Why do you need an alarming suitcase and what should be in it? How to collect a first -aid kit, products, personal items, copies of documents in an alarm suitcase?

Why do you need an alarming suitcase and what should be in it? How to collect a first -aid kit, products, personal items, copies of documents in an alarm suitcase?

In this article, we will consider how to assemble an alarming suitcase and what should be included in this suitcase.

A suitcase or backpack is called anxious, since its contents are used only in emergency cases. And it is precisely these objects that should provide the carrier at least elementary vitality for several days. We will tell you about how to collect and what items must be packaged in this article.

The reasons why you need to have an alarming suitcase

If a meteorite falls on the ground, then the alarming suitcase will already be useless. But, if any natural cataclysm occurs or you are evacuated to another area, and maybe the war came, then such a backpack will become a salvation for you for the first time.

  • There are only two reasons to collect and store such a suitcase at home - to provide your owner with survival in the event of an emergency and make evacuation as quickly as possible.
  • It is often collected by military personnel in connection with their work office. By the way, the composition of their suitcase is slightly different. We want to bring to your attention a list of components of an alarming backpack, which can be called universal.
The use of a suitcase
The use of a suitcase
  • An alarm suitcase is a list of things that will help the civilian personally keep their autonomy when there is no food, water and roof over his head. The most frequent causes of emergency, when an alarming backpack is required:
    • flood or fire, earthquake or land collapse;
    • if the conditions require evacuated from the city. For example, in the case of a technogenic or biological disaster;
    • the zone of an armed or military conflict, as well as possible in our time;
    • the backpack will also help in case of escape from the persecution.
  • An alarm suitcase significantly saves fees time if you need to urgently leave their home.
  • And do not miss the human factor that during panic you can simply forget to collect the necessary things, and such a cooked bag will be an operational and reasonable solution.

How to choose a backpack for a home alarm suitcase?

For a civilian alarm suitcase, it is worth choosing a bag with a volume of 30 liters. You can take more, but keep in mind that this load will need to be carried on yourself. You can also take less, but not less than 25 liters. If you succeed in packing a few things, it is better to focus on food and water reserves. They certainly will not be superfluous.

Important: if you collect a backpack for the family, then more rationally divide it into each member. This will reduce the load of a large burden. And do not exclude the case that you can divide. Therefore, the necessary reserves and essential things should be for everyone in a suitcase.

It is better to replace the suitcase with a backpack. So much more convenient and more spacious to pack, and carrying it is much easier. Even the most ordinary tourist backpack is suitable. It is advisable, of course, to think about its waterproofness.

The backpack is of different types
The backpack is of different types

Types of backpacks:

  • Kolobok It has a round shape, good capacity and one drawback - the severity of the cargo is concentrated in one place. Namely, in the pelvis. Therefore, it is extremely inconvenient to walk with him if it is completely loaded;
  • Anatomical backpack It has a comfortable back, shoulder straps and a belt belt. This allows you to wear comfortably even a large load;
  • Easel backpacks They are not inferior in functionality by anatomical “bags”, but inside they have an aluminum frame. And this is an extra load to your things.
    • The most important thing that you need to pay attention to when choosing a backpack is its quality! It should be made of dense material and very well pronounced. Inspect every seam when buying! And do not forget to purchase a special cloak for a backpack or make it a home -made tarp.

List of necessary things

Filling the kit may differ in the composition when it comes to any specific situations. Also, filling the suitcase depends on your age, the presence of children or pregnant women. Include your logic to supplement the main composition, but do not forget about common sense, so as not to turn one bag into several backpacks. We bring to your attention a list of the most necessary things that may be needed in any situation and on different hemispheres of the Earth.

  • The most necessary that should be mandatory is documents. Make it copies of all important papersWhat assure your identity or testify to the birth of children, the right to drive a car. Also, do not forget if you have documents confirming the right to real estate or car. Men need to put a military ID.

Important: all documents must be certified by a notary public so that there are no problems with state bodies in the future. Also take care of hermetic and waterproof packaging. For these purposes, you can use packages-sliders. To create a vacuum inside the package, remove excess air with a tube.

On a note! Also, do not forget to put photos of your loved ones and relatives to the documents. It does not hurt to indicate their phones and addresses on the back. This will help in the future, in which case, to restore the connection with them.

  • Throw to the documents and duplicate keys - From home and car. In cases of disaster, you can throw everything in a panic or lose. And if it becomes possible to return home, it will be a shame when you cannot open a house or a car. To knock out the door and change the lock is not the best way out.
  • Be sure to make a small stock cash. You should not put cards, because you use them every day. And to release additional cards is pointless. Since there is no guarantee that in case of disaster, ATMs will work. Be sure to exchange money!
Things for a suitcase
Things for a suitcase
  • Mean map and compass. Relying on equipment in extreme situations is a very dangerous business. It is not a fact that she will work, and do not forget that she also requires recharging. And to sit down navigation at the very wrong time.
  • In this package or in a separate put torch. A few better. With spare batteries and light bulbs. And if he is also waterproof, then he will not be price. Also add and watchPreferably mechanical. They are less exposed to radiation and do not depend on the battery charge.

Important: each of the points of the necessary things should be packaged on waterproof packages! You should not throw everything in heaps, because in the turmoil you can then look for something for a long time. You do not know what conditions may arise, so think about the safety of things in advance. By the way, it will not hurt to throw a few slices into the backpack for safety.

  • If you have an old button telephone (in working condition) small size and a spare SIM card, then send this to the contents for emergency. The connection will not always catch. Be prepared for this, because you do not know the scale and nature of the alleged disaster. Therefore, purchase radio. And preferably, to a group of people.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to contact the world, then take a small (!) radioSMK and FM range. Even in the event of a war, it will be possible to catch the right wave and hear recommendations on further actions or just find out the news.
  • Multitula Also an indispensable thing in such a suitcase. It does not hurt if there is also swiss knife. But be sure to put it simply folding knife or with a cover! By the way, saving on such tools is extremely not recommended. Will not hurt to quit a couple working gloves.
  • Here is the case when a high -quality and sharp knife can replace even a saw or hatchet. And the last tool still has considerable weight. If the knife does not master such tests, then drop a small saw (it is lighter and takes up less space) or axe (It is, although heavier, it is also much more functional).
  • Any signaling funds. It is desirable that they have not only sound, but also visual effect. The whistle will become the right thing, like His - a chemical source of light. Having broken a luminous stick, you can provide signal light for 4-6 hours. If possible, add a false fider.
Alarm suitcase
Alarm suitcase
  • It does not hurt to throw big into the backpack garbage bags. No, the garbage is not necessary to collect. For 120 liters they go quite dense, so they will even allow themselves to hide from the weather or help to hide your things.
  • Also, without laughter and vulgar thoughts, throw it into a backpack packaging condoms. In them you can store and even cook products, you can also hide your things from getting wet. This is a great water tank or a tourniquet for dressings. And girls cut condom will be excellent hair gum. In general, there are as much its applications as your imagination is enough. Keep in mind that they should be without lubrication and flavorings.
  • And take place for such insignificant, but at the same time, very necessary things. Well, or name it with a set for small repair. This is included needle with threads, several buttons and a tube of good glue (With it, you can easily fix the torn shoes, for example).
  • Also add more izolent, adhesive tape, wire, cord, paracord and/or rope. Throw the last attribute more and more careful. Explanations are not required why and for what purpose these materials are applied.
  • Throw more notepad and pencil. It is better to immediately refuse the handle, because they tend to bring at the most inopportune moment.
  • And don't forget about such an important, but small box matches! Better yet, put a few of their boxes and a lighter. Throw here candle Or her couple.

What should be in the first -aid kit?

The first -aid kit is indispensable and necessary in any situation. Gather a first -aid kit according to such a principle that you can’t get into a lifetime, but just in case, everything should be at hand.

  • Those drugs that you take or one of your relatives need them are put on an important pedestal. That is, those drugs that are taken constantly and in chronic diseases.

On a note! At each package of any drug, attach the instructions using. So that in the case when you get bad, someone can help.

  • Any antiseptic agents, like iodine, green, peroxide and alcohol - unconditionally become the first in the list. Add more sterile to them bandagepreferably different sizes, vata and heapon. It also does not hurt if you have a hemostatic tourniquet or a bandage at your hand.



Alarm kit
Alarm kit
  • Activated carbon You can drop a few plates, but not more than 10 pieces. Also, in case of intoxication, put Sorbex or Smecta. The Immodium from diarrhea, Ftalazol and Furazolidone for the treatment of any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will not hurt.
  • Aspirin, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen - any of these antipyretic drugs should be in the first -aid kit.
  • If you have never taken drugs from the heart before, then Validol in emergency situations will also not be superfluous. He will also provide assistance in neurosis and hysteria, as well as with angina pectoris. But "Corvalol" It is necessary for tachycardia, increased neurosis and insomnia. To help fall asleep with the usual "valerian."
  • Any analgesicswhich suits you. A universal and popular remedy is Analgin. Among strong drugs, it is worth noting Nurofen and Ketanov. But choose those that are shown to you. Among the inexpensive options, it is worth highlighting Spasmalgon and Nosh-Pa. These painkillers have a wide range of use and can help in different situations.
  • Any eye drops, for example, Albucid or Sulfacetamid. They will help out not only with conjunctivitis or some kind of inflammation of the eyes, but also with a foreign body.
Alarm kit
Alarm kit
  • It will not hurt to make stocks yet potassium permanganate. This is an excellent antiseptic agent, which is suitable for washing the wounds and rinsing the throat, as well as as administration of orally with vomiting reflexes. Aquatabs or Aquabriz is drinking water disinfection tabletsWhat should also be included in your list.
  • Allergies may occur or worsen into a certain allergen, so add another plate "Diazolin." This is an inexpensive, but very reliable drug. You can also note more modern analogues - Eden or Claritin.
  • Influenza or SARS They will not ask you permission when to start attacking. "Coldrex" or "Fervets", or any of such drugs should be in a first -aid kit in an amount of 2 bags. This also includes tablets at the first symptoms of colds.
  • It does not hurt to put a bottle of any drops from a cold. Choose your proven funds. The same applies to drugs from cough. From the throat The usual Septtefril will help perfectly. Of the more expensive, but also strong drugs, it is worth highlighting “Lizak” or “Strepils”.
  • It is worth adding any ointment against bruises And an elastic bandage.
  • Antibiotics must be without fail. Among the wide range of use, Sumamed and Levomycetin are distinguished. If you have increased risk among diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, for example, tonsillitis or bronchitis, then add augmentin.
  • Be sure to take yogurt or Linex, Gastropharm or Enterol to restore microflora of the intestine. Do not try to joke with such things, because after a course of antibiotics you can earn the strongest diarrhea and dehydration. Be sure to consult your doctor on this topic so that he gives the list or advises collecting the necessary drugs to you. Especially if it comes to antibiotics.

Important: all medicines have a limited shelf life. It does not prevent you from packing a medicine for its own convenience, choosing about the same time and fitness period to sign for your own safety. Periodically check the contents of the first -aid kit!

  • Just in case, with your great desire, scissors, tweezers and several syringes of different volumes will not hurt. Even if you do not know how to darn, a surgical thread with a needle will also not be superfluous.
  • More than once you think with hot nights that mosquitoes bite you. The fumigator should not be taken, but the ointment, spray or spiral from mosquitoes will always be useful.
  • As well as funds from a means of burns, for example, Panthenol.

What products should be in an alarming suitcase?

Now take care of the nutrition:

  • There is no much fire. Laying out lies with lighters into small pockets, do not forget to put dry alcohol. It is inexpensive, takes up little space and help to light a fire or even boil a little water in extreme situations.
  • This is a chic option - take with you a small burner and a couple of gas cylinders or purchase multi -fuel burner. But do not forget that the backpack should also go lifting, so do not overdo it.
  • A hand lamp is good, but trick Significantly simplify the task of its use. Especially if the hands are busy. Therefore, if possible, put it in a suitcase.
Things for a suitcase
Things for a suitcase
  • You should not take a lot of dishes, but small kotelik, in which some of the things will develop, will help you out in considerable situations. Do not try to take cast -iron or ceramic containers, aluminum is perfect. In this aspect, the weight plays an important role, and the less it is, the better you are.
  • It is better to take folding spoon and fork and, preferably, two in one. A folding cup or a mug with a plate will not hurt either. All objects should be aluminum or iron, but not of plastic or glass. The exception can be a folding cup made of dense plastic.

Directly about food:

  • Cannes will always help out. But they should take them without fanaticism. Can be taken by the bank of beef and pork stews. A couple of pastes will not hurt yet.
  • Canned fish By type of sprat or sardine in oil. The choice is huge, so take what you like. Consider personal tolerance of products. 2-4 cans are enough. You can replace 1-2 of them with meat conservatives. In this matter, guide your taste more.
  • Birates You can everyone in unlimited quantities, and they also take up a little space and weigh very little. But such food is more suitable for a snack, and gastritis from the liver can still be earned.
  • Therefore, take it group. You can take at your discretion, but it is most convenient to cook buckwheat. And you can diversify the menu with rice. Wheat, corn or similar cereals are not suitable for cooking at the stake, and they require a lot of time.

On a note! To make it more convenient and reliable to store cereals, pour them into plastic bottles. Take a small volume - half or one liter.

Important: keep in mind that cereals are not stored for a long time. Over time, they begin to deteriorate and insects can even start in them. Especially, the pearl barley is subjected to their attacks. Do not take 5 kg of cereals, you can’t do the reserve for life, and the backpack will need to be carried behind your back.

  • "Mivina" and soup briquettes They will help out in any situation and are not demanding in preparation. They are light and do not take up much space. Take as much as you like. But do not forget about the back of the coin - this is very harmful. Therefore, you need to use them in extreme cases and not every day.
  • But sublimated products You can take more and in various combinations. This is dehydrated food, which, if they do not give your body the same benefit as fresh products, will not harm as Mivina. In fact, this is ready food without water. Therefore, it is crazy to prepare to be madly - just add water.
  • Tea coffee Or other grass will support strength, warm and give at least a small share of comfort.
  • Sweets They will be able to feed, although they can give some satiety to the body. They also weigh little and comparely take up a little space. Branks, cookies or bars of the type of “sneakers” is already your choice.
Food for a suitcase
Food for a suitcase
  • Dried fruits Replace sweets or chewing gum. You can just chew them or cook even delicious compote. By the way, they take up little space and weigh a little, but they have a high calorie content.
  • And so that it turns out to be sweet, and you will also want to suck coffee with tea, put a little sahara. Without salt Also, you can’t do. But keep in mind that you only store loose seasonings in jars! You do not need to take a lot.
  • As a snack, you can still throw seeds or nuts, candies and vitamins. Do not forget about such a compact product such as melted cheese.
  • Supply of drinking water It will never become superfluous. But the eggplant of five liters is stupid to hide in a backpack. Take a supply for 1-2 days. About disinfecting tablets above has already been mentioned, but we repeat once again that they will not interfere.

IMPORTANT: Remember the oldest good methods of water purification. School experience with two glasses and a home -made gauze filter comes to mind. Here is dirty water and can be cleaned by this principle. A container with dirty water is placed above an empty tank. Water will drip, and be cleaned on a gauze harness. But before use, water should be boiled or thrown for a day several tablets of activated coal.

  • Some more options for cleaning water:
    • for example, a segment of gauze in several layers will interfere in a bag or plastic bottle upside down. Folded charcoal and sand. Pour water and wait for a pure water tank to get;
    • or, according to this scheme, you can make a homemade filter using activated coal, or just one sand with stones.

Personal things that need to be collected in an alarming suitcase

  • Throw out from things two sets of underwear and socks. The handkerchiefs also lie in the amount of several pieces.
  • Paper napkins and scarves are already a different conversation that will not be few either.
  • Among things, you cannot give accurate recommendations, because it all depends on weather conditions. But shift golf or shirts with shorts or sports pants will not hurt. And it’s better to be guided by the rule that at night it is cold even in a hot summer.
    • It is important that things are made of natural fabric and from dark, considerable colors. But do not take camouflage colors, rescuers can take you as a military man.
  • A hat, scarf and gloves complement this list.
  • Shoes Requires special attention. It must be taken high -quality, waterproof and comfortable!
  • Also, a raincoat or good windbreaker will never be superfluous.
We collect a suitcase
We collect a suitcase

Among the means of personal hygiene should be the objects that you use. Therefore, be sure to correct the list. But here are the main objects that you may need in any situation:

  • toothpaste and toothbrush;
  • soap with a soap dish, preferably, small in size;
  • the hand antiseptic will not take up much space;
  • toilet paper (!) Will never be superfluous, but you should not take more than two rolls;
  • wet wipes. One large package is enough, 10-15 pcs. It is not advisable to take;
  • take the towel only small and quickly dry;
  • forceps and manicure scissors;
  • shaving foam in a small bottle and a razor machine;
  • mirror, since it will be extremely inconvenient to shave in the reflection of the river;
  • female means of personal hygiene. This can be gaskets or tampons, but also no more than 2-3 packs. The reservoir or a bowl for critical days would be good to help out in such a situation, but it requires sterilization;
  • girls note - cosmetics in the event of evacuation will have nothing to do with you. Therefore, it is not worth cluttering up the suitcase with excessive items.

What else is worth taking with you with an alarming suitcase?

  • Rescue blanket. It will warm well, and protects from the sun.
  • Trekking sticks will facilitate walking off -road and even become a means of self -defense.
  • Karimat or tourist rug oh how will delight you at night when you sleep not on naked ground. And lying on it is much warmer. By the way, he weighs quite a bit.
  • A sleeping bag and a small tent will also be very useful, but do not forget that this is an extra load that slows down your movement.

I would like to believe in a bright and joyful future, but do not forget that everything goes away. Therefore, you need to be prepared for any adversity and tests of fate.

And remember popular wisdom: “The optimist teaches English, the pessimist is Chinese, and the realist is Kalashnikov’s automatic!”

Video: survive at any time. Alarm suitcase

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