Love spell in the name - how does it work? What name is to use in a love spell - worldly or church? Are love spells dangerous?

Love spell in the name - how does it work? What name is to use in a love spell - worldly or church? Are love spells dangerous?

Despite all the danger, love spells are very popular, and in our article we will talk about love spells in the name.

The name lies in very great importance and for each person it is fateful. Through it, rituals and conspiracies are often carried out, and the love spell is the most popular. Let's find out how they are done and is it difficult.

What name is used in the church or worldly love spell?

Love spell in the name
Love spell in the name

We are used to the fact that a person always has only one name, but not everyone knows that in fact there are two of them. Indeed, one thing is given at birth and they call us everything, but the second baby is called already at baptism. Similar situations occur when the name is not Christian or in general invented. Then, for the rite of baptism, another, the name of the saint is selected. It often happens that it is not like ordinary.

As a rule, the ceremony requires the church name. And here it doesn’t matter which ritual is used. Even if it is obtained from another faith, in any case, for him it is necessary to use the church name.

Some even specifically give the child one name, and baptize with another in order to protect him from bad people and love spells. But only this does not always help, because professionals and clairvoyants can well recognize the second name.

Love spell in the name - do you need a surname?

Mages often say that "the Lord has no surnames." So, it seems that the surname is not required for the rites. But in fact, she always connects a person and his family. It allows you to direct the love spell more precisely and indicate who exactly is the victim. For example, there are many people named Irina, but still have the name of Petrov. That is why it is important to clarify which kind of victim’s family is that the action is quick. Although, if desired, you can do without a surname.

A love spell addressed to a woman - how to do it?

How to scare your beloved?
How to scare your beloved?

Love spell addressed:

  • In the name of the beloved

In this case, the ceremony is carried out on the name of the performer. It is important to note that if the contractor is not baptized, it is better to entrust the action to another. A baptized person is required for the rite. It is better to turn on the day of your own church name, that is, in the name day. And it is also important to postpone the ceremony if this day has a serious church holiday.

So, in the church, stand in front of the icon of your name and pray. If such an icon is absent, then you can buy it and read prayers at home. You must have a nominal image, because it is a talisman from misfortunes. Then continue to look at the icon and light the candle. Along with this, say:

Love spell in front of the icon
Love spell in front of the icon

This rite is allowed to be carried out many times. It is better to do this before obtaining the necessary results.

  • On a cigarette
Love spell on a cigarette
Love spell on a cigarette

It is not necessary to have a bad habit to make such a rite. Take a few packs with cigarettes and read a conspiracy over each cigarette:

Love spell on a cigarette
Love spell on a cigarette

By the way, this must be done on one day, and therefore you must choose the time and buy just as much cigarettes as you really have time to speak. On all cigarettes, carefully write the name of the girl so that he is not visible. A thin pencil can perfectly cope with the task.

If you smoke, you can use everything yourself, or distribute everything received. Here the point is that every time a cigarette will be used, the beloved will experience anxiety inside. She will want to see you, even if you are unfamiliar. She will remember where she met you and, perhaps, will come there.

A love spell in the name of a loved one - how to do it?

Love spell addressed:

  • On the paper
Love spell on paper
Love spell on paper

Such a love spell takes place on the birthday of a loved one. By the way, the action of the rite will be even stronger if the day falls on a holiday or Sunday. The fact is that usually you can’t fight on such days, but in this case an exception is made.

Take a sheet of paper. It is better that he is whole and not divorced. You can take leaflets for notes and write in one name of the guy.

After that, roll the leaf into the phone and say:

Love spell on paper
Love spell on paper

While reading the spell, the tube should lie in the right hand, and after reading, remove the tube to yourself so that it is with you. In no case do not unfold it.

  • On the candle

The rite will require a thick candle and dark color. It is better to choose a dark blue, and it is better to get a black one at all. You need to purchase it in just a store. The ritual is made for several days, and the first should be on the birthday of a loved one.

So, light the candle and say:

Love spell on the candle
Love spell on the candle

Let the candle burn a little and put out. By the way, the ritual should not be held on Sunday or a church holiday. Until the candle burns out to the end, say a conspiracy daily. It usually takes about a month while everything ends. The remains of wax must be buried in a deserted place.

A universal love spell addressed to men and women - how to do it?

Love spell on the water
Love spell on the water

Love spell addressed:

  • On water and mirror

If you want to make a love spell in the name in this way, then you will need a new mirror. Choose the size so that the name of the beloved includes. Moreover, the mirror will have to be hidden after the rite.

First you need to write the name of your beloved on the mirror. The lipstick is ideal for this. Rinse the mirror under water daily and say:

Love spell on the mirror
Love spell on the mirror

Be careful, wash it so that the name does not wash off completely, but partially. Each day, spend the ritual until the name is completely erased. It is better to make it yourself, and not trust third parties.

  • Binding in the cemetery

Go to the cemetery on Saturday, which does not occur on a church holiday. Take a little sweets with you and find the grave with the name, like a loved one. Take the earth from it and pour on the one where the name is written like yours. Also put sweets near the grave and say:

Love spell in the cemetery
Love spell in the cemetery

Immediately after that, leave and do not look back. You must understand that such magic is very black, and therefore it is not recommended to use it. Be sure to go to the church after the cemetery and pray before the saints for arousing the deceased soul. And it is also important to follow the post for a week.

Love spell in the name - what are the consequences?

The consequences of a love spell
The consequences of a love spell

Any magic has consequences, and especially love spells. It doesn’t matter what intentions you have a love spell in the name, you fit into someone else's life. In some cases, people justify their behavior with strong love and believe that the rival will never love a man like her and therefore must be taken away. That's just such arguments have no good reason. After all, the man himself chose a couple. Maybe she does not suit him in your opinion, but this is only yours and if you see him, then you act selfishly. There is definitely no concern for your beloved.

The consequences of a love spell addressed to you can be different. Even if the love spell was imposed by the magician, he will not be responsible for this. He always provides himself with the necessary protection, but they do not make it to customers, because someone will still have to answer.

As a rule, people do not live in happiness and harmony for long. Most often, their life collapses. They can be left without work or get sick much.

Often you have to pay the death of a loved one for a love spell.

Payment for a love spell
Payment for a love spell

A loved one begins to behave differently, because he tries to resist magic and this oppresses him. It seems to be his mind a person understands that he does not like, but he can not do anything and far from the performer of the love spell suffers. It seems to be forcing him to stay, but at the same time the person will be unhappy. So if you want to live with such a person, he will have to endure scandals and disagreements.

The victim is also subjected to certain consequences. First of all, health suffers. Dark forces take all the energy, because they need to keep the victim near the owner. Therefore, a person begins to hurt constantly and for no reason. The most vulnerable place can be considered the psyche.

Somewhere inside the loved one understands everything and hates the one with whom he has to connect his life. But he cannot only get away from this.

In addition, the victim of a love spell may also experience failures in life as the customer. Often a career collapses, money is leaving. A person is constantly hot -tempered and bursts out for any reason. And the fact that he cannot solve all his problems can even lead to suicide.

The change in the name makes fate also change. Mages advise in such cases to be baptized again in a new name. Not everyone is ready to turn to him in a new way. But only sometimes this is the only chance to get rid of the love spell.

Video: love spell addressed

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