How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with your own hands over your trousers, with a smell, on ties, with pockets: models, patterns, photos. What length should there be a skirt in the church according to the canon? Does the church recognize the sin to wear leather skirts?

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with your own hands over your trousers, with a smell, on ties, with pockets: models, patterns, photos. What length should there be a skirt in the church according to the canon? Does the church recognize the sin to wear leather skirts?

The skirt for the church should be a long and restrained model. Read the article and you will know how to sew such a product yourself.

The church has its own canons and long -standing traditions based on Christian teaching. Any person who entered the temple should look modest and restrained. Especially, women's clothing is made of great importance.

  • A woman should put on modest clothes in church. It is forbidden to come to the temple in trousers, high -heeled shoes, with open shoulders and without a scarf.
  • On a woman, trousers are regarded as leadership in front of her husband, and this is wrong. After all, the apostle Paul said that the woman obeys her husband and God. Therefore, a woman in the wardrobe should have a long skirt to visit the temple.
  • In this article you will find answers to the questions: what a skirt should be, how it can be sewn on your own and on what patterns.
  • Read the article to know in what clothes you need to come to church for Christian teaching, which is the only true for every believer.

What skirt can be worn in the church?

What skirt can be worn in the church?
What skirt can be worn in the church?

If you accidentally passed by and were dressed in the usual clothes, for example, trousers, and you did not have a scarf with you, then there is nothing wrong with that. Once you can come to church in trousers, and a scarf can be bought on the spot. But, if you constantly go to the temple in jeans or other types of pants, then the clergy and parishioners will not approve this.

What skirt can be worn in the church?

  • The skirt for the church should be knee -deep or lower, non -core color, modest cut.
  • However, modernity dictates different fashion, and if you come in a long skirt, but the original cut, then you will not make a remark if this item does not seem too defiant.
  • In general, the skirt should be direct cut or slightly flared, but without vulgar sections and other similar finishes.

You can sew a skirt for the church yourself. It will turn out a stylish and suitable for visiting the temple item of a wardrobe.

What length should there be a skirt in the church according to the canon?

What length should there be a skirt in the church according to the canon?
What length should there be a skirt in the church according to the canon?

Now long skirts and dresses on the floor are in fashion. Therefore, when choosing clothes for the temple, modern girls and women will have no problems. What length should there be a skirt in the church according to the canon? As mentioned above, according to the canon, a woman should wear a skirt below the knees. In extreme cases, you can put on a dress or skirt knee -deep, if you do not have other clothes.

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with your own hands over your trousers?

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with your own hands over your trousers?
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with your own hands over your trousers?

If you like to wear trousers, and you have no suitable clothes in your wardrobe for going to the temple, then you can sew a skirt that is worn over your trousers. This is convenient, because after the church it can be easily removed and set off on your business in the usual clothes.

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with your own hands over your trousers? Buy silk in the store that will not be crushed or other material for your choice. To make it convenient to put on such a skirt, make it a smell on the ties. The amount of fabric will depend on the width of the material. If the width is 1.5-2 meters, then you will need as much fabric as you need the length of the skirt-0.7-0.9 meters.

Remember: such a skirt over the trousers should be long (almost to the ankles), otherwise it will look strange.

Model of the skirt on the belt with fasteners in front of the back.

How to sew a skirt into the church with your own hands over your trousers?
How to sew a skirt into the church with your own hands over your trousers?

An interesting model of a two -layer skirt on the ties. The fabric for this skirt should be light and airy.

How to sew a skirt into the temple with your own hands over your trousers?
How to sew a skirt into the temple with your own hands over your trousers?

A skirt that does not even need to be sewn. There is such a knitted material that does not bloom. Just cut the skirt you need length and width, make ties and wear a finished product over your trousers. Such a fabric is usually not crushed, as well as very strong and light.

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple over your trousers?
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple over your trousers?

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: models, patterns, photos

Smell skirt models are always very original and interesting. Such products are easy to sew on your own, and even a novice craftswoman can do this. Here are a few models:

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: models, patterns, photos
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: models, patterns, photos
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: models, patterns
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: models, patterns
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: Models
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: Models

So, how to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell, patterns, photo:

This skirt is not made on ties, but on two buttons. You can not do your pockets.

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: patterns
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: patterns

A more detailed pattern of the skirt with the smell.

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: patterns and photos
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with a smell: patterns and photos

A smell skirt is, in fact, a rectangular piece of fabric stolen from all sides. It can be chosen and sewn to the belt, or you can make the fasteners and then sew the top to the belt. Any woman can sew such a skirt, even if there is no sewing machine at home. All seams can be carefully treated with a needle with a thread manually.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: models, patterns, photos

It happens that we are going to travel, but we do not know what sights will come across in our way. Perhaps you will have to visit temples and monasteries, and a skirt with ties will come in handy. Indeed, the usual clothing of a tourist is trousers or shorts, and there is no opportunity to change clothes on the way to a holy place.

How to sew a skirt to church, a temple on the ties? Here are a few models, patterns and photos:

  • A skirt with a smell on the ties is usually sewn without a pattern.
  • The width will go for a girth, and measure the length of the material along the length of your future skirt.
  • If you want to make howls, as on this skirt, then you will need another fabric 3 m long. If you make narrow wounds, then 1.5 meters of material will be enough.
  • First, cut and assume the oxen, then sew them to the skirt panel.
  • Sew the belt at the end. It should be 50 cm longer on each side of the skirt. These will be ties.
How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: models, patterns, photos
How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: models, patterns, photos

This is what happens at the end. If there are many fabrics and it is different, then you can make a multi -tiered skirt.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: models, photo
How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: models, photo

This pattern of an interesting skirt model. Mark on the material a length equal to the volume of your hips and the remaining half of this volume to the edge is hidden along the oblique line. You will get a beautiful cut edge.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: patterns
How to sew a skirt to church, temple on ties: patterns

Here is another interesting model of the skirt on the ties, which are inserted into a plastic or metal buckle.

  • Measure the waist.
  • Take a rectangular section of the fabric 1.5-2 meters long, and its width will be equal to the length of your skirt.
  • Twist one lower side of the canvas with a smooth arc to make a beautiful phalda. Process the edges.
  • This skirt does not have a belt. Instead of ties, the ends of the canvas will serve, which need to be tucked into a buckle.
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple on the ties?
How to sew a skirt to church, a temple on the ties?

You can sew such a skirt without a pattern. To do this, use light types of fabrics: flax, x/b, chiffon. But, and if you want to sew a skirt on the ties made of denser fabric, then use the pattern, since such a product should sit well on the figure, without folds.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: models, patterns, photos

Pockets are a convenient thing, since you can put money and other necessary items when going to the temple in them. After all, it is inconvenient to go to the church with a bag or bag, it is necessary that nothing interfere and the hands be free. How to sew a skirt to church, a temple with pockets? Here are a few models with patterns and photos:

It will be easier if you make pockets on the side seam of the skirt. When you scribble the side seam, do not sew a hole 10-12 cm wide at a distance of 15-20 cm from the top. Then cut the pockets: 4 rectangles in size 15 cm x 20 cm. Sew them and sew them to the side seams.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: models, patterns, photos
How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: models, patterns, photos

This skirt on the elastic band is sewn without a pattern. Take two panels with a width of 1 m and length along the length of the skirt. Sew them, leaving holes for your pockets. Make and sew your pockets. At the top, pass the edge for the elastic band. You can sew screening for the belt. Insert the rubber and the skirt is ready.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: models
How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: models

A skirt with overhead large pockets on the belt.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: photo
How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: photo

Direct pencil skirt with an oncoming fold in front.

How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: pattern
How to sew a skirt to church, temple with pockets: pattern

You can come up with your own model of a skirt on an elastic band or on the ties with pockets for the temple, and then sew it.

How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands: patterns, photo

How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands: patterns, photo
How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands: patterns, photo

Many people are sure that if modest, then ugly and old -fashioned. But you can dress in the temple stylishly and with taste. How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands? Here are a few patterns and photos:

A skirt-year is always in fashion. Sew it from discreet, dense or light material. You will get a stylish outfit for going to church.

How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands: patterns
How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands: patterns

Here are a few models of skirts and patterns: straight cut, semickens, clay, a sun skirt.

How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands?
How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, with your own hands?

Skirt-year with oncoming folds. Choose an interesting combination of fabrics and create your own unique outfit for going to the temple.

How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, Church with your own hands: photo
How to sew a long beautiful skirt for visiting the temple, Church with your own hands: photo

Does the church recognize the sin to wear leather skirts?

Behind any leather thing is the killing of an animal. But people think little about this. In leather sheepskin coats, it is warm in winter, and leather boots are more durable and do not get wet into slush.

Does the church recognize the sin to wear leather skirts? Traditional Christian ethics is accepted that a woman puts a scarf at the entrance to the temple and is dressed in a skirt or dress. Regarding leather skirts, there are no special requirements: some parishes forbid to wear such a robe, while others are loyal to this clothing.

Advice: If you came to the temple in such a skirt and the priest made a remark to you, then next time get dressed differently. If you go to church for a big holiday, wedding or christening, it is better to give up a leather skirt and dress a more modest outfit.

Why should you wear a skirt in the church and is it necessary to put it on?

Why should you wear a skirt in the church and is it necessary to put it on?
Why should you wear a skirt in the church and is it necessary to put it on?

According to the canon, a woman should come to the temple in women's clothing, and a man in a male. Pants were never women's clothes, so the lady should go to the temple in a skirt or dress. It is necessary to wear a skirt and a scarf in the church, since this is humility before God.

You need to go to church as a holiday. Clothing and shoes should be clean. A woman needs to abandon bright makeup and can not be painted lipstick. Also, on the eve of the trip to the temple, you need to wash yourself, in the morning it is advisable not to eat or drink. In the church you can drink holy water and try prosphoras, and it is better to do it on an empty stomach to let the Holy Spirit into yourself.

Video: Why do women need to wear a scarf and skirt in the church?

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