How to spend 1 birthday of a child? Ideas for celebrating the birthday of a child 1 year

How to spend 1 birthday of a child? Ideas for celebrating the birthday of a child 1 year

The article contains the ideas of simple but beautiful trifles for the first birthday, as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of the holiday.

The first birthday of a child is a very exciting day for parents. How to spend it so that the memories of him remain for a long memory, and the day was full of positive emotions?

How to organize a child's birthday 1 year?

Parents want to celebrate their first birthday in a special way. To organize a great fun holiday, you need to prepare for a long time and not miss anything:

  • Determine the venue: house, cafe, nature. Be sure to take into account the needs of the child. If the street is summer, then you can safely organize a holiday in nature. The child will walk in the fresh air with the rest of the children. And after the holiday, tired and full of emotions, go into a strong dream
  • Determine the time approximately. With a small child, this is a rather difficult task, because the child’s schedule is changed very often
  • Determine the list of guests. Do not invite people whom the child does not know at all. Children react differently to strangers. Let only people closest to the child be in the list of guests. It will be very good if you invite children
  • Determine for yourself how you see the upcoming holiday: a fun holiday exclusively for children, or you want to amuse adults; Everything will be thought out at the festival or decide to do with a beautiful cake and balls; Whether the theme of the holiday will be. By answering these questions, you will know, you can draw up a clear training plan
  • Pick up an outfit for the birthday

  • Make or order invitations (not necessarily)
  • Make or order a book of wishes (not necessarily, but it will remain in memory)
  • Think about accessories for the holiday
  • Determine how you will decorate the room
  • Choose suitable competitions
  • Think about what the festive table will look like
  • Order a beautiful cake in advance
  • Print photos of the best first year of life

Important: since the young mother has a little free time, it is better to start all the preparation 2 months before the event, in order to gradually carry out each stage of training

Birthday scenarios 1 year

The first birthday of a child is the holiday that can tire the baby. Therefore, the script should not be too rich for the child. Let the guests participate, but the baby does not need to be pulled for each competition. He will get tired of it quickly. You can draw up a general scenario scheme. And already mother, based on the list of guests, the character of the child, the venue and the budget, will clarify and supplement it.

General scheme:

  • Meeting with guests. Guests can be met in poetic form and officially. But, given that all guests do not come at one point, you can simply meet all those who come and receive gifts with a birthday man in your hands. The kid will be glad to such an abundance of new things

  • Invite the waiting guests to look at the photo of the birthday person, which you hang on the walls or photo placas
  • When all the guests arrived, you can invite everyone to the table for the first toast for the birthday. After a toast, you can sing a birthday to the birthday, the classic song "Happy Birthday to you." Toasts can be pronounced in a funny form during the evening. This is a children's holiday. A talking toast can hum toast, can dance or speak, standing on a chair
  • Competitions. In order not to bore guests, it is better to present competitions in parts. Alternating children's and adults, mobile and table (read more about competitions in the article We prepare a birthday for a preschooler. Top simple and funny guests)
  • Arrange a photo shoot until the baby is tired of universal attention

  • In the interval between contests and toasts, make a memorable telegram for the child with the guests. Print the form. And ask the guests in turn to call adjectives. Fill a telegram. Then read the result

  • Festive cake
  • After the cake, you can turn on the film about the first year of life of the birthday man
  • After the film, invite guests to fill out a book of wishes

Important: for the birthday of a one -year -old child, such a scenario is enough. Do not overdo it with competitions. Remember that your child is still a baby. Do not allow its emotional overload

The subject of the birth of a child 1 year

Of course, the main requirement for choosing the theme of the holiday is the topic should be a nursery.

If the birthday of boy, then you can support the following topics:

  • Football. Make the whole design of the holiday with an emphasis on a well -known football team. And put the baby into a football T -shirt with an appropriate logo and shorts. For the photo zone, use traditionally a ball, whistle, boots (nothing that adults)

  • Gentleman. Put the child into a shirt and butterfly. For a photo shoot, use a photo bank: antennae, glasses. Make skewers with tailcoats at the ends for the Candy-bar

  • Sea. Use blue tones in the design of the holiday. Put a jacket like a vest with a child, tie a scarf. The blue beret will also be in handy. Sea shells, stars, fish - mandatory elements of the holiday in any manifestations

If the birthday of girls, then you can support the following topics:

  • Princess. The most popular topic. All pale pink, beautiful and magnificent. A sweet pink dress on the baby, a bandage with a flower on her head, a lot of pink balls. In general, everything is sweet and pink

  • Masha and the Bear. You can make invitations, a photo plate, a book of wishes, a cake in the style of Masha and the Bear. The child will be problematic to wear in this style, since the scarf and dress on the floor will clearly be uncomfortable for the child

  • Owls. Use the figures of owls wherever it will be possible for you

Important: do not forget that the child should be comfortable, even if for this you have to remove an uncomfortable shirt or bandage from him

Birthday contests for a child 1 year

You will find many different contests for babies and adults in the article We prepare a birthday for a preschooler. Top simple and funny guests.

How to decorate the birthday of a child 1 year?

The process of decorating a children's birthday can be divided into several blocks:

  • Decoration of the children's room
  • Jewelry of the festival venue
  • Table decoration
  • Using accessories

Important: each block is more detailed below

Accessories for the birthday of a child

Accessories are trifles that make the birthday elegant and thematic:

  • Invitation
  • Book for recommendations
  • Caps

  • Accessories for decorating a table
  • Balls
  • Stretches

Happy Birthday Minnie

  • Paper pompons, balls

  • Number 1
  • Photo executed in various versions
  • Photo album of the first year of life

Book of wishes for the birthday of a child

  • The book of wishes is the thing that you will store for many years. Your child, when grows up, will be able to read the book and experience the most pleasant emotions
  • A book of wishes can be ordered from masters, you can buy in a store, or you can make it yourself. It is quite realistic to make it yourself and it will be very pleasant to understand that all efforts are for a beloved child
  • It can be a book in soft binding (the most beautiful option), a hard cover book, just decorated with a purchased notebook for recordings
  • The book can be made exclusively for the first birthday and contain 10-15 thick sheets, and it may contain many sheets with the expectation that every year, according to tradition, the best words to the child fit into it

Room decoration for a child for 1 birthday

It is better to arrange the room late in the evening, when the child is already sleeping.

So, waking up in the morning, the baby will be delighted with how his room was transformed.

How to decorate the room:

  • Balls
  • Posters
  • Stretches
  • Paper pompons
  • Number 1
  • Paper flowers

Birthday table 1 year

The table can be decorated by using:

  • Beautiful tablecloth. In stores you can find options for disposable tablecloths with a children's theme. The tablecloth will immediately give the table a festive look and appropriate mood
  • Disposable colored plates. Plates can be selected in the same topic as the tablecloth. They are different sizes
  • Disposable colored cups. Similarly, the subject can be selected for tablecloths and plates

  • You can purchase or make the toppers for dishes yourself

  • A bottle of champagne can be glued with appropriate stickers
  • You can tie small bows on the forks
  • On a plate, each guest can be put a beautifully decorated napkin, and a beautifully packed chocolate packed nearby. This will serve as a bonbonniere for the guest

Special attention deserves the design children's Candy Bara:

  • Buy many different sweets: gelatins, marmalade, sweets, dragees
  • Bake or order beautiful muffins. If you bake yourself, then bake in beautiful disposable paper forms for cupcakes
  • Prepare many thematic toppers
  • Make a stretch over the candy bar with the words "Happy Birthday, Elizabeth", for example
  • Put many jars of juice
  • Put a lot of fruits into beautiful dishes

Important: the design of the cand-bar largely depends on your budget, since the manufacture of beautiful sweets to order is not cheap

Invitations for a child's birthday 1 year

  • Invitation, like other accessories, you can do it yourself, you can buy ready -made ones, or you can order from the master
  • Invitations must comply with the theme of the holiday
  • In invitations, indicate the date of the holiday and approximate time

Important: if possible, indicate a separate line that a more accurate time will be reported the day before 3 days before the event. This clarification of time with the constantly changing regime of a one -year -old child is associated.

Birthday cake for a child 1 year

The child is unlikely to appreciate the beauty of the cake, but you can order a beautiful cake for memory and for a photo that corresponds to the theme of the event, the sex of the child, the interests of the child.

Depending on the hobbies of your beloved child, the cake can be made:

  • With figures of Masha and the Bear
  • With the crown
  • With the ball
  • With bodylasses and booties
  • With the bear

Important: Cakes with mastic are popular, as they allow you to choose almost any design of the future cake

Posters for the first birthday of the child

It will be interesting to use posters containing photos of the child in the design. The poster can be depicted anything in children's topics:

  • A steam locomotive in the wagons of which the photo will be located
  • A clock instead of the temporary numbers of which is a photo of a child
  • Just a beautifully decorated poster without any topic where photos will be in frames

With posters you can decorate the child’s room or corridor if there is a holiday at home. If the holiday is on the street, then hang between the trees or on the prepared stand.

Important: on the poster, place the best photos of the first year of the baby's life.

Balls for a child's birthday 1 year

  • Balls at a children's holiday are a mandatory attribute. They create an atmosphere of the holiday and make it clear that the main birthday is a child
  • By the time the child will wake up, run a lot of helium balls into the ceiling, and throw multi -colored balloons on the floor. The child will be very happy about such a gift
  • You can order a figure of balls: a hare, a bear, a machine. And you can choose a ball in the form of digits 1
  • A child at 1 year of balls can be bought the simplest without drawings, but different colors

DIY number 1 for your birthday

The number 1 is a symbol of the holiday. It can be easily done on your own if you start preparation in advance.

There can be many options for the digit, but the meaning is everywhere: the number of the desired size is cut out of the cardboard, flowers are made, glued to cardboard.

A simplified option will wrap the figure with a completely satin ribbon. On top you can attach a bow, for example.

Production of a flower.

Buy the simplest napkins. Choose the desired color. It is better if the napkins are soft, then the flower will be more magnificent.

Lay the napkin in half. Put two more upstairs. Start turning from one edge to another.

Next, the middle is strongly tied with a thread and cut the edges where the paper is turned out.

Next, turn the resulting bundle with a fan. And with one layer, gently raise the napkin up. So to the end of the flower.

Pour the cut digit with such flowers.

Important: this is a lightweight option for making a number. Or rather, this is the basis of technology.

You can make a volumetric number, combine colors, make flowers from simple paper or corrugated hofrobumagi.

Photo shoot of the birthday of a child 1 year

A photo shoot can be arranged on your own, or you can invite a photographer. To make the pictures more interesting and so that the plates are not visible on the background, it is better to organize the photo zone.

The photo zone can organize the simplest that can be done without difficulty using improvised means.

And you can try, spend more time preparing and make a very interesting and beautiful photo zone, near which any guest wants to take a photo. Or rent a photo studio for 1 hour.


The first birthday must be done so that beautiful photos, videos and just the best moments of the holiday remains as a souvenir.

Video: How to celebrate the first birthday of a child? Birthday of the child 1 year

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Comments K. article

  1. And we want to celebrate the other in the cafe, only we need to find animators. But where to find them, here's a question.

  2. Vera, there can be no problem with this now. Want to advise a good presenter? Svetlana Pichugina is called, she and dad at our anniversary led her to the child for his birthday, we invited her. Very cool and interestingly holds holidays, everything is individual and such interesting programs! That adults, that children are all delighted with her.

  3. Good post! I helped me a lot to decide on ideas and vision what I would like to do for my first birthday for my daughter! Thank you! In the wake of our first birthday, I can say that now there are ready -made thematic sets for decorating a children's holiday. This greatly facilitated preparation in terms of decoration. I also designed a book of wishes and plan to put it for every birthday so that my daughter remains in memory of even my great -grandmothers and great -grandfathers. These are very valuable words! Someone gave postcards, I also glued them into the book, so as not to force them to write again) Thanks for the ideas! The kid, although he will not remember the first birthday, he will have a photograph and wishes for memory!

    1. Thank you for your review. I am glad that the information came in handy. Read other posts, including children's topics 🙂

  4. Thank you for the article! I will use the advice)

    1. Ksenia, thank you for your review! Good luck to you in preparation!

  5. Comment:
    thanks a lot!!! Great article !!! I will definitely use it !!!

    1. Snezhana, thank you for the review! Good luck to you in preparing the holiday!

  6. Very useful and detailed article! I decided on the theme of my daughter's birthday) Thank you very much!)

    1. Thank you for your review! I am glad that she helped decide.

  7. Thank you. I will definitely use your advice!

  8. Thanks for the review. I still periodically spy of stylish decor ideas for a children's holiday

  9. Thank you, a very interesting and useful article !! I will definitely use the advice received)))))

  10. Informative. Thanks

  11. Great article !!! Very useful! It remains 4 months before the year))) I hope we decide on the theme and do it in the best possible way!

  12. A wonderful article. A year to his son in 1.5 months. I have been preparing for a long time, but from your article I have gathered a lot and interesting! Thank you.

  13. No rooms

  14. Thanks for the useful article, a year old daughter in a month, I hope I have time to realize everything as they planned!

  15. Thanks for the sea of \u200b\u200bideas and inspiration! This is how preparation for the holiday begins)) We will have a gentleman theme.
    I will do the number 1 myself in your lesson - thank you so much!

  16. We recommend ordering balls here: It is very convenient when delivered to the exact time. And so, thanks for the article, I learned a lot of new things for myself and I will prepare for the second year, but already my daughter, not my son 🙂

  17. We recommend ordering balls here: ball house on Shukhov. It is very convenient when delivered to the exact time. And so, thanks for the article, I learned a lot of new things for myself and I will prepare for the second year, but already my daughter, not my son 🙂

  18. Very useful article! Thank you!

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