How to calculate the average number of employees for a month, year: formula, examples

How to calculate the average number of employees for a month, year: formula, examples

This article will help you quickly and simply calculate the average number of workers in the company.

Information about the average number (SSh) Employees must be provided to state bodies every year, in the month of January. But often SSh It is necessary to calculate for a month, quarter or six months. In this article, we will talk about how to calculate this indicator correctly using formulas and examples.

How to calculate the average number of employees in the organization for the year, for the quarter, half a year 2019, for the month: examples, formula

The calculation formula for the average number of workers
The calculation formula for the average number of workers

Average. the number of workers for a specific time period is calculated on the basis of information for the month SShIncluding in this gap. Previously, in organizations a similar indicator was calculated on the basis of the order of the Russian Status from 2015, which was valid until last year. A new order of this state organization is currently valid, which was adopted in 2017.

Calculation of the average number of employees in the organization for the year, month 2019 Or a quarter, it is more convenient to perform in four stages:

Stage 1 - first you should calculate the SSh in 1 day:

  • Use information only for those workers with whom your company has concluded agreements. If the worker went on vacation vacations, gets sick or went to work at work, he must still be taken into account.
  • There is no need to consider external part -time workers, workers who carry out work under the contract of GPC, founders of the company, lawyers.

For example, in the company "Langost" works 15 people. Of them three - These are external part -time workers, and 2 - lawyer and lawyer. List. Number in 1 day will be equal:

  • 20 people. - 3 people. - 2 people. \u003d 15 people.

Stage 2-calculation of the number of workers per month, which perform the working tasks of the full slave. day:

  • Join the learning, Saturday and Sundays.
  • It is not necessary to take into account employees who carry out the work orders and are on incomplete slave. The day, young mothers on maternity leave and on vacation on care for the baby. Also, there are no sample workers who took vacation days at their own expense for training at a university or for submitting documentation to the university.

Important: If the young mother is on vacation to care for the baby, but at the same time she performs working orders in the company during a part -time day, then in the calculation SSh It must be taken into account. This is stipulated in the new state order.

Here is the calculation formula SSh workers with a full slave. In the afternoon:

  • (SSC of workers with a full working day) \u003d (the amount of the account of workers with a full day for each day of the month): (number of days in a month).

For example:

  • The company is performing work instructions 15 people.
  • Of them 13 work full slave. day. Two young mothers went on maternity leave in the early days of the current month.
  • List. the number of workers for all the days of the month (25 slave days): (13 people. * 25 days) + (2 people * 10 days) \u003d 325 + 20 \u003d 345 people.
  • SSC is 345 people. : 25 days. \u003d 13.8 people. We will round later.

Stage 3-calculation of the number of workers per month, which are performed by working orders with incomplete slave. In the afternoon:

  • First, you need to find a number of people who have worked out people with an incomplete slave. during the day. To do this, you first need to add a person for the right period and divide the number of hours into a slave. day.
  • Then the number of numbers per month is carried out. To do this, you need the number of people for 30 feces. Divide days to a number of slave. CALEND. days in the current month.

We will analyze in more detail - first we calculate the number of workers for a month with an incomplete slave. In the afternoon:

The calculation formula for the average number of workers
The calculation formula for the average number of workers

Stage 4 - calculation of the SSC of workers for a month:

  • This indicator is calculated simply: it is necessary to add the number of workers with the full and incomplete day, which we calculated above and round the resulting number to the whole indicator.

For example:

  • 13.8 people. + 1.5 people. \u003d 15, 3 people. Or with a rounding of 15 people.

Now you can calculate SSh workers for the quarter of 2019 or for the year. To do this, you need to find SSh per month. If you need to find indicators, for example, for 2nd square. 2019Then follow the following:

  • Fold the SSC workers for April, May, June and divide by 3 (three) months.

If you need to find SSh workers in half a year, year, then add indicators for the months of this time period and share at 6 or 12 (months).

Calculation of the average number of employees using a calculator online: what data is indicated?

The calculation formula for the average number of workers
The calculation formula for the average number of workers

Online calculator will help to make a calculation of the average number of employees to the more simplest. What data must be specified? Here's the answer:

  • When calculating the average. Number for a year indicate all 12 months.
  • When calculating the average. Number in a month indicate only this month. For example: from April to April.
  • Then the values \u200b\u200bof the data on employees are introduced: the date when the employee began and finished working. The rate is also indicated.
  • If an employee, for example, is a woman who has gone on maternity leave, then she should indicate the date of her last day of work.
  • If a woman went on maternity leave before days off or holidays, then these days are also taken into account.

After entering all the data, click on “calculate”, and in a couple of seconds you will get the finished result. This is very convenient, since you do not need to independently calculate the data by formulas. The result using online calculator will be accurate, and with independent calculations, you can make an error. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, trust the calculation of the electronics.

How to calculate the average number of employees for a report on the FSS: FSS form 4?

Calculation of the average number of employees to report to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) It is performed in the same way as for the tax inspectorate. Perform count average. Number by formulas and examples that are indicated above.

Submit this report to FSS It is necessary on the form 4 FSS:

  • Title page
Blank 4 FSS
Blank 4 FSS
  • Page 1
Blank 4 FSS
Blank 4 FSS
  • Page 2
Blank 4 FSS
Blank 4 FSS
  • Page 3
Blank 4 FSS
Blank 4 FSS
  • Page 4
Blank 4 FSS
Blank 4 FSS
  • Page 5
Blank 4 FSS
Blank 4 FSS

After filling out all the pages, put the signature of the head at the bottom of the document. After that, it can be handed over to the state body as a report.

The average number of external part -time workers, part -time workers: how to calculate?

As it was written above in the text, external part -time workers are not included in the calculation in SSh All employees of the enterprise, company or organization. But sometimes it is important to calculate the average. the number of external part-time or part-time workers. How to do it right? You need to know the following:

  • Corresponders accepted for temporary work, as well as the main employees in any company, conclude with the heads of labor-member.
  • They have the same guaranteed benefits and social security for work as all other workers.
  • Such employees are listed in the staffing of the two companies-at the main place of work and the firm.
  • This introduces many directors into a stupor-such part-time people should be listed in both firms, or one of them should record them in SSh.

The average number of external parties is recorded in column 3 of forms for the tax inspectorate. The calculation of this indicator is made in the same way as the number of those workers who work at the enterprise or in the company of a part-time working day. Accounting for external part-time workers is performed directly and proportional to the time that they have worked. The calculation is performed as follows:

  • First, the amount of people/days is considered: all worked out/hour. In the reporting month, it is necessary to divide the duration of the working day.
  • After that, the average number of part -time workers for the reporting month is calculatedc, in recalculation for full employment. To do this, divide the actually worked out people/days by the amount of the slave. days in the month (reporting).

If there were failure due to illness, vacation or other reasons, then in the indicator of worked out/hour. The clock is included on the labor day, the previous one.

It's important to know: When creating a new company as a result of re -registration, liquidation and so on, calculation SSh It is performed not from the moment the new company is created, but the data of the predecessor, which worked until this time, is taken into account.

How to calculate the average number in 1C: secrets, instructions

Program 1C Helps to count SSh In automatic mode. It is enough to enter all the data into the form and click “calculate” and in a few seconds the result will be ready. But there are nuances that are not automated and they have to be calculated manually. The secrets of the calculation are as follows:

  • For example, as mentioned above, the number of employees over a day off or holiday is equal to the list of employees for the previous working day. If the worker did not come to work on January 31 (this is Saturday), then the calculation is carried out according to Friday data preceding this weekend.
  • If the employee is sick, and the sick leave is not yet closed, then you can enter the data to the program and successfully form a habit of a month.
  • Just switch the button to the mark "The disease (sick leave has not yet been closed)". Look below in the picture.
Calculation of the average number in 1C
Calculation of the average number in 1C

Here are the instructions on how to calculate the average number in 1c 2nd version (8.2):

  • Go to "Menu".
  • Click "Calculation of salary for the company".
  • Click on "Reports".
  • Choose "Regulation-reports".
  • Create a new report, click "Other reporting".
  • Then click on "Data on the SSh" and "Fill".

After performing such manipulations, the data will be calculated in automatic mode. See how it will look in you 1C In the report:

Calculation of the average number in 1C
Calculation of the average number in 1C

If you want to check if you filled the report correctly, go to the menu "Personnel accounting" and "Offers":

Calculation of the average number in 1C
Calculation of the average number in 1C

Calculation SSh workers in the program 1c 3rd version (8.3) It is performed through the menu "Personnel accounting". Then click:

  • "SSH".
  • "Form". Watch how in the picture below.
Calculation of the average number in 1C
Calculation of the average number in 1C

Setting in this version of the program 1C By default, the summary and in the end looks like this:

Calculation of the average number in 1C
Calculation of the average number in 1C

Now you can use the features of the program 1C And make the necessary report.

Calculate the average number of employees of the IP, LLC: Instruction

IP are people who are engaged in their business, often using hired work, so they are equated with other employing companies. Individual entrepreneurs also need to submit reports. Here are the instructions on how to calculate the average number of individual workers:

  • In this case, as well as in companies, organizations and enterprises, they do not take into account employees who are registered on vacation for the duration of study, for pregnancy or childbirth. External part -time workers also do not need to be taken into account.
  • Employees who work and are in the staffing table should be taken into account according to the documents (tablets) of working hours.
  • The calculation of the SSh employees of the individual entrepreneur is made according to the following formula: SSh IP \u003d number of employees of fully busy / number of calendies. days in the month.

If IP for the reporting period worked on an incomplete day, then we must assume how much they worked in fact people/days. Fold all the worked hours and divide into the duration of the working day.

"LLC" - many companies, organizations and enterprises are indicated by such an abbreviation. Therefore, their calculation of the SSH will be carried out according to the instructions described above.

Video: calculation of the average number of employees

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