • How to choose a wedding date? You need to proceed from your own preferences. If you like it heat - choose warm spring months, summer, beginning of autumn. Prefer cool-stop at the autumn-winter season.
  • The same applies to a photo shoot. The best and most vivid memories of your wedding day will leave shots on which you are captured together in your favorite winter forest or against the background of the first snowdrops, under the canopy of green crowns or in beautifully falling yellow-red leaves.
  • Usually the wedding season falls on the period from May to Octoberwhich is most filled with such events. In this regard, prices can be higher, and if you do not intend to arrange magnificent celebrations, but prefer to spend more money, say, to arrange your life, then for you the right choice of the wedding date will be the autumn-winter season. The same approach is applicable to the choice of the wedding day, since on weekdays, when weddings are much less, cafes and restaurants often provide discounts on mass celebrations.
  • Many pay attention to religious rules, which you cannot celebrate weddings in christian holidays or days of post - At this moment, you should also pay attention if you adhere to canons. Usually Christians have in tradition celebrate weddings after the holiday of the cover.
It is better not to get married in post and Christian holidays
It is better not to get married in post and Christian holidays
  • There are many families in which long traditions have developed. For example, you can set the date of your wedding on the same day on which your parents got married, since their marriage was very happy. Or perpetuate the date of your acquaintance by celebrating the same number to the fastening of your union.

How to choose the right wedding date according to signs?

How to choose the right wedding date according to the signs:

  • In January Folk signs do not advise playing weddings, they can become the beginning of not the most successful family life.
  • February weddings They say that life together will be happy and long.
  • It’s good to play a wedding in March Those who are tuned to various changes.
  • April is favorable For those who are confident in their feelings, and is very doubtful for those couples that so far have doubts about the correctness of their choice.
  • May days, According to a long tradition, they are considered extremely undesirable for the wedding.
  • Very good for marriage June, He is considered a truly honey month.
  • It’s good to play a wedding in July Those who put their careers in the first place - such marriages will be financially stable, however, the truth, the relationship fades into the background.
  • August It is considered successful month to make a strong marriage, In which passion will always be present.
  • September days Good for those who dream about a calm measured life, in which everything is stable and reliable.
  • October, By folk signs , not the best month for marriage - In family life there will be problems that can lead to the collapse of the Union.
  • In November The wedding ceremony says about a strong and prosperous marriage, With the same stable, but far from passionate relations.
  • And finally december, According to popular beliefs, it was simply created to play weddings.
If you believe in signs, then use them and them
If you believe in signs, then use them and them

Symbolic wedding dates

  • Let us recall how they sought to play a wedding on dates, which many considered magical, since the numbers in them were repeated: 02.02.2002 or 09.09.2009.
  • The wedding dates built on this principle were this year: 02.02.2020, 20.02.2020. But such a stir was gone. Either the fashion passed, or statistics convinced future newlyweds that the “round” date does not guarantee family happiness. Many marriages concluded on such days could not withstand the test of time.
  • The same applies and by the day of the lovers - February 14. Despite the romantic name, as practice shows, this day is also not a guarantee of happiness in family life. To play a wedding for the New Year, on your birthday is wonderful, but whether the family created will become a real strong union depends only on the attitude of the couple to each other and on their desire for joint happiness.
Symbolic wedding dates are not always the key to a happy family life
Symbolic wedding dates are not always the key to a happy family life

Wedding date test

  • You can go through a test to determine the most suitable wedding dates - online They can be found in large numbers on various sites. They are quite voluminous and detailed, and, quite possibly, they carry a certain share of tips, but it is hardly worth it to treat such tests as guaranteed happiness, because everything is in your hands! There are video tests, their effectiveness is similar.
  • In the form of an experiment, you can try to pass numerical test. To begin with, determine the appropriate wedding year, for which replace the numbers that are the date of your birth, the year with the one you would like to play a wedding.
  • For example, you were born 08/03/1997 and want to get married in 2021. This means that the personal number of the year will be 08.08.2021. You need to add all the numbers: 0+3+0+8+2+0+2+1 \u003d 16, and then add 1+6 \u003d 7. Thus, you received a seven, which will be a personal number of the required year. It is believed that the resulting Ambulance means a good year for the wedding, when odd - it is better to postpone it.
  • You can determine the month of the wedding. You need to write six digits on paper that will come to your mind, and under them are the numbers of the month and year of birth. In the same way, build arbitrary numbers and the date of birth of your groom in the column, you should get four lines in total, each of which has six digits.

Let's say:

  • 328546
  • 111996
  • 294897
  • 191992

Now cross out those numbers that stand nearby or settled one under another, or giving when added 10. All the numbers that remain should be placed again in the column and deleted according to the same principle, repeating the procedure until the numbers are left, which already remains that already remain. You can’t cross out. So they need to be folded, and if the amount exceeds 12, then both components of the resulting number of numbers should be added. The final number will be the desired month of the wedding.

  • It remains to calculate the wedding day. To do this, you need to write in the column all the numbers of the required month (30 or 31, and if you have February - then 28 or 29, depending on whether the leap year or not), and then cross out the days on which you were born, your fiancé and your close relatives.
  • After that, take up the deletion on the principle of the previous task again and add the remaining numbers-they will tell you the correct date of the wedding.
  • If the date you calculated will actually help you gain family happiness, it will be wonderful! The main thing is to strive for this and make efforts to build trust and family relationships.

The value of the wedding date

  • So, you calculated your “correct” personal number of wedding. In addition to the above methods, this can be done quite simply, adding on the usual principle all the numbers that make up the estimated date of marriage, again, until a definite number is obtained.
  • The exceptions are 10, 11, 22, which remain independent numbers. For example, you want to play a wedding 07.03.2021, Then you fold the numbers in the usual way: 0+7+0+3+2+0+2+1=15, And then, folding 1+5, get the number describing your future family life – 6.
Numerology of the wedding date
Numerology of the wedding date

Now about what each of the numbers means:

  • 1 - relative stability of marriage. The unit has leadership and egocentric principles, therefore the main condition for stability is the ability to compromise and give a partner in time.
  • 2 - such a marriage is filled with passions, Moreover, their range is from love to jealousy. The best approach in order not to poison each other's lives is to abandon suspicions and checks.
  • 3 - there is a risk of plunging into a routine of everyday lifeTherefore, for a prosperous family life, a couple should be more more likely to get out of the house, communicate with friends, attend various events.
  • 4 - In this case, on the contrary, more time should be devoted to each otherbecause the time devoted to other people can minimize the communication of partners among themselves, and therefore the number of attention paid to each other.
  • 5 - family life will be simply filled with love, Moreover, it will penetrate almost every sphere of life and relationship.
  • 6 - harmonious relations, folding both in the personal aspect and in the household.
  • 7 - In such a union it is greatly affected A certain detachment From the reality of one of the spouses (and, possibly, both). If the husband and wife are similar in their detachment, the family will have harmony, if one of the couple is an extrovert, then perhaps the seven is not the best number for the wedding.
  • 8 - The number is good for those who aimed at achieving career heights, And if both partners are configured to create a successful business, they definitely should choose this number for the wedding ceremony day.
  • 9 - a very suitable option for a couple, which puts at the forefront spiritual values, And the material refers to the background.
  • 10 - a very harmonious union, created by two like -minded people who are ready to understand and support each other. Their interests coincide in almost everything.
  • 11 - The number is very suitable for those who he seeks to create harmony not only in his family, but also around himself. Such people will surround themselves and involve all relatives and friends in their world of comfort and prosperity, thereby performing a mentoring mission.
  • 22 - the figure that symbolizes the spiritual fullness of your union. You are a self-sufficient couple, and by and large you do not really need someone's approval.

The best wedding dates in 2020

  • The current 2020, in which it is hosting White metal rat, It’s quite suitable for creating a new family, despite all the beliefs and signs that the leap year does not bring happiness. After all, the rat is the animal very homely and economic, and even rat families can simply become a model - numerous, stern.
  • Therefore, you can safely plan a marriage this year, and it will full of emotions and feelings. The main thing is that the table is rich, and the holiday itself is noisy, so the rat will help the young family in creating harmony and happiness.
  • When it is better to appoint date Wedding for the Lunar Calendar? First of all, all astrologers are one in one, during this period the moon should be growing, since its position in combination with the location of the stars can affect the success of marriage, and during growth the moon will be favored by harmony between partners.
  • As for the lunar eclipses, as well as the sunny, the days when they occur are not the best for the appointment of the wedding date. 2020 contains 6 such days at once, this 10.01, 5.06, 21.06, 5.07, 30.11, 14.12.
  • And in the second half of 2020, astrologers call the most favorable for marriage 3, 26, July 31, 3, 23, 30, 31, September 27, October 18, 26, 30, 20, 22, 27, November 29, 20, 21, 25, 27.
  • It is also important for many that the date in the marriage certificate is impressive and memorable. There are many of them this year. Firstly, the 20th number of any month will overlap with a year. Secondly, it is beautiful when the day and month are repeated: 07.07.2020, 08.08.2020 etc.
  • And special magic will possess on October 10, 2020, when two dozen in the date will be 20, combining a year.

Beautiful wedding dates in 2021

  • In 2021, the most spectacular marriage date will be the number 12.02.2021, In which the numbers are read the same way both from left to right and from right to left.
  • Dates with three digits repeating in them will also look beautiful: 0, 1, 2, for example, February 2 - 02.02.2021 or November 12 - 12.11.2021.
  • Again, dates with a repeat of numbers of the day and month will be beautiful, and the date from this point of view will be the date on December 12: 12.12.2021.
  • A win-win option would be a choice that fell on the 12th or 21st of any of the months of the year-they will also be able to “mirror” the date of your wedding, and October and November are especially beautiful in this regard: 12.10.2021, 21.10.2021, 12.11.2021, 21.11.2021.
  • If you liked these numbers, then perhaps you will need to worry in advance to have time to submit an application for these days, because it is possible that many people like these dates.
Wedding dates 2021
Wedding dates 2021
In the winter months
In the winter months

Wedding dates by year and what to give?

Many are interested in what this or that wedding anniversary is called and what kind of gift to present to this wedding date.

Our list will help:

  • Green wedding - This is the day of marriage, on which it is customary to give myrtle, filling them with bouquets and buds for the newlyweds.
  • Sitz - The first anniversary of the date of the wedding is given by chintz products (or just fabric gifts).
  • Paper - The two years of the wedding, as gifts, are all paper, from books to money.
  • Leather - It is noted after three years and gifts, respectively, made or containing the skin: wallets, bags, etc.
  • Linen - The four years of marriage, spouses present linen products and, as a second meaning, wax anniversary, the mandatory attribute of which are candles.
  • Wooden - The first anniversary, five years, implies wood products as gifts.
  • Pink or tin - This is a rather solid date, 10 years from the day of the wedding, and not only roses, but also any household items are attached to the tin gifts, the main thing is that they are red
  • Glass, crystal, crystal -This is the name of the 15th anniversary of the wedding, which is given by jewelry from crystals and dishes.
  • Porcelain -20-year anniversary, which involves gifts in the form of porcelain dishes.
  • Silver- A quarter -century anniversary from the date of the wedding, on such a day of the spouses, as they say, they are finished with silver products, cutlery, coins.
  • Pearl -It is noted after 30 years from the date of marriage and should be given pearl-pearl jewelry and products.
  • Coral or linen - It symbolizes 35 joint years, on this date is given coral jewelry or linen products combined with scarlet roses (of course, there should be 35 pieces).
  • Rubin -marks the 40th anniversary of life and involves any gifts in which there are rubies.
  • Sapphire -This is already a 45th anniversary, in which jewelry with sapphires is presented.
  • Gold - A half -century wedding, when spouses give products or coins from gold.
  • Emerald - 55 years from the date of the wedding, of course, give everything with emeralds.
  • Diamond, platinum, diamond - So they say about the wedding, which withstood the test of strength of 60 years long, and the gifts are presented from the corresponding metals and diamonds.
  • Iron -Strong, like iron, 65-year-old marital life, is bestowed with iron products.
  • Fertile -A 70-year wedding, in this case, gives what symbolizes love in the family and what the spouses themselves wish.
  • Crown - 75 years, it is customary to give “royal” expensive gifts.
  • Oak -The 80th anniversary of the wedding date is given everything made of this mighty tree.
  • Granite - A wedding that connected the hearts for 90 years, gifts are granite products.
  • Red - A centuries -old wedding, which involves gifts, sustained in red colors.
Wedding anniversary
Wedding anniversary

Wedding date for zodiac signs

Among the many methods for choosing a successful wedding date, one must also forget about the influence of the zodiac constellation on our life, under which we were born.

Here are the best months for those born under the sign:

  • Aries - November and December;
  • Taurus - January and October;
  • Gemini - April, May and September;
  • Cancer - January, May and August;
  • Leo - February, July and December;
  • Virgo - May, June and September;
  • Libra - May, June and July;
  • Scorpio - March, July and December;
  • Sagittarius - March and September;
  • Capricorn - March, April and November;
  • Aquarius - May, October and December;
  • Fish - January, October, November and December.
In winter, the wedding is very successful
In winter, the wedding is very successful

Knowing favorable months for yourself and your partner, you can choose a happy period for you and play a loud fun wedding that will give the beginning of your family life. Let her be happy!

How to postpone a wedding date?

Usually, after you submitted an application to the registry office, future spouses are given at least a month to prepare for the triumph and the final decision. Sometimes during this time there are circumstances that change the plans of the newlyweds. What to do in this case to postpone the wedding date the next day?

  • In accordance with the legislation, if future newlyweds have special respectful reasons for transferring the deadlines, and they are confirmed by relevant documents, then it is possible Changing the previously planned wedding period - this can be done within a month.
  • If a longer delay is needed, then the groom and the bride will need repeated submission of an application and, accordingly, payment of state duty. By the way, the same order for those couples that did not appear on the appointed day for registration of marriage.
  • In order to postpone the wedding, you just need to write an application, which indicates the reasons for which such a decision is made. If the wedding needs to be played earlier, you will need documents that justify the need to reduce the waiting time. For good reasons, in this case there are Pregnancy, the upcoming urgent military service, the upcoming long absence of one of the newlyweds in connection with study, treatment, business trip.
  • Directly on the same day when the application was submitted, the couple can be painted in the event of the birth of a common child (or his upcoming sooner birth). In other cases, when transferring the wedding, it is necessary to apply personally to both future spouses (either with a notarized signature of one of the parties, which cannot come in person), or using the personal account on the public service website, if the first statement was submitted in the same way.

Video: How to choose a wedding date?

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