How to remove peeling and redness of the skin on the face? Treatment, prevention and care

How to remove peeling and redness of the skin on the face? Treatment, prevention and care

The article will tell you about the causes of peeling, as well as introduce the popular methods for striving this problem.

Unfortunately, not all women have beautiful and healthy skin. Very often she begins to blush and peel off at the most inopportune moment.

And since women always want to look perfect, because of this problem, most girls begin to worry. But you should not be very upset very much, because if you care for your face, then you will only read about the peeling of your face skin on the Internet.

The causes of peeling and redness of the skin of the face

Most often, ugly red spots and peeling appear on the face in the autumn-winter period. It is strictly impossible to ignore this problem. If you do not take adequate measures at the very beginning, then soon the skin will become very sensitive and begin to itch.

The reasons that cause peeling of the skin of the face:
• improper skin care
• Long stay in the cold
• Frequent visit to the solarium
• Avitaminosis
• Lack of moisture in the skin
• Cosmetics allergies

Face is scratching and peeling: Diagnosis

Many believe that redness and peeling will pass if simply moisturize the skin. Of course, such measures help some people, but there are times when such rashes signal the disease of internal organs.

• If peeling of the skin of the face began immediately after applying new cosmetics, then it is likely that you have a banal allergic reaction. Try for some time, in general, to refuse to apply cosmetics
• The same manifestations can provoke prolonged frosty air or direct sunlight. Going outside, always apply protective creams to the skin
• But if problem areas begin to get sick, crack and covered with eczema, then immediately seek advice on a specialist. Be sure to undergo a full examination, pass all the tests and make UZD

Diet and nutrition for peeling and redness of the skin of the face

If you adhere to all the tips of the dermatologist, and the skin still does not return to normal, then try to adjust your diet. Very often it is not balanced, harmful food has the most negative effect on the skin.
Recommendations for proper nutrition:
• Refuse salty, sharp and smoked products
• consume as little sweets as possible
• Turn on nuts, avocados and olive oil in your diet
• Do not drink a lot of strong tea and coffee

Vitamins with peeling and redness of the skin on the face

Try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day. They will gently and, most importantly, correctly normalize the condition of the skin from the inside. In the cold season, you can saturate the body with the necessary trace elements with vitamin complexes or cook food from certain products.
Useful vitamins:
Antioxidants. Rejuvenate the skin and make them more elastic
Vitamin A. Contributes to the formation of new healthy cells
Vitamin E. Is responsible for the amount of moisture
Zinc. Stimulates the production of collagen
Selenium. Helps the skin to recover faster

Drugs for peeling and redness of the skin on the face

If you want to score, as soon as possible, what is peeling of the skin of the face, then in addition to folk methods, try using pharmacy products that contain a substance dexapanthenol. Typically, such drugs are sold in the form of sprays or creams.
Also very well eliminates the peeling of the skin of the face Cream Bepanten. It gently relieves irritation and promotes the rapid restoration of the epidermis. It can be used both for the treatment of skin problems, and to prevent the appearance of red spots.
Method of treatment:
• Process the substance with problem areas. The spray can simply be sprayed, and the cream should be applied to sore areas with a cotton swab or just clean hands
• We make a light pattern massage
• We are waiting for 10-15 minutes and carefully remove the remnants of the drug
• Repeat the procedure at least three times a day

Peeling and redness of the skin on the face: care and prevention

Absolutely all women seek to preserve the youth of their skin, because it is its appearance that can tell about the age of the fair sex. And such changes as red spots and peeling will significantly lower the self -esteem of any person. Proper prevention and timely skin care will help to avoid such troubles.

Tips that prevent the appearance of redness and peeling:
• Do not use antibacterial soap. Most often it kills not only a harmful microflora
• Take care of the skin covering with a bold basis. Excess such products should be removed with a soft towel or cotton swab
• While in the sun, periodically process your face with a thermal water spray. This will help maintain the right amount of moisture in the epidermis
• In winter, do not go outside without a protective cream. To achieve the desired effect, the product must be applied half an hour before the release
• After conducting water procedures, be sure to wipe the face with a special tonic. Also do not forget to apply a moisturizer
• Choose cosmetics in which there is no alcohol and lanolin. These two substances dehydrate the skin and provoke allergic reactions
• Drink as much fluid as possible and saturate the body with vitamins. Water should be drunk in its pure form, and vitamins, in the season, can be obtained from fresh products

Face masks from skin peeling

Masks are considered a fairly effective method of treating skin problems. And, perhaps, the most important advantage of this method is that preparing useful products is quite easy at home. If you do everything right, then literally after a few procedures the skin will delight you with its appearance.

There are three types of masks:
Cleaning. Gently removes the dead layer of the epidermis and promotes the growth of new cells
Nourishing. Saturates the skin with useful vitamins and trace elements
Moisturizing. Moisturize the skin and promotes healing and updating

Nutrient honey-banana mask

Take natural honey, butter and a completely ripened banana. Put all the ingredients in a clean container, and mix everything thoroughly. You can use a blender. Apply the resulting mass with patting movements to the face. Wait 20 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab and wash your warm water.

Moisturizing potato mask

We rub raw potatoes on the smallest grater and add cold pressing olive oil to the resulting mixture. Mix everything and apply it to the face. In order for the mask to have the right action, the layer of potatoes should be thick enough. After thirty minutes, we wash yourself with warm water.

How to choose a cream for skin peeling

Since you need not a simple cosmetic product, the cream you have chosen should not only moisturize and nourish, but also soften the skin, heal wounds and promote restoration. A properly selected tool will restore the condition of the skin and make the face more fresh and tightened.
Components that are necessarily proper to be in the composition of the cream:
• Hyalouranic acid
• Panthenol
• vegetable oils
• fruit acids
• Beeswax
• Vitamins and natural extracts

Peeling of the skin: tips and reviews

Of course, no cosmetologist will give one hundred percent guarantee that he prescribed by him will help to get rid of the peeling of the skin of the face forever. Since each organism has its own characteristics, the method that quickly helps one person can, in general, not fit another.
Cosmetic procedures that effectively get rid of skin problems:
• Mesotherapy
• Piling using fruit acids
• biorevitalization
• Intensive moisture

Maryana: For a very long time I struggled with red spots on my face. I tried everything that was possible, but I got the result only after I made a couple of nutrient masks. Now I’m not waiting for problems, and several times a week I pamper my face with useful masks.

Violet: My skin problems appeared before the wedding itself, so I did not conduct experiments and immediately turned to the cosmetologist. He advised me to abandon some products and cosmetics. Just a few days later I saw an improvement.

Video: Peeling of the skin is locally. The opinion of a dermatologist

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Comments K. article

  1. In the summer, or rather, with the first Sun April_, I use the expert SPF50+until late autumn, it strengthens the vessels, prevents rosacea (I have a hereditary predisposition), and prevents irritation on an aggressive environment. Very pleased.

  2. From peeling of the skin I can advise a very good moisturizer - Ureli50, contains a high concentration of urea (50%), so I apply it only to dry skin. It helps to upgrade the epidermis, has an antibacterial effect. Shi oil and glycerin is responsible for moisturizing.

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