How to find out where a person is on a mobile phone number? How to determine by phone number the location of a person via the Internet, a computer with consent and without the consent of the subscriber?

How to find out where a person is on a mobile phone number? How to determine by phone number the location of a person via the Internet, a computer with consent and without the consent of the subscriber?

Sometimes, worrying about a loved one, we need to find out his location. We are worried about our children and elderly relatives, and the employer wants to know where his employee is. Thanks to the presence of a cell phone, today this is not difficult.

How to find out where a person is on a mobile phone number?

Everyone can determine where the owner of the cell phone is. Most operators offer an option - geolocation. It allows you to track the presence of a subscriber up to several meters. There is no need for services such as GPS or GLONASS.

But, tracking a person by phone number can only occur if his device is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cellular network. If he is where the cell operator does not work or his phone is turned off, then only special services can track it.

There are several services that allow you to track the place where the cell phone is currently located (in most cases, its owner is also). One of these services is - Mobile Monitoring. The service that this service offers is paid. But this is a small amount for receiving data on loved ones.

What is geolocation: how to find a person online by phone number?

Geolocation is the exact geographical position of the object. When using mobile communications, the subscriber’s phone should periodically contact the base station. This is a feature of this communication technology. Therefore, its geolocation and even the route is easy to track by analyzing such calls of the phone to the nearest stations.

At the same time, it is not necessary to activate the function of the connection of the device with satellites. These modules may not be on the phone at all. But, thanks to the native of the subscriber’s cellular communication, you can still “calculate” and track.


As for the accuracy of such data, they depend on the type of cellular communication. In a city where the density of cellular stations is higher, you can determine the presence of a subscriber up to the room of the house. Where the towers of cellular stations are less common, the error in determining geolocation can reach several kilometers.

How to determine the location of a person by phone Beeline?

If the wanted person is a subscriber "Beeline", then it can be found using a special option for this operator. But at the same time, the one who searches for him should also be a subscriber "Beeline".

You can activate the "locator" after passing this link. Or by number: 09853

With it, you can not only find out the whereabouts of friends and relatives, but also find useful city objects: hospitals, clinics, shops, car wash, etc. In addition, this option can be useful in the loss of a mobile phone.

Service Beeline. Locator Uses its base stations. At the same time, the user can receive data on the map (when using a smartphone) or using SMS-improving.

The cost of the service is 7 rubles per day. The first week of use is free. Read more about the service "Locator" on the official website at this link.

Locator service on tele2

Service, similar options Beeline. Locator There is also in Tele2. It is called "Geopois" And available to subscribers of this operator on any tariff plan. Using this option, you can find out where the Tele2 subscriber is currently located. But, at the same time, the subscriber for which you want to follow in this way, must give you his resolution for this.

It is enough to obtain permission once. After that, you can create your own requests, and the TV2 server will send you the location of the subscriber in the form of SMS messages. This message will indicate the approximate address of the subscriber and a link to the card. If you use a smartphone or tablet, then with the help of this link you can open the card and see where exactly the person is the location of which you want to know.

Connection of the Option "Geopois":


Connection of the Option Geopois on Tele2
Connection of the Option "Geopois" on Tele2

When the service becomes active, you need to set USSD-userwith with the phone number of which you are looking for. It will come to his phone SMS With a request for information permit about its location. If he permits, then you will receive a message on the phone about where the wanted subscriber is located.

The cost of the "geopois" is 3 rubles. The first 3 days are free. More details on official website on this link.

Megafon - Radar service

In Megafon, a similar service is called "Radar". Its essence is simple. Through the network of stations, the location of the subscriber is monitored. For such a search, a network of all operators is involved, so it is very simple to track a person when the phone is turned on.

But, unlike other operators, a whole line of tariffs was created in the megaphone to detect the subscriber:

  • "Radar Light". Lightened version of this option. With it, you can track the location of one subscriber once a day.
  • "Radar". Using this option, you can track up to five subscribers per day. Moreover, you can find out their location as many times as you like. Cost - 3 rubles.
  • "Radar +". The most expensive option option. It costs 7 rubles per day. With it, you can determine the subscriber route and set the geozone when you come out of which SMS will receive.

IMPORTANT: "Radar+" Parents often order to track their children. But, instead of daily payment, 7 rubles can be bought for your child a special gadget-children's “smart” watches with a GPS receiver. With the help of such hours, you can contact your child and track his route.

To plug "Megafon Radar" You can through the page Or with the help of short commands. Read about them below.

Monitor the location of the subscriber through the service "Megafon Radar" You can use a special application that can be downloaded on the operator’s website.

MTS - Locator service, child under supervision

In the arsenal of the federal mobile operator MTS there are two services at once that allows you to find a subscriber: "Locator" and "Child under supervision". You can use the first service only if the subscriber gives consent to this.

The service is connected in the personal account of the subscriber on the site Through a special application of this operator or SMS service. The first two weeks, the subscription fee for using the service is not charged. Then the cost of the service is 100 rubles per month. The user is available 100 requests per month. But, no more than five requests per day.

How to connect the MTS locator service
How to connect the Lokator service in MTS

More details about the service " MTS Search» read this link.

Service "Child under the supervision" Beeline

In our troubled time, it is necessary to provide your children with protection, even when for various reasons you are not close. This can be done using the "child under supervision" service. Initially, this service could only be connected in the beeline. But, in November 2015, MTS and Megafon united with Beeline and provide this service together.

Beeline. locator
Beeline. Locator

When using this service, a “family” is created, into which the numbers of relatives and children can be combined. The unification of relatives occurs using short commands. In order to find out the coordinates of the child, you need to send a request WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN or Where is the name_ Rubenka. Connect the service you can by this link.

Surveillance of a person through the phone iPhone

For smartphones on the Android and iOS operating system, there are several applications that can show the user at a given time. For owners of iPhones, such an application is « Find My Friends». With it, you can find out the exact location of friends on the navigation map. This application uses technology GPS. To use this application, a subscriber whose location you want to know must allow you to do this.

USSD request for the location of the subscriber

USSD queries are short commands that subscribers turn to the servers of cellular operators. Using such requests, you can quickly and automatically get the necessary information, activate or disable one or another service.

"Tele2 geopois"

  • To plug *119*01#
  • Disconnect *119*00#
  • Find a subscriber *119*2*7xxxxxxxxxxx#

"Megaphone locator"

  • Find out the location of the subscriber *148*number_Abonent#

Beeline locator

  • Find out the location of the subscriber *566#

"MTS locator"

  • Connection of the option and control occurs using SMS

Search for a phone by GPS using an android application

In order to protect yourself from the loss or theft of your phone, then it must be installed in advance of the application that will transfer the location of the device through GPS. There are several applications of this kind that can show the locations of a smartphone based on Google Map.

You can also use the built -in function Android Device Manager. If it is active, then you can find a smartphone through a special Google page. But. You need to understand that if you stole a smartphone or you lost it, and the one who found it wants to leave it for yourself, then it will certainly turn off this function and you will not be able to find your device with it.

Search for a phone by GPS
Search for a phone by GPS

Therefore, one of the best solutions will be the installation of the application Android Lost Free. After installing it will not be visible on the menu. And that means it will be difficult to remove it.

In addition to installing the alarm and data manager, this application can track calls, receive pictures from the smartphone camera, and also turn on or off Wi-Fi and GPS. Also, the useful function of the Android Lost Free application is a notification of the change of SIM card.

How to determine the location of a person by Viber?

A popular Viber messenger in our country can help determine the location of the user. At the same time, the location of the interlocutor will only be seen with whom he communicates through this program.

To show the interlocutor the location, it is necessary to activate the geolocation function.

Click "Send location"

After activating this function, the interlocutor will see the coordinates of the current location on the map.

How to install a beacon on her husband’s phone without his consent?

As in the case of tracking the phone, there are special applications in order to keep abreast of how your second halka spends the time when you are not nearby. One of these programs is Vkurse. With its help, you can read correspondence using SMS and popular messengers, listen to incoming and outgoing challenges, know the location of the owner of the phone, etc. After installation, the application is disguised as a system file and is hidden in the root folder of the device. Therefore, it is difficult to detect.

Important: But, before installing this application, think about whether you really want to know what your husband does in your absence? Is it worth it to ruin your marriage because of the information that you can find out?

Is it legal to follow a person by phone number without his consent?

Of course, it is impossible to follow a person without his consent. Therefore, using GPS trackers or special surveillance software is prohibited. That is why, all the services of mobile operators of this kind are without mandatory approval of their use from that person, the location of whom you want to know. If you are offered to track a person’s location through the Internet without his consent, then most likely they want to throw you with money. Be vigilant, do not go to the tricks of scammers!

Video. How to find a person by phone number?

Video: how to track the location of children and spouse by phone

Video: Determining the location of a person by phone number without the consent of the subscriber

Video: legal ways to determine the location of the phone by number

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  1. I want to find a loved one

  2. i want to find a loved one

  3. i want to track down a person

  4. Alyosha, I'm here ... !!!!

  5. I need your services

  6. some kind of garbage! I did everything as the author said, but the search does not begin ... The document just opens after you click on it to run!

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  12. I did everything as the author said, but the search does not begin ... The document just opens after you click on it to run!

  13. I did everything as the author said, but the search does not begin ... The document just opens after you click on it to run!

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  15. Good afternoon! I did everything as in your video, but the launch lasts more than 5 minutes. Help me please.

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  17. Please help me find out the location of a person by phone number

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  19. if anyone did not succeed, I can help break through

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  44. I suspect my husband of treason, where he does not know at the moment, help, I hope for free?

  45. I suspect my husband of treason, help me find out where he is.

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  47. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted

  48. we will help

  49. we will help -

  50. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  51. A familiar situation, burned for a lifetime. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. Planted how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. it turns out, as it happens in life. It’s not to convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I loved, like many women And trusted ...

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  53. Contact a professional

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    If anyone is interested

  60. Seek for advice to your cell operator.

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  64. we will be happy to help

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