Pleasant words to parents - words of gratitude are beautiful, emotional touching - the best selection

Pleasant words to parents - words of gratitude are beautiful, emotional touching - the best selection

Do not know how to surprise your parents, tell them pleasant words. Look for ideas in the article.

Our life is very dynamic, and very often we just do not have enough time to communicate with loved ones. We are in a hurry somewhere all the time, and we don’t even think about what someone thinks about us every second. And showing attention is not so difficult, and this does not need much time. To do this, you don’t even have to go somewhere, you can call the phone, send a letter in electronic form. To facilitate your task, we selected a selection of pleasant words to parents for all occasions.

Pleasant words to parents - words of gratitude to parents in prose

Pleasant words to parents - words of gratitude to parents in prose

Nice words to parents are words of gratitude to parents in prose:

  • Mommy and daddy, I know that I'm not the best daughter in the world. I made many mistakes in my life, and believe me, I regret a lot. But it is impossible to return the past, so in the present I try to do everything so that you are proud of me. I am grateful to you for being able to forgive me all my misconduct, always glad to see me, support me in everything. I appreciate your attitude towards me, and every day I pray to God so that He gives you good health, and you can live as long as possible. After all, while you smile, look at the world around with wise eyes - I am immensely happy.
  • Parents are my support in life, without you I would never become a successful person. You believed in me even when I myself lowered my hands. And your faith in my possibilities pushed me to move on, not to be afraid, to study the new. Thank you for the fact that you are always interested in my life, for the fact that you were with me at the most difficult moments of my being. I am grateful to you for not just comforting me when I fell, but also gave wise instructions, sometimes in a strict voice. All this made me a confident man, and thanks to you I am happy and confident in the future.
  • Mom and dad, I am very glad that it was you who became my parents. You are the kindest, sensitive, understanding people in the universe. You know how to patiently listen to, you know when to offer your help, and when it is better to take a pause and shut up. But even silent with you is already great happiness. Indeed, at this moment we talk to souls, give each other peace. I am grateful to you for such moments of mutual understanding, because they make me a thousand times happier.

Parent's words - birthday greetings in your own words from children

The words of the parent
Parent's words - birthday greetings in your own words from children

Parent's words - happy birthday congratulations in your own words from children:

  • Mommy, you have a holiday today, you have lived another happy year. On this bright day, I would like to wish you many more joyful days, filled with comfort, joy, spiritual warmth. Mom, I so want you to live as long as possible! Every day I want to hear your calm voice in the phone tube, come to you for the holidays and see your happy eyes. For my part, I promise to help you in everything, to please you with pleasant trifles, to visit you as often as possible. Happy birthday to you is my dear!
  • Daddy, you are my warm ray, which warms me at moments when I really feel bad. And I am very glad that such a bright person like you lives in the world. On your birthday, I want to wish good health, let your guardian angel protects you from all troubles on your life, live, breathe in full chest, rejoice in the sun's rays and remain the kindest person on the planet Earth.
  • Today is a holiday at the most important mother of mom (dad) for me! Happy holiday you are my dear and loved one! 100 years of life to you, peace of mind, a great desire to know the world around us from a new side, respect from relatives and friends. Know my relatives, I remember how much time and effort was invested in me. After all, having matured, and acquiring his family, it became clear to me how difficult it is to morally and physically sacrifice my time and desires, glad of a comfortable life of a native person. But you did all this (did) with a good smile on your face. Due to a small age, I did not understand what sacrifices the parents were making so that their children were happy. I am infinitely grateful to you for this, and on this joyful day I promise to give the most happy and joyful days to compensate for everything that was spent on me.

Words to parents with the anniversary of the wedding - from their son and daughter in their own words

Words to parents with the anniversary of the wedding - from their son and daughter in their own words
Words to parents with the anniversary of the wedding - from their son and daughter in their own words

Words to parents with the anniversary of the wedding - from their son and daughter in their own words:

  • Mom and dad, today is the birthday of your family! You lived together a long and happy life. They were always together, supported a friend of a friend, did not notice minor misconduct, and were an example for others. I am proud that I have just such parents - who managed to save their love and carry these bright feelings through the years. I wish you this wonderful day so that your love lives forever, and your grandchildren and great -grandchildren tell everyone about your great love.
  • Love and mutual understanding are an important part of a strong union of a man and a woman. And you have all this, dear parents. Having matured, I often watched with what kind of trepidation and warmth you treat each other, and thanks to you I can definitely say that true love exists! You were able to save this warm light in your hearts, although there has been a lot of time since then you swore an oath to love each other before your family and friends. On the anniversary of your wedding, I would like to wish you that your bright feelings enjoy every heart blow, because thanks to this you can stay happy and further!
  • How beautiful the world is if love lives in it - a real one, tested by time And household problems. I don’t know how, but you managed to strengthen your union, despite the fact that periodically life presented you not the most pleasant surprises. But, probably, precisely because the fire of love lived with your hearts, you were able to pass these tests without losing faith in each other. Now your love is supported by wisdom, the confidence that a person is always ready to hold, listen and help nearby. So I can be calm, because your grandchildren will grow in the same love and care as I am. Happy holiday to you are my dear!

The words of the son to parents - in prose with all my heart

The words of the son to parents - in prose with all my heart
The words of the son to parents - in prose with all my heart

The words of the son to parents are in prose with all my heart:

  • The parental house is the best place on Earth. It is always warm, comfortable, it smells of childhood. It is near parents that an adult becomes a child again, for whom they prepare a favorite pie, whose dream is cherished, and give all the best. And I am happy that my parents are alive, and I still periodically return to childhood - to good mother's eyes and wise daddy instructions. I love you endlessly mom and dad!
  • Mom and dad - you are two bright rays, to which I strive to be as close as possible. Yes, I can’t see you every day, but believe me, I think about you every second of my life. Mommy, thank you for teaching me to be a kind person who knows how to compassion and understand, thanks to this I have many real friends, and my second ladle. Dad, thank you for the men's lessons, for the perseverance that you showed, teaching me something new. Thank you for taught me to defend my opinion, fight for the truth and not to be afraid of difficulties. Parents - you are my best!
  • There are two very bright stars in my life - these are my dear parents! I look at you, and my soul rejoices, because changing the people who love me with all my shortcomings. A gray hair covered your whiskey, but I try not to notice it. For me you are always young and beautiful! When I am far from you, and I feel sad, I remember our joint pastime - funny games, delicious mother pies, joint fishing with dad. These memories fill my heart with warmth, and I rejoice as a child who received a long -awaited gift. Thank you for all my dear!

Words to parents from daughter - in prose from a pure heart

Words to parents from daughter - in prose from a pure heart
Words to parents from daughter - in prose from a pure heart

Words to parents from daughter - in prose from a pure heart:

  • I am proud that I am the daughter of the best parents! You are my kindest people in the world! You raised me with faith that the world around us is beautiful no matter what. And you know, I really learned to see in everything that is surrounded only by beautiful. My favorite sun, I so want your life to be beautiful, so that you are healthy and cheerful! I will try to do everything possible for this, because I love you very much!
  • For some reason, it is generally accepted that the young generation does not understand older and wise people. But this is not about me. I was lucky, because my parents keep up with the times, and even now, they have grown up, and they give wise advice. Thank you my dear care for your sincere care, for the fact that even an adult you are taking a delicious cake and a box of my favorite sweets. Someone will say that these are trifles, but thanks to this I know that my parents really love me. Thank you for your parental love!
  • Mom and dad, I rarely tell you pleasant words, but this does not mean that I do not love you. I want you to know that you occupy the largest corner in my heart. And there live your understanding, compassion, disinterested love, happy children's memories. And all this appeared in my soul thanks to you. Thank you for love and kindness, be happy!

The words of the bride to parents are in verses and prose

The words of the bride to parents - in verses and prose
The words of the bride to parents are in prose

The bride’s words are in poetry:

Poems for mother -in -law
That mother whose son is more expensive than the world,
More expensive than the sun means yourself.
The mother who kept
His dreams, caring and loving.

Which praised and scolded
She taught the kindest, bold to be.
Which, not knowing, helped
To love him once.

And I want so sincerely, so subtle
To say about what they are not talking about.
What the lights burn in the eyes of the child,
What else are one else's eyes about ...

Thank you for forgiving.
For comforting in a difficult hour.
For not promising anything
Empty. And because he loves you.

For the fact that he himself, sometimes not knowing
Only the word will say - and peace in the soul.
For the fact that he understands me so.
And he accepts, as I am - like that.

And if together we are alone
Go. Laugh together and sad.
I swear to you that I will not be strict
That I can always forgive him.

That I will try to be like you, reliable,
Both affectionate and kind and straight.
And in this life, joyful and complex
To love him, as I have given alone.

And maybe later. I will believe.
The same as me, fearing everything.
He will quietly say: “I will not forget you.
Thank you for my husband "

Beloved mother!
Your curls of the July Wind caresses,
Beautiful locks of gray hair are casting in light.
Your tender heart does not know peace
Only an angel alone reads your thoughts.

You, as before, are strong and beautiful,
And light as a spring stream.
Mother! Honey Mom! Thank you!
You always remain mine!

I will not tire of repeating you
About your endless love.
I will stand on your knees before you
To put your wisdom.

Mother! Honey Mom!
You are like a star eternity shine!
Many mothers on a huge planet,
You gave this life to me!

Let us say the words
After all, in life is a new chapter.
From our young family
For those that life were cherished.
Parents, our relatives,
Thanks for your care.
For everything that they did for us,
For the fact that we are here now.
We will always be near you,
We will support the deed and words.
We love very much, we appreciate you
Are you in this life? Everything for us!

Our parents "Thank you!"
At our wedding, we say
For the fact that they loved, raised,
We thank you today.
For affection, love and care,
For hundreds of sleepless nights,
Thank you, our beloved
There are no people in the world.
We wish you happiness, health,
Happy and joyful years,
We know with our love
You will save us from troubles.

Dear, dear dad, mom,
You brought my hand to marriage.
Thank you for raising, raised,
Excuse me what I did wrong.
Thanks for your love, care,
For not allowing me to fall,
For the fact that from Sunday to Saturday
Could not sleep because of me,
That they were fair in education,
What were cherished from misses, from troubles,
For the fact that my life has become happy.
May God grant you a long life up to a hundred years!

You, parents, relatives
We are talking thanks
Wish for health, happiness
We want our wedding day.

Made us a glorious holiday
This day we will not forget
We are grateful for your help
We will always, relatives, will be.

Thank you, our relatives,
Forgive us if you are offended by something,
Thanks for the help, for the blessing,
Thanks for the wisdom and patience.

We want to wish to cry only with happiness,
Let them bypass the side of the misfortune
We will love you and help
And to visit always, with impatience, wait.

Words of the groom to parents - in verses and prose

Words of the groom to parents - in verses and prose
Words of the groom to parents - in prose

Words of the groom to parents - in verses:

The words of gratitude are glad to tell you
And call the best dad and mom.
Thank you for always helping
That my loved one was called me.
Forgiveness I ask for insults, mistakes,
For the fact that sometimes he did not value, he was inflexible.
My relatives, you give me strength,
The world, happiness and fortress of the family are protecting.

Mom and dad, your son became an adult,
Today they call me a bridegroom.
Thank you, I will say that I love you
Parents support helps me.
For you, I will always remain a child.
Ready to scold or amuse mentally.
But know what fate will not be,
I swear to love and appreciate daily.

For a long time you have become my family
And I do not forget you forever!
In words kind, simple
I want to thank you.
For your warmth, care,
For your strong love
For the fact that in happiness and in adversity
My beloved with me -
After all, you raised her like that.
Thank you, I say.
You have become completely close to me,
I value you very much!

Our dear parents,
We are "Thank you!" We want to tell you
For love and for the life that they gave us,
We thank you at the wedding.
We are grateful to you for science
And for the generosity of the hearts of relatives,
We are grateful for the fact that you are happiness
Divided into us two.
You will stay in our hearts
Together with your love, big
Thank you!" Let's say for that
What, today we have become a family.

There are no words to express our love
Our parents are beautiful
Thank you, relatives, for life and warm
The efforts are not in vain!
And on this solemn wedding day
We want to tell you a lot,
We are grateful to you for every moment
You opened our way to our life.

I have to thank you
It is with all my heart to say.
For the fact that I am happy
For understanding
Love without betraying
I have someone!
Yes, your daughter is like that -
And I love her!
And I will not stop you
To thank you forever
I will become close to you,
I will always value!

Thank you for raised, raised
And they were nearby in difficult moments!
They did not get tired of surrounding the care of
You supported me on the reins!
I want you to be always and satisfied with everyone,
And let you accompany you a great success!
I wish life not to hurt,
And let your sincere laughter pour the river!

I am healthy, beautiful, smart and happy -
This is yours, dear parents, a merit.
Thank you for taking care of falsehood
My children's world, raising wisely!
Thank you for the constant support
For the fact that you believe in me, give strength,
For your good invigorating grin,
For my feeling that I am omnipotent!

Thanks to your parents big,
For bread and salt, and for my life.
You loved me, took care of
I lived with you, just like in paradise.
You always understood the floor with the floor
They didn’t scold, they explained everything.
And now that I am leaving you
Do not be sad, because we will meet again!
God bless you, you are the best in the world,
Health of success and prosperity to you.
You have always been only a sun for me,
Let you live sweetly.

Wedding speeches responded.
And now, we are a new family.
Only one thing, today, did not say
Without which, indeed, you can’t:
Our dear mothers, dads
Thank you and bow to you.
Together, we will never be weak.
Our support and law you are.

Beautiful words to parents - in verses and prose

Beautiful words to parents - in verses and prose
Beautiful words to parents - in prose

Beautiful words to parents - in verses:

The soul is light and amazing
And, as in childhood, eternal spring,
Because parents are waiting at home,
Because they need me so much.
And these simple words seem to be
With pride I repeat again:
Genus, parents, birth,
Homeland - there is my native blood everywhere.
Let the spring flowers bloom around,
Let the eye delight with multicolor
I am always with special respect
I think parents, about you.

I recall my childhood serene
And the eyes of heavenly purity,
My mother's hands are gentle,
The voice of dad and his features.
You have done so much for me in life,
So that I can become a person.
Our feelings are tested by time,
And I want to tell you for everything “thank you”.

Sorry mom, dad, if upset!
Not entirely obedient as you wanted,
A little somewhere the harmfulness showed
And I did not give you my response warmth enough.
I know you are not angry with me!
For pranks and harmfulness you have long forgiven,
And despite my childish whim
Always still loved.

Thank you parents for tenderness
For kindness, patience, love
It's so nice to see in the mirror
The character of mom, dad's nose and eyebrow.
I'm glad I can return
Home, where I feel my beloved,
And your parents are very much thanks to you
For the fact that your daughter was born happy!

You are our dear, good!
How to tell you all?
Nowadays, it is unthinkable complicated,
Очень трудно детей воспитать.
So sometimes we were only we, we were,
Все и сразу хотелось бы нам.
Силы все до конца отдавали вы
Дочерям своим и сыновьям.
Дорогие вы наши родители!
Так любить нас кто будет еще?
Долго-долго на свете живите вы,
Мудро, счастливо и хорошо!

Люди, главные на свете,
Вас целуем много раз!
Ваши маленькие дети
Очень-очень любят вас!
С вас, достойных и красивых,
Мы пример готовы брать:
Сын – как папа, будет сильным,
The daughter is the mistress, like a mother.
Будем мы трудиться сами
And achieve success,
And at the same time dad with mom
Never forget!

Thank you relatives, mom and dad,
For the life that I live,
I hug you so much
After all, I love you so much ...
Thank you for the light for what you gave
For the air that I am breathing now,
For the fact that the world now I see
For this I simply love you.
Without you, because it would not be me ...
And I can't see these colors,
And I live, and I am alive and grateful to you for this ...

Dad and mom, what to give
For everything that you did?
How to measure, how to count,
How much did you give out love?
You raised, you cherished
From evil, troubles and insults.
You have always done everything you could
How to thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember my native features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the course of years.
Neither mothers nor dads have weekends,
There are no holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your relatives,
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be my gratitude
You, dear, bring you.
Dad and mom, I love you so,
Let God always keep you.

Words to parents are short - in verses and prose

Words to parents are short - in verses and prose
Words to parents are short - in prose

Words to parents are short - in verses:

You are our dear, good!
How to tell you all?
Nowadays, it is unthinkable complicated,
It is very difficult to raise children.
So sometimes we were only we, we were,
I would like everything at once.
You all gave the strength to the end
Their daughters and sons.
You are dear to our parents!
So to love us who will be?
For a long, long time you live in the world
Wisely, happily and good!

Parents are not just a word
This is love, ready for everything,
This is a vocation for life,
These are those who we value.

Thank you, parents, for this:
For kindness, patience, love.
Let the good angel not leave you,
A quiet light always shines in the soul,
Let the children come to you more often
Caring and love giving in response.

I am grateful to the best mom in the world,
I am grateful to the best father.
What they raised and gave a ticket,
Continue a family dream.
But warmth, support and care,
For understanding, for affection, kindness.

Parents! For the fact that in unison
In your hand, you followed this life,
Giving and raising children of the Fatherland -
Gratitude to you and the earthly bow!

I recall my childhood serene
And the eyes of heavenly purity,
My mother's hands are gentle,
The voice of dad and his features.
You have done so much for me in life,
So that I can become a person.
Our feelings are tested by time,
And I want to tell you for everything “thank you”.

Люди, главные на свете,
Вас целуем много раз!
Ваши маленькие дети
Очень-очень любят вас!
С вас, достойных и красивых,
We are ready to take an example!

Son - like dad, will be strong,
The daughter is the mistress, like a mother.
Будем мы трудиться сами
And achieve success,
And at the same time dad with mom
Never forget!

Mother and father!Thanks for all!
For a happy childhood - Ii remember him!
Years fly - your daughter has matured,
But what I listened to you did not spare.
I went to my daddy from early childhood:
Character and appearance, toaK two boots!
From mom, she also took a bit:
A little calm, she took a smile.
Thank you, relatives, I love you very much!
And let it rarely tell you ...

You gave life and were nearby,
When the paths wandered.
I am your tenderness and care
Beloved, did not forget.
I will say thank you that beautiful day
For everything that they gave in my life.
Your prayer and participation
Give light in pitch darkness.

My relatives, mom, dad,
Thanks today I say.
You have always been a support to me
I respect you and love you.
Let the eyes happily sparkle,
Be healthy, be cheerful.
Thank you for understanding,
You are most expensive for me in the world.

Dad and mom are the main people
The best people on this earth!
If you are nearby, I know what will happen
Calmly in life, both me and you.
Your warmth in the cold will warm up,
Strong hands will always support
The heart is dear when you get sick
You can cure you without difficulty.

Give you a god of long life, health,
Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!
My relatives, thank you for everything!
We compose an ode in these verses.

FROM pasibo, mommy and dad,
For the fact that I can do everything with you,
Confidently, with a smile, boldly
I always go through life.

I know that always support
I will find in the person of my parents
Divide with me you joy
And take away trouble.

Thank my parents for everything
For the fact that I live, breathe, grow up,
Let life only carry you good
And joyful gives impression!

And let God reward you with health
As strong as your marriage is reliable,
From all adversities, he will protect with his hand
And the right path will indicate in the off -road.

I want to sincerely say today -
I do not need more happiness in my life,
If only my father and mother are always
In a wonderful mood were nearby!

Touching words to parents - in verses and prose

Touching words to parents - in verses and prose
Touching words to parents - in prose

Touching words to parents - in verses:

Do not get old, dear parents,
Happiness to you, health, long years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We have no one else with us!
For warmth, for your souls good
And because you raised us,
For care and patience for a long time
May God give you health!

I wish my parents:
Happiness, joy, long years!
To gloomy sorrows
They did not disturb the trail.
Let the luck be near
Let love live in the hearts.
And of course with you next
There will be your son if ... what!

I want you to be happy
And health did not let you down.
I want the years of gold,
Infinity did not end in evil!
Do not be sad if it is sad,
Do not worry without great need.
Wishes to their beloved parents,
I devote my soul from my heart!

You have special wishes
On this day and at this hour
If only they would live to
Thus pleased us.
To be friends with the grandchildren,
They said a whisper:
Like, once lived.
They ate porridge with milk.
And they would weave a fable
Anyway from the first person:
About the Colloline girl,
Uzatykhny well.
Like a song will be fucked
A fairy tale with a saying again
And look - don't look at
To such a grace!

Precious parents!
I respect you very much.
So that you are long -livers,
Here I dream about this!
And I want you to be healthy
They stayed for many years.
Let the new one every day
Reveals this light!

Thank you say my parents,
For the fact that their life was dedicated to me,
Over the years that they gave me their own,
For the fact that without reproaches did.
God forbid you good health,
Happy, sunny days
Let your house be filled with love
May peace and love reign in it!

Thank you, mom, that you are always there.
You support in a word, gesture, look.
With me in life and success and happiness
Thanks to your participation!
And let your love shine with your love!
All wishes, good for you for many years!

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunny, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what I wish to wish
This wonderful day.
I wish joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your age
So that the heart is not torn to pieces,
My dear, my dear man!

The two most dear, dear people,
Two words of loved ones before the end of the century.
Mommy! Papul! And in joy and in a quarrel,
You are with me, there is no better support.
Health to you, peace, less care,
So that in the life of family - major notes.
Only happiness played on the flute of soul,
And joy was an integral part.

Thank you for just hearing me.
Mom, I know that you only breathe.
Sometimes you only understand me
Although maybe you don’t know about it.
I'm sorry that I sometimes make you swear
To worry in vain and be offended.
Understand, I do not do so from evil.
I am too much, too young ...

You remember sleepless nights with me,
My battle is for sure.
The heroine coped with everything,
We are invincible with you together.
You always love sincerely and hotly,
Ah, mom, thank you for your shoulder
Yours are always with me.
Know your smile as a reward.

Video: The most beautiful words of gratitude to the best parents

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