How to make a star from St. George's tape: a detailed master class-4 ways

How to make a star from St. George's tape: a detailed master class-4 ways

In this article, we offer a master class on the creation of a St. George Star.

The St. George tape is a two -color symbol of many generations, personifying the history of Russian combat glory. During the victory of Russia in the Great Patriotic War, it was given out with some other awards. But since then, this black and orange tape is very popular. Soon Victory Day and St. George jewelry will also be very relevant, especially if you make a star from the St. George tape. We bring to your attention several ways to turn the tape into a beautiful star.

How to fold a star from St. George's tape: Master class

This is one of the most popular ways to make a star from the St. George tape. Let's say even so, this is a classic in its kind. It looks insanely beautiful, and will make it in a matter of minutes.


  • scissors
  • line
  • lighter or candle
  • glue gun
  • book fastener
  • a beautiful button (optimally take with the symbols of a sickle and hammer) or other jewelry
  • and the Georgian tape itself

Production process:

  • We take the St. George ribbon and cut into 5 segments 7 cm each. Next, each of these pieces we put in half at a right angle. Attention on the photo.
  • Now we fold again in half, forming a petal.
Step 2
  • Now we add our base the petal in half 2 times, as if we wrap the tip.
Step 3, 4
  • Clutching with tweezers, cut the tip so that the petal is not too long. And now an important step - it needs to be soldered with fire! We also do it using tweezers.
Here are our petals from the front and wrong side
Here are our petals from the front and wrong side
  • Now we need a tape on which we will attach our star. To do this, take a segment of 20 cm, cut the tips and melt them with fire. Fold the loop.

By the way, we offer to read our article on the topic "How can you have a beautifully tie a St. George ribbon?"

  • Glue with hot glue punch for brooches. You can decorate at your discretion.
Front and back view
Front and back view

So our St. George Star is ready!

How to make a star from St. George's tape: the second option with a branch is a step -by -step description

A star from the St. George tape can be folded in various ways. It already depends on your convenience, taste and skill. Inventory is necessary the same as in the previous version, but you will need a round base of felt.

We proceed:

  • We cut off the ribbons - 5 pieces, in size 2.5 by 11 cm. From them we will make our petals. Making them is very simple! Fold with a loop, but make sure that the ear is beautifully rounded.
We form an ear
We form an ear
  • And now we just put the end of the tape harmonica. Claims with tweezers, cut off the excess and with the help of a candle we melt the edge to fix it.
We form a petal
We form a petal
  • This is what the petal of the front and behind looks. The required amount is 5 pieces.
Ready petal
Ready petal
  • Now we glue them in a circle, forming a star. Inside, glue the button, by the way, you need to take it on the leg.
  • Fold the tape almost in half, at an acute angle. And the middle is drunk into the tape. The edges are sharpened. Glue to a round base, the diameter of which is 6 cm.
We make a tape
We make a tape
  • Like the final strokes - glue the clamp clasp, we fasten the flower. You can also adorn additionally.
  • For example, make such an interesting twig in the style of the St. George tape. For this you will need 7 black and 14 orange squares From the satin tape 5 cm dimensions. We fold the orange square twice in half, also cut and melt with fire. After he proceeds to the black element and again to the orange. We fasten it with fire and put in a twig.
A twig
A twig

Video: How to make a star from St. George's tape?

The third option is how to create a star from the St. George tape: Detailed instruction

The flight of imagination does not limit various methods of folding the petal. We offer you an interesting option of how to make a star from the St. George tape in a slightly non -standard way. Inventory is necessary the same as the previous methods, so we immediately move on to the creative process.

  • We cut our tape 2.5 cm wide on flat strips of 6 cm. You can make the star more
  • Fold the segment in half and tut up the corners to the middle 2 times
  • We press with tweezers and melt over the fire to fix the edges
We make petals
We make petals
  • We cut a circle from felt. To him we will glue the petals. Of course, they can even be sewn, but then the aesthetic look will not be so attractive
  • On the wrong side, you can glue a rope or brooch clasp. Also, do not forget about jewelry and segments from the St. George tape to decorate the star

We also offer you to read the article on the topic "How to make a St. George tape with your own hands?"

How to make a star from a St. George tape with your own hands: a star on a cardboard base brooch

A star from the St. George tape is very simple to make, but at the same time it will become not only an excellent decoration, but even a souvenir gift.


You will need:

  • cardboard base
  • directly St. George ribbon
  • foam foamiran (for decoration)
  • the basis for the brooch
  • pinzet for convenience
  • scissors
  • hot pistol
  • and jewelry for your taste - it can be a decorative twig, flowers, beads or a symbol of labor, victory, etc.
Back and front
Back and front

Production process:

  • We are engaged in the basis for brooches. Cut the stars template - each side is 2.5 cm. You can adjust the value
  • Now we cut off about 2 cm of the segment from the tape and glue it on our base on the wrong side. It's okay if the segments go a little for the star frame
  • By the way, do not forget to walk with a lighter or matches along the edges of the tape. We cut off the excess and also gently melt with fire
  • Now take the ribbons with dimensions of 2.5 by 8 cm and glue them directly on the angles of the star
We make the angles of the star
We make the angles of the star
  • Try to apply them so that there are no gaps between the joints, and all the segments seem to go along the same line
  • The last entering the corner of the star is not completely glued. For beauty, the free edge, which goes to the middle, we cut. We also melt with a lighter
Cut the base for colors
Cut the base for colors
  • Now we cut flowers from Foamiran, glue the petals with hot glue, make several layers. And glue our flowers on the star itself. Decorate at your discretion by twigs or ready -made flowers, beads
  • In the end, glue the brooch pile from behind
We form flowers
We form flowers

As you can see, even a star from the St. George tape can be created in different ways. Creative success!

Video: How to make a star from the St. George tape with a brooch?

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