How to make delicious tequila at home from moonshine, vodka, alcohol, agave, cactus and aloe faith: step -by -step recipe

How to make delicious tequila at home from moonshine, vodka, alcohol, agave, cactus and aloe faith: step -by -step recipe

Making tequila at home is simple.

Tequila is a national Mexican drink. It is called Mescal in another way.

  • The main component of tequila ingredient is blue agave. The thickets of this plant in Mexico are found everywhere.
  • Locals of this country know how and when to cut the leaves of agaves, so that they are fleshy and turn into a strong drink.
  • We will tell you how to replace agave for the preparation of tequila in our country.
  • After all, we do not have this plant, but there are other green crops that are similar to taste, and if a person is not a gourmet, he will not be able to distinguish real tequila from imitation.

How to make delicious tequila at home from moonshine: step -by -step recipe

Tequila from moonshine
Tequila from moonshine

There is no huge agave of the Mexican, as in Mexico, in our country. But our compatriots adapted another raw material to create tequila: Aloe Vera and Agava American, which grow on our window sills.

  • Aloe is in almost every house, and many people also breed agave and if you look, you can find it.
  • Homemade craftsmen make an imitation of tequila from moonshine and aloe, since the fortress of Mexican tequila is 55 degrees, and it is pure moonshine that will be an excellent replacement for alcohol ingredient in this drink.

Here is a step -by -step recipe:

  • 150 grams of agave leaves or aloe wash and chop finely. Put them in a 3-liter jar.
  • Add a tablespoon of sugar with a slide to the same jar. It is necessary to remove excessive bitterness from green leaves.
  • Pour sugar and chopped leaves to the top of a junin for the top. Close the lid and shake well to dissolve sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Put the jar in a dark place at room temperature for 14 days.
  • Strain, pour into bottles and drink with salt and lime. You can replace lime with lemon.

It's important to know: When you get the bank in 2 weeks, then your home -made tequila will have a greenish color. If you want the drink to be transparent, then you can put the jar on the window. When insisting on the light, the color of the drink will be transparent, and the taste will turn out the same as with tincture in the dark.

Many home craftsmen use another way to lighten the drink after insisting. They dilute the green drink with 1x1 with water and distillete. But many people claim that after such manipulations, taste and aroma are lost.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera

Remember: Aloe is a plant that has various healing properties. There are contraindications for its application. For example, it is forbidden for people with many cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the brain of aloe in any form. When alcohol is added, the properties of this plant become more pronounced. Therefore, be careful in the presence of any diseases, for oral consumption, prepare better tequila from a concentrate purchased in the store.

There is another recipe for preparing tequila using a special concentrate that is sold in stores.

Here is the prescription:

  • Mix the concentrate with moonshine in the proportion, as indicated on the label.
  • Now prepare a three -liter jar. Put the oak chips (sawdust) on the bottom.
  • Pour the diluted mixture from the concentrate and moonshine and insist for 2 weeks.
  • Then strain and can be consumed.

Even the expert will not be able to distinguish the taste of this drink from the taste of real Mexican tequila.

How to make delicious tequila made of vodka, alcohol and aloe faith: step -by -step recipe

Tequila from vodka or alcohol
Tequila from vodka or alcohol

It was described above how to make tequila from aloe vera and moonshine or concentrate and moonshine. But you can cook this drink from vodka or alcohol and aloe vera. Preparation technology will be the same as with moonshine.

A step -by -step recipe from vodka and aloe vera:

  • 150 grams of aloe leaves wash and chop finely. Put them in a 3-liter jar.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of sugar with a slide to the same jar. It is necessary to remove excessive bitterness from green leaves.
  • Pour sugar and chopped leaves to the top of the jar with vodka. Close the lid and shake well to dissolve sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Put the jar in a dark place at room temperature for 14 days.
  • Strain, pour into bottles and drink with salt and lime. You can replace lime with lemon.
Tequila from vodka
Tequila from vodka

A step -by -step recipe for alcohol and aloe vera:

  • 96%alcohol must first be diluted in half with clean filtered or boiled water. Then the cooking technology will be the same as in the preparation of tequila from vodka.
  • 150 grams of aloe leaves wash and chop finely. Put them in a 3-liter jar.
  • Add 3 teaspoons of sugar with a slide to the same jar. It is necessary to remove excessive bitterness from green leaves.
  • Pour sugar and chopped leaves to the top of the can with an alcohol of alcohol and water. Close the lid and shake well to dissolve sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Put the jar in a dark place at room temperature for 14 days.
  • Strain, pour into bottles and drink with salt and lime.

But tasty tequila can be prepared not only from aloe leaves, but as mentioned above, from the American agave, which grows in many houses on windowsills.

How to make delicious agave tequila: step -by -step recipe

Agawa Mexican
Agawa Mexican

If you still managed to find Agawa American, then prepare Tekila to surprise your friends or relatives with a unique taste of this drink.

  • Mexicans are laid in the autoclave, so that it gives the contained sugar, which, when exposed to starch, turns into an alcohol -containing substance.
  • Then the resulting raw materials are laid for further fermentation to get tequila.
  • At home, repeat the entire technological process, as there is no necessary equipment and raw materials.
  • But you can try to make a drink from Agawa, which grows in many houses.

Here is a step -by -step recipe for making delicious agava tequila:

  • To prepare the drink, it is necessary to take the core of the plant, which means that it should be large and grow for several years.
  • The core is crushed, covered with 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • Transfer all this to the jar, pour vodka and insist for 2 weeks.
  • Then strain and can be consumed.

It's important to know: Remember that the properties of the plant are many times increased when mixing with vodka, alcohol or moonshine. Therefore, Agawa should be a real American one, and if you come across a crossed flower with another culture, you can get a mixture dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is better to use a special concentrate purchased in the store, or in extreme cases, for the preparation of tequila, aloe vera.

How to make delicious cactus tequila: step -by -step recipe

Cactus Opuntia ficus-indica
Cactus Opuntia ficus-indica

Russian home craftsmen even came up with a recipe for preparing tequila from a cactus. It is necessary to use a specific species from the cactus family - this Opuntia ficus-indica, she - "" Plane Indian", She -" " indian fig».

  • This plant also grows in Mexico, but can be found in the Mediterranean and a lot of it is growing in Crimea.
  • Professional botanists and ordinary people - lovers of green spaces on the windowsills, breed this flower even at home.
  • Fruits are used, namely, gulles on large round and prickly cactus leaves.

Here is a step -by -step recipe for making delicious cactus tequila:

  • 150-200 grams of "barbed cactus pear" peel from the spines and finely cut. Transfer cut pieces in a 3-liter jar.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon of sugar and slightly open the whole spoon so that it disappears better.
  • Pour the cut pieces of cactus and sugar to the top of the jar with vodka and put in a dark place.
  • The next day, take out the jar and shake well to dissolve sugar. Again, remove the container in a dark place and do not get it anymore so that the drink does not become muddy.
  • After 3 weeks, strain the drink and pour into bottles.

Some people with homemade tequila surprise guests, while others treat tonsillitis and strengthen immunity. But remember that allergies, pregnant women, people with heart diseases, liver, kidneys and other chronic diseases, such a drink is not recommended. It can be dangerous to health!

Video: Textile imitation, tincture recipe

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