Wooden wedding - 5 years of wedding. Congratulations on a wooden wedding in verses, prose, SMS

Wooden wedding - 5 years of wedding. Congratulations on a wooden wedding in verses, prose, SMS

A wooden wedding is a five -year anniversary from the day of marriage. It requires special triumph, preparation and congratulations. On this day, it is customary to give symbolic wooden gifts, since the tree embodies a strong and reliable marriage.

The 5th anniversary of the wedding is “wooden wedding”, how to celebrate the anniversary?

  • Every year in the family it is customary to celebrate the anniversary of the date of marriage. This date is personal, but if the anniversary happens, it should be noted “properly”. The first anniversary anniversary deserves special attention - "5 years of marriage"
  • 5 years of life together are called a “wooden wedding” for no reason. It has a deep meaning and symbolizes a tree that means fertility and deep roots. Over the five years of living together, a child appears in the family, which means the spouses "take root"
  • In addition, in five years of marriage, the couple certainly found their housing, soy the house, which also symbolizes the tree and acquired a variety of furniture
  • Five years after the wedding, it is customary to celebrate with special trepidation and scope, it is customary to invite guests and accept symbolic gifts
the fifth anniversary of the wedding, "Wooden wedding" 5 years of married life

The "wooden" wedding anniversary is the time to take the results of all the years lived together. For five years of marriage, the family has already mastered and created a strong base for themselves: a house, furniture, children, wealth.

How to note the fifth anniversary of the wedding:

  • Rent a cafe or restaurant - The most optimal option. So, the hostess will not have to stand in the kitchen and prepare treats, as well as serve guests. A woman can be in abundance of time to her appearance, along with a good mood. In addition, professional chefs will be able to prepare the table that you will order. Guests who will come for your holiday will also be solemn and happy with such an event
  • Go to nature - If weather conditions and season of the year allow. A picnic will be an excellent pastime with meat fried at the fire, fresh vegetables, music and communication with nature. In the forest, on the lake or in the park, you can always relax with your soul and body, arrange a beautiful photo shoot and make your holiday just memorable
  • Mark the anniversary at home -one of the most popular options because it significantly saves your funds. The disadvantage of this event is only that a lot of time will have to be spent on cooking: set the table, remove the house, prepare entertainment

Congratulations on a wooden wedding in verses, beautiful congratulations on the anniversary

Congratulations on a "wooden wedding" should be special and necessarily symbolic. Well, if they are in a beautiful poetic form with symbolic words and wishes. All guests should congratulate the family: parents, witnesses, Kumovya, friends.

congratulations on the fifth anniversary of the wedding, 5 years of marriage "Wooden wedding"

Beautiful congratulations on a "wooden wedding":

How many wood in the world
Here is a table and chair, cornice, wall,
Casket, shelf, Pinocchio
There is a green pine in the forest.
Let your marriage fasten your glue
And happiness is spinning around.
Congratulations on you on the anniversary
Spouse and her husband!

Congratulations on you on the anniversary!
Let all five years, all in unison
I wish you strong feelings
Love for marriage, like a law!
I want there is no secrets
So that you can defeat evil!
Let there be a big passion and selfless,
So that children can give you joy!

I wish my husband to be always loved,
I wish the wife to be welcome.
We want to congratulate you on this day
With a happy date of this wooden one.
Years rushed sweetly in a moment
They left the path behind only the gentle.
I wish you to run into your house a spring
Happy days and feelings of selfless!

How to congratulate on a wooden wedding in prose? Beautiful prosaic congratulations

Prose is a beautiful way to leave a gentle and eloquent congratulation. As a rule, prose is much more sensitive than verses and always carries more meaning. If you fix your words with emotions and gifts, you will certainly succeed!

beautiful congratulations in prose for spouses on the fifth anniversary of the wedding

Congratulations in the prose for the family for a "wooden wedding":

  • Dear, newlyweds! Yes, it is the newlyweds, because five years are still so few, but at the same time this is enough to name your marriage - experienced. I wish you, as a young seedling, to put deep and strong roots into the future, to have everything that a young family needs for prosperity: a house, comfort, wealth and happiness. Let you bloom and give a lot of sweat as if a tree, protect foliage from the burning sun and pouring rain. I wish you an understanding that your feelings are like now devoted to each other always and only prosperous, peaceful days. Bitterly!
  • Dear spouse! Five years flew like five days. If you turn back, you notice that during these five years you have been able to achieve a lot: they gained a house, arranged it, gave it to the parents of the grandchildren and now happily look into the future. I want to note and praise your attitude towards each other, because during this time you could not lose any feelings or respect and this is the most expensive that you have. Be happy now and every day after today's holiday. I wish you to live to the red (platinum) wedding and start the countdown to the new anniversary after it. Love is endless and eternal. Bitterly!
  • Dear (spouses)! On this day, we all gathered here in order to note how well and together you were able to live with each other for these five years. Well done! Well done, who did not lose their feelings and vice versa - strengthened them. Well done, that they decided to have a child and now put their strength into him. Well done, that you do not forget us and invite us to your holidays. Your young family is a role model and therefore know that everything is fine with you and everything will be fine! Bitterly!

SMS congratulations on a wooden wedding, congratulations on a "wooden wedding"

If the spouses do not celebrate their anniversary or you simply did not get on the holiday, to congratulate a couple always relevant beautiful and solemn SMS. This is a popular form of communication, which is of great importance, because SMS can be re -read many times and each time to experience emotions on this subject.

SMS for the wedding anniversary, SMS congratulations to the "wooden wedding"

Beautiful SMS congratulations on the "wooden wedding" young:

The wooden trunk is no longer a branch,
Hooray! I will congratulate the five -year plan!
Let life fly easily and fervently
And everything will be calm with you!

Beautiful happiness to you and big.
Let the luck give you a horseshoe,
May there be no even roads in life
And God protects you from trouble!

You are your anniversary  congratulations
We wish you wooden happiness:
Table, chair, house, chest and of course the cottage,
Love, understanding, happiness in addition!

I wish you to achieve consent,
Live happily at least a thousand years!
So that you love and respect you,
The rest will arrive, love to the advice!

We celebrate your 5 joint years together,
Let your feelings be the best in the world!
Let your lighthouse shine far,
Neither rain nor wind will overshadow the path of your love!

Cool congratulations on a wooden wedding, interesting congratulations on the anniversary

Friends and loved ones can congratulate a couple on the anniversary of their life together in a special way, with a slice of humor and imagination. In such cases, cool congratulations come to the rescue, which can be pronounced verbally, or can be sent in the form of SMS.

cool congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the wedding, “Wooden wedding” - congratulations on jokes

Cool congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding:

Today is your beautiful anniversary!
A couple of dreams of sailing and embody hopes,
Let the bag of good fall on you soon,
Well, a bag of branded clothes!
How are the twigs in the basket your feelings are woven,
And every day love only increases,
I want to say you are born to each other,
Let happiness like snow not melting in the cold!

Your marriage is happy, I know for sure!
I want to give you in words
Good luck to live firmly
And they guarded the gentle marriage!
We were preparing and looking for gifts to you,
All shops have passed, their number cannot be counted.
They were upset that they did not find, then they said to themselves:
Why do you need something!? You have each other!

We want to congratulate on this date!
How it was on a clear day once.
Let the five short years fly
We will turn around, say "Hello!"
Congratulations solemnly,
We wish to live, we do not want to suffer,
So that you can reach the wedding of gold,
And all these years reigned, love, peace.

A gift for a wooden wedding to her husband, what to give her husband for a wooden wedding?

Every wedding anniversary, a married couple in love should exchange symbolic gifts that correspond to the name of the anniversary. A wooden wedding is no exception. It is believed that if you give symbolic gifts annually, prosperity, peace, prosperity and love will definitely arrive in the family.

In this case, a product made of wood or a wood -shaped product is considered a symbolic gift.

what to give your beloved husband on the anniversary? Wooden wedding - Gift to her husband

Options for gifts to her husband for a "wooden wedding":

  • A rocking chair from a vine - The chair is made of wood, which is symbolic. This gift will definitely come in handy for a man, he will be able to relax in him after a difficult working day, put in the yard or in the country or simply become his favorite furniture piece
  • Clothing stand -a special piece of furniture, which is customary to put near the bed. It has two bases - hangers: for shirts and trousers. This will become an indispensable thing in the house and his clothes will always look well -groomed
  • Wooden coffee table -he can even be with a hidden bar. This is an important thing in every house, but which you can hold a launter, books, newspapers or just put plates during a snack in front of the TV
  • Drive from wood -a special box that is hanged at the entrance to the house, in it your man can store all his keys in order: from home, from the car, from the garage, from the cottage and never lose them
  • Wooden box -an indispensable thing “for personal objects”: cigar, money, trifles and male secrets

A gift for a wooden wedding to his wife, what to give his wife on the anniversary?

It is necessary to congratulate her beloved woman on the anniversary of the wedding and give her a symbolic gift. She will tremble such a thing and appreciate the fact that you are approaching the congratulation with imagination.

what to give a wife for a wedding anniversary? Wooden anniversary - gift

Gift options to her beloved woman on a wooden wedding anniversary:

  • Wooden photo frame -it is important to choose a beautiful option with carvings and a special design. Such a gift will be very relevant, you can insert a photo from the wedding and store for a long time, admire, show friends
  • Wooden box for storing jewelry -a good gift for a woman where she can store all her rings, earrings and necklaces, in addition, this gift is very symbolic
  • Mirror in a wooden frame -all women love to admire their beauty and that is why this gift will become relevant for every home
  • A wooden stand for books in the form of a tree or with the inscription "Love" -will be a beautiful decoration for the home and will carry a special meaning, conveying feelings and recognition of love
  • Wooden crest for hair -not only a useful thing, but also natural, but also environmentally friendly. A woman will enjoy using such a thing
  • A wooden bracelet on the hand in the form of a torus -modern and very fashionable decoration, which can be decorated with carvings, stones and other inserts. You can also add to the bracelet.

A gift for a wooden wedding to friends, what to give for an anniversary?

  • If you were invited to the fifth anniversary of the wedding, then, regardless of where the holiday is celebrated, you need to come with a gift
  • Most often, and it is accepted in general - to give money on the anniversary, but if you do not have the amount of impressive or want to move away from stereotypes, then you should think about a symbolic gift, that is, from wood
  • It can be a set of wicker furniture or any furniture for a house made of wood: chairs, table, stool, frame, picture
  • You can give a beautiful decoration on the wall, which is very popular and modern for the interior, caskets, shelves and stands for colors, as well as books
  • If you want to stand out especially, present a couple of a photo shoot in a wooden style

Video: "Wooden Wedding"

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