How to make sultanchiki on a dance stick, for the New Year, to kindergarten?

How to make sultanchiki on a dance stick, for the New Year, to kindergarten?

How to make sultanchiki with their own hands from the rain, from ribbons, paper and from threads. Step-by-step master classes with photos.

Sultanchiki for kindergarten is an interesting and informative toy. But it is very difficult for the kids sultanchiki to do with their own hands, this is a painstaking work that needs to be done very carefully. Therefore, sultanchiks for kindergarten are usually made by parents. This article is for parents of babies, it contains many master classes with photos that will tell you how to create sultanchiki from rain, cellophane bags, threads and fabric.

How to make Sultanchiki from the New Year's rain on a stick?

The sultanchiks from the rain are bright and very elegant. Usually they choose for them thin rain, It develops beautifully in movements, and rustles.

  • Sultanchiks from a thin rain

To make two sultanchiks with your own hands, you need about 5 standard packs of thin rain. That is, there is a lot of rain.

Rain for crafts can be of any color. And in length and thickness, it should be approximately the same as in the next photo.

Subtle rain for sultanchiks
Subtle rain for sultanchiks

The rain must be folded 4-5 times, depending on how long you want to make the sultanchiks. Usually they make sultanchiki with a length of a panicle about 25 cm. To do this, fold the rain with a hoe of about 50 cm, and then bandage it in the middle.

First, tightly bandage the rain threads with a thread. And then additionally fix the middle with narrow transparent tape.

We fix the rain threads in the middle
We fix the rain threads in the middle

For one sultanchik for a kindergarten, it is necessary to make several such bundles from the rain. This is necessary to evenly distribute the bundles around the stick, otherwise the sultanchik will look not symmetrical.

We make several beams of the rain. In the middle we fasten it with a sewing thread and tape, and cut the edges. Puchkov can be made more than 4. So sultanchiks will only be more beautiful and magnificent.

We make several rains on the sultanchiki for kindergarten
We make several rains on the sultanchiki for kindergarten

After that, you need to attach the beams of the rain to the wand base. In our example, this is a wooden skewer for barbecue, but another base is also suitable, for example, a felt -tip pen or ice cream stick.

We attach the rain beams to the wand. This is usually advised to do it with tape. But an adhesive gun with hot glue is also suitable.

We fasten the rain beams to the foundation wand
We fasten the rain beams to the foundation wand

If desired, you can glue a wand with a rain. And to mask the place of fastening of the rain with a colored satin ribbon or colored tape. The sultanchiks from the rain are ready!

The sultanchiks from the rain are ready!
The sultanchiks from the rain are ready!

How to make sultanchiki from ribbons with your own hands?

Sultanes from ribbons also look very bright and elegant. It is suitable for a spectacular dance not only for the New Year, but also for any other holiday.

DIY sultanchiks from tapes
DIY sultanchiks from tapes

Sultanchiki for kindergarten is often made from satin ribbons. But satin ribbons are short -lived material, they often bloom. And they definitely need to process the edges.

If you make sultanchiks from satin ribbons, be sure to squeeze the edge with a lighter or a candle. Otherwise, the ribbons will bloom.

There are more suitable material to make sultanchiki with their own hands for kindergarten. it rubbed non -woven matter. It does not bloom at all, and does not let out threads. If you look for well, in second-house you can find children's raincoats and overalls from rain from such fabric. It is thin, a little rustling, looks like rubber, and does not bloom at all.

Tissue fabric from tapes
Tissue fabric from tapes

To make the sultanchiks from the ribbons, put six sheets of rubberized fabric on each other, and then bend them in half. The edge where the bend turned out will be the bottom of our sultanchik.

Five centimeters from the bottom of our sultanchik must be left not cut - It will be the handle of our sultanchik. Take a felt -tip pen and ruler, and draw a line to which you need to cut the strips. Thereafter cut the fabric into strips, 2 cm wide.

Cut the fabric into strips
Cut the fabric into strips

Now our sultanchiks for a kindergarten need to be twisted with a tube. Try to wash off the fabric as tightly as possible.

Twist the future pomp for dancing with a tube
Twist the future pomp for dancing with a tube

Fix the handles of the sultanchiks from the ribbons with tape. Scotch tape is better not to choose not stationery, but a painting, it is better. For beauty, wrap the handles with ribbons from the remains of fabric. Our sultanchiki from ribbons are ready!

We fix the tape of the sultanchiks from ribbons with tape
We fix the tape of the sultanchiks from ribbons with tape

How to make sultanchiki from garbage bags?

Do -it -yourself sultanchiki for a kindergarten make both small bags and large garbage bags. But it is easier to find bright garbage bags in stores, and the sultanchiks for a kindergarten will turn out more magnificent from them. Therefore, we will tell you more about how to make sultanchiki from garbage bags.

For one sultanchik you will need 40 garbage bags. Of this amount, it will be possible to make not just a sultanchik from packages, but a whole chemistry pompom, large and fluffy. So, for two large sultanchiks, you need 80 garbage bags.

The first stage we tear off all the packages from the roll and apply 40 packages on each other. If you came across not straight packages, as in the next photo, but bags with a rounded bottom, do not be upset. From such packages, you need to cut off the lower edge, and straighten them, then they will also turn into a correct rectangle.

We apply packages for the Sultanchiks on each other
We apply packages for the Sultanchiks on each other

The next step is to us it is necessary to cut the upper edge from the waders. In our example, packets with puffs are used. We do not need these puffs, carefully cut them and send them to the tank.

Cut puffs from bags to sultanchiki for kindergarten
Cut puffs from bags to sultanchiki for kindergarten

Next, you need to cut off all other sealed edges. So that the sultanchiks from garbage bags turn out to be soft and fluffy, we cut out the garbage bags around the entire perimeter.

If you have a stapler in the farm, pre -fasten the couples among themselves, so they will not move, and it will be more convenient to work.

Cut all the sealed edges from the packages
Cut all the sealed edges from the packages

Now you need to fold the blanks for sultanchiks from bags in half. The bent edge must be placed on the opposite side from yourself.

Folding bags for sultanchiks in half
Folding bags for sultanchiks in half

We begin to cut the fringe. In our example In strips, the thickness is about 2 cm. The thinner the strips will be, the more magnificent the sultanchiks for kindergarten will turn out. The scissors are better to use good and sharp.

Cut the fringe for pompon
Cut the fringe for pompon

When the strips are cut, you need to turn the bags into a roll. Try to wash them as tightly as possible.

We turn the future sultanchik for dancing in a roll
We turn the future sultanchik for dancing in a roll

It remains to wrap the handle with tape. Do not regret the tape, try to fix everything well. Instead of adhesive tape, you can use an island or adhesive plastry, in a word, any adhesive tape that you have.

We wrap the handle with tape
We wrap the handle with tape

It remains to be good to flush the sultanchiki with their own hands. Just rub the fringe with palms.

Interesting: so that the sultanchiks from the bags are very fluffy, will be awakened by the antistatic for clothing with a spray. The packages will cease to be electricity and stick to each other.

Ready fluffy sultanchik made of garbage bags
Ready fluffy sultanchik made of garbage bags

For those who want to know in more detail how to make sultanchiki from garbage bags, the next video.

Video: Sultanchiks or pompons from garbage bags

How to make corrugated paper sultans?

Sultanes made of corrugated paper are bright and rustling. Material for crafts can be found in shops for needlework and stores for florists, because this is the same paper that flowers pack.

Corrugated paper for packing bouquets
Corrugated paper for packing bouquets

In our master class, the sultanchiks are made of corrugated paper of three colors, to the color of the Russian flag. In addition to paper for the manufacture of pompon, you will need scissors and tape.

Materials to make sultanchiki with their own hands
Materials to make sultanchiki with their own hands

We put the sheets of paper on each other, alternating colors. Please note that the width of the roll is enough to make two sultanchiks at once.

Cut the strips
Cut the strips

We begin to cut the strips. It is not necessary to cut the bends on corrugated paper, just cut them with scissors. When the strips are cut on one side, cut the material into corrugated paper sultanchiki in half.

Cut the sheets of paper along in half to make two sultanchiks
Cut the sheets of paper along in half to make two sultanchiks

We turn the paper fringe onto the sultanchiki for a kindergarten with a tube. Twist the roll more tightly.

We turn the paper into a tube
We turn the paper into a tube

It remains to fix the handle with tape. If you want the sultanchik to be on a stick, grease the wooden stick with glue and wrap it inside the roll.

We fix the handle with tape
We fix the handle with tape

It remains to flush the paper, and the pretty sultanchiki with their own hands will be ready!

Finished sultanchiks from wrapping paper
Finished sultanchiks from wrapping paper

Video: DIY sultanchiks from corrugated paper

How to make sultanchiki from threads for washcloths?

Sultanes from the threads for washcloths are made using the same technology as well as sultanchiks from a thin rain. Such sultanchiks for kindergarten are bright and durable.

Sultanchiki from threads for washcloths
Sultanchiki from threads for washcloths

Photo of the best sultanchiks

Beautiful New Year sultanchiki for kindergarten emerge from a fluffy rain. It is advisable to choose a rain of good quality. Sometimes a poor -quality rain begins to crumble. But this problem can be solved with the help of a stapler.

Puffy rain sultanchiks
Puffy rain sultanchiks

Beautiful sultanchiki with their own hands can be not only panicles, but also sun, clouds or rainbow.

Sultanchik Sun
Sultanchik "Sun"

The sultanchiks of feathers or artificial fur are also very bright and fluffy.

Sultanchiks made of artificial feathers
Sultanchiks made of artificial feathers

Interestingly, chewers often add elastic bands to their pompons so as not to drop them during the performance of complex acrobatic tricks. Such a trick will be useful for the performance of complex dance by the pupils of kindergarten.

Pompons with safety gum
Pompons with safety gum

Video: Dance with sultanchiki in kindergarten

There are many other interesting articles on our site about the organization of children's holidays:

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