Storage of breast milk. How is it right and how much to store the cooked breast milk in a bottle in the refrigerator and freezer?

Storage of breast milk. How is it right and how much to store the cooked breast milk in a bottle in the refrigerator and freezer?

The article describes the rules that the observance of which will keep breast milk without losing its properties.

If you want to feed the baby with breast milk, even in her absence, the mother should know the rules for storing breast milk in order to avoid loss of her beneficial qualities.

How much breast milk is stored?

Storage temperature is the main criterion that affects the shelf life of breast milk, which varies from 4 hours to 6 months.

And the temperature, in turn, depends on the storage site: room, refrigerator or freezer.

Storage conditions of cooked breast milk
Storage conditions of cooked breast milk

Important: the shelf life does not depend on the container in which it will be stored, but directly depends on the storage conditions.

Breast storage temperature

Called milk is stored at a temperature range from -19 ° C to +25 ° C.

At a temperature 23 ° C - 25 ° C You can store the maximum 6 hours. This is not the best option for storing milk.

Important: it is better if the temperature does not exceed 22 ° C.

With a temperature normal for residential premises 18 ° C - 22 ° C In milk, all useful elements will be preserved for 10 hours. At the same time, the milk will not sour.

15 ° C. allow milk not to lose their properties within a day.

At 0 ° C - 4 ° C You can store milk for 8 days.

The largest shelf life is achieved in the freezer. If a freezer without a separate door, then store no more 14 days. If a the freezer has a separate door — 3 months.

At a constant temperature of -19 ° C in a separate freezer, store it 6 months and more.

Storage of cooked breast milk in freezers
Storage of cooked breast milk in freezers

How to store breast milk in the refrigerator?

A maximum of 8 days will stay in the refrigerator. Put the container with milk away from the refrigerator door, so constant opening of the refrigerator doors will affect the shelf life.

How you can not store breast milk in the refrigerator
How you can not store breast milk in the refrigerator

When stored in the refrigerator, the properties of milk are not lost.

Important: if you work milk for feeding for the next 8 days - put it in the refrigerator, and not in the freezer.

If you are already defrosted milk, then you can leave it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 24 hours.

Containers and packets for storing breast milk

There is no fundamental difference in which capacity to store breast milk.

What to store coated breast milk: containers
What to store coated breast milk: containers

Important: sterile container is the main rule of milk storage.

You can use special medical plastic cupsintended for storing products and their freezing. But minus They are that they are quite voluminous and you can’t put them many in the freezer. So, it will be problematic to make large stocks of milk if necessary.

Storage of expressed breast milk in plastic cups
Storage of expressed breast milk in plastic cups

The best storage option is packages,intended exclusively for storage breast milk. pros:

  • sterile
  • they take up little space
  • close tightly
  • they can dress directly on the dairy.
  • take place to record the date of accumulation

MinusPerhaps only in price.

Storage of expressed breast milk in special packages
Storage of expressed breast milk in special packages

Most budgetary The option would be storage in glass containers (from baby food, for example). But there are significant disadvantages in this:

  • you must make a sterile container
  • the capacity should be tight

If you are sure that you will create such conditions, you can use this storage option.

Breast milk freezing

Conditions and ways of storage of cooled breast milk
Conditions and ways of storage of cooled breast milk

If it is assumed that the baby will need milk later than after 8 days, then he needs to be frozen.

Rules for freezing breast milk:

  • before freezing, put in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • freeze in such portions that the child needs
  • you can mix chilled milk and frozen if chilled at times less. The meaning of this rule is that frozen milk does not begin to defrost from adding a chilled
  • when mixing several servings, the difference in the shortage date should be no more than a few days

Important: you can not freeze the same portion of milk again.

Sterilization of breast milk at home

If you need to sterilize milk, you can do this at home.

To do this, prepare a sterile bottle. In order to avoid unnecessary transfusion of milk, sterilize the bottle from which you will feed the baby.

Sterilization of breast milk at home
Sterilization of breast milk at home

Put a bottle of milk in an enameled pan. Pour water as much as necessary for the stability of the bottle.

Important: the bottle should not swim in water. It should stand steadily.

Bring the water in the pan to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes. Gently, with the help of a tack or towel, take out milk. Cool to the desired temperature and feed the child.

Important: after sterilization, breast milk has a smaller amount of beneficial trace elements and properties. Do this procedure only if necessary.

The value of breast milk
The value of breast milk

Rules for defrosting breast milk

  • If you fulfill all the rules for storing milk, but defrost it incorrectly, then all your works will be useless
  • First, we defrost the milk from the freezer naturally, then we heat in warm water
  • We heat milk from the refrigerator in warm water

Important: you can not use a microwave for heating milk.

Heating of breast milk
Heating of breast milk

Important: frozen - we defrost. Defrosted - Gray. Warm - give the baby.

For heating, you can use a special device.

Storage of breast milk: tips and reviews

The best breast milk is the one that the baby receives from your chest. It has the necessary temperature, it is sterile, it has all the necessary properties.

Maternal milk is the best milk in a world that has no analogues
Maternal milk is the best milk in a world that has no analogues

IMPORTANT: feed the child with sicked milk only when there is no other way out of the situation.

But if I had to express milk for further feedings, then follow the rules:

  • be sure to write the date of accumulation
  • the capacity should be sterile
  • follow the storage temperature
  • follow the storage period
  • the second time you can’t freeze the same milk
  • pour the remaining superfluous after feeding
  • try not to mix the portions of milk at different times
  • you can not store milk in bottles designed for feeding
  • shake the milk before feeding until you achieve homogeneity

Video: how to express and store breast milk

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