Congratulations on a silver wedding in verses, prose, SMS for parents, friends. How to organize a festival of an anniversary for 25 years of wedding?

Congratulations on a silver wedding in verses, prose, SMS for parents, friends. How to organize a festival of an anniversary for 25 years of wedding?

The article will provide congratulations in verses and prose, a script for a silver wedding.

Each wedding anniversary is a special holiday. But 25 years of marriage is a significant date for any union.

  • The symbol of the 25th anniversary of marriage is silver. That is why the wedding is called silver
  • Silver - precious metal, which symbolizes the strength and purity of the union
  • There are many traditions and beliefs for a silver wedding. For example, the first morning kiss. That is how the spouses should start this significant day so that their union is strong and in the future
  • On the day of a silver wedding, it is customary to organize a real holiday. Close relatives and family friends are invited to him
  • The holiday can be organized independently or use the services of special firms. On this day, guests are preparing gifts and warm congratulations for spouses

Congratulations on a silver wedding of parents in verses

  • For children a silver wedding of parents is an equally important event than for the spouses themselves
  • When preparing a congratulation, try to make it as unique as possible. Bring something personal to it that is familiar only to your family
  • Congratulations should be memorized, not read from the leaf. Try to put your soul into it and say everything as sincerely as possible
Day covered today silver
The holiday knocked on our quiet house
For parents today an anniversary
We gathered all friends, friends.

Congratulations, beloved family
In our house only love and kindness
We wish you to live another 100 years
Together, not meeting troubles in life!

Favorite parents
We want to wish you
Be happy in life
Like these twenty -five!

You have lived so much
You cannot imagine
But the main thing is you together
Know how to love!

We are so proud of you
After all, you are our family
Support and hope
And the best friends.

Today is a common holiday
For you, well for us
We will raise the glasses
For happiness again!

Congratulations on a silver wedding for parents
Congratulations on a silver wedding for parents

Congratulations on the silver wedding of parents in prose

  • Congratulations in prose are especially touching, since they can add a lot from them from yourself
  • Do not pronounce too pretentious text. The main thing is that he reflects your real thoughts and convey wishes
  • Use one of these templates to make a decent speech at the anniversary of the wedding
  1. «Today is a special day for our entire family! You have lived together for twenty -five years, a quarter of a century. This is a significant period that proves the power of love and family ties. By your example, you give us how to build family happiness. We wish you to be the same sincere, patient and caring in the future. Love to you to a very old age! "
  2. » Do not even believe that you are together for twenty -five years. We remember smaller anniversary when we were completely children. Remember how rejoiced for you when you loved each other with love. And now, after so many years, our family has been holding on your strong feelings. We wish you and in the future to protect each other, take care and be truly happy! ”

Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the wedding of friends in verses and prose

  • A silver wedding is important not only with the family, but also for close friends. Many of them were with spouses from the very beginning of the Union, saw changes and various situations
  • Close friends can tell some special stories about spouses. Or prepare a speech where the visible changes that have occurred over these 25 years will designate
  • Friends who know a couple can not prepare just warm and sincere wishes for further happiness to a couple
Union of a couple of twenty -five
And what else to wish?
We want to wish a couple
There are more dates to meet these!
Love to you, happiness and success
Less troubles and disagreements
Live in the alliance for a quarter century
And carry love and happiness!
  • » Today is a special date for your family! For many years we watched your union. And a lot, in fact, can be envied. You kept a friend to a friend love and loyalty, with dignity you met all life problems. Support and love were your motto. And now I want to say that you really deserve the happiness that you possess! Let it be so in the future! Love to you, dear friends! "
Congratulations for friends
Congratulations for friends

Cool congratulations on a silver wedding

Congratulations again
This time, twenty -five
Year after year a couple is stronger
A year after Gotha is easier together

You are no longer just a couple
And the real family!
If in life suddenly a zapor
Solve everything without difficulty!

I can’t even believe that it has passedso many years
Year after year, summer after spring
And it is wonderful that the person is
That in life by the hand with you.

Your union is truly great
And we believe that love is erasing time
Starting only eternity promises you
Freeing from adversity and burden

SMS congratulations on a silver wedding

  • SMS congratulations should be short, but at the same time convey the mood of the holiday
  • It is better if you write a wish in prose or you will send a sweet quatrain
  • Sign your SMS congratulations, indicating who you are. After all on this day, the couple will take a lot of similar SMS
  • SMS congratulations cannot replace real warm words. Therefore, it is better to call the spouses and congratulate them on this holiday

An example of a laconic SMS congratulations in verses:

25 years - a decent time
Life was given a long lesson
We congratulate you on this date
Be loved, happy, rich!

Beautiful poems for a silver wedding
Beautiful poems for a silver wedding

Beautiful poems for a silver wedding

"On the anniversary of you!"
Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you cannot forget about it!
Silver wedding - a beautiful rite,
Silver wedding - Love is a big parade!
Silver wedding - exciting moment,
Silver wedding - a wealth of general years!
Silver wedding you note with the soul,
Silver wedding - step to gold!
"Silver - precious metal"
Silver - precious metal,
He justified his name.
The anniversary is the famous you
And the light did not fade love. Let you be happy, you will be,
Never lose love.
Let the family have peace and comfort in the family,
Children bring joy and help!

Humor for a silver wedding

Sometimes at the celebration of wedding anniversary you can hear many funny sayings. Some of them even turned into classic jokes.

  • How beautiful they are now And happy, just never before!
  • Favorite parents! We congratulate you and take the keys to the apartment and car from you!
  • Well, now, spousesExchange reproaches!
  • Love and happiness are tight entered their gray life
  • Let's drink for experience And for the gray -haired horns
  • Let's dance a white dance! The ladies wake the gentlemen
Celebrating a silver wedding
Celebrating a silver wedding

Silver wedding script

  • The script of any holiday should be planned in advance based on the budget and the number of guests
  • The holiday can be arranged at home, in a cafe or non -nature
  • The organization of the holiday can take on a relative or friend of the family. It is wonderful if the holiday is prepared secretly and for the couple it will be a surprise
  • To get started, schedule the time and date, the number of guests and the list of events
  • The greeting of the spouses is an important part of the event. If there is enough space, then before the arrival of the couple, all guests are lining up in a living corridor. Mendelsson's march is turned on and the couple solemnly passes to the applause of the guests
  • Next, the host congratulates the pair. You can give her a solemn letter for happily lived years
  • Then all guests are seated at the tables and the main part of the event begins
  • At this time, the presenter leads those who and when pronouncing wishes. So that the holiday does not turn into routine, it will be relevant to diversify it with comic competitions
  • Another important part of any celebration of a silver wedding is the presentation of silver rings to spouses. They can present children with wishes of further love and happiness
  • It is necessary to provide speech to the spouses themselves so that they can express gratitude to each other and all invited guests
Silver wedding decor
Silver wedding decor

What to give for a silver wedding of parents?

  • A gift of children should be special and solemn. After all, this is a holiday for the whole family
  • A good gift will be the purchase of silver rings, which will solemnly be awarded at the festival
  • Any silver jewelry is very appropriate on this day, for example, commemorative pendants
  • You can make a silver medal where the names and date of delivery will be indicated. It is given to spouses for love, fidelity and strong family
  • Organization of the holiday is also a great gift. Parents will be delighted and surprised
  • Give your parents a romantic dinner for two
  • Another special gift is a journey for parents. Buy a ticket to a sanatorium by the sea or just for rest for two
Memorable photo album
Memorable photo album

What to give friends for a silver wedding?

  • Any souvenirs with silver decor will be relevant. For example, cute figurines or vases
  • Give a silver set of devices that will symbolize this special date
  • A good gift is a silver frame for a photo. You can process photos in the editor and make it in a vintage style
  • You can give practical gifts. The fact that spouses need to ask their children or other relatives
  • Postcards, sweets and flowers - a great addition to any gift

Video: Songs about a silver wedding

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