How to remove hair on the face forever at home on your own, with a cosmetologist: methods, folk remedies, reviews

How to remove hair on the face forever at home on your own, with a cosmetologist: methods, folk remedies, reviews

From this article you will learn how to get rid of unwanted hairs on the face with different methods, and what other girls say about it.

Any woman wants to see in the mirror a perfectly even face without flaws. When there is extra hair on the face, it brings a lot of inconvenience, because it cannot be hidden under the powder or tonalist. So sooner or later girls begin to look for ways to get rid of them. There are many good methods that allow you to solve the problem in the salon or at home. Let's find out with you what methods are and how they are used.

How to remove hair on the face forever at home yourself: methods

Puff hair on the face
Puff hair on the face

To remove hair on the face, girls use different methods, including turning to cosmetologists. Among the most popular methods, those that can be done independently predominate. This is plucking, simple shaving, as well as depilation products in the form of creams and wax. By the way, sugar depilation is gaining more and more popular, which for a long time removes hair from the face. Let's talk in more detail about different ways of hair removal.

  • Shaving. The method involves removing hairs with a razor. Usually, a special shaving or cream gel is used to soften the hair. In any case, the method is considered undesirable and ineffective. The fact is that during the procedure only the upper parts of the hair are removed, and with constant such a procedure, they will grow faster and thicker. On the face, they will be very noticeable that they will create even more problems.
  • Plucking. You did not misheard. The hairs can really pluck, but this will not work if there are many of them. Usually the method is used when they appear in different places. This effect allows you to remove the hair onion, but despite this, the hair may appear again.
  • Cream for depilation. Such funds allow you to carry out procedures at any time. It is very easy to use them - it is enough to apply a little to the problem area and then remove the hair with a scraper or water. With the help of this method, any hairs are removed, but just keep in mind that the folikulls remain. So you will have to repeat the procedure about once a week.
  • Sugar hair removal. Such a procedure is also called shugaring. It is highly effective because your hair will not bother you for about three weeks. For the procedure, you can use the finished paste or make it yourself. It is simply prepared - mix the juice of the half of the lemon, a large spoonful of purified water and 10 tablespoons of sugar, and then bring it to golden color over low heat. When the bubbles disappear, cool the mass and you can use. Previously, do not forget to cleanse the skin with a talc or baby powder.
  • Using resin, wax. You can purchase these funds in every cosmetic store. Before use, melt them in a water bath and apply them by hair growth. Cover the composition with paper or strip of fabric on top, and then sharply remove. We will talk about this method further in more detail.
  • Rivanol solution. This is a safe and effective drug. It is often used to remove hair. Rivanol affects the hair follicles, which makes the hair weaken and fall out. Although after some time they grow, but already thin and weak.
  • Using a depilator. This method is the most unpleasant and painful. Although, its use is not excluded. Some girls use a deputy, but only here it is necessary to consider that the hair, although it is removed, but a maximum of a couple of weeks.

Is it possible to remove the hair on the face forever?

Remove hair from the face forever
Remove hair from the face forever

All home methods that allow you to remove hair on the face are very popular and cheapness, but only the hair will grow very quickly. In general, new hairs begin to grow in a few days. In some cases, a couple of weeks are possible. In any case, the term will be short and the procedure will have to be repeated every time. If you want to remove your hair on your face forever or for a very long time, you will have to seek the help of professionals.

It happens that salon procedures remove hair at once for several years in advance. The fact is that special procedures are aimed at destroying the hair follicle, but only “sleeping” bulbs they do not affect. So do not be surprised if the hairs appear, but in any case it will not be soon. Let's find out what salon procedures there are to remove hair.

  • ElectroePilation, thermolysis. This technique has been used for more than one year. Its meaning is that the hair is influenced by electric current. Such a process is quite painful, and therefore local anesthesia is used for pain relief. It is worth noting that the method is traumatic and after it the appearance of small burns and scars is not excluded.
  • Electrolysis. The method is similar to the previous option, but not so painful and safer. By the way, the effect lasts longer after the procedure and it does not need to be repeated so often. Exposure on hairs is carried out using galvanic current, which allows you to destroy the structure of the hair.
  • Laser and photoepilation. In this case, not only the structure of the hair is destroyed, but the content of melanin in it is also reduced. The impact is carried out using light waves. It is believed that such procedures are the safest, and painless. Just keep in mind that you will need to go through several sessions to completely remove the hair. For light hairs, the procedure is useless, because the device will not find them.
  • Elos epilation. The safest and most effective procedure. It combines the best quality of all the above methods. This procedure allows you to remove absolutely any hair, but only the price of such a procedure is the highest and it is quite rare.

Thanks to the use of hardware methods, you can get rid of unwanted vegetation for a period of three months to three years.

How to remove hair with a thread on the face step by step: Instructions

There is one, so far not a very popular way that allows you to remove the hair on the face, as well as on the whole body - this is removing them with a thread. In Russia, this method is not very popular, because few people know about it. It is called triding.

The use of the thread is quite simple. For this:

Remove the hair with a thread
Remove the hair with a thread
  • Take a thread about 50 cm long and fold it twice
  • Take the thread with the thumb and forefinger to make the oval and twist a couple of times
  • After that, the center of the thread is shifted in one direction. You should have one loop to get less than the second
  • Put a large site on the hairs, and place the second under them
  • Now sharply stretch the loop that turned out to be below

Immediately, the first time, perhaps it will not work. Still, the method requires certain skills. Although, if you learn and adopt, it will be easy to turn out. In this way, hair can be removed from any part of the body.

Such a technique is distinguished by simplicity and a large number of advantages. First of all, this is a cheap method, and it is not too traumatic. Although, the result will not stay long.

For the procedure, it is best to use silk or cotton threads. With inflammation and the presence of moles, put the use of the thread.

How to remove hair on the face with wax: step -by -step instructions

As we have already said, you can remove the hair on the face with wax. In order for the procedure to pass as painlessly and efficiently as possible, it is necessary to carry out the correct preparation. In addition, after the skin procedure, care is required. Let's look at all the stages of the procedure and talk how it is carried out correctly.

Stage 1. Preparation

Remove the hair with wax
Remove the hair with wax
  • A couple of days before depilation, process your face with a scrub. This will clear the face of all dead cells and improve the effectiveness from the procedure. Keep in mind that the method will be effective for a hairy from three millimeters
  • 2-4 days before the procedure, refuse to sunbathe and visit the solarium
  • Before carrying out the procedure, steam the skin. Then the pores on it will open and the wax will penetrate to the hair follicles
  • Before the procedure, in about half an hour, process the necessary area with an anesthetic
  • Do not forget to process the necessary places with talcum to degrease the skin

Despite the fact that the preparation is very simple, many neglect these rules and do not observe them. As a result, this can lead to some problems.

It is advisable to make an allergy test in advance, because not every woman knows exactly how the wax affects the skin. This approach will prevent possible unpleasant consequences.

Stage 2. Epilation

Removement is carried out directly in three ways. It is cold, warm and hot. Let's figure out how each of them goes.

Cold hair removal is as follows:

  • Take wax strips and cut it so that it is convenient for you to use them. To understand exactly what size you need, make it a little more than the depilation area
  • Warm up the finished strip in your palms for 40-60 seconds
  • Stick the strip along the hair growth line and combine so that it fit tightly
  • After that, sharply remove the tape, but only against hair growth
  • If necessary, then do the procedure again with the same tape

Depilation with warm wax involves the use of the product in the tube:

Depilation with warm wax
Depilation with warm wax
  • Prepare the mixture directly. It will need to be heated. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and select the temperature so as not to get burns. You can check whether the mixture can be hot by applying it to the back of the wrist.
  • After that, grab the finished mixture with a spatula and apply by hair growth.
  • Press the tape tightly on top and sharply remove it against the hair growth line.
  • If required, then repeat the procedure again.

Hot depilation is somewhat different. It is carried out in several stages:

  • First, a wax mixture is prepared. In this case, it is better to use the wax
  • Hot wax is applied exclusively along the hair growth line. At the same time, try to press it into the skin. This will make it more reliable to fix the hair follicles
  • Pry the imposed mixture with a spatula to grab the tip or put paper. This will then remove the wax
  • When the mixture has cooled, remove it with a sharp jerk against hair growth
  • If you have a few hairs left, then repeat the procedure again

Stage 3. Care after the procedure

After the procedure, the skin requires additional care. Still, the skin is now a little damaged and you need to contribute to its rapid healing. To do this, use a special lotion or cosmetic oil immediately after the procedure. In no case do not try it. Your task is to simply apply a tool quietly. For several days, apply moisturizing creams to the venue of hair removal.

How to remove hair on the face with a laser: Features

Hair removal with a laser
Hair removal with a laser

You can remove the hair on the face with a laser. As a rule, the procedure allows you to get rid of not only hair, but also other skin problems. During the procedure, the effect on the skin is not very long and it does not cause discomfort. The laser is directly destroyed by the hair and at the same time the skin remains intact and unharmed. There are practically no unpleasant sensations.

Laser hair removal passes in several stages and each is carried out directly in the cosmetic salon. The patient's task is the right preparation. The success of the procedure largely depends on it. In fact, all preparations come down to not sunbathing for several days and abandon any impact of a large amount of sun.

The procedure is carried out directly by the specialist. He puts a special gel to the exposure zone before the procedure and then sets up the device and processes. In conclusion, a moisturizing skin is applied.

When the procedure is already directly completed, the woman needs to follow some rules. In particular, so far you should not sunbathe and use the funds injuring the skin. The latter include scrubs and peels. In addition, you can not use a car zagar.

How to remove hair on the face with cream: Instructions

With the help of a depilation cream, you can also remove the hair on the face. This removal method is distinguished in that it does not cause any discomfort, but just keep in mind that this method does not suggest that the hair will not appear for a very long time. They usually grow after about a couple of weeks.

Using the product is quite simple:

  • Apply the cream to the previously cleaned skin
  • Wait a little and remove the hair with a special scrap and then rinse the skin with water
  • After the skin dries, apply a moisturizer on it

Please note that if the hair remains, then you can carry out a second procedure. But only this can be done no earlier than in a day.

How to remove hair on the face with folk remedies: recipes

Hair removal folk remedies
Hair removal folk remedies

In addition to hardware and mechanical tools, you can remove hair on the face with the help of folk remedies. There are many proven recipes, but we will consider the most popular of them.

Soda solution

This tool allows you to lighten and thin hair. Over time, they may even fall out. Be careful so that the solution does not get into the eyes, because it can provoke a burn.

The method of use is as follows:

  • Take a hydraitite tablet and explain it, and then mix with a tablespoon of soda
  • Gradually begin to pour water into the mixture. You should get a gruel
  • Apply the composition to the steamed face and leave for 15-20 minutes. This will be enough
  • Upon completion, clean the skin with a cotton pad

The procedure can be carried out up to three times a week, but no more.

Soap ash

The product is distinguished by safety, but reviews about it are ambiguous. Someone claims that the composition has no effectiveness, and it helps someone very well.

You can use the product in the following way:

  • Take the ash that remains after the fire or stove. It needs to be sifted to remove all the extra
  • Boil water and pour ash there there
  • Place the soap in the same pan, having previously rubbed it on a grater. You should get a thick pasta in consistency
  • Next, apply the product to problem areas for 15 minutes
  • The procedure is safe for the skin and can be carried out every other day.
  • Walnut ash

The product is thinner and gradually removes hairs. Do not apply asial skin to sensitive skin, because there is a risk of damage to the capillaries. It is applied as follows:

  • Burn the shell of one walnut
  • Add a teaspoon of water to the resulting ash
  • Apply the composition to the areas of the face where you are hindered by your hair
  • When the mass becomes like a crust, remove it
  • Repetition of the procedure is possible three times a day

Is it possible to remove the hair on the face forever: reviews

You can remove the hair on the face in different ways and every woman considers one or another method effective. As we have already said, it is unlikely that it will work out to remove hair, but for at least several years it is possible. Many women share their opinions on forums about certain procedures. Here's what they say about the procedure for removing hair on the face:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3

Video: How to remove unwanted hair on the face quickly and for a long time?

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