Hand care. How to preserve youth and beauty of hands? Cosmetic care for hands, fingers and nails at home: massage, peeling, hand baths, paraffin therapy and spa

Hand care. How to preserve youth and beauty of hands? Cosmetic care for hands, fingers and nails at home: massage, peeling, hand baths, paraffin therapy and spa

Want to have beautiful and well -groomed hands? Then this article is for you, here we will talk about all the secrets and intricacies of skin care.

Women's hands are sung in songs, they take the newborn child and soothingly stroke the male face. Hands - the personification of tenderness and femininity. That is why women seek to preserve youthful hands longer, because their hands are aging earlier than the face. You should observe the rules of care and pamper your pens. How to do it? Let's talk about this topic.

What does the right care of hands look like?

Often we resort to care only when wounds or excessive dryness have already appeared. This is wrong, the care should be daily. Only with regular care can achieve an ideal state, as well as prevent early aging. Correct care provides for:

  • protection;
  • moisturization;
  • food;
  • massage.

Important: it is necessary to protect your hands from the negative effects of household chemicals, from sharp changes in water temperature, from frost and direct UV rays.

The skin of the hands is subject to dehydration, since there are no sebaceous glands in it. Moisturization is the sure way to maintain elasticity and avoid wrinkles. Nutrition with useful oils, saturation of vitamins allows the skin to have a healthy look. Massage promotes smoothing small wrinkles.

Home daily care

It is completely easy to care for your hands. Take the habit of observing some rules:

  1. Wash your hands with water with medium temperature. Hot water, like cold, causes drying out.
  2. Warm always do it on gloves. This also includes washing dishes. If it is inconvenient to work in special rubber gloves, buy medical ones. They are thinner and more convenient.
  3. Apply the cream field of how your hands came with water. In order not to forget about the cream, get a few jars and put them near the bed, on the shelf in the bathroom, in the kitchen. Then you definitely will not forget to apply the cream, because it will always be in sight.
  4. Before going to bed, carefully massage your fingers, brushes.

This is what applies to elementary daily care. In addition, do not forget about more careful care in the form of masks and baths once a week.

Spa, spa hands

Spa treaters were created not only for beauty, but also for relaxation. Spas-leaving relaxes, gives pleasure, raises mood, and also saturates the skin with useful substances. You can spend a spa process during a manicure. Experts advise resorting to the spa in the fall in the fall-winter. Just during this period, our skin is subject to the effects of cold, heating devices. At this time, it is vulnerable and prone to drying out. The spa will be able to return her excellent condition. The spa process includes the following stages:

  1. Hands plunge into warm water with herbs (mint, lavender, lemon balm, rose, etc.) or sea salt.
  2. A scrub is applied, hands are massaged for several minutes. At this time, a layer of keratinized cells is removed and nutrients easily penetrate the epidermis.
  3. The specialist will select a nutrient mask with such ingredients that will be the most useful for your skin. The mask is applied with a thick layer, and plastic gloves and warm mittens are put on top. In this position, you will rest for 10-15 minutes.
  4. The final stage is massage. Massage is done with an oil or other basis.

Sometimes spa treatments are accompanied by paraffin therapy. Paraffin therapy can be carried out independently.

Using wax and hand for hand at home

The benefits of paraffin therapy in getting rid of dryness, healing wounds and cracks. For the procedure, you need a cosmetic paraffin. Cosmetic paraffin is cleaned and safe. High -quality paraffin cannot be cheap. However, the beauty of the hands is worth it, for one procedure, not so much paraffin is required.

  • Before the procedure, clean your hands using a scrub
  • remove the keratinized layer,
  • then apply a nourishing cream.
  • Dear your prepared hands in a warm -up paraffin.
  • In total, apply three layers, and then warm your hands with plastic bags and mittens.
  • Wait 15 minutes,
  • wash off paraffin and apply the cream again.

Tenderness and smoothness will appear immediately.

Hand care products

The standard hand care product is cream. In addition to creams, there are other means, they carefully and effectively care for. It:

  • soap;
  • masks;
  • gels;
  • lotions;
  • balms.

Each of these means can have various properties: antiseptic, healing, restoring, protective, moisturizing. You just have to choose the right remedy.

What cosmetics do you need to care for?

The main criterion for good cosmetics is quality. It is advisable to purchase products in certified stores. In addition, cosmetics must meet age criteria.

Important: do not take age creams if you have not yet reached the age indicated on the packaging.

Look at the expiration date. If the term is too large, this means that the product contains a huge number of preservatives. Of course, the product should not be expired.

Choose hand cosmetics based on your own purposes. For example, if small wounds often appear on your hands, prefer a protective or restorative cream.

If the problem is dry skin, a moisturizer is ideal. It is better to have several funds with different effects, then care will be more complete.

Which oil is better to use for hands?

Different oils affect the skin in different ways. Take a note:

  • chamomile oil, lavender soothes irritated skin;
  • sage, geranium, roses, sandalwood is suitable for age -related skin;
  • with corns, tea tree, cinnamon, lemon oil will cope well;
  • the softening of the hands is facilitated by avocado oil, almonds, apricot seeds.

Important: oils are added 1-2 drops to baths, masks, creams. In pure form, it is undesirable to use essential oils.

Fingers and nails

Ideal hands imply a well -groomed manicure. It is not necessary to have a beautiful design of nails, but the shape of the nail and the cuticle must be neat. Manicure can be done independently.

Make a manicure once a week and this will be enough to maintain a neat look.

Hand care of folk remedies: recipes of creams and scrubs

Nature gives a lot of opportunities to preserve beauty and youth, you need to be able to use them correctly.
There are folk remedies that improve the condition of the skin after the first applications. Having quite affordable ingredients, you can make a cream yourself.

RECIPE: We need:

  • a glass of boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. dry chamomile flowers;
  • 100 g of drain. oils;
  • 2 tbsp. castor oil;
  • 1 tsp glycerol;
  • 2 tbsp. camphor alcohol.

Step -by -step preparation:

  1. Pour chamomile with water.
  2. After a couple of hours, strain through gauze.
  3. Melt the butter in a water bath, add glycerin, castor oil here. Mix the mixture.
  4. Then pour 1/2 cup of chamomile infusion, camphor alcohol. Fix the mixture until cooling.

This cream is remarkably reanimated by dry skin. You can also make a lemon cream. Lemon cream will soften and whiten the skin.

RECIPE: To do this, take:

  • 1 lemon;
  • half a glass of boiling water;
  • 50 g of butter;
  • 1 tsp honey, mayonnaise;
  • 1.5 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • a few drops of vitamin A;
  • 0.5 tsp. camphor alcohol.

Step -by -step preparation:

  1. Pour the zest of lemon with boiling water, and leave the juice.
  2. Add butter and olive oil to lemon juice, a spoonful of mayonnaise, yolk, honey and vitamin A.
  3. Slowly pour in this mixture camphor alcohol and 1 tbsp. infusion from the zest that was brewed earlier.

If there is no desire to make the cream, do home scrub. Preparing it is easy.


  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • sour cream;
  • a little olive oil.

Mix the components and use the peeling immediately.

There are other recipes, for example:

  • mix coarse oatmeal and honey in the same proportion, add a drop of vegetable oil;
  • mix a little coffee grounds with liquid soap;
  • mix 1 tbsp. sugar and honey, a little Vitamin E.

Important: use scrubs and masks from natural components once, do not leave the mixture until the next time - it will be ineffective.

Moisturizing dry skin care

A common problem is excessive dryness of the hands. Caring for such hands should be constant, however, discomfort from dryness will not let you forget about the necessary care. Adhere to the above recommendations of daily care more carefully. The main step should be moisturizing, but also do not forget about the nutrition of the skin.

Hand care procedures: massage, peeling, hand baths

RECIPE: Useful and relaxing baths can be made on the basis of improvised components: warm water plus vegetable oils, herbs (mint, chamomile, lemon balm, thyme), sea salt or lemon juice. Give your hands a little time, give the skin pleasant sensations.

  • Pre -conduct a cleansing peeling with a scrub,
  • at the end of the procedure, apply any cream. The skin will thank you with tenderness.
  • In addition, it is useful to do massage.
  • Before going to bed, do not be lazy to massage the brushes for 5-10 minutes, then your fingers.
  • The massage will pleasantly relax you, save you from fatigue.

Hand care after 40, 50 years

With age, leaving is not a desire, but a necessity.

  • In addition to independent care, you can recommend a visit to the spa once a month.
  • With the help of professional tools, the skin will recover faster and will remain young.
  • Creams and other products should be selected with a mark of 40+. Their composition is developed taking into account the needs of age skin.

Hand care: recipes of grandmother Agafia

Grandmother Agafya is not just a cosmetic brand. Grandmother Agafya is a Siberian healer who received her experience with herbs from her mother and grandmother. The composition of the creams is thought out in such a way as to heal, nourish, moisturize. Cosmetics from the grandmother of Agafia is organic, that is, it does not contain harmful parabens, silicones, fragrances, petrochemistry products.

As part of the creams, you can find such herbs: calendula, ginseng, chamomile, plantain, flax seeds, aloe.

Agafia grandmother recipes - proof that cosmetics can be budget, but effective.

Winter and summer care

The scorching rays of the sun dehydrate the skin, thereby contributing to its early aging.
In addition, doctors do not recommend exposing the body to open rays. But you can’t put gloves in the summer in the summer.

Buy a cream with SPF protection and do not forget to constantly apply it. In addition to the protective function, the sunscreen restores the water balance.

In winter, do not forget to put on gloves even if only -1 on a thermometer.
Under the influence of wind and frost, the skin can crack, blush, peel off.
For the winter period, choose creams with a denser texture.

Hand care: tips and reviews

The skin of everyone is different, the same ways of care cannot be universal. To develop your hands tactics, experiment with funds and procedures. Reviews of most women remain similar in that:

  • be sure to do moisturizing baths;
  • scrub is a quick way to reanimate the coarse hands;
  • good cream is worth its weight in gold;
  • folk methods are a high -quality alternative to budget care for expensive salon procedures.

Share with us your secrets of hands.

It is necessary to care for the skin of the hands regularly. By the way, not only women should monitor the condition of the hands, but also men. We suggest watching a video and learn how to carry out the procedure for paraffin therapy yourself.

Video: Paraffin therapy at home

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Comments K. article

  1. An excellent article, I will try your recept for sure. And I also take a job with me with a hand spray for Dry Dry No Bacteria. Not only does it perfectly cleans the skin of the hands, also cares thanks to vitamin B5 and aloe vera in the composition, and does not overdry the skin.

  2. And I take the antioxidant formula Evalarovskaya and Omega-3 to preserve youth. For me, this is the best assistants. I look at 30 at 40, and this is very inspiring))

  3. So that the skin on the hands is healthy and beautiful, I systematically smear them with Videstim. It moisturizes the skin is much more effective than ordinary hand creams. But acts due to the fact that it contains useful vitamin A.

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