How to sew a fashionable fatin skirt, jeans and chiffon with your own hands? Patterns for the skirt of the sun, year, Tatyanka

How to sew a fashionable fatin skirt, jeans and chiffon with your own hands? Patterns for the skirt of the sun, year, Tatyanka

Sewing a fashionable and beautiful skirt yourself will not be difficult. To sew some models, you do not even need a pattern.

  • In the wardrobe of every fashionista there are different models of skirts. Every day wearing a dress or trousers is not always convenient. The skirt allows you to change the images depending on the mood, thanks to the combination of the top and the bottom
  • The skirt helps to emphasize in a woman grace, elegance and ease of gait. But all things go out of fashion, and a woman should not forget about it. It is necessary to update your wardrobe from time to time to be at the peak of popularity
  • Not everyone can afford to buy several fashionable skirt models every new season. But do not be upset, because a fashionable skirt can be created independently. In this article, you can find patterns of different models of fashionable skirts, which almost every lady can sew

How to sew a fashionable skirt with your own hands?

How to sew a fashionable skirt yourself?
How to sew a fashionable skirt yourself?

Many women are afraid to sew, because they think that they will not succeed. But it is worth trying to sew your dream skirt once, and then you can update the wardrobe with the help of independently created masterpieces.

How to sew a fashionable skirt with your own hands? None of the shows of the fashion houses is complete without a pencil skirt. This is a classic model, it is very convenient, stylish and modern.

Important: this season, Basque of various shapes is added to such a skirt. Moreover, Baska can be removable, which is very convenient for a modern woman. With such a skirt, it is easy to change the images.

Here is the pattern of the simplest Basque. At the back, it is necessary to sew a zipper-fastener.

How to sew a fashionable skirt yourself - Basque
How to sew a fashionable skirt yourself - Basque

Tip: Make a removable Basque-remember, and give a new life already worn clothes. No need to look for exactly the same material in stores - the contrast in color and textured drawing adds uniqueness to the image.

Below is a pattern of asymmetric bases with an interesting “collar” at the waist in front.

How to sew a fashionable skirt yourself - a basket in the form of a collar
How to sew a fashionable skirt yourself - a basket in the form of a collar

Tip: You can make a basket by lengthening the Volan from the side or behind. A skirt with such a basque is suitable for an image for a romantic evening or a date.

In order to sew a new skirt, it is not necessary to make a pattern. You can cut it according to the old thing. Full the following stages:

  1. On a large table, lay the material with the front side down
  2. Put the old skirt on top and circle all the details with chalk on the contour, adding 2 cm along the seam
  3. Cut along lines drawn chalk
  4. Now make a busky pattern and transfer it to the fabric, cut it with scissors
  5. Sew all the elements of the product. Start evenly, look at the bassk along the waist, outline and sew the product in the belt

Important: it is not necessary to make the barskys of the same size in width. You can make it narrow or, conversely, add it in width. You will get a skirt in its individual pattern.

Look at the master class of the famous designer who shows how to make a bascist skirt.

Video: Master class of designer: Baska!

How to sew with your own hands skirt a pencil: patterns

How to make a pencil skirt yourself?
How to make a pencil skirt yourself?

Above, we examined how to sew a pencil skirt without a pattern, cutting the details according to the old thing. But after all, a woman constantly wants something new, so you can use patterns to sew a new thing.

How to sew a pencil skirt with your own hands? Patterns:

  1. Skirt with Basques
Patter of a skirt pencil with a basque
Patter of a skirt pencil with a basque

2. A product narrowed to the bottom

Pattern of a pencil skirt narrowed to the bottom
Pattern of a pencil skirt narrowed to the bottom

3. The elongated model

Patter of an elongated pencil skirt
Patter of an elongated pencil skirt

4. With a wide belt-chain

Patter of a pencil skirt with a wide belt of a coquet
Patter of a pencil skirt with a wide belt of a coquet

5. With the wax from waist to the bottom

Patter of a pencil skirt with waxes
Patter of a pencil skirt with waxes

How to sew a long skirt on the floor: patterns

How to sew a long skirt on the floor?
How to sew a long skirt on the floor?

The floor skirt emphasizes the femininity of the image, adding mystery and mystery.

How to sew a long skirt on the floor? We do not need patterns. Also, we will not make a step or sew the belt. We proceed to sewing:

  1. Remove only two measurements: hips and length from waist to the floor
  2. Add 50cm to the ditch of hips - you get the width of the fabric cut
  3. The length of the cut is a measure from the waist to the floor plus 15 cm for processing the edges and on the firmware of the bend for inserting rubber braid
  4. Fold the fabric in half along the length and stitch the edge
  5. Output the bottom and upper edge for inserting the elastic band, and also stitch
  6. Insert rubber braid and tie its edges with a knot. You can try on the new thing

How to sew such a skirt can be seen in the video. The girl showing a master class did not even bother with threads, but fastened the edges with needles. If it’s hard for you to do the same, use a thread with a needle.

Video: How to sew a long skirt on the floor?

If you want to sew a more complex and elegant model, then use such patterns:

  1. Country skirt
Patter of a long skirt into the floor of country
Pattern of a long skirt into the floor "Country"

2. Skirt on the floor with a stake

Patter of a long skirt on the floor with a stake
Patter of a long skirt on the floor with a stake

3. Direct single -sewing skirt with a shuttlecock

Pattern of a long one -sewing skirt on the floor
Pattern of a long one -sewing skirt on the floor

4. Skirt half -sun, flared to the bottom and with a “coat” belt

Patter of a long skirt in the floor half
Pattern of a long skirt in the floor "Pysolnets"

5. A skirt with a smell in the style of boho

Patter of a long skirt into the floor with a smell
Patter of a long skirt into the floor with a smell

How to sew a “tatyanka” skirt with your own hands?

How to sew a tattoo skirt yourself?
How to sew a “tatyanka” skirt yourself?

The Tatyanka skirt is a favorite skirt of many generations. Young girls wear mini and midi, and in the wardrobe of women Tatyanka Maxi.

How to sew a “tatyanka” skirt with your own hands? There will be only three measurements:

  1. Measure the waist, hips and length of the product
  2. Prepare the fabric. It can be knitwear, leather, suede or others
  3. Cut the rectangle with such sides on the fabric: the length of the skirt is plus 5cm and the width of the hips or depending on the desired splendor
  4. Sew the side edges of the product. Then stitch the bottom and top for the elastic band
  5. Insert the elastic band and tie the edges with a knot

Tip: put on such a skirt with a T -shirt, T -shirt, top or turtleneck. You can wear a fitted jacket with a cool summer evening.

How to sew a skirt of a year: patterns

How to sew a skirt of a year?
How to sew a skirt of a year?

The warm skirt is a great option for the fall. But this season is spring-summer, designers offer a year from thin fabrics. The main thing is that the fabric is flowing and soft.

How to sew a skirt of a year? The pattern of such a product is built on the basis of a straight skirt on the floor, and the number of wedges can vary from 4 to 12.

The pattern of the skirt is year old
The pattern of the skirt is year old
  1. To sew such a skirt, make 8 such patterns
  2. From the hips line, measure down from 10 to 30 centimeters. This distance depends on how long you want to make in a skirt
  3. There were three points - these are centers of circles for building wedges
  4. Draw parts of circles-sides in size 7-14 cm
  5. Sew all the details, sew the belt and stitch the bottom

Important: if the fabric with a pattern, then the parts are laid out in one direction. If the fabric is monophonic, the parts are laid out in the opposite direction.

How to sew a beautiful skirt of the year is told by the designer in this video:

Video: Skirt Pol.mp4

How to sew a fatin skirt with your own hands?

How to sew a fatin skirt yourself?
How to sew a fatin skirt yourself?

Fatin skirt is very popular this season. This is a beautiful and practical thing. In such a skirt you will always be in the spotlight.

How to sew a fatin skirt with your own hands? Perform the following:

  1. Measure the rubber braid along the waist and go its edges
  2. Cut the ribbons from tulle (their length is equal to the length of the product)
  3. Apply strips alternately and sew to the elastic band. Form small folds and stretch the rubber braid to make the skirt lush
  4. Make a few layers of tulle
  5. Sew the belt from the fabric to the tone of the mesh and treat the bottom with the same fatin

There are many more ways to sew such wardrobe items for a thematic party or for an evening exit. You can find out about all these methods in this article.

How to sew the Sun skirt with your own hands?

How to sew the sun skirt yourself?
How to sew the Sun skirt yourself?

The Sun skirt is a universal skirt. A model of simple x/b fabric is suitable for everyday life, and a skirt of expensive and beautiful material will decorate an evening image.

How to sew the Sun skirt with your own hands? To do it is very simple:

Sun pat
Pattern of the skirt "Sun"
  1. Remove only 2 standards: waist girth and length from waist to bottom
  2. Fold a piece of fabric 1.5m x 1.5m 4 times
  3. In the corner of the square, measure a quarter of the waist and cut. It is possible in a different way: the radius of the full circle is equal to the girth of the waist divided into 6.28
  4. Measure the length of the product and draw the bottom with chalk, leaving the allowance 2 cm. Cut off the excess fabric
  5. Now you should sew the zipper: cut the fabric from the waist down by 10cm. Process the edges on the overlock and sew the fastener
  6. A belt is a rectangle with a 7cm width and a length equal to the waist of the waist plus 10cm. Fold in half and sew to the product
  7. Treat the bottom on the overlock and bend the fabric with an adhesive tape-net and iron

See how to make a pattern in this video correctly:

Video: 059 - Olga Nikishicheva. Singe Solntice with one seam

How to sew a chiffon skirt with your own hands?

How to sew a chiffon skirt yourself?
How to sew a chiffon skirt yourself?

The bargoning is a delicate, air and soft material. You can make a beautiful and lush skirt out of it.

How to sew a chiffon skirt with your own hands? Take simple steps:

  1. Sew the upsurger like a conventional straight skirt or skirt of Tatyanka
  2. The main upper layer will be the type of “Sun” skirt. How to find it, see it above
  3. Sew together the elevator and upper skirt
  4. Sew the belt. If it is on the elastic band, then the clasp is not needed. If the belt is stupid, make a 10cm section from behind and sew the zipper

How else you can sew a chiffon skirt, you will find in this article.

How to sew a short skirt: pattern

How to sew a short skirt?
How to sew a short skirt?

A skirt-short is an indispensable thing in a women's summer wardrobe. The pattern of the short skirt is based on the pattern of the trouser skirt, only you need to remove two third lengths.

How to sew a short skirt? The pattern will be made on your favorite jeans:

  1. Fold the fabric in half in the face inward
  2. Draw in the middle line line. All actions will take place around her
  3. Fold the jeans in half in front and attach to this line. Draw a part plus 2 cm for allowances
  4. Do the same with the other half - the back
  5. On the sides you can add 20 cm and make a short skirt with a smell
  6. Make two steps in front and back and side seams
  7. Sew the backs, stitch the bottom and edges of the smells
  8. Hide the belt equal to the measure of the waist plus 20 cm. Attach and sew first to the front half, and then to the back
  9. Design the remaining fabric in the form of a bow

All stages can be seen in this video:

Video: How to sew summer trousers in half an hour? Olga Nikishicheva.

You can also use other, more complex patterns for sewing such a skirt model:

Pattern of the skirt of shorts
Pattern of the skirt of shorts
Patter of a light skirt shorts
Patter of a light skirt shorts
Pattern of the skirt of shorts with the smell
Pattern of the skirt of shorts with the smell

How to sew a jeans skirt with your own hands?

How to sew a jeans skirt yourself?
How to sew a jeans skirt yourself?
  • If the house has a denim fabric, then you can sew a skirt out of it yourself. You can do this by the pattern of a pencil skirt, short skirts, skirts on the floor. All these patterns can be found above in this article
  • In the next video, a specialist shows how to sew a jeans skirt with your own hands for a non -standard figure
  • In addition, you can sew an interesting model of skirts from old jeans. How to do this is told in this article
  • Do not be afraid to create with your own hands. This will help update the wardrobe in just a few hours

Video: Skirt pattern. How to sew a skirt?

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