How to assemble a suitcase: how to make a list, choose the necessary things, choose an organizer? How to assemble a suitcase on a business trip, on vacation: how to compactly add things, tips and recommendations, schemes

How to assemble a suitcase: how to make a list, choose the necessary things, choose an organizer? How to assemble a suitcase on a business trip, on vacation: how to compactly add things, tips and recommendations, schemes

In this article we will talk about how to collect the suitcase as efficiently as possible for any trip.

The question of how to assemble a suitcase is able to puzzle for a long time, spoiling an anticipation from the upcoming trip. After all, few people want to carry an overly heavy load. Or, conversely, leave at home those things that will come in handy on a trip. How to find the "golden mean"? Let's try to figure it out.

How to assemble a suitcase: we learn to make a list of the necessary things

Correctly compiling a list is the first thing to learn before deciding how to assemble a suitcase. The following tips will help create the most useful list:

  • Accuracy - main condition. It is necessary to list even those objects that seem obvious. For example, passport, linen. Many do not include them on the list, since taking documents is a certain phenomenon.

Important: there is a pitfall. Often it is precisely such obvious, but not falling on the list of objects, in a hurry, they are forgotten in a hurry.

The more details the list of things that need to be put in the suitcase, the better
The more details the list of things that need to be put in the suitcase, the better
  • In advance - you need to engage in compiling a list of things at least during the week before the trip. At the last minute you can always forget anything. In addition, there will be more time to think about what really needs on a trip.
  • Substruction - The list must be re -read in any free minute. Perhaps new ideas will appear “on a fresh head”.
  • Visibility - It is better to see once, as they say. Costs lay out things from the list on the bed and estimate them. If the mountain turns out, you need to do the list again.
  • Accounting for realities - It will help to add only the right one on the list. book author "Madame Shik Lessons" Jennifer Scott recommends starting from travel time. So, for a weekend trip, she advises to take no more than 3 outfits, and for traveling for several weeks it is worth entering 10 things on the list. It is also worth considering Weather in a particular period, occupation On a trip and push off from them.
  • The principle of analogues - If any thing is heavy, you should think about what an easier counterpart can be chosen for it.
  • Separate - It is better to create 2 lists of things. In one, objects will be listed for a suitcase, And in another - for hand luggage. Such an early step will avoid chaos during the training camp.
It is better to collect a suitcase and hand luggage immediately separately
It is better to collect a suitcase and hand luggage immediately separately

How to collect a suitcase from a minimum of things: tips, a list of things

How to collect a suitcase by choosing only the most necessary things? Let's try to learn how to leave a minimum of what you want to take:

  • The documents - These are internal and passports, transport tickets, driver’s license, insurance.

Important: documents should be put in a bag of waterproof fabric.

  • Bank card, cash - cash - It is better to take both options. Cash is better distribute By caches in different places. For example, in case of the theft of a handbag.
  • Mini-Apple- Be sure to contain means for allergies, stomach problems, analgesic. You can add something else depending on the state of health.
  • Gadgets - It is quite possible to limit yourself one phone with a built -in camera, player, notebook, e -book. It will save a lot of space. However, you need to stock up portable charger, Since smartphones are quickly discharged. And compact headphonesIf the traveler loves music.
When collecting a suitcase, you need to take into account that the laptop will come in handy only if work is ahead of work
When collecting a suitcase, you need to take into account that the laptop will come in handy only if work is ahead of work
  • Lingerie - Numerous reviews indicate that it is best to take the number of shifts of linen, equal travels.
  • Blouses, dresses, skirts, shirts - They are also recommended to calculate depending on the number of days. It is worth deducting the days of arrival and departure from this, since road clothing does not count. If you plan to voyage in a warm region, a warm sweater can be taken one in case of a cool morning or evening.
  • Pants, jeans - They will be required half asleep than other clothes.
  • Tights, socks - for two days It is recommended to take it one pair.
  • Clothing for sleep - enough one kit.
  • Shoes - enough couples for every day. If necessary, you can take front pair.

Important: the convenience of socks is the main rule. Shoes should be a tested time - all the reviews of travelers talk about this.

  • Hygiene products - If possible, it is recommended to take miniatures. Road versions of shampoos, creams, gels are presented in the assortment. You still need a deodorant, a toothbrush, a napkin, a mini-shred, sticks and cotton wheels. If necessary, tampons should also be stock up.
  • Decorative cosmetics - It is better to take it away minimum. But pocket mirror necessarily!
  • Accessories - But their travelers are advised to take more. A lot of space scarves, glasses and straps do not occupy. They also weigh little. At the same time, combining accessories with a minimum of clothing, you can create A mass of images.
But the hat, collecting a suitcase, should take one, as it can take a lot of space
But the hat, collecting a suitcase, should take one, as it can take a lot of space

How to assemble a suitcase in order to save a place, time and not to melt things: tips, schemes

Each traveler is interested in how to assemble a suitcase, Leaving a little space there. After all, from the trip, you certainly need to be brought souvenirs! At the same time, it is important to lay out all things carefully. This is how it is recommended to do:

  • Travelers advise place heavy things at the bottom. For example, shoes. It is best that the couple would not be packed together, but separately. Moreover "Valeta" - This will save extra centimeters of the suitcase.
  • Even more economical Infuse socks rolled up in shoes. Or other small items wrapped in bags. They will also help shoes to keep their shape.
So it is best to pack your shoes in a suitcase
So it is best to pack your shoes in a suitcase
  • Invest Something is possible in a hat or cap. The headdress needs to be laid out up the wrong side. Thus, a recess forms in which something can fit.
  • Each thing should be packaged separately. As a result of this, there will be no friction of the contents of the suitcase about each other - this will prevent crummy.
  • Straps, headphones, exercises, ties, scarves and other not very bulky long objects are recommended to simply lay down along the walls of the suitcase. If you do not need any of this list in hand luggage.

Important: you should not turn such objects into rolls!

  • However, the so -called "Japanese" packaging of clothes with rolls Distributed - it allows you to significantly save space and avoid bruises of things. Shirts, T -shirts, sweaters and even jeans roll perfectly into a roll!
This scheme shows how a place is saved if you pack your suitcase with things rolled up with a roller
This scheme shows how a place is saved if you pack your suitcase with things rolled up with a roller
Packing a shirt in a suitcase, you can turn it with a roller according to this scheme
Packing a jacket and a shirt in a suitcase, you can turn them with a roller according to this scheme
  • You can also lay out at the bottom suitcase jeans or trousers, Throwing the pants over the edge of the suitcase. They are laid on top valiki From other things. Then the pants are thrown Through the rollers, covering them.
  • Saves a good place and multilayer pile. In order to add things like this, you need to fold some of them in the straightened form overlap Each other. Further to the center Some item is placed-a cosmetic bag or a roller of other clothes. Then every thing from a stack it turns alternately Around the subject.
If you pack things in packs in a suitcase, also save a lot of space
If you pack things in packs in a suitcase, also save a lot of space
  • Squares - In such a classic way, you can add, for example, shirts, t -shirts, sweaters.
But such squares can be packaged in the suitcase of shirts, T -shirts
But such squares can be packaged in the T -shirts suitcase

How to assemble a suitcase as efficiently as possible: the advice of the military, travelers

To fully master the art of how to collect a suitcase, it is worth using the advice of travelers and people of the military profession:

  • Famous Travel-Helpers Zhanna Badoeva Recommends Leave a hair dryer at home, hair tweezers, shower gels, shampoos. If the rest is planned at the hotel, many of them have all these things.
  • If you still need any special shampoos or gels, Jeanne advises pour them into miniature containers. Which then should be carefully clogged.

IMPORTANT: all travelers' reviews say that it is necessary to gather in silence. Distracting factors can lead to the fact that a couple of extra things will have in the suitcase.

  • The power of imagination is a serious thing. Sometimes you need it simply imagine how hard it will be to drag a suitcase. After that, there is a couple of objects that can be deleted from the list.
It is worth imagining yourself with a heavy suitcase. to pack it at a minimum
It is worth imagining yourself with a heavy suitcase. to pack it at a minimum
  • All experienced travelers know that things that may be needed on the road first of all, put on above. For example, an umbrella, a replaceable jacket. But pajamas, for example, which will definitely be needed at the hotel, can be located closer to the bottom of the suitcase.
  • The military is often train assembly suitcase. If you practice before the hour X, packing things at the right time will turn out as quickly as possible.
  • Rolls From clothing is quite possible carry Some kind of braid. So they definitely will not turn around and do not remember.
  • People of the military profession know that strategic weight distribution - important decision. To carry the suitcase was as comfortable as possible, the most weighty objects should be placed in the center. At the bottom, it is wiser to put the average in weight of the thing.

Important: the lightest things are best put in the upper part of the suitcase.

  • It is recommended to choose the clothes that doesn't crash and which it is difficult to stain.
  • Be sure to Imagine how every thing is useful on a trip. If it is not possible to imagine its frequent use, it is better to cross out such a item from the list.
Collecting a suitcase, you do not need to be afraid to delete unnecessary things
Collecting a suitcase, you do not need to be afraid to delete extra things

How to assemble a suitcase using organizers: reviews, tips, photos

Many note that the question of how to assemble a suitcase is easier to solve using special devices. For example, Compression packages. By twisting them, a person can get rid of the air inside. That significantly at the volume of packages smaller. Packed objects will receive good protection From dust, moisture, smell.

Compression packages for suitcases can be blown away
Compression packages for suitcases can be blown away

Clothes for clothes - You can choose any models for any requests! Volumetric and flat, large and miniature, square, cylindrical, rectangular - it is really possible to choose any option.

Important: if you need to collect several bags, it is worth buying organizers of various shades. They will allow you not to get confused.

Organizers for clothing help to save a place in the suitcase and perfectly protect things
Organizers for clothing help to save a place in the suitcase and perfectly protect things

Shoe cover Great for any shoes. Even dirty, because he wash without problems. Shoes, slippers, sneakers, ballet shoes, boots - for any kind there is a place in the organizer.

Organizer in order to pack the shoes in the suitcase
Organizer in order to pack the shoes in the suitcase

Organizer for linen - has a lot of departments for bras, panties And even clean socks. Also produced in the form bags.

This organizer for underwear will help to quickly find what you need in the suitcase
This organizer for underwear will help to quickly find what you need in the suitcase

Organizer for cosmetics will allow you to take with you everything you need for beauty and health. Care and decorative means can be conveniently packaged in departments depending on their purpose.

Collecting cosmetics in a suitcase with such an organizer is now easy
Collecting cosmetics in a suitcase with such an organizer is now easy

Organizer for wires - It is indispensable if the traveler plans to take with him charger, headphones, portable battery. If there is a place left, you can even put some notepad or flash drive.

Important: in such a place, the wires will never be mixed up!

Such an organizer for wires will help you collect all confused things with the greatest convenience
Such an organizer for wires will help you collect all confused things with the greatest convenience

Organizer for drugs It will help in any emergency situations. Thanks to the many departments, the victim will quickly find the necessary.

Such suitcases for tablets are conveniently placed in a large suitcase
Such suitcases for tablets are conveniently placed in a large suitcase

Having sorted out how to assemble a suitcase as efficiently and promptly as possible, a person will gather on a trip with great pleasure. The packaging of things will simply cease to be perceived as a difficult stage of a wonderful trip!

Recommendations on how to assemble a suitcase from the famous Trevl blogger and host:

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