How to sell handmade things over the Internet, sell handmale - instructions, popular goods, tips, reviews

How to sell handmade things over the Internet, sell handmale - instructions, popular goods, tips, reviews

The goods made by hands, and not soulless mechanisms, was more expensive at all times. After all, it is guaranteed to exist in a single copy, in addition, the warmth of the soul made it made of the soul that made it.

If you are a needlewoman and your work is simply nowhere to add and hang, then try to offer your work to others - there will certainly be customers, because there is a demand, as you know, for any product.

TOP-10 handmade popular products for sale on the Internet

To sell handmade things via the Internet:

  1. To the most in demand hend Mide goods, As the analysis testifies, toys, especially if they are made of natural raw materials and are environmentally friendly.
  2. Very in demand knitting products, Moreover, both created using knitting needles and hooks are popular.
  3. Author's painting. Moreover, the more abstractions and symbols in the picture, the greater the chances of being sold.
  4. Pottery, Especially if you play an ethnic pattern on a plate, cup or vase or decorate it with a logo.
  5. Ladies' handbag - After all, the pseudo “Louis Witton” is not interesting to anyone, but the author’s bag of unusual design from non -trivial materials is a real exclusive!
  6. All kinds of interior jewelry, made of the most unexpected materials.
  7. Jewelry items They do not cease to be in demand, so your author’s jewelry can find their buyer anywhere in the world.
  8. Collectible dolls and sets of soldiers - After all, adults are also children, only big.
  9. You create guitars with your own hands? Try to look for a buyer on the Internet - it is very likely that they will be interested in musicians.
  10. Exclusive clothing. If you have created your own style, you are a direct road to declare yourself on the Internet.
Handmade goods
Handmade goods

How to sell handmade things over the Internet?

  • It is worth selling handmade things through the Internet if you learned and implement three gold rules of Internet sales: The goods should be exclusive, its manufacture - workshop, and the materials used - high -quality. Agree, it is unlikely that you will be able to interest potential buyer with shrubs.
  • The most common way to sell hand-made products is specialized Internet platform, which are now a huge number and on which you can offer the most diverse product for sale.
Sell \u200b\u200bthrough specialized sites
Sell \u200b\u200bthrough specialized sites
  • The second is quickly gaining popularity and in an effective way The use of social networks is. Moreover, you can use to demonstrate your goods both your own pages and specialized thematic groups or communities. You can simply post photographs of your work, or you can make a blog where to talk about the features and advantages of your products.
  • Direct advertising of your product on all kinds of female forums, where there are appropriate sections of the sale.
  • If you feel in yourself organizational abilities, You can try to start creating your own online store or conclude a contract with existing ones if their profile is similar to what you yourself want to do.
  • And, in the end, no one It does not prohibit trying all these methods comprehensively! Perhaps this is how you will be able to determine the most effective method and main efforts to concentrate on it.
  • Based on the experience of those people who were able to “promote” a similar business, in the first few months, you should not count on big profits, it’s good if you manage to justify the costs at all.
  • Optimal - this profit is up to 15 thousand rubles. Further, if you correctly decide on the product and its supply, earnings can reach about 50 thousand rubles.

How to sell handmade things via the Internet: specialized sites

  1. The most popular platform on which you can sell \u200b\u200bhandmade things over the Internet, is Etsy, Where the names of goods are calculated not even by thousands, but by millions. Here, jewelry and children's leather shoes are most popular and, accordingly, in demand, according to sales data.
  • Of course, buyers give preference to the maximum exclusive in the methods of manufacturing products and materials used for this.
  • Available pricing policy is very important, since most site visitors visit it precisely in order to buy inexpensive quality things.
Sale on Etsy
Sale on Etsy
  1. Another site site, on which dozens and hundreds of thousands of lovers of hand-made products gather, are gathering. Livemasterthat is similar to ETSY, but calculated mainly on domestic buyers. Here, visitors can exchange opinions, leave their feedback on a product or seller. Such live direct assessments help other potential buyers decide in the variety of goods, choosing the most suitable.
  • On this site, according to statistics, the most popular product is called accessories, which is used in the work of Hend Mide, as well as all kinds of jewelry.
  • Products from yarn and various souvenir products are popular.
  1. Spinbo - Also popular is the platform on which you can implement your own hand. It is wider than livemaster, since it provides for orientation to buyers from abroad, and most importantly- Here, not only the products themselves are sold, but also classes in master classes that teach how to make a thing.
  • The popularity of the things sold is located approximately in the same order as on other sites. These are the same friendly connected things, items of jewelry, accessories. However, this order of things is prone to change depending on demand, so you need to regularly monitor fashion trends, adapting to market conditions.
  • So, recently, things woven from beads, homemade soap have also gained popularity.

Sell \u200b\u200bhandmade things on the Internet: how to properly present the goods to the buyer?

  • Naturally, it is necessary to take care of “showing the goods by face”, in the most profitable light, and then it comes to the forefront Design, packaging. The best way out here will be either a self -made container or wholesale deliveries (which are much cheaper).
  • Therefore, standard packaging can be turned into exclusive, having inflicting her own corporate logo on it or attaching a tag - everything to make your thing recognizable. What to make your own corporate sign depends on your imagination, they can help Embroidery, paints, plastic.
  • For a potential buyer to pay attention to your product, you need its high -quality pictures, After all, almost half of your future success depends on them, since no one canceled the rule “greeted by clothing”. Remove against a neutral background so that it does not distract attention from the goods, in macro -regime - so you will allow the buyer to see even the most insignificant details, The general impression depends on which. You can add several appropriate details, scollary pictures.
  • To sell handmade things via the Internet - think about advertising your products using all the possibilities of the Internet, From social networks and forums to specialized sites and blogs. If funds allow, make several advertising booklets, in addition, conduct several master classes using free channels.
  • By posting a description of your products, make sure that it is as complete as possible Be sure to answer the questions that your future customers may have. After the first sales, ask buyers to evaluate both the product and service on the site.
  • Small "pleasantnesses" will not interfere with customers: bonuses, discounts, presentations, souvenirs.
Prepare interesting discounts and bonuses
Prepare interesting discounts and bonuses
  • And, of course, important thoughtful price, In which you will evaluate your work. Do not expose it obviously below the cost, otherwise your business will end without starting. But the clients will also not understand the obviously high prices. Therefore, the price should be adequate, with a small "navar".

Sell \u200b\u200bhandmade knitted things via the Internet

  • Regardless of whether you knit crochet or knitting needles on the same site Etsy One and the other type of needlework are in demand. What can be offered to potential buyers so that it can interest them with a huge selection of knitted things presented on the site How to sell handmade knitted items over the Internet?
  • In order to understand this, best get acquainted with the seller’s book, Which will be offered when registering.
  • Having studied the supply of a particular product on Etsy, you can decide what the smallest competition is, and where the market is oversaturated and you can choose for yourself a product option with an optimal ratio of demand, offer and price policy.
Sale of knitted things
Sale of knitted things
  • So, if presented on Etsy The caps reach 150 thousand units at an average cost of $ 27, It is much less costly and labor -intensive bandages worn on the head, although they cost less (on average about $ 17), but their competition is 6 times lower and is about 25 thousand units.
  • Or, for example, such a common, but necessary thing, like a scarf, at an average price in $40 100 thousand units are presented, and a more voluminous, but quite simple, the shawl has three times less competition (30 thousand) at a price almost twice as high as ($77). This also includes the clamps of the head, which are almost equal in price of scarves, for comparison. ($37), And only 6 thousand units of goods compete with each other.
  • Such a comparison can be carried out in all positions of goods that you are able to connect, up to clothes for cats (here competition is completely insignificant - 360).
  • Or, say, Kashpo (300). You will see that knitted things are not only hats, scarves and socks with sweaters, but a huge number of ideas for sale!

Sell \u200b\u200bhandmade toys via the Internet

  • If a dolls, bears and cars, Created by your hands, they are admired by friends and all of them vying asking for such an exclusive gift to them, which means that your creations are in demand. It remains to learn to sell them.
  • Put the goods on a popular platform, use for sales social networks or create your own site - Here you are free in the choice. The main thing, do not forget that in any case, the more contact data you indicate, the more people will find the right opportunity to contact you if necessary
  • To sell \u200b\u200bhandmade things over the Internet, It follows first of all present yourself as a seller. Do this in a positive way, because you will offer people a piece of childhood, and this is always - optimism, laughter, kindness. It is with these concepts that people are associated in people, and the same associations should cause you yourself.
  • Be sure to positive photo (Smile, perhaps some kind of fabulous-wise image), a small story about yourself, with an indispensable indication of your “professional correspondence” (suitable education of the artist, fashion designer, designer, maybe rewards for victories in professional competitions).
  • You will also represent your work with the help of photography, so you should think over all the possibilities of a successful presentation. Background, entourage, lighting - Everything should be aimed at ensuring that the potential buyer see the most interesting and exclusive details of the toys, its most successful moments, and most importantly - was able to evaluate its size, color scheme, density.
It is important to take beautiful photos
It is important to take beautiful photos
  • It is better to set the price, focusing on the average cost of such work on the Internet, And even a little less. So you will not scare away customers of high cost, and then, if your toys gain popularity, you can gradually increase the price. Especially a successful time for this is pre -holiday sales, when a detail related to any toy can be added to any toy: Christmas wreaths, bells, flowers, hearts.

How to sell handmade jewelry over the Internet?

  • And again we return to Internet platforms on which you can Open your own stores, Where buyers are “looking” thanks to the search engines of the site itself.
  • The jewelry is one of the largest sections, since it includes both jewelry and design work, which are used Half -led and precious stones, And often - also the stones themselves as a separate unit of goods.
  • Attention should be paid to the fact that jewelry on such platforms is separated in categories and subcategory (for example, earrings, rings, necklaces, brooches). And already in the sections themselves you can be determined further, in accordance with the material from which this decoration is made (Again, either it is precious metals, or a tree with skin or a paper in general).
  • Further, the site provides you with the opportunity to compare which Prices for similar products are set by other sellers, How different are your jewelry and whether the product you want to put up for sale will become, just the next analogue of many decorations existing on the website. If you analyze prices, you can derive the average in the range $15-50. Although you can find both the cost of a couple of dollars and thousands.
  • As in other categories of goods, when selling handmade jewelry through the Internet, it is necessary to determine, How great the competition is, to pay special attention to the availability of quality photos (for jewelry this is especially important), to correctly and original to arrange your proposal, to constantly keep abreast of new products (for this you can use reviews that offer all sites). And, of course, it is very important to provide customers with a quality service.
  • Then you can take as a sample the work of leading stores for the sale of jewelry, whose profits reach from $ 2-5 thousand to $ 250 thousand per month. Then, provided that you do not resell other people's work, but offer exclusively your own (with the exception of ancient work), you can start your business. To do this, you will need to register in the PayPal system to make payments, open your store on the site (for example, the same ETSY), after passing the right link, configure it and fill out with photos of goods with a description, prescribing tags.
  • The site gives you the possibility of initial free placement of products, in addition, you can use the instructions offered right there "The Hand Book of the Seller."
  • Well, and, of course, you can always do business through own online store, And the best option would be parallel sales through two channels at once.

How to sell handmade dolls over the Internet?

  • As in the case sales of other things via the Internet, On the sites it is allowed to sell either the dolls made with his own hand, or those whose "age" exceeded 20 years. All other options are prohibited, and in case of violation, your business will be blocked.
  • Polls for dolls vary from 5 to several thousand dollars, depending on conditions, exclusivity and other factors.
  • According to statistics, out of 30 thousand products of this kind presented on the site Etsy, Only about a quarter-hand-made products, the rest are a vintage option. Here are presented porcelain dolls and Reborn (Little dolls), toys with movable joints (hinged) and paper dolls (Moreover, often with all the "dowry" - outfits, the situation).
  • The dolls used in the representations of puppet theaters (worn on hand) and traditional, never going out of fashion, rags are popular. Recently, have come to the fore rag tildes.
  • Wooden (the same nesting dolls, for example), national, terrible and even voodoo dolls - all this can be found in catalogs, so there is the ability to evaluate competition.
  • In addition, here you can sell outfits and jewelry, houses, dishes and other household items that accompany the dolls. There is the possibility of conducting master classes for the manufacture of dolls, and even sets with the material necessary for their manufacture.
  • The algorithm of actions is simple: registration by link, registration and filling with goods (This refers to filling with photographs and descriptions), and then - receiving payment and sending the goods with the mandatory payment of the site 5% of the amount of the transaction.
Handmade dolls
Handmade dolls
Sale of dolls
Sale of dolls

How to sell handmade products over the Internet: reviews

Reviews about the sale of handmade products via the Internet:

  • Igor: I heard many recommendations from friends to try to implement my work on Etsy and decided to experience good luck. I registered without problems, since by that time the interface was already in Russian, I got the opportunity to sell forty goods for free. I uploaded the photos, using the Google translator made a description in 4 languages \u200b\u200band began to actively work on the pages of other masters in anticipation of orders. But something did not work out, only two people showed interest in my work, and in the end they didn’t buy anything. Two months passed, and there was not a single sales, and my store was disconnected. Here is such an unsuccessful experience. Maybe my products were not original.
  • Catherine: While on maternity leave, I in every possible way looked for the possibility of part -time jobs, and it was then that I discovered Etsy. Not immediately, but I figured out how it works, and opened two stores at once: in one I offered knitted things, in the other - ancient cards, which I have long collected. The description made using an online translator, although in the process of work I realized that knowledge of English would still be very useful. Then I realized that it was also necessary to activity on the site, and knowledge of the CEO. I received my free 40 goods, placed them and not immediately, but it went. I sold several things for the child, and, with one of the customers, I performed work according to them the standards. The amounts were small, but I did not consider such sales as a business, rather - as a small part -time job. In this regard, Etsy fully justified itself. And for a full -fledged business, you need to carefully study demand and look for your niche. The main thing is that it works!
  • Sergey: I make products in the style of Etno, and decided to try to sell it at once on two sites. I don’t know why, but on one I had little views and not a single purchase, on the other, where the specialization is more “creative” - thousands of visits to my store and several dozen purchases. Therefore, we concluded, you need to look for specialized sites where those who are interested in the goods of this category come in. You can try to set your work on other sites, so to speak, universal, but you should not especially count on success, so as not to be disappointed later.

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Video: Sale of handmade things via the Internet

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