How to give a gift to mom for the New Year with your own hands?

How to give a gift to mom for the New Year with your own hands?

The best gifts for mom for the New Year with your own hands.

New technologies captured the planet, forcing people to acquire modern gadgets to make life easier. However, children and adolescents are not able to buy expensive presentations, as they do not have their own earnings.

Gift to mom for the New Year with your own hands

Even with a small budget or with the lack of funds, you can prepare excellent New Year's gifts for the mother. After all, the main thing is love, respect and attention. 

A gift for mom for the New Year with your own hands:

  • Handmade soap 
  • Fragrant 
  • Pinocchio 
  • Apron for the kitchen 
  • Frame 
  • Bracelet from beads or leather tape 
  • Tab for books 
  • Keys for keys 
  • Pencil 
  • Decorative candlestick 

How to make a simple gift to mom?

One of the most common gifts that can be made with a minimum budget is considered handmade soap. The following ingredients will be needed for its manufacture: 

  • The soap base of the transparent or white color 
  • Additives or dyes 
  • Flavors 
  • Essential oil 
  • Vodka or alcohol 
  • Silicone forms 

How to make a simple gift to mom:

  • First you need to melt the soap base in a water bath so that it becomes liquid. Enter a coloring composition, flavor, or essential oil. If you want to create a soap with a scrub effect, add coffee, cosmetic clay.
  • After the base has cooled to 50 °, it is necessary to pour it into the shape, pre -sprinkled with alcohol. A great option for making soap is a silicone form used for baking.
  • The surface of the soap liquid must be sprinkled with alcohol so that the foam disappears. Leave until completely solidified. It remains only to extract soap from the mold and place in a gift box. The box can be filled with wood chips or ribbons. 
For Mom
For Mom

What gift to give mom for the New Year from her daughter?

Vases from a bottle look interesting and unusual. For manufacturing, you will need a beautiful bottle of an unusual shape. It can be a container from a liquor, elite alcohol. The surface of the bottle is lubricated with glue and wound on it twine. It is best if it is not a classic brown color, but differ in a bright shade. The upper part is decorated using a ribbon. From them you can make flowers using the Kanzashi technique. 

What gift to give mom for the New Year from her daughter:

  • Copes well with the task and refreshes the linen sachet. It is necessary to make small canvas bags, decorating them with twine ropes. It is necessary to take a bag, fill it with lavender and mint.Spices that are available in the arsenal of every housewife are also suitable. These are mainly spices that are added to baking, for example, cinnamon or vanilla. Be sure to add sea salt with essential oils inside the bags. The bag must be tied with twine. It is best to use Sasha in a linen cabinet. They absorb excess moisture, scare away moth, and give the linen of a pleasant aroma. 
  • They have proven themselves well photo frame. There are many techniques using which you can make frames. The simplest are a cardboard frame. For their manufacture, a piece of cardboard is required, from which the basis for the frame is cut. It is necessary to cut out several pieces of cardboard of the same shape and glue them with each other so that the base is dense enough and does not bend. Next, it is necessary to prepare several dry twigs with a diameter of 0.5 cm. Using garden scissors, they are cut into pieces, 5 cm long. Further, the base for the frame is lubricated with glue from the pistol, and the twigs are glued to each other. After complete drying, you can put a photo inside. You can decorate the frame not only with twigs made of wood, but also with beautiful pebbles or pebbles. Their preliminary can be painted with acrylic paints. After completely drying the stones, using a glue gun, fragments are glued on a cardboard base. Fabric frames look very pretty. They are often decorated with lace, artificial colors. 
  • One of the best gifts for the New Year is considered bracelet. Many women adore jewelry, so they will be happy to wear a gift from their own daughter or son. For manufacturing, it is not necessary to have significant skills. After all, you can make a bracelet from ordinary ropes, linking unpretentious nodes. If you own the technique of weaving products from beads, you can weave a wide bracelet. 

How to make a gift to mom from cardboard?

A good option for a cardboard gift for the smallest is a bookmark for a book.

How to make a gift to mom from cardboard:

  • It is made of thick cardboard or colored paper. For decoration, you can also use felt, threads of the muline, decorative elements. The bookmark can be made in the form of an owl, a cactus. The peculiar felt products look very unusual.
  • It can be a flower pot of felt, with a sewn -in clip. The paper clip is fixed on the required page. The main advantage of such a bookmark is that it is not torn, durable.
  • From felt, you can make a laying in the form of an owl. An elastic band is sewn on both sides, its length should be slightly less than double page length. Thus, the elastic band will sit tightly on the book. 

How to make a gift to mom quickly?

You can make a beautiful blower made of felt. To do this, cut out the details, sew them together. For fastening, carbines are used that can be purchased at the accessories store. Also, key fobs can be made not only from felt, but from genuine leather. 

How to make a gift to mom quickly:

  • One of the simplest and most affordable gifts for mom for the New Year is considered to be penal or organizer For storage of handles. This is a great gift for a creative mother or woman who works at home. To do this, you need the basis for toilet paper from cardboard. It is glued with gift paper, it can also be used for the manufacture of the organizer of the bottle of shampoo, shower gel. The upper part is cut off from jars, decorated at their discretion. It can be funny men from the monsters corporation. You can also make an organizer using twine threads. To do this, the basis of toilet paper from cardboard is glued with twine, having previously lubricated the surface with a thermocle one from the pistol. 
  • Decorative candlesticks. A great idea for a gift especially if mother is a romantic nature that loves something unusual. A small mayonnaise jar is suitable for this. Also, in such jars, they often sell sauce of Satsepebeli or mustard. For the manufacture of the candlestick, lubricate the surface of the jar with glue and sprinkle with sparkles. After complete drying, you can do further decoration. To do this, use lace, embroidery, ribbons. As a decor, you can use artificial spruce branches. You can create a very unusual candlestick using a standard jar with a high neck. To do this, a small amount of river sand must be poured into the jar, lay on the bottom of the dry flow. After that, a small candle-tablet is put inside. The upper part of the neck is decorated with cones and threads of twine. To do this, several times around the circumference of the neck wound the twine, tying a bow above. The surface of the cones is lubricated with glue and sprinkled with a white micro-shirt. After the shine dries, glue cones in the thoroughbat area. The neck can be decorated with lace. It looks unusual and interesting. 
Summary for mom
Summary for mom

What gifts for the New Year to Mom do with your own hands?

What gift for the New Year to mom to do it with your own hands - to fork with wishes and predictions.You need to take any box with a lid. You can make it yourself. Previously, the surface is decorated with gift paper or painted in New Year's topics. It is necessary to take a handful of favorite mother's sweets. Inside each candy, under the package, small printed wishes are invested. Examples of inscriptions: “You will become the happiest,” “Success awaits you.” Fill the box with sweets, close it, decorate it with a large bow. 

Bulabachnitsa for mom for the New Year

A pins is a great idea for mothers who are fond of needlework. 

Tools and materials: 

  • Scissors 
  • Threads with a needle 
  • Several flaps of felt of different colors 
  • Filler

Bulawood for mom for the New Year:

  • First you need to cut two circles with a diameter of 7 cm. They are sewn with each other, filling with synthetic winterizer or holofiber.
  • Now you need to cut out two small ovals. This is a hedgehog fur coat. Also, a muzzle is sewn from white felt.
  • If desired, you can decorate with bushes, flowers, ordinary embroidery. 
  • The needle in the form of a cupcake looks unusual. Below you can see several ideas for making a needleman for mom. 
The needleman
The needleman

Mom's cookies for the New Year

Almost all women are sweet tooth, so they will not refuse a portion of baking. True, such a gift will not be appropriate for a woman who monitors her own figure, does not use simple carbohydrates. 


  • 150 g of milk fat 
  • 150 g of sugar 
  • 100 g of honey 
  • 2 large eggs 
  • A pinch of dry ginger 
  • Ground cinnamon 
  • Baking powder 
  • 450 g of flour 

Cookies for mom for the New Year:

  • First you need to leave the oil at room temperature so that it becomes soft. It is mixed with sugar and honey, rubbed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is best to use liquid honey, as it is easier to mix. Eggs are introduced into the mixture one at a time, gradually rubbing.
  • Next, spices, baking powder and flour are introduced. The dough is very sticky and slippery. Therefore, it is best to roll out immediately on parchment. It is pre -lubricated with oil, a little vegetable oil is also poured on the dough.
  • It is not necessary to add flour, since it is absorbed by the dough, as a result of which it becomes tough. With the help of special molds, the cookies are cut in the form of Christmas trees or snowflakes. Bake at a temperature of 190 degrees in the oven, 8-9 minutes. If desired, cookies can be painted with colored glaze, which is prepared from powdered sugar and protein. Cookies can be packaged in a beautiful box, tied with golden tape. 
Gingerbread Cookie
Gingerbread Cookie

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