The best, beautiful words of gratitude for friendship to a friend, friend, man, guy, friends in prose: Text. How beautifully to say thanks for the friendship of a friend, friend, guy, man, friends in your own words? Postcards and posts - “thank you for friendship”: examples in prose

The best, beautiful words of gratitude for friendship to a friend, friend, man, guy, friends in prose: Text. How beautifully to say thanks for the friendship of a friend, friend, guy, man, friends in your own words? Postcards and posts - “thank you for friendship”: examples in prose

In the article you will find tips and recommendations, ideas and words in order to say “thank you” to a best friend or girlfriend.

How to say thanks to a friend for friendship in prose just so short in your own words: Examples

Friendship is one of the important values \u200b\u200bof mankind, which was always respected, revered, appreciated. People still love their friends, but they can not always choose the right words for expressing their feelings, devotion and fidelity.

Saying “Thank you for friendship” is very difficult and easy at the same time. To do this, you should choose the most accurate and sincere words that will go “from the heart” and “from the heart”. In this article you will find for yourself many ideas and key cliches of phrases that will help you correctly and beautifully build your speech in cases where you congratulate a person, write a letter to him or sign a postcard.

Word options:

  • My dear friend! Sometimes it seems to me that without youi would simply not be able to live in this world. You gave me so many vivid feelings, colorful experiences and warm memories that I became not only a close person to me, but a real blood sister.
  • Thank you, dear friend!You are always next to me, everywhere, in any complex and simple life situations. You give me support, hope, love and understanding - and this is much more valuable than any wealth.
  • I want to say thank you only for the fact that you once appeared in my life, friend! If you weren’t, there were no such colorful days and experiences in my life that it is filled with now. You are for me - the world of colors, impressions, joy!
  • I want, dear friend, thank you just like that! I don’t even want to think that one day a “black cat” can run between us. It seems to me that such a strong and loyal love that I feel for you as a friend no longer exists in the world.
  • You painted my world, girlfriend! Thank you for this, because before you I did not know what friendship is! How I want to give you everything, share the best and brightest moments, experiences and good news! Be always the same happy, young and beautiful, which I know you!
Words of gratitude to friends and friends
Words of gratitude to friends and friends

Beautiful and tender words of gratitude for the friendship of a beloved friend in prose: Text

To find the case and reason to say “thank you” to your girlfriend, you should not spend a lot of effort, time and experiences. Real friendship has no rules and holidays, it always exists as a treasure protected by two people.

Word options:

  • Thanks, friend! For the fact that you always think more about me, than about himself! You proved and showed me that true friendship, a devoted feeling always has the right to exist between two people.
  • Can I thank you? Thank you, girlfriend, that Not knowing the rest and tranquility, you always sought to wipe my tears, support me in difficult life situations and say “be strong then” when my hands fell.
  • Thank you for the true feelings that you are worried about In relation to me! It was you who taught me to experience, feel this world and see it in bright colors.
  • If I could live another life, I would definitely want She will live with you, my friend! It seems to me that in life there are no more solar and pleasant people like you! May God grant you a lot of health and strength to you have many more and many years in a row!
  • There are good and kind people in the world and you, my good, one of them!I just can’t imagine my gray and boring everyday life without your bright and colorful smile, which inspires and inspires! You taught me to look at the world positively and colorful, and I will always answer you with warmth to any request, word.
Friendship may arise and strengthen due to knowledge of the basics of physiognomy
Friendship and words of gratitude to friends

Warm and pleasant words of gratitude to your beloved friend for friendship in prose: Text

The words of gratitude are a pleasant trifle that holds friendship, making it strong and devoted, sunny and bright, long and real. Feel free to thank your friends and friends for those relationships that exist between you and they will definitely answer you the same.

Word options:

  • Thank you, your girlfriend, because you chose me! I don’t know what you saw in me, but the day when we met, my world suddenly became brighter and more colorful!
  • Like it or not, but without you I cannot! Thank you, dear For the ease, tenderness, joy and fidelity of our relationship. I will be grateful to you for another hundred years in a row!
  • How you want to live not one, but thousands of lives with you, friend! I wish everyone in this world to find the same feeling that we divide with you!
  • There are few good people in the world, but you, my friend, are heading their top-list!I was cool lucky to meet you and get a strong, faithful, devoted friendship!
  • I wish you, girlfriend, a lot of good and happiness!Live, my friend, many good years to delight me for a very long time. I thank you for all the warmth that you were able to give it just like that, free of charge, from the heart and heart!
  • You are beautiful and good, sweet, attentive, smart!Such a girlfriend like you, I can’t find anywhere else and never! Thank you for patience and for never offending me by trifles. You're a wonderful person!
  • Finding a good person in this world is a real rarity!But, I found you, which means that I was cool lucky! I really appreciate our friendship and will never allow anyone to break it!
  • There are so many people in this world and not alone is not like you, girlfriend!You are so wonderful, attentive, thin, sensual, happy, joyful, beautiful! It’s good that you are my friend!
  • Accept my words of gratitude!Do not be angry, do not be offended, do not be sung on me, girlfriend! I cherish our friendship so, because she, perhaps, is the most valuable thing I have! Thank you, dear, for 100%understanding and sympathy in any business and question. You are the best in the world! You are dear to me!
Nice and grateful words to friends, friends
Nice and grateful words to friends, friends

The best and kind words of gratitude for friendship and wishes in honor of friendship to the best friend in prose: Text

The best friend is practically a sister. You can share even those experiences with her that you can’t share with your mother or anyone else. Over the years of friendship and joint events, a best friend can just thank you without a reason. Well, if you put out your thoughts in the letter, making a postcard or just making a letter.


  • Not everyone in this world was lucky to have a best friend! But I have it! I sincerely proud and admire this, because it is a valuable and expensive treasure. If I have a problem - I will turn to a friend, if I need help - I will ask a friend, if I feel bad - I will complain only to a friend. Thank you, love, that you are round -the -clock support and support for me, that you are my umbrella in the pouring rain, that you are my raft in the bottomless ocean and you are my ray of light in a dark cave.
  • If something happens to me, I run to you!If someone is upset, I run to you, if I am not lucky in something-you help me. This is a great joy to have such a girlfriend like you! I am insanely and infinitely grateful to you for everything that you do for me!
  • My words of gratitude are nothing compared to what I feel for you, my friend!I am so faithfully and devotedly, sincerely and cleanly, gently and strongly love you that this simply cannot be conveyed in words! Be with me until the end of my life, I ask you! You are one of the closest people for me, you are my family!
  • You are my sister!Anyway, that you and I are not native blood! I love you and feel every note of your mood, so I know when you feel good or bad. The same, you probably feel in my direction. Be fun and let it be easily given to you every day in life so that together we can experience the joys and sweets of our days!
How to say thanks to a close friend?
How to say thanks to a close friend?

What to write, tell the best friend touching to tears about friendship, so that she burst into tears?

Words that “can bring to tears” are those sensual, subtle spiritual phrases that literally “knock out” feelings from a person, forcing them to manifest themselves with tears. Choose the most tender lines to thank your good girlfriend for friendship.


  • The whole world becomes gray and not interesting, If you are not smiling nearby! I don’t even want to imagine that one day the day may come when I lose you and I won’t find anymore.
  • When I am lost in this world, be it another resentment, Being confusing or difficulties, directing the "wrong path", you always help me "get to my feet" and find the truth. For this I thank you and I want to say that I love it very much!
  • I love you so much that I wish only good and prosperity! I don’t want a bad person to meet your life path, I don’t want to see your tears and hear that you are disappointed in life!
  • How joyful I am with you and how sad I am without you! Be always nearby, girlfriend, because I do not know how to cope with the grayness of everyday life and everyday deeds, without your support and advice. Thank you for your devoted love, I try to answer the same. If I have ever been able to offend you with something-I'm sorry, because you are stopping that all this is not from evil, but by stupidity. You are my joy and you are all my!
How can you thank a friend?
How can you thank a friend?

How sincerely and warmly thank your beloved girlfriend for friendship, joy in your own words: words, text, examples

For those experiences and feelings that exist between you and the best friend, it is not a sin to thank. If you express your gratitude, a person will understand how trepidated, sincere and faithful in friendship.

Word options:

  • Thank you for having inspired friendship once!And this feeling is sincere for me, I gave it from my heart. I am grateful to you, I admire you, I want to be like you. You are the sun among the circles of darkness, I love you like myself!
  • Any holiday, event and family eventsi want to see you nearby! You are my family, despite the fact that our blood is different. I sincerely worry about you and I don’t care how your life will turn out!
  • Accept my simple words of gratitude for that many yearsWhat we survived together! You're a wonderful person! I love you with all my heart and I will never exchange you for anyone! You taught me how to appreciate and recognize people, look into the future with smiles and hopes!
  • How good I am next to you, girlfriend! Now I do not know how to live without each other! You are what makes me wake up in the morning to smile without a mood. Our whole life is made of hundreds of vivid memories and in each you must have! Thank you for everything! Thank you for being there!
Pleasant words to loved ones and friends
Pleasant words to loved ones and friends

Why can we say thanks to a friend?

Do you need a big reason to just say “thank you” to an dear person? Of course not! Just do not restrain your feelings when you feel gratitude, a sense of devotion and love for your beloved girlfriend!

For what you can say thanks to your friend, options:

  • For support and round -the -clock readiness to listen to me
  • For understanding and desire to help in any business
  • For the fact that you remember all my dates and holidays, you always congratulate, you always say pleasant words.
  • For patience and endurance
  • For the fact that she did not abandon me during the period of doubt, depression and bad mood.
  • For the fact that you are always restrained, even when I am emotional through Chur.
  • For the fact that you always give me exactly those gifts that I dreamed about and dreamed of.
  • For protecting me in front of other people
  • For the fact that you instantly break off the place when I need help or just when I feel bad.
  • For the fact that you will always warm, feed, treat, give money if I do not have it at all.
  • For the fact that you respect my opinion even when it is not entirely true.
  • Because you love my family and respect it as if she are yours.
  • For not forgetting to share with me not only bad news, but also with joyful events.
  • For the fact that you are next to me at every family holiday, and I am next to you at every family event.
  • Because she has repeatedly proved her loyalty and fidelity
  • For not talking about me behind me
  • For ready to give the latter to help me
  • For not seeing or simply do not pay attention to my shortcomings.
  • For always finding the right and necessary words
  • For the fact that you wish me only good
  • For teaching a lot in this world
  • For smiling at me
  • For not offending me by trifles
Words of gratitude to friends: what can they be thanked for?
Words of gratitude to friends: what can they be thanked for?

How to say beautifully “thank you for friendship” to a friend: text, words of gratitude to a friend for friendship

Options for words and phrases:

  • Friendship is our treasure. I will not sell it, I will not share, I will not sell it. Thank you, my friend, that you are always there, that you are always kind to me, as to yourself.
  • Thank you, my dear and valuable friend, That you stay with me, through the years and hundreds of life problems. I appreciate your every act and will always answer only with good deeds and actions.
  • Thank you friend! Just accept my “thank you” without a doubt and objections, because it goes heart.
  • Such a friendship that you gave mewhich can not be found anywhere else. I keep her in my heart and I will never share it with anyone.
  • If you weren't there, my best friend, I would be the most lost creation on this planet in this world. Thank you for your support and all those hopes that you put into me!
  • My friend! You are as if merged with gold! So I love you and appreciate you that there are simply not enough words to express all my love and gratitude!

How to say beautifully “thank you for friendship” to friends: text, words of gratitude to friends for friendship

Options for words and phrases:

  • Dear friends! You are a real family that consists only of close, kind, sunny and pleasant people! Thank you for not happening in my life, you are always there and with me!
  • My dear people! You are not just friends, you are angels! You are those whom I can count on, whom I can ask for help and support! Thank you, friends, for a good example, for the sincerity of deeds and words!
  • My friends are my wealth! And sincerely glad that I got just such “golden” friends! You are a gift of fate! I will love you forever, devotedly and until the end of my days!
  • Whatever one may say, but without you, my friends, I can’t survive! You, like thousands of rescue circles, are in this huge ocean problems and gray everyday life! Thank you for your support and understanding, for the joys that you sharing with me and for the problems that you hide from me!
The best words of appreciation and gratitude
The best words of appreciation and gratitude

How to thank a man, a guy for friendship: beautiful and kind words of gratitude in prose

If you have a faithful and devoted friend of a man, you can also thank him for your support and support.

Options and phrases:

  • Thank you (the name of the person)! You have proved that strong, devoted and faithful friendship exists in this world! I know that you can always “rely” on your shoulder, that you will not refuse help and find the right way out in any situation!
  • My dear friend! How I want to have as many people like you as possible in this world! I want to give you thousands of pleasant words, good gifts and happy days! Be always successful and always get only joy from life!
  • When I am sad and hard, you are nearbyand this is the biggest gift that a person can give a person. Thank you for not throwing me in difficult life situations, that you always find the word and the way to "get out" from any problems.
  • It is you who - the path to happiness!I am grateful (grateful) of life for such a gift like you! After all, it is you who will always help, always support, always solve and put the problem “in place”!

Friendship posts in prose: Examples

Posts are those records that a person leaves on social networks on pages, Internet sites, forums and so on. They are needed in order to convey the mood and create an atmosphere. Your devotion and love for a friend can be expressed precisely in the post, using not only your thoughts for this, but also quotes, aphorisms and words of famous people about friendship.

Words and times:

Quotes and posts about friendship No. 1
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 1
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 2
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 2
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 3
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 3
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 4
Quotes and posts about friendship No. 4

Postcards "Thank you for friendship": Examples

Such postcards can not only be bought or ordered on the Internet, but also make it yourself, draw, download and sign the image (for example, by sending it with an email). Look at the options for gratitude with gratitude to choose exactly the one that suits you and your friend. Feel free to express your love and devotion, because it will only fasten your relationship and make them better.

Options for congratulatory and ordinary cards for a friend with gratitude:

Postcard thanks for friendship No. 1
Postcard "Thank you for Friendship" No. 1
Postcard thanks for friendship No. 2
Postcard "Thank you for Friendship" No. 2
Postcard thanks for friendship No. 3
Postcard "Thank you for Friendship" No. 3
Postcard thanks for friendship No. 4
Postcard "Thank you for Friendship" No. 4
Postcard thanks for friendship No. 5
Postcard "Thank you for Friendship" No. 5

Video: "Congratulations: Thank you for friendship!"

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