How to touch the beloved, eldest, younger sister, brother just like that, for the fact that she, he is, for congratulations, a gift: warm, beautiful words of gratitude

How to touch the beloved, eldest, younger sister, brother just like that, for the fact that she, he is, for congratulations, a gift: warm, beautiful words of gratitude

Can't you choose the words of gratitude to your sister, brother? We offer a selection of beautiful prose and poems.

Native sisters and brothers are the closest relatives after parents. They go together through life, although sometimes, already in adulthood, in view of their workload and some personal problems, they are not very often seen.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "How to correctly and beautifully thank a person for congratulations, a compliment that has provided you with a service?". You will find examples, words of gratitude.

Sometimes you want to say warm words, for example, to thank your sister or brother for something. But speaking in your own words is not always beautiful. We suggest in advance to make a template for gratitude, so that at a meeting or in personal messages of social networks, express all the warmth of feelings. Below you will find many examples. Read further.

Warm, beautiful words of gratitude to the older sister: sample

Warm, beautiful words of gratitude to the older sister
Warm, beautiful words of gratitude to the older sister

Despite the fact that in childhood, brothers and sisters can conflict, over time, a person comes to a person that the older sister is a worthy and reliable guideline in life. Often, it is she who gives the younger sister a practical advice in all areas.

And if in his youth this can be perceived “in bayonets”, then after a while, gratitude comes for participating in the life of a given person. What can you say to the older sister? Here is a sample of the words of gratitude to the older sister:

  • Sister, I only now realized how much I appreciate you. I'm sorry that I did not understand how cool you were. Now I'm sure that you always wish me only good. I thank God for existing in my life. You are my closest and dear in the whole world.
  • I am so glad that I have an older sister. I am sure that I can always rely on you. Thank you for everything! You are the closest friend and a native man.
  • I am happy to say that you and I are sister. No on ethe light of a person is more kind and understood than my older sister.
  • When I was a baby, I always took an example from you. You are currently my role model. Thank you, my older sister, for the fact that I have you.
  • Sister, at present we see each other less often and I really miss you. But it used to be a stupid tiny. And now I am an adult, but it's just as stupid. Therefore, I really need you. Thank you for everything. And please do not disappear. I miss you very much.
  • Sister, you told me that in childhood you really wanted you to have a younger sister. And then I was born. I don’t know why you have such a punishment. But thank you very much for the fact that you always helped me in a difficult time.
Warm, beautiful words of gratitude to the older sister
Warm, beautiful words of gratitude to the older sister

Sometimes an older sister can even be closer to her mother. After all, she can tell her everything that it is usually customary for parents to be silent about.

How to touch the sister at the wedding: template, words of gratitude

If at the age of the sisters there is a gap of more than at 5-7 years old, then with more probability, the older sister will marry the first. For the younger sister, this event is both joyful and sad at the same time. On the one hand, she feels the joy that the older sister found a life partner and goes to a new, happy future. But on the other hand, the younger sister understands that now she is left in the parental house alone. Nevertheless, the sister needs to congratulate and tell her about everything that is in the soul. How to touchly thank you? Here is a template for gratitude to the sister at the wedding:

  • On this day, I raise my glass for the young. I wish you, sister, so that you are happy. Let your husband always treat you with adoration and carry it in your arms, may you have beautiful children. Love to you, good and mutual understanding.
  • Thank you, sister, for the fact that you have endured me all these years and gave valuable advice. Thank you for the fact that you appeared in my life and are always nearby. I will really miss you in my parental house. But I am sincerely glad that you have met the person you value, and who loves you very much. Let everything be fine with you.
  • Thank you, sister, for helping me in life. You were and will be my life guide. Accept my congratulations on the start of family life and I wish that love and happiness do not leave you for a second.
  • For everything I have, I am grateful to my older sister. After all, it was she who always helped me on the life path and saved from adversity. I sincerely congratulate you, my older sister, with marriage and wish you only happiness, a lot of positive and all the best.
Gratitude words to sister at a wedding
Gratitude words to sister at a wedding

Of course, you can thank your younger sister for the presence in fate. Indeed, in the process of communication, each person receives help and learns something new. And age is completely not important here.

Gratitude words to sister in prose

Nursing love knows no boundaries. It is much stronger than years and distance. After all, kinship by blood is the factor that does not allow people to go away spiritually from each other. How to thank your sister? Here are the words of gratitude to the sister in prose:

  • My dear sister! You probably have no idea how dear you are for me. We did not always understand each other. But, in fact, I admire and grateful for what you did for me.
  • Forgive me, please, sister, for all those moments when I proved my case, but in fact, I'm wrong. I really appreciate our kinship, and I am glad that I have such a native and understanding man. Huge thanks for everything!
  • You and I are not just two relatives. We are like 2 halves of one whole. I always felt your love and support and always tried to make it mutually. I thank you for being always there in any difficult moment.
  • I only now understood how wonderful it is to have a sister. You are my blood and my most native man. Thank you for being!
Gratitude words to sister in prose
Gratitude words to sister in prose

The most important thing in this case is sincerity. If there is really blood connection between the sisters, then the words of gratitude are themselves.

Words of gratitude to the younger sister: Sample

Words of gratitude to the younger sister
Words of gratitude to the younger sister

In communication with the youngest, the older sister often appears as a mentor. Subsequently, when the younger sister grows up and gains a certain wisdom, she understands that the older sister did all this not in vain. There is a time of gratitude. Nevertheless, the older sisters always have, for which to thank the youngest. Here is a sample of the words of gratitude to the younger sister:

  • My joy has no limit to that I have a younger sister. Thank you, sister, for the fact that I have you. If not for you, I would not understand many things in my being.
  • I thank you, my youngest sister, for all those days that we lived together in the parental house. You are very valuable and your favorite for me.
  • My youngest sister! You are no longer than you! Even if you are very far from home, just know that my soul is always there. Thank you for what, we are together.
  • For me, there is no one more expensive in the whole world than you. I am proud that I have a younger sister. Thank you for everything!
Words of gratitude to the younger sister
Words of gratitude to the younger sister
Words of gratitude to the younger sister
Words of gratitude to the younger sister

For many, the sister is really the closest person. After all, friends and guys "come and leave." And the person with whom you, together from childhood will remain nearby under any circumstances.

Words of gratitude to sister to tears

Sister to tears
Sister to tears

Sister is the closest man in the world. Therefore, do not skimp on good words that touch the soul. Here are the words of gratitude to the sister to tears:

Sister to tears
Sister to tears

Of course, the main thing is to give sister to understand that there is no one closer and more expensive. The heart will always tell you the right words. Below is even more interesting. Read further.  

Gratitude words for congratulations to sister

On a birthday or another holiday, native people will always congratulate the first. The duty of any sister is to thank for attention. And this should be done from a pure heart. Here are the words of gratitude for the congratulations to the sister:

  • Thank you, my adored sister. From whom else could I hear so many congratulations? You are like a ray of the sun that illuminates my life path. And you are my gift in fate. I will be grateful to you forever. And save you for congratulations and such a wonderful gift.
  • Perhaps I'm not the best sister. But thank you for the warm words that you found for me on such an important day. I love you, my sister. And I know that we will be together forever.
  • Sister, I thought you did not remember my birthday. But how could I think this? Thank you for your congratulations! Now I am the happiest person in the world. After all, only I have such an attentive and loving sister.
  • No wonder I asked my dad with my mother’s younger sister. Now there is who is the first to congratulate me on my birthday. Of course I'm joking. You yourself know very well that I am not so selfish. Thank you very much for the gifts and wishes. And thank you even more, sister, for being present in my life.
For congratulations to the sister
For congratulations to the sister

Often the holiday of one sister is a holiday for the other. After all, blood kinship is a kind of thread that connects human destinies.

Words of gratitude to the older sister from the younger

Often, younger sisters feel silent reverence for the elders. Finding the necessary words is very difficult. But very often this should be done. Here are the words of gratitude to the older sister from the youngest:

  • I want to thank you for your kind and sensitive heart. You were able not only to help me, you were able to make the impossible! Thank you!
  • You're my guardian angel! I was so lucky with the older sister! You are the best and most wonderful!
  • My sister! I know you believe in me and are ready to come to the rescue and support at a difficult moment! Thank you for your good!
  • I am sincerely proud of my older sister. And I will not stop talking about it. Thank you, sister, for all the positive shifts in my life. You are my compass on the life.

However, it also happens that the younger sisters give the senior advice and instructions. After all, life is unpredictable.

Words of gratitude to the sister

Native people never betray. They remain nearby even when the rest of the world turns away from a person. That is why the sister will always remain those who support, understand and forgive. However, one must always be grateful to each other for all moments of life. Here are the words of gratitude to the sister:

  • My beloved and only sister! I am so glad that I have you! After all, you are my ideal, and I have been striving to be like you all my life! Thank you for always with me.
  • Sister, you are my joy! Thank you for I have you.
  • My dear, you are part of my soul! Thank you, dear sister, for the fact that you are nearby under other circumstances.
  • Thanks to mom and dad for giving me a native person with whom you can be friends. I love you, dear sister! Thank you for everything!
Words of gratitude to the sister
Words of gratitude to the sister

No matter how beautiful the words are, the most important thing remains in the soul. Therefore, sometimes nursing love should not only be heard, but also to feel. It is most important.

Words of gratitude to her husband's sister

Despite the fact that her husband’s sister is not a blood relative, she is also far from a stranger. How can she express my gratitude? Here are the words of gratitude to her husband’s sister:

  • When I was little, I always dreamed of a good husband. But, as it turned out, that he also had a sister to him. Thank you for everything you did for him and are now doing both for us. We love you very much.
  • You probably think that having come to your family, I took your brother from you. In fact, I acquired a sister in your face.
  • You have even become much more important to me than close people. Thank you for everything. I love you very much and appreciate you.
  • When I was little, I always dreamed that my future husband had such a sister who looks like a fairy -tale fairy. Now my dream has come true.
Husband's sister
Husband's sister

The husband’s sister is a really unique person. After all, she can be a sister and a best friend in one person. It all depends on how close relationships exist between women.

Gratitude sister's words on her birthday

Happy Birthday Sister
Happy Birthday Sister

Sister's birthday is a special holiday. After all, it was on this day that the very first and closest girlfriend was born. Therefore, the words should be selected correctly - such that they touch the living. I always want a dear person to say something warm and memorable. Here are the words of gratitude to the sister on his birthday:

  • You are the most sincere, bright, bright, responsive and kind sister! I wish you all your dreams are fulfilled.
  • Happy Birthday Sister! Thank you for all the good that you give me.
  • Thanks to the Lord for being born. Thanks for your mom and dad. Happiness to you, my sister, good and love.
  • Your day of birth is much more important to me than my own. Happy birthday to you, my dear sister! I love you very much!
Happy Birthday Sister
Happy Birthday Sister

Often, sisters not only understand and accept words of gratitude. They feel them subconsciously. And this is the difference between sisters and the best friends or friends.

Gratitude words to sister in verses

Nursing love cannot but sing in praise. Such a bright feeling is quite worthy. What to say to the sister? Here are the words of gratitude to the sister in verses:


“She is with me from morning to morning

And I am always ready to support me,

I'm happy ... I have a sister

And this is not just a word for me

Thanks for the support and love

For help and a huge participation,

Today I congratulate you again

I wish you light ... and good ... and happiness "


“My sister is the best

She is both happiness and success,

She is both heart and soul,

Incredibly good

Thank you very much

For the fact that you are always with me

I am proud of only you alone ... "

Gratitude words to sister in verses
Gratitude words to sister in verses
Gratitude words to sister in verses
Gratitude words to sister in verses

To have a sister who loves, understands and supports is real happiness. On the one hand, everyone is worthy of this. On the other hand, not everyone has a similar “happy ticket”.

Words of gratitude to the eldest brother in prose to tears for the fact that he is

The older brother is a defender, hope and support. The younger sister involuntarily seeks to take an example from him. For her, this is (like her father) the ideal of a man. Of course, you should thank your older brother for his support and participation in life. After all, if not for him, then in the life of the younger sister there could have many irreparable mistakes. Here are the words of gratitude to the older brother in prose to tears for the fact that he is:

  • Brother, thank you very much for helping me all these years. I used to be annoyed because of your custody. But now I understand that you always wanted me only good. I am very grateful to you for everything that you do for me. I love you.
  • My older brother is the best in the world. Thank you, brother, for everything! I adore you!
  • I am so glad that I have an older brother. If not for you, my life would have turned into torture. You always understand and support. Thank you very much.
  • Thank you, brother, for being. You are my assistant and defender. I really appreciate this. And even if you and I find ourselves hundreds of kilometers from each other, you will still feel my love. After all, she is immortal.
Words of gratitude to the eldest brother in prose to tears for the fact that he is
Words of gratitude to the eldest brother in prose to tears for the fact that he is

Having a good and caring older brother is the real happiness that almost every girl or woman dreams of. And, despite the fact that sooner or later another man appears - the groom, love for the older brother does not pass.

Words of gratitude to brother just like that

Brother is a permanent friend who is with you since childhood. That is why this person is the closest and dear. He cannot be loved. Even if there are misunderstandings between brothers and sisters, you can’t get angry with your brother for a long time. Not only only who understands a person, if not his brother. What to say to the brother as a sign of gratitude? Here are the words of gratitude just like that:

  • Thanks for the fact that you are kind and smart, responsive, reliable, beautiful and strong! You are ready to help and understand me, you are the best and most devoted brother!
  • I am a sister, my beloved brother, dear! And I wish you all my heart - let me come a big success!
  • You, brother, my best friend. Colleagues are more expensive and girlfriends. Remember it forever. I will be next to you.
Words of gratitude to brother just like that
Words of gratitude to brother just like that

Despite the fact that quarrels often happen between the brothers, there is still no one in this world closer than him. Therefore, you do not need to be shy to tell your brother about your warm feelings. After all, this person will never betray.

Words of gratitude to the younger brother in verses

Very often, older sisters are trembling about younger brothers. And at first, they are nanny if parents are busy. And even when the younger brother becomes an adult bearded man, he will still remind the older sister of that funny navel from childhood, who was once brought in an envelope from the hospital. Here are the words of gratitude to the younger brother in verses:

Happy Birthday bro!

My favorite younger brother

I want in this life
I have not met anywhere barriers!

To go to the cherished goal,
And he was always happy,
He was aimed at success,
You never sad!

Words of gratitude to the younger brother in verses
Words of gratitude to the younger brother in verses


Sensuality and responsiveness are those 2 components that make fraternal and nursing love of comprehensive.

Words of gratitude to brother for congratulations, birthday gift

A brother is the first person who will congratulate on such a significant day as a birthday. It is important to choose the right words of gratitude for congratulations, a gift. We can say the following:

  • Brother, thank you for your congratulations. You are my most dear person. I am glad that you are in my life. You are my most faithful friend, my hope and support.
  • Friends, colleagues, fans, mistresses - who needs it? In the morning, I was waiting for congratulations from the person’s important person in my life - my brother. And I'm glad I waited for them. Thank you, brother! I really appreciate you.

Fraternal ties are often checked by time. However, the truth is one: the brother will always be nearby and will remain faithful to the end. It is difficult to imagine a closer and more understanding person.

Video: Beloved Sister (Poems for you, my dear)

Video: Thank you sister!

Video: "My sister" - verse

Video: beloved brother (poems for you, my dear)

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