How to make torn jeans? How to make holes on jeans at home?

How to make torn jeans? How to make holes on jeans at home?

Torn jeans were popular decades ago and remain relevant so far. If you still have not acquired the perfect model, you can always make holes at home with the help of non -tricky secrets and techniques.

How beautiful to make holes on jeans yourself?

It would seem that such a simple thing as a hole is easy to do. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Creating a feeling of scuffs of jeans and stylish holes is actually difficult. This requires not only time, but also desire, but also the ability to give things an original look.

Holes on jeans - a hit of 2016. Be sure that any denim thing will look fashionable and trendy if it has scuffs, scratches and holes. Only “not competent holes” made by hastily or laugh can spoil such a thing.

Beautiful holes on the Jins
beautiful holes on jeans

You probably have already noticed people in such clothes. Someone looked good, someone is ridiculous. The technique of creating holes that are easy to do at home decides to be perceived.

In order for the jeans to look spectacular, first you need to definitely decide where exactly the holes will be. To designate, the pants are dressed on yourself, you stand in front of the mirror and the usual small is the necessary areas

Be sure that the thing decorated in this way will become a stylish part of your wardrobe. After all, jeans, perhaps the only fabric that has never come out of fashion. Prepare not a cunning set of tools:

  • scissors: ordinary and small (manicure)
  • sandpaper (you can use a pumice for heels or any other abrasive brush)
  • tweezers
  • blade (it is more convenient to use an ordinary stationery knife)
  • needle
  • dense cardboard or any wooden substrate
Chancellery knife to create beautiful holes on jeans
chancellery knife to create beautiful holes on jeans

Be attentive to the cuts of the fabric itself, they must be done very carefully so as not to hurt the other side of the pants. To do this, a plank or a piece of dense cardboard lies inside the leg.

You are free to make absolutely any cuts in any direction. Longitudinal cuts will allow you to create the effect of "free threads", transverse - torn jeans. Think about your image in advance and do not be too lazy to depict a sketch on paper once again.

Video: "How beautifully to break jeans?"

How to make neat holes on jeans?

Neat holes on jeans are suitable for those who are not yet used to radically changing their style and want to look flirty and at the same time on the “wave of time”. It is certainly more difficult to create such a torn effect, it requires more time, but it is quite possible.

To determine the location of “neat holes”, you still should put on your pants and designate the places of future holes with a small one. After that, remove the pants and the inside of the leg, put the cardboard. For wiping, you will need a blade, a pebble of pumice and tweezers.

Neat holes on jeans
neat holes on jeans

So that the clothes do not look defiantly and neatly, you should not localize holes on jeans too often and choose quite decent places for them:

  • front pockets
  • rear pockets
  • place for the belt
  • lap
  • the side of the thigh

In order to put the start of work, take the blade and start the “artistic excision” of fabric in different directions in the place of the hole. You should not get carried away much, just make sure that the fabric is cut.

After that, a piece of sandpaper or pumice carefully rub the excision place until the hole is formed. If you observe abundant fringe, pull out the excess thread with a tweezer, but in no case, do not cut them.

Neat, not large holes on women's jeans
neat, not large holes on women's jeans

In order to give femininity with jeans trousers or give a stylish look to too perforated pants, you can use not a cunning technique: take a piece of lace of any color and carefully sew it manually to the back of the denim so as to capture only its front threads and do not pierce through.

Video: "How to make fashionable leaky jeans?"

How to make large holes on jeans?

Large holes on jeans are a sign of courage and character of a person. Not everyone decides on such a stylish detail and also far from everyone to face.

Large holes most often do:

  • on the knees
  • on the back of the knee
  • on the front pockets
  • on the front of the thigh
  • on the buttocks

Large holes on jeans are considered very sexy, as they open those parts of the body that are usually hidden from the gaze. You need to do them “wisely”, so as not to look funny and not cause ridicule.

Large holes on jeans can be stylish, or can display a tasteless
large holes on jeans can be stylish, or can display a tasteless
  • Creating such an element on jeans, it should be understood that there should not be many large holes. It is best when it is alone and it is complemented by a slightly smaller size. An exception can be two holes: on the knees or on both sides, for example on the knee and on the buttock.
  • Creating a large hole is not difficult: for this, you should cut the fabric across or cut a piece of tissue of a quadrangular shape in the right place. These are the simplest ways to create holes. After cutting the edges are thoroughly wiped with sandpaper or pumice
  • A more complex, but more beautiful hole will take more time: make several transverse cuts. To do this, mark the even stripes on the fabric with a ruler. After cuts with a tweezer, pull out the vertical threads and get a beautiful non -transparent hole

Video: "How to make big beautiful holes on jeans?"

How to make jeans with knees?

Knee holes are the most stylish and fashionable element of modern jeans. In order to correctly determine the place of the hole, you should bend your leg and make a mark, because it is better when the acute knee looks into the hole than the other part of the leg.

Fashion jeans with knees
fashion jeans with knees

In no case do not make cuts right on yourself, because you can easily injure yourself with a blade, knife or scissors.

  • In order for the knee to be visible completely, it will be necessary to cut a quadrangular or round piece of fabric. After that, all the edges are thoroughly wiped with sandpaper, creating the effect of a real hole made by natural conditions
  • If you have threads during the wiping, do not cut them, this will give the pants of a greater style. Only very long threads should be removed, which look ridiculous
  • It’s good if you can achieve the effect of scuffing not only in a circle of holes, but also a little beyond the hole. Both holes should be processed (if you cut both knees)
  • You can also make a hole on the knee long, for this, cut the fabric in one place horizontally several times. After cuts with the help of tweezers, pull out the excess vertical threads and thoroughly draw the edges
Beautiful jeans torn on knees
beautiful jeans torn on knees

A little secret: an ordinary kitchen grater for vegetables will help to achieve a torn effect on the knees. To do this, you need to put a plank inside the leg, fix the jeans so that they do not “fly” and start rubbing with all their strength the grater on the fabric. You can choose any side of the grater, but the most effective that is intended for cheese - spikes outward.

Video: "How to break jeans?"

How to make holes on stretch jeans?

Streich is a synthetic fabric. It looks very impressive on the body, as it is able to tighten and literally “press” extra places, not showing them to others.

Streich jeans filled the market. They differ in that the thread in them is not cotton, but elastane. This quality will be able to play a “angry joke” with you when you want to create a beautiful hole on jeans.

Streychy jeans with holes
streychy jeans with holes

If you have a full figure and jeans are tight -fitting on you, you may not achieve the effect of beautiful torn holes and these holes will literally creep horizontally on your body. Therefore, it is still advised to choose trousers either larger, or make only longitudinal holes.

Streich jeans are wiped with sandpaper as good as cotton. Try to choose the most profitable places for holes: pockets, seams, knees and outside the hips. So that the stretch thread does not spread much, work only with small holes.

How to make holes on black jeans?

Black jeans go to everyone, but they are still different from standard blue and blue. It's all about perception. The fact is that the black tissue and color of your body will contrast more strongly through the holes. That is why on black jeans the holes should be more accurate and neat.

Holes on black jeans
holes on black jeans

Holes on black jeans will not be so spectacular because there are no white thread in trousers.

Give preference to horizontal holes on black jeans. To do this, make an incision and thoroughly wipe it with sandpaper until the edges become fluffy from the threads. Do not cut the extra threads. Such holes can be made along the entire length of the trousers, parallel to each other.

How to make fashionable holes on jeans?

Modern fashion dictates to everyone to have holes on jeans and it doesn’t matter what they will be and where. If you have them, you are in trend! A fashionable denim hole is that made neatly. Therefore, try to thoroughly wipe each cut and make it as “shaggy” as possible. This will allow you to consider the cutting section to factory and it is unlikely that anyone will think that you created it with your own hands.

Fashion holes on jeans
fashion holes on jeans
  • Remember that the hole should open a beautiful part of the body and not underwear and not cellulite
  • A fashionable hole is necessarily not one, there are several of the same ones evenly placed on all trousers
  • A fashionable hole is necessarily the effect of wipes and echoing, without clear cuts and lines
  • Consider the style of your jeans trousers! Most torn holes go to pants in the style of “boyfriend” or “pipes”, as well as “skinny”

How to make round holes on jeans?

Round holes on jeans are an infrequent element that takes place either on the knees, or on the buttocks, or on the hips. Its goal is to open a beautiful part of the body and make the image more sexy.

Fashionable round holes on jeans
fashionable round holes on jeans

In order to create such a hole, you should determine the site in advance. After that, a circle or oval on the fabric is marked with a chalk or a piece of dry soap. Horizontal cuts are made along the entire circuit.

After that, the threads are separated using a needle. With tweezers, the vertical threads should be pulled out. You can reduce the number of horizontal threads by cutting them. Each round hole should be given the style of scum with a pumice, grater or sandpaper.

How to make holes on jeans: tips and reviews

  • Torn jeans are the Mast Have of every fashionista, so if you have not yet purchased the right model, you can easily “refresh” your old trousers. For this, you will not need any special devices. Stell your patience, time and desire to create a unique thing
  • When choosing a design, always pay attention to your figure. Do not create holes where they will focus on non -profitable parts of the body, for example large hips or crooked legs
  • Longitudinal holes will always help visually “stretch” the legs and make them longer, and stylish jewelry, for example lace, will give the image of romance and tenderness
  • Experiment with old clothes, try various ways to create holes and scuffs on only pants and you can get exactly the thing that you always wanted to have

Video: "How to make torn jeans yourself?"

Video 1: How to make torn jeans with sandpaper using a home -made device?

Video 2: How to make torn jeans with sandpaper using a home -made device?

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  1. Here is a more new way.

    1. Thank you, Vova, for the advice and tips!

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