How to become a financially independent person, receiving one medium -sized salary: recommendations and stories of people who have come to financial independence, living on one salary

How to become a financially independent person, receiving one medium -sized salary: recommendations and stories of people who have come to financial independence, living on one salary

Many dream of becoming a financially independent person, but living on one small salary, they remain to stomp on the spot. Because not everyone understands that it depends on the person himself-you only really want to want to change your beliefs and your attitude to money.

Immediately note that we will not tell you about the delivery of our second housing, site, garage or cottage. If you had the opportunity to pass and receive additional income, without our instructions you would already rent your property. We want to talk about a situation where you have no inheritance or salary with such a size that you will buy a new apartment in a year. But you have A great desire to become a financially independent person!

And believe me - change only ideas and priorities in your head, even owning a salary of about 30 thousand rubles or 10 thousand hryvnias, you can achieve the goal. We will tell you how to become financially independent a person, regardless of the amount of your income or the currency received. This is real, but this is a lot of work on yourself in the first place!

How to become a financially independent and successful person, receiving average wages: Basic rules

  • To begin with, you must understand for yourself what means to be a financially independent person for you! In principle, financial independence implies that your income will not be a means of survival and a litter to the next income point. Of course, we all want to live without denying anything ourselves. But be honest at least with yourself - for this, either your parents should be millionaires, or you should have earned well for several years, or even dozens.
    • Financial independence makes it possible not to consider the remaining amount to active income. Moreover, it will come at the moment when you can afford not to go to work or not work for another person in order to get this active income to provide a family.And at this moment you can manage your time yourself! We understand that for this your capital should be very rather big. But you can start small!
Oddly enough, but this is freedom from finances!
Oddly enough, but this is freedom from finances!
  • You should not only believe in the possibility of such an outcome of things, but also be completely saturated with your dream. Even your thoughts should not be reduced to a position: “Yes, Pete was just lucky - parents bought an apartment, so he achieved everything”; “Yes, it is impossible to accumulate money for a plane with such a salary”, etc. Control your words, as well as thoughts that come down to poverty and negative! Our Universe hears, no matter how trite it sounds. But to save money with the program “At least these interest were enough for bread” - you are collecting for that.
    • Moreover, here we are not even talking about the connection with the cosmos. This is more at the psychological level - If you believe in something, you are enthusiastic from the inside and strive for your goal! This applies not only to finance, but also in other aspects of our lives.
  • Find your business true! Decide for yourself what you want to do. In this case, you will practically not know fatigue, and the desire will not leave you. Yes, this is perfect if the work brings you not only money, but also a great joy! If you cannot abandon highly paid work, then get yourself a hobby for the soul! By the way, it can also be used for additional income.
  • But there is another rule of people with a business grip, as they say - The cases of finance should be considered from the point of view of profitability, And not from the position of more than weekends and generally less work and “tension”. If you understand that it will not work much to make money on this, you should not even start! And also arrange the investment law - Your investments should not decrease!
  • Communicate with financially independent people! Your circle of communication should inspire you, and not create a feeling of despondency or self -doubt. By the way, this is one of the indicators of poverty and their unrealization - many people who have achieved nothing, at the expense of others are trying to increase their significance. A successful person does not do that!
  • There are a lot of ways to realize yourself in the world, but do not rush from the financial pyramid to masseurs, and then to the cashiers in the supermarket. You must set yourself goals, develop details and go forward!
    • Take for yourself the habit of writing an action plan. Start small, and then build projects for a month and even a year.
  • Give up the habits that slow you down. Many people like to watch movies on the weekend for hours or even in the evening after work. This is not a vacation - this is a soil for the maturation of a large Leni! Yes, it is with a capital letter, since the “lying” lifestyle quickly tires and takes your potential. Successful people watch TV or use social networks to find out useful information.
Refer your habits!
Refer your habits!

How to become a financially independent person - we work on the financial side and our weaknesses

  • Make a plan of your income and expenses

Yes, get a notebook, write down all the money. It will be hard at first, then you will get used to it. But this is the only way you will see the whole picture as a whole! To become a financially independent person, your expenses should not exceed income!

  • Look for additional source of income

If the salaries are not enough, you need to try to find an additional source of income. Of course, this can be promotion on a career ladder, additional hours, a small part -time job, but this will not bring financial independence. If you want just such freedom, then you should think about an alternative source of income that can provide your future. Think about your abilities, hobbies, knowledge that you can use for additional, and possibly the main profit.

  1. The ability to sew, knit, make crafts can become not only the basis for creating exclusive things for sale, but also the reason for opening an author's workshop.
  2. The ability to photograph or shoot on camera can be used to serve various celebrations, weddings, graduation evenings and even opening your own photo studio. By the way, no one prevents you from mastering photoshop at home.
  3. A home computer can be used not only for gaming games and communication in social networks, but also as a powerful technical tool for earning on the Internet. You can easily find numerous ways of receiving such income on the network and can choose according to your abilities.
  4. If you have a car, it can also be used as a technical resource for various part -time jobs.

Everything that is listed above refers to the source of the so -called active income. That is, the one in which a person directly invests his work and his time.

  • Have a passive income, although from a small profit

Passive income is the one that does not require such costs when his investments and investments work on a person.Well -calculated and properly organized passive income can make a person completely independent.

  1. The simplest example of passive income is an account or a deposit in a bank set at interest. But so that it gives tangible results, the amount of the account should be quite large. Therefore, we offer to read the article "How much money is needed in the bank to receive interest, which are enough for the cost of living?"
  2. Passive sources of income include copyright deductions from the book, photographs and drawings created by you and posted on various drains on the network.
  3. A good passive income can give your website or channel on YouTube, a blog filled with current content. True, it should be quite promoted and efficiently developed.
  4. In addition to a specific case that everyone can master today, there are other ways to receive additional income. And it is most profitable to invest your money, large or small accumulations, you can read in our article - "15 profitable offers for investing cash"

Look for sources of income by your knowledge, skills and capabilities, and if there are no such ones-remember that it is never too late to study, especially in our time with an abundance of all kinds of courses, master classes and trainings.

And do not forget about patience! Know that nothing is easy, and the money does not accumulate quickly. Therefore, do not give up the case, for example, after the first unsuccessful investment. Take the lesson from your mistakes and move on! By the way, because of a possible failure, we never invest all our money in one place!  

5 steps
5 steps

The main steps to become a financially independent person

Any way to become a financially independent person leads to the ability to save money!

  • Starting capital can be accumulated by saving.But you must study your budget and make a list of what you can refuse Not to the detriment of your health and standard of living. For example, it will only be good if you quit smoking and will not spend money on cigarettes or an extra bottle of beer. Refusing a campaign in a cafe, a taxi trip, an expensive gadget, supermarket clothing will also not be harmful.
  • It is believed that for the effective accumulation of funds, everyone can afford to refuse himself from 10% of their regular income and 50% of random or unforeseen income. You can gradually, with an increase in your income (passive, additional or active), increase the amount of deposits to 30%.
    • Like a little advice: The accumulated funds should be stored not at home, but on the bank account - so you will save yourself from temptation to use them for other purposes and earn on interest. Moreover, it is not necessary to shoot them - let them drip to the total amount.
  • We make a financial pillow!It should be created before the start of accumulation. The law of any successful person is to have an inviolable supply with a subsistence minimum in six months!
  • But the most important rule is regularity! We decided to start drinking - we firmly delay a certain amount every month! Even more, unforeseen income appeared - all in the piggy bank!

  • You must also have several goals and types of accumulation - until the end of life and for investment. In no case should you remove the first stock - this is what will be the percentage for which you can live independently or become a millionaire in retirement. The second savings - we invest in different points by more than their accumulation and increase.
  • Some part of the money, again regularly, Give it to charity. The universe always returns everything. But the most important thing is that you will feel better. Yes, helping others, you will charge yourself!
  • And do not forget to study! Never stop at the knowledge achieved either in terms of knowledge or in terms of your savings.
In any income, it is important to be able to be able to save them!
In any income, it is important to be able to save them!

“How I became a financially independent person”: real stories of people who have come to financial independence with an average salary

Lyudmila, 34 years old, Sochi, a diploma of a programmer

For those who skeptically think that a girl cannot buy an apartment, and even in a large city, I assure you - you just did not live this purpose. Yes, my path was very long-I began to collect money from 18-19 years old, when I was a student. First, I saved in a hostel in a bank, under the bed all my additional income and part of the scholarship. I agree, parents helped - it was easier. But I didn’t sit idle either - I went out after classes, in the summer I was issued a waitress. No, I rested with friends, bought myself things - that is, I saved up money, but without fanaticism and damage to health. I just took the iron rule for myself - always and from all revenues at least 10% put on savings. There was no money - threw at least 50 rubles for at least!

My income is under my control!
Motto: My income is always under my control and is always replenished!

This option is not suitable for everyone, but after studying I went to work and began to live with my parents. And I have them from the suburbs, so in the morning I went to work in the city and in the evening back. It was still cheaper than renting an apartment. On the way, I knitted things for additional sale. All the money that I received with the same savings from rented housing, from the sale of things and knitted toys, from pies and cakes (sometimes baked to order) - I carried everything to the bank to the total amount. By the way, you need to store money in several banks and in different currency - like advice on service. I was able to buy a two -room apartment, not quite near the sea, but still I go regularly on the weekend! In addition, in parallel, she opened the site for the sale of her knitted things, expanded over time the site with other outfits and toys. I am now working on myself, although I can’t say that I do nothing at all - but I am free and I control my time. I did not have a scheme or a clear plan, but there was a system and a goal! After all, I knew that my parents would not be able to buy an apartment and I would not get an accidental inheritance either.

Andrey, 38 years old, Minsk, psychologist's diploma

I can say one thing - sitting on one salary, it will be necessary to collect for a long time. Be sure to look for at least a temporary, seasonal or even one -time part -time job! The next step concerns the optimization of income and expenses - we spend a lot on unnecessary things. Agree - we climb out of the skin to buy a phone cooler than a neighbor. This is so, an example. There is even an anecdote that a guy in branded and branded things travels to work in a tram. Think about it - we make a lot of purchases of things that are unnecessary to us. You will become a financially independent person and you will buy! And in order to become them, you need to separate the necessary from waste! But I will say one thing while you go to this independence, your views on many things change in terms of expenses.

Motto: for the money to work, they must be in motion!
Motto: For the money to work, they must be in motion!

The next step, of course, save, put off, invest and make bonds. These are the same savings, but with another system. That is, you buy bonds, and then with a percentage you resell them at the right time. It's so brief! I put aside in several banks and for different purposes - I smoke for retirement. Here I dream in this period to live for my pleasure. My second investment applies to my own earnings. You can choose any other sphere - I chose the info business (making a profit from the sale of information). It is mine! And yet, years of study at the institute did not go in vain - a psychologist’s diploma sometimes helps out very much. But the most important thing is that I certainly sacrifice my money for charity! Money belongs to our world, God and the universe. And for good deeds, the reward will certainly return! At least, after volunteering, things went much better. And another remark - children are not an obstacle for accumulation! I say from personal experience, the main thing is desire and goal!

You must understand that there is a lot of money in the world. But they can belong to you only if you can offer this world something in return-your physical or intellectual work, the product you produce, services or something else. Think about how you can make this world happy - and you will probably have ideas that will only have to develop and improve. It is important to believe in their abilities and remember that among the oligarchs and billionaires there are many who spent their childhood in poverty, began with scratch, and now holds leading positions in the lists Forbes.

Video: How to become a financially independent person?

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Comments K. article

  1. Good article, inspires. Thank you

  2. All my life I have made ends meet, but when I read the article, I paid with all my debts, stopped taking it to my salary and began to feel much more confident in this life. Of course, it is still far from financial independence, but now I know for sure that I will achieve it.

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