How to invite the guy to meet: options, examples

How to invite the guy to meet: options, examples

You really like the guy, but he does not dare to take a step towards. He smiles, provides signs of attention, and you know for sure that he is free.

For some reason, the young man will not get into the spirit in any way to offer you to meet? Perhaps he is from the shy breed? Then he urgently needs to help. And this is easiest to do this, offering him to bring your relationship to a new level, making them from friendly romantic.

Why doesn't the guy offer to meet?

Guys are mysterious creatures no less than girls. And they may not offer to meet for a variety of reasons.

Here are the most common of them:

  1. The guy is afraid that he will be rejected. Perhaps he does not feel sympathy on your part because of your restraint. Then you should flirt a little with him, it is likely that this will push him to decisive action.
  2. He is by nature high and shy. And he simply lacks courage and determination to tell you that he likes you and he would not mind meeting you. Therefore, be light and relaxed in communication, encourage his jokes, respond to phrases - if you are pretty to the guy, such your behavior will help him decide.
  3. Many guys they do not want responsibility, which they subconsciously feel in a relationship. Being a support for a girl is not always easy, and only sincere feelings can become the basis for taking this responsibility for themselves. So weigh all the moments of your relationship and think about whether you are ready to associate yourself with a young man who is not so interested in the development of relationships.
  4. He Recently broke up With a previous girl and is simply afraid of new disappointments. Let him know that you are not one of those who change guys like gloves. In addition, in a frank conversation, he can, as they say, speak out, and thereby it will become easier for him in emotional terms.
  5. He is simply now not to a relationship Due to the mass of piled problems. In such a situation, the best way out will unobtrusively offer your help.
  6. Young man maybe think that you are already meeting with a guy. Someone could see you chatting with a friend, brother, childhood friend, classmate, etc. If you suspect that the reason is precisely in this, then do not change your lifestyle, continue to remain open and sociable. So you will be in the field of vision all the time, and he will understand that you are simply by nature your friendly and open person for communication.
  7. He does not believe that you can be suitable for him. You should not make efforts here, it is unlikely that you can convince him - because the guy has already made an impression about you, which is very difficult to change.

Can a girl first offer a guy to meet?

Of course, it is generally accepted that the guy should show the initiative. But if for any of the above reasons he does not do this, then the girl can take the first step.

A girl can also offer a guy to meet
A girl can also offer a guy to meet

To invite the guy to meet, prerequisite are:

  1. Confidence The fact that the guy is sympathetic to her.
  2. Understanding The fact that the guy does not dare to offer to meet because of the fear that he will be incorrectly understand.
  3. The reason is that he is attractive enough for a girl.
  4. He survived gorky experience In the recent past, it needs to be prompted to return from a state of constant experiences.
  5. The guy does not imagine What is a serious relationshipTherefore, he does not consider it necessary to change something in them.

How can a girl understand that she is ready to offer a specific guy?

In order to understand the girl that she is ready to offer a certain guy, she should answer the following questions:

  1. What are my feelings for this guy, does his presence concern me, do I feel sad when he is not there?
  2. Am I ready to devote enough time to relations? What do I imagine our relationship?
  3. Will I be able to quickly make peace with him in the event of a quarrel?
  4. Are I sure that he treats me with respect? Do some points in our relationship strain me? I trust him, do I know his character and characteristics of his character?
  5. Will I only be able to be with him or is able to get carried away with someone else? Are we both ready for relations without strict obligations?
  6. Is this my decision or am I succumbing to someone else's influence?
  7. Is it interesting to me, do we have something to talk about?

If a girl gives positive answers to such questions, then we can talk about her readiness for relations with this guy. In the event that the acquaintance is still short, then it is worthwhile to get to know the young man before thinking about meetings with him.

The main question: What do I expect from a relationship with this guy? And if the girl is honest in front of herself, she will understand whether she is ready to meet this young man seriously, or is it just a whim.

When is it better to offer a guy to meet?

  • It is very important to choose the right moment to offer the guy to meet. You will not make him such an offer when he, for example, is worried about troubles, or, say, feverishly repeats the object, which will pass the exam after half an hour.
  • You need to optimally think over all the subtleties. For such a sentence, most often suitable calm, quiet, pacifying atmosphere. For example, during a leisurely autumn walk on gold leaves or after it, at the time of farewell. You are both configured in a lyrical way and it will be quite appropriate to say softly and unobtrusively: “I am so good in your society. Why don't we become a couple? ”
Sympathy can be said in a pleasant atmosphere
Sympathy can be said in a pleasant atmosphere
  • Such a proposal will be very natural if you ask the guy for help, no matter what she is: solve the problem, bring a heavy bag, intercede for you, etc. The main thing, remember that you need not to be inactive, but actively demonstrate that you are making every effort to solve the problem. Then, thanks to his support, it will be very appropriate to say something like: “And we would have turned out a good couple! Should we try?".

How to prepare to invite the guy to meet yourself?

To invite the guy to meet:

  1. Plan your actions. Try to rehearse gestures, smile, intonation, your words, his possible answers.
  2. Think about which place is most suitable for your offer. It should be comfortable for both of you. The time and place when you are alone is best suited. The guy should not distract anything. So, it will be quite appropriate to talk about your proposal in the park or in a home environment, but it is unlikely that the guy will be able to focus on your question during an exciting action movie or an exciting football match.
  3. Determine what is the moment of your meeting the most suitable In order to invite the guy to meet. If you know that the guy is inclined to make compliments, then after the response you have made, it will naturally continue the conversation on the topic of mutual sympathy and the subsequent development of relations. Have you noticed that in your conversations there are awkward pauses from time to time? They can also be used for proposal.

How to offer the guy to meet in an original way: Ways

There are a lot of options to invite the guy to meet. But the most suitable and effective will be the following:

  1. If you have a tradition of joint walks, wait for it to be approaching the completion, and just say: “I have already liked you for a long time. Let's start dating. ”
  2. You can ask a young man to help you understand an incomprehensible subject for you. After several lessons with him, especially if the atmosphere between you is laid -back and friendly, ask how to granted something: "Are we already meeting?"
  3. Another request is about protection. Ask the guy to intercede for you before the offender (if this is not, then ask one of the friends to play this role). It is unlikely that a guy will be able to refuse such a request to a helpless weak girl. Then, pronouncing the words of gratitude, we can say: “How would I want to meet such a noble guy!”
  4. The help of friends who would inform him of your sympathy has already been said. You can also try to make friends among his encirclement in such a way as to be more often in his company and thereby meet him more often. Then, in every possible way highlighting it from the rest of the team, you will make it clear that it is not against closer communication.
  5. A method for brave girls: write a letter to him and give it personally. It is imperative that he read it with you. Then he will not have any other way out, he will be obliged to clearly answer your proposal. The letter can be sent by e -mail, but then in case of unwillingness of the guy to meet, he will be able to pretend that he did not receive it. In order not to experience awkwardness in this case, initially make a letter in a somewhat humorous tone, for example: “You are lucky - you won the best guys of our city in my rating. It's time to meet to give you a prize. ”
  6. Make him a gift in which put a note with a proposal to meet.
  7. Give him a balloon with the inscription: "Let's meet!".
  8. Write your proposal with small things on the asphalt in the place where you are with him, and bring it there. And when he sees the inscription, look at him inquiringly.
  9. Play the game for the fulfillment of desires. When you win, say: “I want you to invite me to meet!”
  10. The most suitable day of the year for such proposals is the day of lovers when you can send Valentine with recognition.
  11. As if in a joke, ask if you come the role of his girlfriend. If he answers positively, say that you would not mind meeting him.
  12. Invite him to go through several tests together, among which there must be a test about your compatibility. Calculate the results yourself by announcing the guy that you are 100%suitable for each other. And then offer: “Maybe we will check how true is it?”
  13. Bake the cake and present it, noting that you are making such gifts only to those who are pretty to you. When the guy tries and admires the taste, say: “But if we met, I would bake you every day.”
  14. Almost a win -win option is to refer to others. For example, say: “Many people ask me about whether we meet. What should I answer? Can I say that my boyfriend? ”
  15. If the girl is ready to be a constant leader in a couple, she can say directly what is called “in the forehead”: "I would not mind meeting you, I like you."
  16. Responding to a compliment to the guy you want to meet, say something like: “I am ready to listen to your compliments constantly. But for this we must become a couple. ”
  17. The proposal can be found even with a look and smile at every meeting. If the guy feels sympathy for you, he will be enough for him.
  18. To make the guy attract attention, an extraordinary phrase is suitable. For example, having made a sip of coffee, you can say: “This coffee smells of fortress and happiness. Perhaps because we drink it together? ”
Invite the guy to meet in an original way
Invite the guy to meet in an original way

How to offer a guy to meet on the Internet, by correspondence?

  • It is best to offer a guy to meet in personal messages, And do not leave messages in the comments or on the wall where other people will see them. In order for your Internet communication to be interrupted, the conversation must be substantial, and your messages are those that require an answer, and not just read.
  • If your communication is at ease, the guy does not delay the answers and ask you, you can ask if he has a girlfriend. If the guy is free, it is better to immediately do not change his mind, offer him to meet. This will demonstrate your decency and openness of intentions.
  • As an option, you can ask is he ready to meet a girl in principle? And with a positive answer, to continue the topic with the following issue whether he considers your candidacy in this capacity. If he is happy to respond, wonderful. If it laughs, you can also bring everything to a joke, noting that you yourself never seriously thought about it.
  • The easiest and most harmless way is to like his photo or post in any of the social networks. You can supplement with a cute comment with a hint.

Similar phrases can serve as examples:

  • Thank you for the perfect evening.
  • I liked our meeting so much that I would not refuse to meet again.
  • I didn’t even think that there was so much in common between us.
  • It was very interesting for me to communicate with you.
  • We recently broke up, but I am already interested in what you came up with for the next meeting.

How to offer a guy to meet on SMS yourself?

  • It is best to do this in the evening, because in the afternoon he can be busy and will not always be able to answer, and by the evening to get tired so that, having forgotten about everything, he will fall asleep. If you see that he, for example, sits on the Internet or light is on in his window, then the guy definitely does not sleep, and his message will not wake him up.
  • A message to a guy with a sentence should be short and clear: "I would like to meet you". This is the most direct and simple way to express a thought, especially since hints of guys understand poorly.
  • Also, an SMS message may be one of the stages to make an offer to meet if you do not dare to write directly. You can simply invite the guy to meet, and already with a personal date to talk about his intentions, using any of the proposed methods.

How to offer the guy to meet on the phone?

  • On the phone, it is easier to communicate with shy people. You can always start a conversation between a relaxed conversation on the topic “How are you”, and only then go to the main thing. We can say that you feel that your acquaintance is forever, that you like to spend time in conversations with him, praise the guy for something-so you will prepare him for a frank question about whether you are sympathetic to him.
  • If a conversation about mutual sympathies is interesting to the guy, you can hint that they would be glad if your relationship was built with a similar young man. As a rule, shy guys grab onto such a chance and the girl’s proposal develops into a relationship.

What words and phrases to offer a guy to meet?

A lot above is said about the ways that you can invite the guy to meet. But what words are best pronounced at the same time?

You can use such phrases
You can use such phrases

The list of phrases suitable for many cases will help you:

  • You have long been pretty. I would like to be with you.
  • You are very sports, and probably often visit the gym. Let's do it together.
  • I would so like such strong hands hug me.
  • I like it as you care about me. Maybe we will become a couple?
  • I want to constantly look into your eyes - they are so beautiful. Give me this opportunity.
  • We have become so close to each other recently that it is time for us to become a couple.
  • I like that you can not seem better with you than I really are. So it should be next to real guys. And I so want a real young man next to me.
  • This is probably wrong, but I so want the pleasant moments that our communication gives, continue and continue. Let's create them together?
  • I feel good with you, and I understand that our relationship needs development. Let's meet.
  • You are simultaneously strong and caring. I really like this combination. Maybe we will meet?
  • It seems to me that our relationship is already more than just sympathy, and we have to start meeting. I agree?
  • You and I are so similar. Maybe try to switch to a new level of relationship?
  • I like to walk with deserted evening streets. But one is scary. Will you make me a company?
  • If you have not planned anything important for tomorrow, I invite you to a suburban walk.
  • It’s just unfair that such a wonderful guy is still alone. I offer my candidacy for a place next to you while it is still free.
  • You are incredibly lucky. Today I decided to choose a guy for a relationship, and you are the first to whom I want to offer to meet. Are you glad?
  • Honestly, saying, I'm tired of hinting. Come on cleanly: do you agree that we meet, or is it problematic for some reason?
  • We would look a great couple, do not you think?
  • I would like to repeat our walk, but already as a couple.
  • I am very good in your society, but I don’t know what a reason to come up with to come together more often. Do not make me break my head over it.
  • I am so calm when you are nearby that there is no desire to part.
  • I haven’t gotten anywhere for so long, but I don’t want to go alone. Let's go together?
  • I am sure that this perfectly spent evening was far from the last in our relationship with you. Do you agree with me?
  • How wonderful it would be to spend more time with you. Maybe let's start dating?
  • Why should I come up with reasons to tell you that I want to meet you?
  • You don’t find that you and I are very suitable for each other, and could become an ideal couple?

The said at the right time, with the correct intonation, such phrases will help you in the implementation of your desire to meet with this guy.

How to offer a guy to meet in verses yourself?

Several examples of rhymed offers to meet a guy from a girl:

I don't want to go in passing

And like a thread behind a needle

A wave behind a white steamer

Swim in the child.


Fallawered petal

Following the other

I continue my journey with you.



Sympathy by summer starfall

I'm talking about the desire to be near.


Around us is the sky, air and water,

They will always help us be near.


It would probably be funny

We continue to laugh and joke,

But I'm sure it's nice

Sounds "meet and be friends."

How to beautifully offer a guy to meet?

There are several ways to make his proposal to meet the guy unique:

  1. Send the guy your best photo With the proposal written on it to meet. This can be done both in electronic form and ordinary writing.
  2. If there is enough outside the street snow, you can write your proposal on it by simply trampling the letters in front of the guy’s window. And so that he would probably understand that the message is intended for him, send him a message with a proposal to look out the window.
  3. The same method of message under the windows is possible and on the asphalt, only it is better to choose not paint, but crayons. If something goes wrong, the inscription will be easier to destroy.
  4. Organize the guy real quest, throwing anonymous notes with a proposal to meet
  5. If the guy belongs to romantics, make him a sentence in verses by writing them on a beautiful postcard or reading personally.
  6. During concert, paying his attention to the performers on the stage: “Look how they look beautiful together. You and I would look no worse. Let's try?".
  7. In the cafe, in which candles burn on the tables: “Does this not reflect the flickering of candles in my eyes, the desire to be with you not only this evening?”
  8. At a noisy party or disco, screaming his proposal in his ear (the dancing nearby will still not hear anything).

How to offer the guy to meet so that he agrees?

  • The first thing that is necessary before inviting the guy is to meet is complete confidence in mutual sympathy. If the girl is not sure that it is not indifferent to the guy, it is impossible to guarantee that he will agree.
  • Do not do this during joking conversationOtherwise, a guy on this humorous wave can perceive your proposal and automatically laugh in response. It will be insulting.
  • Do not impose on the guy, if he did not immediately answer your offer, give him time to think. Men in amorous matters are indecisive and are difficult to make a decision that changes something in their established everyday life.
  • Pronounce the words of your sentence cute and politeBe tactful and serious. The guy will not be able to abruptly refuse if you do not give him a reason for this by his behavior.
  • Choose a moment for a sentence when the guy is in a good mood, is positive and complacency, and be tuned in the same way - after all, you are talking about both things that are very important to you.
  • Do not be afraid of refusal, if you see that the guy, by virtue of his indecision, does not speak about it himself. Just facilitate his task by formulating everything that excites you two.
  • The probability of refusal will be much smaller if the girl behaves with dignity, does not seem to be easily accessible and is not imposed, as they say, hanging around the guy's neck. She should be in the eyes of the guy a slightly mysterious, self-sufficient, educated, with a gentle soft voice, a correct and beautiful speech, in which there is no place for parasitic words and even more so curses. It is unnecessary to talk about a well -groomed appearance, beautiful hairstyle and makeup, stylish clothes and accessories.
  • Be sincere and respect the personal space of the guy without imposing his society for him. If you know that the guy already has a girlfriend, it is better not to remember her during his offer, and all the more not to speak about her unflattering. And even more so do not touch the topic of marriage, sex, at least until your relationship becomes clear and stable.
  • If the guy gives some arguments during the conversation, carefully listen to him to demonstrate respect for his opinion and the fact that you are considered to be him.

How to offer the guy to meet if he already has a girlfriend?

  • Of course, it is best not to get into other people's relations and not destroy them. In the future, someone can go in your way, and you will experience the same bitter feelings as his current girlfriend. In addition, it is better to start a relationship with such an “busy” guy if he himself shows the initiative to rapprochement, so as not to feel guilty to the abandoned girl.
  • But if you like the guy too much and you are seriously configured to conquer it, then do to offer a guy to meet by demonstrating your own advantages and advantages, and in no case with reservations and slander against his current passion.
  • No need to openly demonstrate your tender feelings for a guy who is not free in a relationship, try to behave naturally and friendly, as with a good friend, and nothing more. This will untie your hands, and you can gradually and unobtrusively lead him to the idea that you are better than his girlfriend.
A girl can invite a guy to meet
A girl can invite a guy to meet

How to offer the guy to meet at 12, 13, 14 years old?

  • It is too early to talk about a serious relationship at this age. But friendly, with mutual sympathy for each other, are quite possible. The girl during this period is best consulted with a reliable friend and listen to her advice, because she evaluates the guy from the outside, and not in love.
  • It’s even better to frankly talk to your mother, especially if you had no secrets from each other before. Mom does not want evil to her daughter, so her advice will always be reasonable and reasonable.
  • If, after listening to all opinions and assuring that the guy is really worthy of your attention, you decide to still offer a young man to meet, then immediately refuse playful formulations and irony. Tell me everything is simple and straight. The boy who likes you will gladly respond to your offer.

How to make the guy guess to offer to meet?

  • This can help common interest. For example, a girl should start swimming if the guy has been visiting the pool for several years. Or attend football matches with the participation of his beloved team, where it is easy to meet a guy and thereby demonstrate that they are like -minded people. At the same time, it is important at such moments to look one hundred percent, smile and with all your appearance to demonstrate the pleasure received from the event. If the guy is interested, you can start a light flirt.
  • You can in a conversation with common acquaintances good and warmly respond to this guy, adding a few words that can be regarded as an increased interest in him. Most likely, this will be immediately transferred to the object of your attention, and he will understand what is interesting to you.
  • A good hint of a hint for an inaccessible or indecisive guy would be a response to his request: "Of course, I can't refuse you". He will definitely think about it, why can't you actually? Perhaps this will push him to the next step. Speak that his opinion is important to you, emphasize it among others. A good way will be a couple of times to show him that with his arrival, your mood is improving.
  • If he himself cannot solve the treasured words in any way, facilitate this task: for example, catch his eye with a heavy bag. Here the most indecisive guy is simply obliged to offer help. Or, “by chance”, find yourself in the field of vision in the evening, returning home. And if he in such a situation does not offer you to spend, then it is hardly worth spending time on such a guy.
  • If you were somewhere together, you can say at the end (or then write SMS): "I really liked our walk" or "I had a wonderful time". A friendly intonation, a playfully cast gaze, as if a random fleeting touch-in all these ways, not crossing the line, behind which obsession is already beginning, the girl can push the young man to finally decide and invite her to meet.

How to make the guy offer to meet by correspondence?

  • Communication on the Internet can also be built on hints. For example, send a guy who is interesting to you, a song on a love theme. Or create an intrigue by writing in your status that you fell in love.
  • If you know how to express your thoughts well, write a small warm post about a guy without calling him a name. Most likely, the young man recognizes himself and, in turn, will be more interested in you, because people always treat those who show sympathy addressed to them.
  • It is not necessary to offer a guy to meet and talk about his sympathy, using correspondence. This option is possible only if your communication is only electronic, and you have never seen in real life. It is only that in the absence of prospects for a personal meeting it is advisable to do this.

When can not be offered a guy to meet?

There are times when a guy, no matter how you like him, is better to leave alone for a while and not to puzzle him with offers to meet.

Such cases include:

  1. He has so much responsible period in the workHe cannot think about anything else. Your proposal will only angry him, as he will distract from the main task.
  2. Woe happened in his family -Someone is seriously ill or died. At such a time, it is better to just offer him his feasible help, and postpone the proposals for the development of relations for a couple of months to give him time to recover and calm down.
  3. The guy just broke up with the previous girl And he is heavily worried. In this situation, you should behave similarly to the previous one: to support, help, talk with him if he has the need to speak out. If you are nearby as a reliable comrade, you yourself will see when the guy will be ready for a new relationship.
  4. The young man is in a depressed state Or he just has a disgusting mood. He may agree to your proposal under an influx of emotions, but it is possible that he returned to his normal state, he will change his decision.

What mistakes do girls make, offering a guy to meet?

The most frequent mistakes of girls at the moment when they offer the guy to meet, are the following:

  1. Incorrectly formulated proposal. As already mentioned, the guys poorly understand allegories and hints. Therefore, think that your proposal is clear and clear. Otherwise, even a guy who himself would not mind meeting you can understand your proposal in a completely opposite sense.
  2. Too hasty offer. If you are familiar with only two days, you do not need to shock the young man with a similar offer, because neither you nor he still really had time to find out each other, and even more so, to understand whether you can make a suitable pair.
  3. The girl makes an offer to meet one guy, and at this time she actively communicates with another. Even if you have no relationship with the other guy except friendly, too frequent appearance in his company can be regarded by the object of your sympathy as inconstancy, frivolity. In this case, the probability of failure will be quite high.

Who to ask for help if you want to offer a guy to meet?

  • Good assistants in this matter can be your common acquaintances or those people who know the guy well, Which you want to offer to meet. Then there may be both guys and girls. If you are familiar with his parents, they can also be attracted to your side, demonstrating the care of their son, respect for him, their own seriousness and decency.
  • Common acquaintances can not only tell the guy that you sympathize with him, but also create situations that bring you closer. In addition, they can help you better know the young man by telling about his preferences, tastes, hobbies, which is very important in order to better understand how you can become interesting for a guy.
  • For very young girls, the best assistants in such a case will be mom or older sisterwho will tell her the right line of behavior, will help you choose the best words.
Be frank with the guy
Be frank with the guy

What to do if he invited the guy to meet, but he refused?

  • The most correct way of behavior if the guy refused your proposal to meet is behave politely and tactfully, do not demonstrate a grudge and not show how much his refusal hurt you. Stay friendly, show him what you understand and respect his position. Tell me everyday and easy: “Well, sorry, but what to do: no - means not” or “In any case, I wish you good luck. But if you change your mind, inform ". You can also thank the young man for the pleasant minutes spent together.
  • If the guy refuses a serious relationship, but invites you to meet without obligations in the future, refusing, saying: “I don’t think we should continue our meetings. Apparently, we are facing different goals. ”
  • If he, which often happens, offers to remain just friends, think about whether you are ready to become just a friend of a guy whom you are considering as something more. Formulate your opinion something like this: "You are a cool guy, but I'm not sure that I can become your friend."
  • Do not pull away defiantly after refusing to communicate with a guy, do not avoid him, and even more so do not become hostile. Behave as usual, just do not show him as much attention as before, reduce the number of smiles and compliments addressed to him. Behave yourself in the same way as with other acquaintances.
  • A guy may disappear from your horizon at all. Do not rush to be upset: this may say that he feels awkward, and not at all about the unwillingness to communicate with you. In any case, the girl should be prepared for further communication with a young man without aggression, demonstrative indifference and emphasized coldness. In addition, do not discuss the guy and your relationship with friends and, of course, do not pursue him, imposing your society.
  • It is logical that the girl after refusing one guy will try to build relationships with another. And her worthy behavior after refusal will not give a reason to say that she is thus trying to forget her disappointment, using a new acquaintance for this. If you do not demonstrate your grievances and insulted feelings, you will not give the guy to the guy and to all those around that he is still not indifferent to you, then no one can even think about it, not to mention to express aloud.
  • Communicate with friends, devote more time to yourself and your hobbies, be in sight, and then you will not have time to be sad, and the chances of meeting a new guy who will suit you more will increase significantly.

How to invite the guy to meet: TOP-9 tips of a psychologist

  • Tip 1: The best time in order to make a proposal to meet the guy, psychologists consider the evening, regardless of the form in which you are going to make this offer: personally, by phone, using social networks or SMS messages. At this time, it is easier to concentrate and put in order thoughts, while in the morning or afternoon you both, in addition to your relationship, think about work or study, about urgent to do, which should be completed during the day, etc.
  • Tip 2: Do not make such offers if you drank even a little. If the guy also drank, his answer can be given under the influence of alcohol, if the young man is sober, he might think of you God.
  • Tip 3: Several meetings or even dates are still not enough to make an offer to meet. For such a time, you cannot be completely sure that this guy really likes, and without such confidence a proposal to make it very risky.
  • Tip 4: When making a guy a proposal to meet, explain what exactly you expect from your relationship. Possible, your intentions vary.
  • Tip 5: Do not offer a guy to meet just because all your friends already have regular partners. Tomorrow you can meet the one who will truly attract you, and then you will be embarrassed in front of a guy who, if you call a spade a spade, you simply used to satisfy your own ambitions.
  • Tip 6: Pay attention not only to the words that you pronounce, offering the guy to meet. Your voice is also important, the tonality in which you say. Evenness, calm or, in extreme cases, slight excitement, softness - this should sound your sentence. Do not switch to emotions or increased tones, guys do not like this.
  • Tip 7: Formulate your proposal depending on what your boyfriend is. If it belongs to creative natures, go to the main gradually. If this is a business man - do not look for bypass paths, you need to speak directly, without approaches and carts.
  • Tip 8: Also, depending on the nature of the young man and the relations that have developed between you, one should also choose the form in which your proposal will be clothed. It can be sincere, soft, tender, and can be quite assertive and clear. You can veil your recognition as a joke, light flirting. It is better to speak the language of arguments with a business person. And in any case, obsession is unacceptable.
  • Tip 9: Do not press on the guy if he does not dare to offer you to meet or answer your already made proposal. Tell him: “If you need time to think it over, then I do not mind. You say when you accept the decision. " You can ask how much time he will need to think about, and during this period do not talk on this topic anymore. If the guy cannot clearly name the required time, then do not return to this issue for several days. After that, you can unobtrusively ask if he thought about the continuation of your relationship and what conclusion he came to.

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