How to remove the rollers from clothes at home: methods. How to buy a machine for removing spools from clothes in the Aliexpress online store: links to catalog, reviews. What needs to be done so that the peppers do not appear on clothes: tips

How to remove the rollers from clothes at home: methods. How to buy a machine for removing spools from clothes in the Aliexpress online store: links to catalog, reviews. What needs to be done so that the peppers do not appear on clothes: tips

Ways to get rid of the rollers on clothes. Catalog of cars from rolos on Alespress.

Seeing the raid of unpleasant spools on her favorite product, any owner of a spoiled thing wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. But how to do this, alas, not every mistress knows. The universal methods proposed in this article will help to extend the life of beloved clothes.

Why are rolos on clothes?

The reasons for the appearance of spools

The reason for the formation of terrible rolled lumps most often serve:

  1. Systematic contact of the product with other items
  2. Friction about the fabric itself. For example, in the buttocks or armpits
  3. Inappropriate wash mode
  4. Improperly selected washing
  5. The presence of a natural thread in the canvas with the addition of synthetics
  6. Excessively loose fabric

How to remove poles from clothes at home: Methods

Options for removing rolled lumps
  1. Using a special machine. The most effective way. It does not require special efforts, takes a little time and is suitable for any fabric.
  2. Sharp scissors. A tiring, but effective way. If you have enough patience and perseverance for cutting each lump, you can try to use it to return to the life of your favorite product
  3. Toothbrush. The option is acceptable for cashmere fabric. It is also suitable for products from a different fabric structure, but the result will be less effective. Clean the surface with a brush until the problem disappears
  4. Small comb.It removes large spools well. Comb the fabric. Cut the lumps stuck in the teeth with scissors
  5. A video for cleaning clothes or tape. He copes with small, fresh spools. We roll the video on problem areas several times or apply and unwind the tape
  6. Sandpaper. Use fine -grained paper so as not to damage the fabric. Wipe the processed surface to it until lumps disappear
  7. The point of razor or electric brow. A very common method, effectively used before the appearance of special devices. Just shave the product first in one direction, then in the other

A few more methods of exemption from rods, less common and effective, but having the right to exist:

  • Dried bread
  • Wax tapes for hair depilation
  • Sticky strip for woolen things
  • Textile fastener
  • Pumice
  • Sponge using its abrasive part

How to choose and buy a machine for removing spools from clothes on Aliexpress: links to the catalog

Special machines are successfully cope with the spools. Given the demand of customers, a popular platform Aliexpress offers 334 different models for choice.
Going around link, You can choose and buy any device you like.

A wide range of choice

The price category varies from 100 rubles to 1200.

  • Cars without charging can be purchased, starting from 100 rubles

For example, this sample


Polaris PLR 2022
  • There are more expensive ones models With the battery
With a discount, you can buy even cheaper
  • Models with an electric power source are very popular

Take a closer look at instanceWhich ordered 3281 times

The latest electric copy

How to get rid of the rollers on clothes with a machine for removing rods?

An indispensable device
  • A great invention easily prolonging the life of the product you like, with which sorry to part
  • Perfectly removes lumps, without bringing damage to the fabric of the product
  • The convenience of such an apparatus is the possibility of regulating the heights of cutting of the rods. This protects against the damage of the relief tissue
  • Attracts their acceptable price and ease of use

Principle of operation:

  1. Turn on the device
  2. Set the necessary cutting height
  3. Gradually process the rolling places, conducting the machine

What needs to be done so that the peppers do not appear on clothes: tips

  • Preventing the rolling of clothes prone to this problem is almost impossible
  • But the following measures will help to reduce the appearance of the spools, and sometimes they will help to avoid them:
  1. Store such things turned inside out
  2. Wash them without twisting and without soaking
  3. Dry in a detailed form on clean cotton fabric
  4. Use soft and liquid washing products
  5. Do not violate the instructions of the manufacturer for the care of the clothes in question
  6. Try to avoid excess friction of the canvas - do not put on such things under outerwear
  7. When small spools appear, get rid of them right away, without waiting for their growing
  8. Use manual washing - this significantly reduces the formation of spools

To fully avoid the problem of the formation of spools on clothes, do not buy clothes made of polyester or polyester mixtures.

What a good powder to choose from the spools, does the lacquer from the rollers help?

  • The formation of the rollers does not contribute to the powder, but the properties of the fabric
  • If the product is made of cheap fabric, then no powder is solved by the problem of rolling
  • The affection also does not cope with the formation of the spools. It only softens water, which partially helps to reduce the formation of spools. But it does not completely solve the problem. Tempting promises offered on the instructions - this is nothing more than a manufacturer's advertising

Cars for removing spools from clothes on Aliexpress: reviews

One of the most purchased cars

This is what buyers write Aliexpress about this, very popular models:

  1. Waited for 3 weeks. The device with its work copes perfectly. The view is pleasant. In the kit: a brush, a set of replaceable blades, instructions in Chinese.
  2. It is a pity that the plug euro. I bought an adapter. I am very pleased with the result. The knitted sweatshirt and woolen dress cleaned quickly. Cardigan demanded large labor costs
  3. The device corresponds to the description. Delivered in a month. It operates wonderful. Take it, you will not regret it.
  4. I took before that on the batteries - I cleaned the spools weakly and worse. This is a great machine.
  5. The package came quickly. The packaging is normal. There was a foam protective tab. All the whole came in full configuration. The device is solid, not of thin plastic. The net is also good. It does not bend, does not break, as cheap. In general, I am happy with everyone. I recommend the seller!

This machine I received a little less orders. But not so little - 2052.

It has many reviews. Here is some of them:

  1. The seller quickly and clearly answers all questions. The package came to Chelyabinsk earlier than a month. The machine r .... . The plastic is very fragile, the button sees, the blades cling to the bars and slow down. You have to constantly remove the head with the net. Disappointed.
  2. It works very slowly. The net is strongly bend when pressed on the fabric. While cleaning the floor of the sleeve of the battery, it will die. Complete wo ...! I do not advise!!!
  3. It does not function badly. But finger batteries instantly sit down. The assembly is flimsy. For its price, it is quite acceptable.

The third most popular model was bought by 1125 people.

Here's what they say about their purchase:

  1. Great thing. Saves my favorite things. I really don't know how much these knives are enough.
  2. Necessary thing! I am very pleased with the purchase! It is not comparable to the battery machine. Take this (electric) right away. I’ve been ordering a second time, this time for my mother.
  3. That's what to take to the country now? So many clothes were saved by the machine! I recommend!
  4. It cleans well, there is damage (the seller did not packed reliably). I asked to put an adapter, did not put it.
  5. He removes all the coils quickly and easily. The seller laid a fork -adapter, although she did not ask. Additionally for this - special thanks.
  6. Satisfied with the purchase. Thank you, seller !!!
  7. I liked it very much! Works good. The seller laid the adapter, for which many thanks to him. Fast delivery.
  8. It cleanses well, everything corresponds to the description, the package has reached 10 days and is completely monitored. Thanks to the seller.
  9. The machine is good, powerful. But, when ordering, I asked to put an adapter on a Russian outlet - they didn’t put it, I had to buy it myself.

The problem with the spools is now solved very easily. It is enough to make the right choice of the machine for Aliexpress, and your wardrobe, spoiled by hated spools, will not have to be sent to the garbage basket.

Video: How to remove the pods from clothes? 5 ways

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