How to find out your TIN number: Methods. Can I find out the TIN number by last name?

How to find out your TIN number: Methods. Can I find out the TIN number by last name?

From this article, you will understand how you can find out the TIN quickly and just.

Assignment procedure TIN It occurs when a citizen is presented with a single document confirming his citizenship - a passport. At the time of assignment of the number TIN A citizen is registered as a taxpayer and all his actions are subordinated to the laws of the country, the citizen of which he is. This article tells how to find out your number TIN, is it possible to find out this number by last name or can you find out other data on it.

How to find out your number TIN, an individual, registration number by passport, if I did not receive it: methods, online via the Internet - on the official website

In Russian federation TIN It is assigned to every person or an individual for his account as a person who can pay taxes. In accordance with the law, each participant in the tax event is required to pay tax. There are several ways to find out your number TINas an individual according to the passport:

The website of the tax authorities on which you can find out the TIN
The website of the tax authorities on which you can find out the TIN

Federal resource tax.

  • To use this method, to find out the registration number online through the network, you must have a device connected to the global network web.
  • Go to
  • Click on "Electronic service"and then at the "View TIN".
  • Fill in the form that will appear in the next step.
  • After that you will see your data, namely TIN.

Advice: When writing a table-form, enter the data on which registration in the Federal Tax Service took place.

Follow the hints in this picture
Follow the hints in this picture

Official state. The site of the state services.

  • Go to the Internet resource State services.
  • Click on the section "Tax and finance", and then on "View TIN".
  • Enter your personal data in the form-table.
  • If you went to this resource through the LC, then you do not need to fill out a table with personal information, you will receive all the necessary information within 2-3 seconds.

In the tax inspectorate.

  • If you do not want to enter and watch your information via the Internet, then you can personally contact the tax authorities.
  • To do this, choose any closest tax organization of your city. In order not to expect obtaining information, idle in general priority, sign up for an appointment for a day or two. Make it easy and just on the Internet resource
Fill the form
Fill the form
  • Write information in all the columns of this form-table, and at the next step you will be set for reception and will be given the queue number.
You can find out the TIN on Tinkoff Bank
You can find out the TIN on Tinkoff Bank

Another method - Tinkoff Bank.

  • This modern and advanced bank Tinkoff, offers his clients to find out TIN Online online.
  • To perform this item, go to it of. Site on this linkand click on the tab "Find out your TIN".
  • Information is issued instantly - conveniently and quickly.

Advice: So that in the future you do not have a similar question, put a mark in your passport on the eighteenth page. You can do this in any office of the Federal Tax Service. You will spend no more 15 minutes personal time, but thanks to this you will have a number TIN Always at hand.

How to find out the registration number of the FSS by number TIN of a legal entity, organization, IP, how to find out the organization by the TIN number?

In the FSS you can find out the number by TIN
In the FSS you can find out the number by TIN

All legal entities, organizations, individual entrepreneurs are required to register in the basis of the tax organization. They must also be recorded in the social insurance fund, and each company is assigned a number individually. Find out this registration number FSS You can by number TIN. Here are the methods that allow you to quickly find out the organization by the tax number:

Personally in the FSS department or in telephone.

  • Be prepared to present the number TIN.
  • When you provide an employee FSS This data, after a couple of seconds, he will name the registration number.

Certificate-Casting from the Federal Tax Service.

  • Purchase reg. room FSS Easy and simply in the tax organization.
  • Do this according to the above methods: on the FTS portal, state services or through Tinkoff Bank.

On of. Internet portal FSS.

  • Go to the portal Social insurance at this link.
  • Click on the section "Reference", then "The number of the insured person on the TIN".
  • Write in a plate TIN organizations or individual entrepreneur.
  • Get the result on the next page that opened.

There are many sites on the Internet through which you can purchase such information. For example, just do it on portals "Focus contour" or "Unirat24". But you need to pay money for such services on such resources - from 20 rubles. Of course, these are small funds, but why pay, if you can purchase the same information for free.

Find out reg. PFR number for IP: Methods

There are cases when you need to find out reg. room PFR for IP - personally for yourself or your counterparty. There are several ways to do it simply and quickly TIN:

  • Contact the PFR department And provide a specialist TIN (your own, if you need information about your business, or counterparty, if its data is needed).
  • Submit an application to tax authorities for the purchase of a certificate USRIP. This paper contains all the necessary information, including reg. room PFR.
On the tax site you can find out data on TIN
On the tax portal, you can find out information on the TIN
  • Find out reg. Number in the mode online. Go to the portal (The link is higher). Click "Electr. Services" and "Risks of businessmen". Enter the number TIN On the next page and you will have the necessary information in the form of a PDF file, which must be downloaded to yourself on a PC or laptop.

In the extract that you will purchase online will be written not only reg. number IPbut also other information: the registration number for the tax authorities, the date of registration IP and the name of the pension authority.

Can I find out the TIN number by last name?

Financial relations between physical. Persons or organizations require careful verification for confidence in interaction. There are situations when only the surname of the person is known in respect of whom a test is needed. Can you find out the number TIN citizen by last name?

  • Only the owner himself can receive such information TIN If he needs to restore data as a taxpayer.
  • The only certifying and important paper to obtain such information will be a passport.
  • Other persons cannot buy a number TIN, making a request by the name of the citizen of interest to them.

The surname by law refers to personal information and is closed for requests.

How to find out the number of IP certificates for TIN?

The number of St. Va may be needed at the conclusion of contracts to provide information about their business gap to counterparties, etc. You can find out the certificate of the IP by TIN. To do this simply by the arrival personally to the tax organization or on the portal intended to receive papers from Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP:

  • Go to resource on this link.
  • Enter TIN In the search line of the page that opened.
  • Select the region and click "Find".
Find out the number of St.
Find out the number of St.

In a couple of minutes you will own the necessary information that will be in the file that you need to download, and then print it, if you need it.

How to find out the SNILS number by TIN?

There are life situations when you need to purchase your personal information and preferably in the shortest possible time. So, there are several options to find out the number of your insurance individual personal account, SNILS on TIN.

Personally contact the Pension Department of the Russian Federation.

  • Such an insurance certificate from 2003 to 2019 issued this particular state body.
  • The applicant will require personality paper and TIN.

Through special programs on the global network.

Through different sites on the World Wide Web.

  • They are not related to state authorities.
  • Many Internet resources offers information databases with personal data of individuals.
  • However, this type of commercial activity is outlawed.
  • It should be remembered that there is an increased risk of cash loss through fraudulent schemes. Therefore, be vigilant and trust only of the. sites.

It is worth noting: Alien number SNILS on TIN These methods cannot be recognized.

This is due to the fact that the information contained in SNILSAre related to personal data of an individual. Its receipt will require the preliminary written consent of the given person, or the power of attorney certified properly.

Find out the data, name, availability of tax debt, phone number by the TIN number: can this be done and where?

In certain situations, it is necessary to obtain not only information about the debt of a particular person by his number TINbut also others. All full information about the debt under the law issues a tax portal https://NALOG.LK/.
  • On the main page of the portal, in the field in the middle of the page, enter the number completely TIN.
  • A request will be made at the next step.
  • At physical. Faces number TIN Contains 12 digits. After processing, data on the debt of physical. Persons for duties or about its absence.

Important: Other information on TIN There is no way to get. Name, phone number and other personal information of the person transmitted to the tax authorities, PFR and other state. services, when registering TIN, reliably protected by the Law on Personal Information.

Only the owner can get it TIN Upon presentation of a passport.

Can I find out whose TIN by number, find out the owner?

On the website of the tax authorities you can only find out your own or someone else's TIN
On the website of the tax authorities you can only find out your own or someone else's TIN

You can find out your own or someone else's TIN on the site Federal Tax Service at this link. But many physical. and lawyer. persons are worried about the question whether it is possible to find out whose TIN By number and find out the owner. It is worth noting that the tax number is assigned a physical. and yur. persons c IFTS.

The tax authorities have all the personal data about the owner TIN, but their specialist has the right only on the basis of documentation confirming the identity - passport. View data about the owner by number TIN You cannot, since such information is protected by the personalization law.

Video: How to find out everything about any organization? TIN, OGRN, EGRUL, DUNS, SIC. Legal educational program

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