How to find out by last name if I have a loan debt?

How to find out by last name if I have a loan debt?

Is it realistic to find out about your debts on loans by last name? How to find out about your debts online?

The loan debt for many is a heavy load, but there are also negligent borrowers who are trying to occupy again, and do not even think about how to pay with previous debts. In this article we will talk about how to find out by last name whether I have a loan debt and about who this information will be useful.

How to find out by last name if I have a loan debt and who can be useful?

It would seem, who may be interested in information, how to find out by name I have a loan debt? But, if you think about it, this information is necessary for both the person himself and the people who plan to lend it.

Commercial and state banks, before lending to an individual, necessarily check his credit history and on the basis of it decides on lending. Persons with a negative credit history for many years cannot be credited and even take household appliances in installments.

In order to unexpectedly not to be in such a situation, it is important to know about your credit history. You can get information about it at the National Bureau of credit stories and, by the way, 2 times a year can be done absolutely free. Otherwise, pay 450 rubles for a request. But it is reasonable to notice that in the NBKS it does not issue information for the surname alone, respectively, this information can be received exclusively by a person “for himself” or a bank in the process of drawing up a loan.

More detailed about this in our article. According to this information, you can find out about all the current agreements, the presence of debts, fines and judicial penalties. If you want to check a person before you start financial relations with him, then this cannot be done without passport data and other documentary data.

Credit Dictionary: Deciphering Nkki
Credit Dictionary: Deciphering Nkki

In the same article, we consider a different algorithm for receiving this information, namely how to find out by last name whether I have a loan debt.

After a thorough analysis of the Internet, it became obvious that only one name is to get information about the availability of debts for free and there is no opportunity legally. If you are ready to provide additional information, such as passport data, date and place of birth, then you can get information online on the NBKI website.

At the same time, today there is an opportunity to learn about the availability of court proceedings, enforcement proceedings, as well as litigation online for free for one surname.

How to find out by last name if I have a loan debt with a lawsuit in court?

The question of how to find out by last name I have a debt on a loan may be interested not only in an affirmation debtor, but also to the law -abiding person who was opened by scammers for a loan. Either a person who plans to borrow money or conclude an agreement may be interested, you especially want to check a person when concluding a transaction, a loan of money, and an ordinary decency verification.

Currently, all claims transferred to the executive service are online access on the site Federal Bailiff Service.

In order to find out the presence of court claims by last name, you must go to website. Then in the upper left corner a form of verification will be displayed, which is called “Learn about your debts”.

You can find out about your debts in several clicks on the FSSP website
You can find out about your debts in several clicks on the FSSP website

By filling out a few points and by pressing the “Find” button, you will receive detailed information about the availability of claims.

It is important to remember that when setting up, it is necessary to choose a territorial authority. If you want to know about the availability of debts in all regions, in the “Choose the territorial body” tab, scroll into the very bottom and stop choosing “all regions”.

Thus, you get all the information on debts, indicating only the last name.

And in conclusion, we give a video a review on how to find out by last name whether I have a loan debt.

Video: How to check the debt?

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