How to make gifts and decorate Harry Potter style with your own hands: ideas, description, photo

How to make gifts and decorate Harry Potter style with your own hands: ideas, description, photo

We bring to your attention ideas and advice on making gifts in the style of Harry Potter.

Gifts are loved not only by children, but also by adults. And the notorious fan of the ingenious novel Joan Rowling can be impressed with original fiction, even if his language of love is not gifts. If you have a potential graduate of Hogwarts in your life who breathes, eats and sleeps with thoughts about the famous wizard, then Harry Potter's gifts will definitely take an honorable place among any congratulations.

And sometimes such souvenirs created by their own hands can even give an adult a piece of magic and the warmth of your soul. After all, the most valuable gift is if it is made with your own hands! And in our case, it will also become original!

Harry Potter -style invitation postcard or letter from Hogwarts

This, undoubtedly, is one of the main attributes of a gift on the theme of everyone's beloved wizard - in the style of Harry Potter. To do this, you need to make an envelope, a sheet with text and a wax seal.

The long -awaited letter
The long -awaited letter
  • Sealing wax You can make from an ordinary candle with the addition of dye in the form of wax crayons (you can even use only them), but it can crumble a lot. As an option, you can make it from polymer clay or a hot gun with a colored rod.
  • The paper needs to be aged. To do this, dip the sheet in a solution of strong tea or coffee. See that the sheet has time to stain, but do not leave it for a long time. Then carefully hold the edges of the sheet above the fire from a match or lighter.
We use coffee
We use coffee

Fold it In the form of an envelope, You can additionally combine sides with double -sided tape or glue.


Prepare the text of the letter and write it on the second sheet. Pre -go with him, as with the first, so that he is “old”. The text can be written in any language. It is advisable to use the pen-poro and ink. Write by hand, it is much more interesting. Put the finished letter into the envelope and close it.

Invitation to school in the form of congratulations
Invitation to school in the form of congratulations

Take wax or wax, heat it in a water bath. Pick a teaspoon and drop it on a closed envelope. Then make an imprint in a pre -purchased seal. The letter came out simply unrealistically cool!

An example of an invitation postcard
An example of an invitation postcard
You can use scrolls
You can use scrolls

Harry Potter style collection

Such a decorative element in the Harry Potter style can be easily done: buy small bottles (you can use containers from under the drugs), fill with water with paint or sparkles, you can also fill with glycerin with flowers or leaves.


Do not forget about the stickers, manually write the name with an old handwriting, such as “love drink”, “antidote of the wolf”, “a potion of forgetfulness”, scorch the paper along the edges.


You can also decorate any box (can cardboard) in this subject for their storage. By the way, after all, jars do not have to be small - you can even hide a shower gel, shampoo or body lotion in them!


As an idea, we propose to make a container for storing potions from ordinary plastic jars of vitamins thanks to papier-mash (paper with glue is laid out on a stencil for volume).


Harry Potter style suitcase

It will not be difficult to make it, and to get such a gift in the style of Harry Potter is a complete pleasure. You can fold it from paper or cardboard on a stencil.

Option 2
Option 2
  • But we offer another way. You will need this for this cardboard box Any size, preferably with a folding top, but it can be a shoe box. Paint the box in brown, stick strips from brown paper or even fabric like leatherette, and black semi -busins \u200b\u200bcan be used in the role of nails.
The box is completely from cardboard
The box is completely from cardboard
  • For the handle of the suitcase, you should take several times rolled cardboard, or paper and glue, wrap it with the same leatherette or just with colored paper, a durable thread. It remains only to add a color printing of the emblem and the suitcase is ready.
  • Inside, lay paper pasta (filler from the stripes of paper) and fill the suitcase: with a letter, a ticket, potion, a scarf, jars with memories and sweets, books from the history of magic and diary, and, of course, a magic wand. Such a suitcase will appreciate every Potteroman!
You can decorate with newspapers or just paint
You can decorate with newspapers or just paint

Video: How to make a Harry Potter suitcase?

Harry Potter style magic

Not just an instrument for order in the house, but also an excellent vehicle in Harry Potter style. You can decorate the garden or yard with such a panicle. And if you make an inconspicuous, but strong stand for it, then wonderful photos for your guests on a broomstick from Hogwarts are provided!


For the broom, you will need branches of any tree, but it is better to take a tree, a rope and a holder. If you have ever seen a broom, you probably understand that making it yourself is very easy. Fold the branches together around the holder and tie them with a rope or wire.

We tie the branches well
We tie the branches well

But the catch is precisely in the holder - it should be correctly curved and expanded at the end. By the way, don't forget to write "Nimbus 200o or 2001". Yes, so much time has passed. But now this is not about that. You can also indicate the current year - the young wizard will also appreciate it! To make such a holder, use a mounting foam or foam. Or initially we take a suitable stick and process it well.

Nimbus 2000
Nimbus 2000

Also, the broom can be of any size, for example, mini and made of paper!

Harry Potter's witch
Harry Potter's witch

Well, ideally, cut it out of a tree!

Cut out of wood
Cut out of wood

Harry Potter style famous glasses  

After the release of the first film in the style of Harry Potter, every schoolboy wanted to be, so wearing round glasses even with good vision became a certain trend.

To do this, you will need a strong wire and an image of glasses. Make two circles, combine them together and make ears. And to get a more aesthetic appearance, the joint (spikes) places with molten plastic. Paint them black.

How to make glasses
How to make glasses

You can also use old round glasses, if you make a gift to the child, we advise you to pull the glass from the frame. Do not forget to paint them in black, it will be best to hold on to nail polish. And so that the recipient receives even more delight, place your glasses in a small mini-portfire or a Harry style box.

Harry glasses
Harry glasses

Harry Potter style ties or scarves  

Of course, every fan will want them in his color, supplemented by emblems. But you can stop, for example, at the Gryffindor. To make a scarf, it is enough to tie it with an ordinary elastic band 1 on 1, you can face or patch. Just use the desired threads of threads, but take the thread itself not too thick. The emblem can be crocheted or bought ready and sewed if you do not have so much knitting technique. And yet she will look more realistic.

We offer emblems and color schemes of scarves in the style of Harry Potter of different faculties:

Gryffindor, Slytherin, Puffendi, Kogtevran - on the left to the right
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Puffendi, Kogtevran - from left to right

If you own technique, then a tie can be sewn from suitable fabric. But it is not so simple to find it. Therefore, you can make a tie of thick paper. To do this, cut the shape of a burgundy paper tie and stick yellow strips diagonally. You make other faculties in a suitable color palette.

And you can do even easier-take a plain tie of the desired color and just glue the strips of 1-1.5 cm from island or screaming (self-adhesive tape). Please note that in the upper triangle the tape should be glued for the credibility of the tie at the opposite angle!


School robes or mantles from Hogwarts in Harry Potter style  

If you have basic sewing skills, then sewing a mantle in the style of Harry Potter will not be difficult for you! The only thing is to correctly calculate the calculations when purchasing fabric.

Gryffindor mantle

To do this, you need black and red satin fabric for the base and lining, respectively. Can be used for bottom and lining fabric. Also buy the fabric of one with four colors of faculties for a collar and a hood, two black large buttons and rivets. The sleeves of the robe are slightly longer than usual, keep in mind. And do not forget that the mantle of free cut itself, so leave 10-20 cm at the edges for free fit.


If possible, pre -measure the recipient. But you can do everything “by eye”, since the style is quite universal. When transferring the patterns to the fabric, fasten with pins well and gently, because the atlas is quite slippery, but vulnerable. All sloppy punctures will be visible! Pre -sweepen again carefully, but firmly all the seams. First, we sew the details of the top and the lining, and then we connect with each other, placing the seams inside between the fabrics! In conclusion, we fasten the emblem.


Harry Potter style of Tom Riddle's diary

This Harry Potter style is a great addition to the collection of books or films about the magical world. Such a diary can also be created independently. It is enough to buy a black diary, glue the owner’s inscription behind and add bronze corners. And your gift is ready!

But if you want to bring even more magic to your gift, then use invisible ink. And about how they can be done, you will read in our article "Recipes of invisible ink"

And if you want to recreate a real diary, then you can make it from scratch. To do this, you will need aged leaves - their amount is completely dependent on the desired volume, a leatherette segment, cardboard for the base and corners. First you are preparing the sheets, putting holes for flashing.

Stage 1
Stage 1

After making the cover. We need cardboard and leatherette - it is better to glue at the time, since the PVA does not always cope with its task. And do not forget to put the cardboard on a millimeter first. Keep under the press at least 2 hours. During this time, we glue cardboard stencils to our block from sheets.

Stage 2
Stage 2

We fasten the paper with the cover. And in conclusion, we attach the corners and decorate at our discretion. By the way, you can make several red blows in the form of blood on separate pages for a realistic effect.

Final touch
Final touch

Video: How to make a diary of Tom Riddle in the style of Harry Potter?

Harry Potter style magic wand with your own hands: Ideas

Of course, any magic in the style of Harry Potter cannot do without a magic wand. And any gift will be harmonious with it as a addition.

Form the pen with glue
Form the pen with glue

You can make them yourself by decorating a dry branch or even a shelf for land with a hot glue gun and painting in the desired color. Although you can use a black pistol rod. To give various forms of the upper part, you can use beads or beads.


And if you want a very real repeat of the stick, such as Bellatris Lestrange, then take a walnut branch as a basis. After all, in the Middle Ages it was considered a symbol of sorcerers and witches. And do not forget that in shape the stick should resemble a curved long claw.

Bellatris's stick
Bellatris's stick

Instead of selection hats for the faculty, you can make origami in the style of Harry Potter

Such a souvenir in the style of Harry Potter can become not only a gift for an important celebration, but also for everyday days as entertainment.

First we cut out the template
First we cut out the template

First, bend the square sheet diagonally in one and the other to mark the center. After bending the corners to the center. We turn our workpiece and bend the corners along the dashed line to the center again. Fold in half horizontally, open and fold once again in half by vertically to outline the lines in the form of a cross.

Now we seem to fold the workpiece (the corners are inside) in half, but with the fingers from below we press a little and reduce all 4 corners together. You get such a voluminous rhombus with 4 sides. And now from below you can push the petals to insert your fingers.

We form
We form

How to play: We put the index and thumb of both hands behind the petals. A person who is sorted to the faculty chooses one image and says any number. It is it that sets how many times to open the so -called hat. Open one, then in the other direction. When you open it for the right number, then see what is written under the selected image. Then we remove the fingers and open the corner with this inscription. And we get an answer under this selected image!

We play
We play

How to make a golden snitch in the style of Harry Potter from paper?

Of course, to recreate Snitch in the style of Harry Potter only from paper will not come out, but it can be incredibly realistic from improvised means. In addition to glue and paper, you will need a wire and a tin can. We ride a ball like papier-mash. Be sure to put it on the legs for drying - we will insert the wings into these holes. To make the ball perfectly smooth - we coat it with putty. But you can simply wrap it in golden foil of sweets.

We prepare the base
We prepare the base

We make grooves to glue the wire. You can plant on PVA, but even better at the time.

We wrap it with wire
We wrap it with wire

We cut the wings and unfold the strips.

We make wings
We make wings
We fix the wings with varnish
We fix the wings with varnish

In conclusion, we cover with aerosol gold paint.

Golden Snitch
Golden Snitch

Video: How to make a gold egg and a snitch in the style of Harry Potter?

Sweets from the world of Potteriana in Harry Potter style: stencils

Berty Botes or chocolate frog will be evaluated not only by children, but even by adults. And not only in the style of Harry Potter. It is worth noting that the beans have long been sold in specialized stores, and yes, they, like the original, will have different tastes - boys, vomiting, land, lemon, etc.

But, you can give ordinary chocolate or m & m’s (they are very similar to beans). The frog can easily be recreated with a stencil or even toys, bay with chocolate. Or you can make it out of gelatin, also filling with chocolate. But the most important thing is a box, so we offer several stencils for inspiration.

Stencil 1
Stencil 1
Teachers cards
Frog stencil 2
Frog stencil 2
Bobs Boxing Box
Bobs Boxing Box

How to decorate Harry Potter's style room: Ideas

If your child or even an adult friend fan from a magical story about a magician, then you can not only give attributes, but decorate Harry Potter's style to create an incredible atmosphere of the holiday.

Of course, we use faculty emblems
Of course, we use faculty emblems
We use flying keys that guests can take as a presentation
We use flying keys that guests can take as a presentation
We make our platform 9 and 3/4
We make our platform 9 and 3/4
Surprise guests invisible regiments
Surprise guests invisible regiments
And do not forget to hang candles
And do not forget to hang candles
And don't forget to surprise the guests with your book about the monsters
And also do not forget to surprise the guests with your book about the monsters

This is a wonderful list of presentations for those who are in love with Harry Potter, Hogwarts and all their magic. Be it New Year or birthday, these gifts will definitely make you feel like a wizard or a witch you love.

And of course, you will not forget about gift packaging, you will find on sale a fairly wrapping paper in Harry style. But, and if there is no time to search, just print a couple of drawings and glue the box with a gift. Collect your Muggle money and buy a magical gift in Harry Potter style!

Video: How to make a monstrous book about Harry Potter style monsters?

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  1. Very cool article! I really liked everything.
    Thank you !!!!! 🙏🥰😊

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