How to find out about pregnancy and calculate the gestational age? Calendar of pregnancy

How to find out about pregnancy and calculate the gestational age? Calendar of pregnancy

What are the ways to determine pregnancy in the early stages? How can you calculate the term of pregnancy yourself?

  • Often a woman learns about her interesting situation already, being in the second, or even in the third month of pregnancy. There is, of course, the category of lovely ladies who are looking forward to the onset of such a desired happiness, and monitor their condition regularly
  • It can be very interesting to know the period of their pregnancy even before going to the gynecologist. In addition, pregnancy in a very early stages may not be visible even with a gynecological examination
  • It can only be identified by some tests and studies. In this article we will try to figure out whether it is possible to independently determine the gestational age, and how to do it

How to find out about pregnancy in the early stages: the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy

Some women do not notice or do not pay attention to changes in their body, because the news of pregnancy is a complete surprise for them.

Others, on the contrary, regularly look for certain changes in their state, but even with successful fertilization they may not find them. The body of each woman is individual and reacts differently to such grandiose changes in it. But there are a number of symptoms that most often characterize the onset of pregnancy:

  1. Lack of menstruation. The delay in menstruation has been considered the first sign of pregnancy for centuries. However, in some cases, a woman has timely bleeding, which is no different from regular menstruation. Moreover, it can be repeated within a period of several months in a row, and sometimes the entire pregnancy. In some cases, instead of habitual abundant bleeding on the day of the beginning of the cycle, a woman can observe a small bloody discharge that lasts only a couple of days
  2. Change in basal temperature. Those ladies who have never measured the basal temperature, such a change does not mean anything. Those who regularly measure the basal temperature in search of the day of ovulation should be obvious their interesting position to preserve the increased indicators of the BT during the period after the ovulation onset
  3. Changes in the chest area. As you know, the breasts are always poured before menstruation. During the origin of a new life, such changes are also characterized by her. Women's nipples become more rude and dark, when pressed, a bright liquid can be released from them, the halo can increase and be covered with small cones. At the same time, touching the chest is almost impossible - it becomes very sensitive and painful
  4. Nausea and vomiting. Such symptoms, as a rule, occur at the fifth to sixth pregnancy week in the morning. In some cases, women experience dizziness and gag reflex all day throughout the first trimester, and sometimes the whole pregnancy
  5. Abundant discharge. At a period of one week to two, some young ladies can observe yellow, cream or bloody discharge, indicating the attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus. However, such a symptom is not required for all
  6. Exacerbation of taste and smell. Very often, the pregnant woman begins to annoy almost all sharp, so much smells, so not noticeable to her. She can hate her products previously her favorite products, and begin to love a completely different food. After delivery, everything will return to its circles
  7. Frequent urination. The uterus is still small enough to put pressure on the bladder, but the hCG hormone produced inside it provokes accelerated blood supply to the pelvic part. This makes the bladder give the brain signals about the desire to empty, even if there is no urgent need for this
  8. Drowsiness and fatigue. The sedative effect is provided by the hormone progesterone, actively produced during pregnancy. In addition, all metabolic processes in the female body are accelerated, which also leads to the rapid overwork of the future mother
  9. Pain in the bottom of the abdomen. Since the uterus is forced to undergo grandiose changes within itself, it can sometimes decrease a little stronger, which causes spasmodes, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back. However, if such manifestations are also accompanied by bleeding, then a woman should urgently consult a doctor. It can be a symptom of miscarriage
  10. Emotional jumps. During pregnancy, due to the hormonal revolution, a woman experiences strong psycho-emotional changes within herself. At one point, she can laugh cheerfully, and after a couple of minutes to get angry or cry
  11. Stomach disorders. Such ailments can manifest itself, both in the form of diarrhea and in the form of constipation
  12. Frequent soreness. Pregnancy is a serious blow to the immunity of the future mother, therefore, all its course can be accompanied by constant colds, nasal congestion and cough. Moreover, the nasal congestion sometimes has nothing to do with a cold - hormonal changes and strong swelling can provoke clogging the sinuses
  13. Insomnia
  14. Acne caused by hormonal surge
  15. Headaches and migraines

How to determine the terms of pregnancy: methods

Determination of pregnancy periods
Determination of pregnancy periods

The terms of pregnancy can be determined in the following ways:

  1. When passing the analysis on hCG. Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in the female body a week after fertilization, because it is its presence in the blood and urine of a woman that indicates her pregnancy. You can take such an analysis in any clinic conducting hormonal studies. Based on the concentration of the hormone, the laboratory assistant will be able to determine the gestational age
  2. Pregnancy pharmacy test
  3. On examination by a gynecologist. A qualified gynecologist during examination can accurately determine the gestational age in the first trimester by the size of the uterine volume
  4. With ultrasound examination
  5. On its own on the day of the last menstruation, the day of ovulation or conception

Calendar of pregnancy

Calendar of pregnancy
Calendar of pregnancy

How to determine the term of pregnancy by days, to calculate the gestational age based on the day of ovulation or fertilization?

Gestation for ovulation
Gestation for ovulation
  • There are two concepts of pregnancy in obstetrics - these are obstetric and true term. The obstetric period is exhibited by gynecologists. They calculate it with the help of the last period. In their concept, pregnancy begins from the moment the egg maturation
  • The time is considered true, which takes its countdown from the day of ovulation or fertilization. With a normal menstrual cycle, the difference between obstetric and true terms is about two weeks
  • To calculate the true gestational age, you need to build on the day of ovulation. It is this day that is taken for the zero countdown. The period of pregnancy will be considered a period of time from the day of ovulation to the day of determination of the deadline. Such calculations are suitable for those young ladies that followed the day of the maturation of their eggs and know its date
  • The same women who do not know when she had ovulation, you can calculate it. As a rule, the maturation of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle. For women with a regular cycle of twenty -eight days, ovulation will most likely come between the thirteenth and fifteenth in the afternoon. Those who have the cycle of thirty days, you need to “catch” ovulation from the fourteenth to the sixteenth day

How to calculate the term of pregnancy by weeks and days?

Pregnancy period for weeks and days
Pregnancy period for weeks and days
  • Some couples can calculate the period of pregnancy by significant intercourse. If there were not so many sexual contacts, then contact two days before ovulation and two days after it will be most suitable for the day of conception
  • Accordingly, if insemination took place directly during ovulation, then it will be considered the day of conception. Then it is from this day that you need to count the term of pregnancy
  • It is worth mentioning the fact that in obstetric practice, the gestational age is measured not in days, but in weeks. Obstetric week, as well as ordinary, consists of seven days
  • However, at the same time, the obstetricians have exactly four weeks, unlike the calendar month, which can fluctuate from four complete to five incomplete weeks
  • Such a difference should also be taken into account when calculating the gestational age and date of childbirth

How long does a pregnancy test show?

Using a pregnancy test
Using a pregnancy test
  • A pregnancy test is based on the sensitivity of the dough to the hCG hormone in the urine. As mentioned above, this hormone begins to be produced in the body of a woman immediately after fertilization
  • However, at first, its concentration in the urine is so small that only hypersensitive tests can identify it. Sometimes even the most expensive tests are not able to fix the presence of hCG in the urine. Sometimes the strips are darkened, but barely noticeable. This can speak of both the absence of pregnancy and its presence
  • A pregnancy test can in rare cases react to the hormone a week after fertilization. However, its indicators from the second week of pregnancy are considered more accurate
  • In any case, the test must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, in order to exclude the error

How to find out the term of pregnancy by date of menstruation?

Pregnancy period by date of menstruation
Pregnancy period by date of menstruation
  • All gynecologists, when registering a pregnant woman, exhibit her pregnancy in the last monthly. The reference point is considered the first day of the last menstruation. It was from this day, according to obstetrician-gynecologists, and pregnancy began
  • That is, in order to find out the term of pregnancy, it is necessary to take away the first number of the last menstruation from the current date. The received number of days will be considered a gestational age
  • To transfer it to weeks, you need to divide it into seven. And in order to break the deadline for weeks by obstetric months, you need to divide the number of weeks into four weeks

Is it possible to find out the term of pregnancy before the delay?

How to find out about pregnancy before the delay?
How to find out about pregnancy before the delay?

There are several ways to identify pregnancy even before the delay of menstruation:

  1. Systematic measurement of basal temperature. As mentioned above, BT rises during ovulation. If fertilization occurred after ovulation, then the basal temperature does not drop. However, this method is suitable only for those women who regularly monitor BT
  2. HCG level. The level of hCG in the urine can be measured with a disposable test for pregnancy. However, as already noted, such measurements can be accurate only in the second week after fertilization
  3. But, as a rule, menstruation should begin at this time. The second way to detect the concentration of hCG is a blood test in the laboratory. It is he who, a week after ovulation, can identify an increased hormone level
  4. Folk signs. This method is the most unreliable and scientifically unreasonable

From what period does the ultrasound be determined by pregnancy?

When you can do the first ultrasound during pregnancy
When can an ultrasound determine pregnancy?
  • In principle, transvaginal ultrasound (research using a special sensor introduced into the vagina) can show pregnancy in the third week. However, the fetal heartbeat is possible only five weeks after conception
  • It happens that even at these terms, the Uzist does not see the embryo. Only after seven weeks of pregnancy, a transvaginal sensor with a 100 % guarantee will hear the knock of a little heart
  • If my mother is unbearable, the hCG test gave a positive result, but she still needs an ultrasound confirmation, then in the third week of pregnancy she can undergo a transvaginal study. If such a study with a positive test on hCG shows the absence of an embryo in the uterine cavity, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy
  • There are times when at such an early period (3 weeks), an ultrasound examination shows the presence of a fetal egg, but in the seventh week it does not recognize the heartbeat. In this case, it is worth assuming that the egg was hollow and the conception did not occur
  • Some women for whom pregnancy is very desirable, but at the same time they have strange discharge or pain in the lower abdomen, it is not recommended to undergo an ultrasound in such an early stages. This is due to the fact that the influence of ultrasound vibrations on the development of a three -week embryo has not yet been investigated
  • Here, in principle, are all ways to calculate the terms of pregnancy. It is worth noting that medical studies and examinations of a gynecologist in the due date are the most accurate ways to identify the terms of pregnancy. No folk method can give at least a 50% guarantee of its accuracy

Video: How to determine pregnancy in the early stages?

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