A children's birthday script for children from 1 to 5 years old. Top simple and funny games and contests

A children's birthday script for children from 1 to 5 years old. Top simple and funny games and contests

The article will help you prepare the holiday of your child so that it is fun and interesting to everyone.

The birthday of a beloved child is always the unrest of a mother not only relative to the set table, but also relatively funny. How to make a holiday cheerful not only for children, but also for guests?

Birthday contests for a child 1 year

Since the baby in 1 year still cannot understand the whole meaning of what is happening, almost all competitions are aimed at participating in them guests.

Who knows the child better?

The guests ask a number of the question of the birthday. Who is the first to answer correctly - receives, for example, one candy. He who gains more sweets won. If there are many guests, you can divide them into several groups. In the end, accordingly, one of the groups will win. Some questions are obvious, but designed for speed. Sample questions:

  • How much the birthday person weighed at birth
  • What day of the week was born
  • What time was born
  • What is the patronymic of the birthday
  • Favorite toy
  • When the first tooth got out
  • How many teeth are now
  • Favorite food
  • Zodiac sign
  • What is the name of the godfather and dad
  • What first word said?
  • Favorite cartoon
  • What is the weight now
  • When the first time got to his feet

Important: there can be many such questions. But do not overdo it so as not to tire the guests with interrogation.

Who will the birthday be in the future?

This competition is personally for the birthday. But other small children can participate.

Objects are laid out on the table. The subject that the child will take and will mean his future profession. Example:

  • Keys - builder
  • The comb is a hairdresser
  • Money is a financier
  • The book is a scientist
  • Soft toy - veterinarian
  • Vitamins are a doctor
  • The flashlight is a policeman
  • Calculator - economist/accountant
  • Any technique (mouse, remote control, tablet) - programmer or technician
  • Puppet outfit - clothing designer
  • Spoon - restaurant business
  • Beautiful figurine - interior designer
  • Children's print - lawyer
  • The pen is a writer
  • A brush is an artist

Important: you can come up with a lot of your own options

When a birthday man makes the choice, give such an opportunity to other children.

The best gourmet.

  • You invite several people from the guests (it will be more fun if it is supporters of early feeding)
  • Previously prepare children's food jars and take off the labels from them
  • In turn, give you to try. Who guesses the taste more - he won

Important: it will be more fun if you choose less delicious options for sample: broccoli, cauliflower.


For the competition, you can take two or three children from 6 years old. Give everyone a dummy or a pacifier (better - the same). Whoever spits further from two attempts - he won.


The competition is suitable for children who are not afraid to go on their hands to other people's uncles.

Attract men to the competition. Let everyone raise the child and calls the approximate weight. Who will be closer to the truth - he won.

The laughter of the birthday.

Call those who wish, regardless of age and gender.

Anyone who can make a birthday in 1 minute - he won.

After each competition, you can hand the medals to guests:


Birthday contests 2-3 years old

In 2-3 years, the child will already actively participate in competitions.

Funny balls.

For this competition, attract small children and their mothers or dads.

Distribute to each child an inflated ball and felt -tip pen. To the music, children with the help of parents draw funny face. At the end of music, the host evaluates the drawing of everyone and, of course, we say that friendship won. Give prizes to all participants.

Competition for accuracy.

  • To participate, take the birthday and his friends. Build children in a row
  • Opposite each at a distance of 2-3 meters, put an adult with a bucket. Each baby give a small ball or paper crumpled into the ball
  • Give everyone 3 attempts to make a throw. Who will show the best result - he will win


  • Print 3 types of pictures with animals of about 10 by 15 cm in several copies
  • The number of copies depends on the number of participants. Cut each picture in half
  • Each participant give 3 cut pictures. At the signal, everyone begins to collect the picture. Who will be the first to collect 3 pictures - he will win

Important: you can attract mothers to help


Show the beast.

  • On pieces of paper, write animals that children love and know how to show: a dog, a cat, a mouse, frog, monkey, bear, hedgehog, donkey, duck, bird, goose, chicken
  • Inflate balloons, having previously thrown into each piece of paper with the name of the animal. Tie a ball on a bow (in case someone is afraid to burst a ball)
  • The child chooses a ball, you burst or untie it, and call an animal that a child must voice or show. It will be more fun for both children and adults if mom and dad make up their baby
  • As a result of the competition, all children win

Birthday contests 4-5 years old

Candy soup.

  • To participate invite two children
  • Give everyone on the ladle. On the contrary, put a stool with a pan after a meter 3. And near the child - a handful of sweets
  • The task of the participants is to put the candy in the ladle, to convey and pour into the pan
  • Who did it faster - he won

Attentive parrot.

  • The host explains to the children that they should repeat all the words behind him, except for the word “parrot”. The host calls the words to quiet music, including the word "parrot." The one who repeats the "parrot" leaves the game
  • With each dispersed, the presenter accelerates and accelerates to be easier to confuse children
  • The last remaining defeats

Whose voice?

  • Maximum children are attracted to participate. You can also participate for adults for fun
  • One person sits on a chair, turning away from the rest. One participant from the rest comes up from the back and pronounces the sound of some animal: “woof-wow”, “meow”, “pi-pi”
  • Sitting in a chair must understand who was suitable. If you guessed, then a suitable child sits in a chair
  • There is no winner as such. They are awarded all for participation

Funny birthday contests for children

In the footsteps of animals.

  • Children with parents participate
  • Each team is given two cardboard systems carved in the form of an animal trace. At a distance of 3-4 meters, improvise the finish
  • The task of the adult is to substitute a cardboard for every step of the child
  • The child’s task is to go through the entire distance exclusively on cardboard


  • Two teams of children are involved. Give 5 puffed balloons of the same color one command, the other team - the other color
  • Put the commands opposite each other. Draw an impromptu line between them (according to the principle of volleyball mesh)
  • When the music begins, each team is trying to transfer its balls beyond the line, and at the same time, knock out the opponent’s arrived balls from its territory
  • At the end of music, a team wins, on the territory of which there are fewer rival balls

Light birthday contests for children

We make a barbecue.

We give each participant a wand (you can from balls) and put 10 dryers on a plate. Who will put drying on the stick faster, he made the first barbecue.

Gather candy.

On the floor you need to scatter sweets. On command, children begin to collect them in their hands, pockets, sleeves. Whoever collects more has won. Of course, everyone takes his sweets for himself.

Musical contests for children for birthday

Find the color.

  • Children participate in the competition. The host pronounces aloud some color and the music turns on for 10 seconds
  • During this time, each participant is looking for something appropriate color in the room and attach a hand to this (guests, a toy). Who could not find for the time - he is being tracked down
  • Further, another color is voiced, and so on until one winner is left

Guess the song.

  • From adults or older children, the presenter is selected. He goes to another room. At this time, children are divided into two teams. Each team makes a song
  • When the presenter returns, the teams simultaneously begin to sing their songs. In this noise, the host must guess who sings and what kind of song
  • If it does not guess, fulfills the desire of children

Outdoor games at birth

Relay "Find a couple."

  • 10-14 participants (even number) are invited to participate. You can attract adults. Participants divide equally into 2 teams
  • Each participant takes off shoes from one leg. All removed shoes are placed in one pile located at the same distance from both commands
  • The relay race is to run to a heap of shoes, find your own, put it on and return to the team
  • The team that shoes the first and will be declared the winner

Wrap the coil.

Two people participate. Each is given a coil from threads. For two, a thread of 5 m is given. The middle of the thread is marked with a knot. Participants begin to wind the thread on a signal on their coil from two edges. The one who is the first to wrap the knot will win.

Funny birthday contests for children

Who said Meow.

  • Choose one adult for the role of the host. Gagrokov children can be as much as you like
  • The presenter turns away, and one of the children screams “meow”. It will be better if the child says it shouting or changing his voice
  • Then the presenter turns, and all the children begin to scream “meow” and run and jump around the room
  • In such a noisy atmosphere, the adult is trying to guess who said the meow was the first
  • To make it more fun, the loser of the host pulls out of the Fant's bag (for example, portray some animal). Children will be very fun to observe this


The competition will appeal to the younger children. The host says he leaves the zoo and leaves the room. Returning, he says that he saw there, for example, a bear. After that, the children should all together show how the bear does.

Questions contests for children for birthday

Expert of fairy tales.

The host calls the beginning of a fairy tale, and children guess the ending. For the correct answer, each receives candy. He who scored more sweets won.


  • "Red ..."
  • "Wolf and ..."
  • Snow White and ... "
  • "Baba ..."
  • "Tom and ..."

Guess a riddle.

The host sets riddles. For each correct answer gives candy. Who has more sweets - he won.

  • They waited for mom with milk, and let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children? (Seven goats)
  • I bought a samovar, and saved her mosquito. (fly Tsokotukha)
  • He is always in work when we say. And resting when we are silent. (language)
  • There are many teeth, but eats nothing. (comb)
  • every day at six in the morning, he cracks “getting up” (an alarm clock)

Competitions for children for a birthday in the form of a fairy tale

  • For conducting the fairy tale competition, good preparation of the organizer is required. Need props, script, musical accompaniment
  • The simplest option would be the fairy tale "Kolobok". All children know her, she is not very long and easy to memorize
  • Participants: Grandfather, Grandma, Kolobok, Bear, Fox, Hare
  • For everyone, a props must be prepared that helps to see who the participant performs: a scarf for a grandmother, a hat for a grandfather, a hat of a bear, a fox and a hare (or ears)
  • The host reads the fairy tale expressively and slowly. And participants portray their role at every mention of them

Tables of birthday contests for a child

Guess yourself.

  • Stickers are distributed to everyone sitting at the table
  • In turn, everyone writes the word known to everyone on his sticker: fruit, vegetable, animal and others. After the stickers are transmitted in a circle
  • Having received a sticker, the participant sticks it on his forehead and asks everyone to lead. So tries to guess who he is. Of course, the author himself is not trying to guess and prompt
  • Examples of questions: Am I a fruit? Am I red? Am I round?

Broken phone.

The participant comes up with a phrase. Passes it in a whisper in a whisper. A neighbor is another neighbor. And so to the end. In the end, it is pretty fun to hear the phrase that the last participant will voiced.

Prizes for contests for a child's birthday

The choice of prizes depends on the budget that you are counting on. It can be:

  • Cinder-Surprise egg
  • Chocolate
  • Candies
  • Chupa-chups
  • Small toys are soft
  • Dolls for girls
  • Cars for boys
  • Air bubbles
  • Puzzles

Economical, but at the same time a memorable option will be medals. Print on thick paper, take the rope. You can hand it over after each competition.


Adult contests at the birthday of a child

Discount the ball.

  • One adult and children participate in the competition
  • The adult goes out the door. Children become in a circle, take hands
  • Then they begin to get confused, crossing their feet or arms through the arms and legs of others. At the same time, the hands should not let go
  • The adult returns and tries to unravel the ball, not fingering his hands. If it unravels, he receives a prize. Does not unravel - fulfills desire

Eat on health.

  • Adults participate in the competition. Everyone sits down at the table
  • In front of each plate with crumbly food is placed - perfectly rice or buckwheat porridge. Each participant is given by Chinese sticks
  • On command, everyone starts to eat with sticks. Who will eat more in a minute - he won
  • Portations should be equal


As you can see, a children's birthday can be done fun for guests and for the birthday. The main thing is preparation.

Video: Games and birthday contests 2-3 years Part 2

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