How to return your beloved girl, a woman without requests and humiliation, if you parted, what should I say, what to do? What to say to the girl, a woman if she wanted to return her if she abandoned you: tips, words, phrases

How to return your beloved girl, a woman without requests and humiliation, if you parted, what should I say, what to do? What to say to the girl, a woman if she wanted to return her if she abandoned you: tips, words, phrases

Tips, following which a man will be able to return an ex -girlfriend and improve her relationship with her.

Returning your beloved is much more difficult than losing. There can be quite a lot of reasons for breaking up for each pair, however, having ceased to look for reconciliation and once set the point, it may not be easy to renew the relationship.

The parting could occur both on the initiative of the young man, and through the fault of the girl. Perhaps the partners were simply bored with being together, but over time they realized that they had made a mistake parting.

Whatever the cause of the gap, someone should take the first step towards reconciliation, and it is good if it is a man.

How to return your beloved girl, woman?
How to return your beloved girl, woman?

How to return her beloved girl, woman without requests and humiliations: tips

Before making attempts to return his beloved, a man should accept the fact that he himself, or he will have to change along with his soul mate. A breakdown of relations means that something was wrong in them. It is important for partners not only to “start again”, but also change, improve their joint pastime.

For this, it will be useful for a man to analyze the features of his own behavior in relation to the partner, to see as if from the side of his pair. If the shortcomings and errors are obvious, you should think about how to fix them in the future.

How to return your beloved girl, woman without requests and humiliation
How to return your beloved girl, woman without requests and humiliation

Council No. 1. Start with a "random" meeting. In the store, minibus or on the way home, you will meet with her “accidentally”, and at this meeting it is important not to gather too much. Sufficiently say hello, find out how you are. And no: "I can’t live without you!" Make it clear that nothing terrible happened in your life, and things are not so bad.

Council No. 2. If the girl is happy to make contact, repeat such “dates” several more times. Talking about yourself, by chance hint that you realized what they were wrong in the relationship.

Council No. 3. Place in the social. The networks are new photos in which you will be depicted surrounded by friends and, preferably, friends.

Council No. 4. Tell us about a new girlfriend, to the relationship with whom you are probably not ready.

Council No. 5. Remember some funny incident from your past. Ripe together. Try to maintain a relaxed friendly environment.

Council No. 6. Distract from your beloved field for several weeks. No calls, no SMS, no cards in social. Networks should not issue your intentions.

Council No. 7. Wait. If the former is not yet sure that having parted, you have done the right thing, she will make itself felt. Perhaps she will soon need your help. Hurry to nail the shelf in the bathroom, move the furniture or replace the crane in the kitchen. Most likely, your relationship will resume on this very day.

How to return a girl, tips
How to return a girl, tips

What to say to the girl, a woman if she wanted to return her if she abandoned you: tips, words, phrases

A woman throws a man in several cases:

  • feelings cooled down, relationships have ceased to give pleasure
  • a man cannot or does not want to change (stop jealous, drink alcohol, play, spend free time in the company of other girls or friends, etc.)
  • she had another
  • the man made an unforgivable mistake, greatly offended the girl's feelings

Be that as it may, realizing that his beloved is moving away, the man should try to return her (unless, of course, he needs it). To do this, firstly, you will have to accept the bitter truth, and secondly, to forgive her such behavior in advance.

  • If the relationship has come to a dead end, and no more romantic feelings for a partner arise, the girl will offer to stop the relationship. Why is this happening? Women tend to invent an illusory image and fall in love with it, attribute non -existent features to the chosen one, and then be disappointed, finding mismatch in the fictional and real. You can establish relationships and regain your former love if a man does everything to match that “ideal image” of his chosen one.
  • When the cause of the parting was the male habits of a man, only a complete rejection of unhealthy attachment can save the relationship. At the same time, it’s not enough just to promise to quit smoking, and a week after reconciliation again pick up a cigarette again. If a man makes a choice in favor of a relationship, he will have to abandon bad habits once and for all. Otherwise, the next conflict in the relationship will be really the last.
  • If the girl has a new gentleman, the most important thing is not to rush events. She knows everything about the ex -guy, she saw him from both good and bad side. But the new man first seems perfect to her. To properly consider its shortcomings, it will take time. Several months will pass and the girl will return to the girl sensibly, recall and compare. It is important for a former man to keep warm friendly relations with her and keep abreast of events so as not to miss the right moment that will surely come.
  • The most difficult thing will have to be for those men who offended the feelings of their beloved. Insults, unworthy behavior, treason - all this can be the reason for separation on the initiative of the girl. Sincere apologies and promises that this will no longer be repeated will be saved. Flowers, gifts and a trip to the restaurant will help return the location of the beloved. However, a man should no longer relax. “You can’t glue a broken vase,” says popular wisdom. Just the same, once broken girl’s heart at any moment can again “crack”.
What can a girl say, a woman if she wants to return her if she left you
What can a girl say, a woman if she wants to return her if she left you

Perhaps abandoned men seeking to return an ex -girlfriend will consider such useful tips for psychologists:

  1. It is necessary to detect and recognize your own mistakes. Then you should change and demonstrate your beloved your new behavior and attitude to life.
  2. Do not show your discontent, resentment, depressive mood, sadness. Restraint and confidence are all that you need in the struggle for an ex -girlfriend.
  3. Employment and concentration will help to distract from sad thoughts.
  4. For a while, any communication with the former should stop. This will give time to both partners to cool, think about their behavior and further fate.
  5. If it is possible to continue to communicate with her parents, do not neglect her. Runned random conversations with her mother will help to be closer to her beloved girl and find out all the news about her.

Words and phrases that will help you melt the heart of your beloved:

  • "I am so grateful for everything that you did for me."
  • "I trust you with everything."
  • "I have no idea that I did without you."
  • "Only you understand me."
  • "I didn't want to disappoint you."
  • "You're the best".
  • "I miss you".
What to say to the girl, a woman if she wanted to return her if she abandoned you: tips, words, phrases
What to tell the girl if she wanted to return her if she abandoned you: tips, words, phrases

What to say to a girl, a woman if you wish to return her if you just broke up: tips, words, phrases

The parting could not happen "just like that." The reason was undoubtedly. And if separation occurred without a stormy clarification of relations, scandals, tears and mutual accusations, most likely this reason was the insufficient emotionality of partners.

“Not hooked,” in this case a man and a woman will say. And over time, they may regret it. After all, there was love, there was a good relationship, but something went wrong. If both partners do not mind trying to start first, it is important to add emotions to the relationship: tenderness, care, passion, gratitude, admiration.

You do not need any special words to ask her to return. It is enough just to offer to meet and calmly talk about the future. If her feelings are alive, she will undoubtedly agree to start over. But the further development of relations largely depends on the man. Here he will have to show ingenuity and show what he is actually capable of:

  • Tell her about her beauty. Mark changes in appearance, admire the new hairstyle, makeup and manicure: “You look great”, “You are so beautiful with me”, “How beautiful you are today.”
  • Admit love. Do not be afraid of these words: "I love you."
  • Use diminutive: “Cat”, “bunny”, “sun”.
  • Bring her joy, pamper, treat like a little girl. By the way, it is difficult for a woman to remain indifferent to a man if he turns to her: "My girl."
  • Interested in her life, events for the day: "How did your day go?", "What is new?"
  • Every day show your companion your love, do not turn relationships into a boring gray routine.
What to say to a girl, a woman if you wish to return her if you just broke up: tips, words, phrases
What to say to a girl, a woman if you wish to return her if you just broke up: tips, words, phrases

What to do to return an ex -girlfriend, woman: tips

Men who intend to return the former girl, psychologists advise first of all to “turn off” emotions. And although it is sometimes not easy to do this, from now on all further acts of a man should lead the mind and composure. Further, a man will need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Having comprehended what is happening, write on a clean piece of paper all your shortcomings and all the wrong actions that could push the relationship to the break.
  2. Change the usual lifestyle. Sports, self -education, new highly paid and more responsible work and even a change of wardrobe will help a man change for the better. Of course, this may need time, but it is important to at least start, to take the path of correction.
  3. Remember what the former lover liked in the chosen one. Try to realize its preferences and demonstrate at the first convenient opportunity.
  4. Try to return the girl’s interest in yourself by “random”, unobtrusive demonstration of improving their own physical form and financial situation.
  5. Let her see herself in the company of a pretty girl. It is important not to overdo it. Let there be no noticeably obvious romantic relationships between a man and a new girlfriend.
  6. If there are friendly meetings and conversations, even rare, you must be interested in the girl’s life, try to make her understand that many mistakes were made in the relationship that you would very much like to correct in the future.
  7. Do not forget to congratulate on the holidays.
  8. Remember: all subsequent actions of a man aimed at returning the former woman should be based on unobtrusiveness, self -improvement, respectful attitude and mild jealousy.
What to do to return an ex -girlfriend, woman: tips
What to do to return an ex -girlfriend, woman: tips

Guy mistakes when trying to return the girl: List

Instead of making peace with the girl and starting all over again, you can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation. In order not to break firewood and not to delay your beloved even more, having finally lost respect, should not be:

  • depression, offended by the whole world
  • try to find out a relationship with the ex, insult her
  • all day to wallow on the couch, drinking your grief with alcoholic beverages
  • beg back, crush on pity
  • be called 100 times a day
  • cry, showing your weakness
  • pursue her on the way to work or study
  • try to "ask" beloved by flowers and gifts, proving your love
Guy mistakes when trying to return the girl: List
Guy mistakes when trying to return the girl: List

Is it worth following this instructions, only you decide. The tips collected here are highly likely to help success, but do not forget that each couple has its own story and its own relationship. And if one girl decides to return, learning that the former has a new love, then the other will consider it “end” and silently leave so as not to stand in the way of a loved one.

Video: How to return a beloved girl or wife in 2 weeks

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