How to cook meatballs and meatballs with gravy, as in kindergarten: 9 best recipes for adults and children

How to cook meatballs and meatballs with gravy, as in kindergarten: 9 best recipes for adults and children

Delicious juicy meatballs and meatballs are a great dish that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Such meat products will certainly remind you of the taste of childhood, because they are often prepared in kindergartens.

It is worth noting that today the meatballs are prepared not only according to a classic prescription of meat with rice and tomato gravy. Therefore, we present to your attention 9 most delicious and original recipes of meatballs and meatballs With gravy, as in kindergarten, but in different variations.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs with gravy, like in kindergarten: step -by -step recipe?

Meatballs and meatballs with gravy They do not apply to food, which is very difficult to cook and long. Such products from meat can be prepared even by a novice mistress, and with our step -by -step recipe it will be even easier to do.

Serve meatballs and meatballs with a gravy, as in kindergarten with potato mashed potatoes, buckwheat and wheat porridge, pasta. With any of these combinations, you will get hearty and delicious food.

  • Pork pulp - 550 g
  • Rice round -grained - 110 g
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Egg protein - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 60 g
  • Sour cream - 120 g
  • Flour - 20 g
  • Ketchup - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 370 ml
  • Parsley - 20 g
  • Salt, spices to taste

To begin with, let's do meat, we need to make a juicy and tasty minced meat from it. Since meat is the basis of this dish, it must be selected correctly. If the meat is not fresh, then the dish will turn out not very tasty.

  • The pulp needs to be used fresh, preferably one that has not previously frozen. The meat should not have extraneous smells. For the preparation of meatballs and meatballs as in kindergarten, you can use not only pork, will also be suitable beef, veal, chicken And in principle, any other meat that you love. However, it is worth noting that from fatty meat, such products are much more tender and juicier.
  • So, take a piece of pork meat, wash it, dry it with paper towels. Now it must be chopped, this can be done with a knife, in which case you will get small chopped pieces, or meat grinders, a blender, in which case you will get minced meat.
  • Rice It is advisable to use round, since it is more adhesive and it will be better to keep the form of meatballs and meatballs. It must first be washed several times with cold water, and then boil for 10 minutes. After boiling water.
  • Onions are necessary finely grind. In principle, you can grind this vegetable large, however, only if you love it.
  • Now knead the minced meat. To do this, connect all of the above ingredients (meat, rice, onions) and add chicken proteins and yolk, salt and spices to taste to them. Mix the minced meat well until smooth.
  • The minced meat should turn out dense, otherwise later the balls will simply break up. If the minced meat is fluid at this stage, add a little more rice or meat to it.
  • After our minced meat is ready, you need to apply tefteli-Freek. To do this, moisten your hands in the water, so the minced meat will not stick to them, and roll small balls out of meat with rice. You can do any size.
  • Then roll each meat ball in flour, this is necessary in order to maintain the shape of the product.
  • Now there is a process of frying. Heat the oil (sunflower, olive, vegetable mixture with cream) in a pan well and place the meatballs on it.
  • When laying down the meatballs in a pan, keep in mind that during frying they will increase slightly in size.
  • You need to fry meat koloboks before Golden -colored crust.
  • While they are preparing, you have time to cook that very delicious gravy. To do this, connect the ketchup with 200 ml of water in the plate, stir.
  • Well, now the finish line. Put all the meat products into a container with thick walls, pour a tomato gravy here and simmer for about 15 minutes on the quietest fire.
  • During this time, you need to prepare another gravy. To do this, we connect sour cream with the remaining amount of water, and then stir the flour in this liquid.
  • After the indicated time, pour the sour cream to the container with meat balls and pretend for 25 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped parsley.

How are delicious meatballs, meatballs for children, like in kindergarten, prepare?

For children, meatballs are prepared by a little different technology, but they get from this no less tasty and fragrant. Such a dish will appeal even to the most overwhelming and picky "bad".

  • Calm pulp - 400 g
  • Pork pulp - 100 g
  • Sweet bulb - 60 g
  • Garlic - 1.5 cloves
  • Fatty sour cream - 20 g
  • Tomato juice thick - 30 ml
  • Wheat flour - 25 g
  • Paning crackers - 20 g
  • Salt, spices to taste

To prepare delicious meatballs and meatballs for children as in kindergarten, it is better to use low -fat types of meat. Therefore, in this recipe, we will prefer veal and a small amount of pork.

  • Wash the meat, dry and twist into a meat grinder. You can also make minced meat with a blender.
  • Pour the onion and garlic with a blender. This is necessary so that there are no pieces of these vegetables in the finished dish, since children very often do not like onions and garlic.
  • In this recipe, we will not use rice, since the meat is not oily, but rice will make the meatballs even more dry, but you, if you want, can add. But in this case, add quite a bit.
  • So, we combine chopped meat with carved vegetables, breadcrumbs, salt and all spices to taste. Mix the minced meat. If the child treats well greenery, it can also be added to the dish.
  • Now you need to turn all the minced meat into small yokes, which then need to sprinkle with flour.
  • Now you need to fry the meatballs in a preheated pan with a minimum amount of oil. For children, frying balls do not need to greatly.
  • While fragrant meatballs are fried, prepare family. To do this, combine sour cream, tomato juice and a little water. Adjust the amount of water at your discretion. The more water, the more gravy. But there is no need to add too much water, because with such a number of ingredients it will become gravy tasteless.
  • As soon as the meatballs are slightly browned from all sides, pour in the gravy to them and stew The dish is about half an hour. If necessary, add salt to the gravy.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs with cheese in creamy sauce, as in kindergarten?

The meatballs and meatballs made from such ingredients are incredibly tender. They are prepared quickly and easily, however, they turn out so original that they can easily be sent to the festive table.

  • Pork pulp - 300 g
  • Beef pulp - 300 g
  • Rice - 140 g
  • Cream 20% - 350 ml
  • Solid cheese - 180 g
  • Garlic - 3.5 cloves
  • Sweet onion - 1 pc.
  • Dill - 20 g
  • Wheat flour - 20 g
  • Salt, Provencal herbs, Oregano
The most tender
The most tender
  • My meat, dry with paper towels, and then grind in any way convenient for you. If you buy ready -made minced meat, make sure that it is dense, not liquid, otherwise the meatballs and meatballs will begin to break up.
  • Rice will make meatballs and meatballs more hearty and nutritious. It must first be thoroughly washed, and then weld until half -cooked.
  • Finely chop the vegetables with a knife. Those who do not like to feel pieces of such vegetables in meat balls can kill them on a blender.
  • Finely chop the dill. Three cheese is a grater.
  • We begin to knead the minced meat. We do it in a deep plate. Combine the pulp, cooled rice, vegetables and greens. Mix the ingredients, add salt and spices, once again thoroughly mix the resulting mass. Spices can be used absolutely any.
  • Now we begin to sculpt meatballs and meatballs hand -slightly moistened in the water. After that, we roll all the meat balls in flour.
  • Then we proceed to frying meat products. You need to do this in a well -heated pan with a thick bottom. As soon as the meatballs from all sides acquire a golden crust, we proceed to the next stage of their preparation.
  • We shift the meatballs and meatballs into a pan with a thick bottom or leave it in a pan if its sides allow.
  • Pour meat products with a mixture of cream, cheese and flour.
  • Salt and pepper at the request of the sauce.
  • The meatballs need to be cooked under a closed lid at the lowest heat for about 30 minutes.
  • If you want to form from cheese beautiful and appetizing crust, after this time, send the container (should be heat -resistant) to the oven for about 10 minutes. At a temperature of 200 degrees.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs "Octopuses" with gravy, as in kindergarten?

Parents of small fidgets know a recipe called "Hedgehogs with rice", But few people know that you can prepare another no less interesting and beautiful dish for children, which is called "octopus". Such a yummy you feed even the most fastidious gourmet.

  • Pangasius fillet - 300 g
  • Boiled rice - 120 g
  • Parsley - 10 g
  • Kuren egg - 1 pc.
  • Ketchup - 20 g
  • Sour cream - 55 g
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • Spaghetti - several pcs. for decoration
We fantasize for children
We fantasize for children

You were probably very surprised that there is no meat in the meatballs recipe, but there is a fish. In fact, there is nothing surprising in this, since the meatballs and meatballs are prepared not only from meat, but also from fish. For children, such food will be even more useful and nutritious.

  • So, take the fillet of any sea fish that you like, we prefer in this recipe pangasius. Defrost it at room temperature and make minced meat in any way convenient for you.
  • Rin and cook for 10 minutes. After boiling water. You do not need to add a lot of rice, as the meatballs will simply lose their taste.
  • The onion should be put if your child loves and eats him, if not, it is better to leave experiments with this vegetable for later. If you add onions, pure it with a blender.
  • Wash and chop parsley.
  • Now we connect all the ingredients, except sour cream and ketchup, knead the minced meat. If necessary seal the consistency, Add a little more rice or fish to the mass.
  • We make medium -sized meatballs.
  • We break spaghetti into small parts and insert them into each yoke, imitating the legs of the octopus
  • The advantage of such a recipe for children is that we will not fry fish balls in oil. We simply weld them for 12 minutes. In salt water.
  • After that, lay out our octopuses in a saucepan and pour a gravy, ketchup and a small amount of water from sour cream.
  • Cooking goodies for 10-15 minutes.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs from peas with gravy, like in kindergarten?

No less interesting and tasty is the recipe for peas from peas. With such an unusual dish you can surprise not only your whole family, but also guests.

  • Pork pulp - 470 g
  • Filled peas - 170 g
  • Water - 470 ml
  • Onions - 70 g
  • Garlic - 2.5 cloves
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Egg protein - 3 pcs.
  • Dill, parsley - 30 g
  • Corn flour - 20 g
  • Tomato juice - 40 g
  • Sour cream - 120 g
  • Salt, spices to taste

In this case, you need to start cooking with the cooking of peas, since this process can take a lot of time. When buying peas, pay attention to its quality - poor -quality poor peas may not be boiled at all.

  • So, rinse the peas And soak for several hours. After that, put it to cook, adding 470 ml of slightly salted water to the specified amount of peas. Cook peas until it begins to break up and becomes soft. After that, excess water, if one, of course, will drain, and leave the peas to cool.
  • Wash the meat, Dry and twist on a meat grinder or grind in the way that you like best
  • Cut the onions and garlic as finely as possible or cross in a blender.
  • Wash and chop the greens.
  • Now we combine meat with peas, egg yolks and proteins, vegetables and herbs. At this stage, the minced meat is salted and pepper. We knead the mass well and look at its consistency, it should be dense so that we can form non -decaying balls from it.
  • If the minced meat is liquid, add to it several spoons of semolinaMix and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Show will fasten the minced meat, and it will be the consistency we need.
  • Then, form the meatballs from the meat mass with peas and sprinkle them with flour so that they keep their shape.
  • We fry the yoke on the minimum amount of oil for 12 minutes.
  • Gravy will consist of tomato juice, sour cream and flour. Connect the indicated ingredients, mix them thoroughly, add a little water. In total, the gravy should turn out so much that all the meatballs are covered with it
  • Pour the gravy to the products and prepare the contents of the container for about 30-40 minutes.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs from a gravy rabbit, like in a kindergarten?

There are no restrictions on choosing meat for such a dish, so you can use any. However, for children the most useful is rabbit meat. And that is why we suggest you take this recipe. The meatballs and meatballs prepared in this way are really the same as in kindergarten - the juicy and tender ones.

Please note that such a dish can be considered dietary, so it is suitable for the diet of those people who, for some reason, adhere to proper nutrition.

  • Rabbit pulp - 450 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Baton - 70 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Low -fat sour cream - 200 g
  • Tomato sauce - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 40 g
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • Rinse the pulp, dry, check that there are definitely no bones in it. Cut the meat into medium pieces.
  • Peel the onion and cut into 4 parts.
  • Soak the loaf in milk. If you do not have milk, use water. This process we occupy for about 5-10 minutes. After that, the loaf must be squeezed to remove excess fluid.
  • Place meat, onion and loaf In the capacity of the blender and chop. If there is no blender, use the usual meat grinder
  • Now add salt, spicy herbs to the minced meat and mix it with a spoon.
  • Form from the finished minced meat round balls moistened in water, and then be sure to sprinkle them with flour.
  • Then proceed to frying the meatballs. This must be done in a hot pan with a minimum amount of oil. As soon as the meatballs are covered with a golden crust, they are ready.
  • Now connect tomato sauce, sour cream, a little flour And mix all these ingredients well.
  • Pour the gravy into a container with the meatballs.
  • Stew meat products for about 25-35 minutes.
  • Before serving, you can decorate the meatballs with chopped greens.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs with cabbage and gravy, like in kindergarten?

If it seems to you that the meatballs cannot be with cabbage, you are mistaken. They can and happen, and such that you will lick your fingers. Such a yummy is perfect as the main dish, which is simplicity in preparation and an unusual taste, even those who cannot tolerate it will eat cabbage in this form.

  • Pork pulp - 350 g
  • Beef pulp - 150 g
  • Baton - 30 g
  • White cabbage - 400 g
  • Onions - 120 g
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Sour cream - 230 g
  • Milk - 460 ml
  • Flour - 65 g
  • Butter - 55 g
  • Paning crackers - 30 g
  • Solid cheese - 170 g
  • Salt, spices to taste
With cabbage
With cabbage
  • To get started, we make minced meat. To do this, I dry with paper wipes and chop it in any way convenient for you.
  • Grind the onion with garlic with a blender. In the same way grind the soaked in milk, water and a squeezed piece of loaf or white bread.
  • Three cheese is a grater.
  • Now connect the meat, loaf and vegetables, add to the mass salt and spices.
  • My cabbage is cut into slices so that the pieces of the vegetable are not separated from each other. Next, boil the water, suck it, lower the cabbage here and cook until half -cooked.
  • From the minced meat, we sculpt medium in size tefeli.
  • Now we need to take a heat -resistant container and grease it with oil.
  • At the bottom of this container we put pieces of welded cabbage so that then meat balls can be laid out on them.
  • Now we lay out on cabbage, as already mentioned earlier, the meatballs and so far we are settled aside.
  • We begin to cook gravy. To do this, we put the flour on a dry and clean pan, fry for several minutes. stirring constantly.
  • Next, send butter to it, continue to fry to a caramel color, not forgetting to stir the ingredients.
  • Now we lay out sour cream and brought in the future gravy before boiling milkas well as salt and spices. Constantly interfering with the mass, we cook it for about 5-7 minutes. Until it starts to boil. After that, turn off the fire under the pan, and pour the gravy into the container with the meatballs.

There should be so many gravy so that it completely covers our meat balls with cabbage.

  • Next, sprinkle the dish crackers and cheese.
  • We place meat balls in a ovens warmed up to 190 degrees and cook for about 35-45 minutes. Depending on its power.
  • If there is a need to decorate the dish with greens.

How to cook meatballs, cutters made of buckwheat with gravy, like in kindergarten?

We are all accustomed to the fact that meatballs and meatballs like in kindergarten are prepared from meat and rice, but this is not the only tasty combination of products that can give you a delicious dish. An equally interesting combination of products is a combination of minced meat and buckwheat.

If you have never tried such a dish, be sure to use our recipe, believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you:

  • Turkey pulp - 550 g
  • Pork pulp - 200 g
  • Buckwheat - 120 g in dry form
  • Onions - 65 g
  • Garlic - 3.5 cloves
  • Kurin egg - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 130 g
  • Tomato juice thick - 55 g
  • Sour cream - 50 g
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • My pulp, dry and twist through a meat grinder with a large nozzle. If desired, you can grind the meat in any other way convenient for you.
  • We wash the buckwheat cereal, weld until half -consuming in slightly salted water. We drain the water, cool the porridge.
  • Finely chop the bulbs, immediately divided the resulting amount in half. One half will go to minced meat, the second - to the sneak.
  • We let the garlic through the press.
  • Three carrots per grater. If you do not like this vegetable, you can take it less, in principle, it will be enough and 70 g.

We combine chopped meat, buckwheat porridge, onions, garlic, egg and knead the minced meat. It must be dense, otherwise you cannot form meat balls. If the minced meat for some reason turned out to be liquid, put a little more porridge or meat in it.

  • At the same stage, shake the minced meat and all the spices at your discretion.
  • Now with wet hands, form meat balls and sprinkle them with flour.
  • Fry the meatballs and meatballs in oil for 10-12 minutes. Periodically turning them over. Put the products into the plate.
  • In the container in which meat products were fried, fry the second half of the bow and carrots. Add oil if necessary.
  • Now add juice and sour cream to the stewpan, as well as a little water, salt, mix the gravy. There should be so many gravy so that it almost completely covers our meatballs.
  • Lick the products in the gravy and cook under a closed lid for about 20 minutes.

How to cook meatballs, meatballs with gravy, as in kindergarten: recipe for the oven?

Most housewives prepare a meatballs in a pan in a pan, however, if they bake them in the oven, they turn out even more magnificent, more tender and juicier. There are no difficulties in preparing such a yummy, from kindergarten, so be sure to try it.

  • Beef pulp - 550 g
  • Pork pulp - 500 g
  • Onion - 130 g
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Paning crackers - 50 g
  • Parsley, dill - 25 g
  • Cheese - 170 g
  • Fatty sour cream - 550 l
  • Salt, spices to taste
Piping hot
Piping hot
  • To get started, we do Homemade delicious minced meat. My meat, dry it and twist it into a meat grinder with a large nozzle. If you want your dish to be a little fatter, add a small piece of fat to the meat, literally 130 g.
  • We also twist the onion in a meat grinder or grind with a blender.
  • My greens is chopped.
  • To grind cheese, use a grater.
  • Combine the pig-hot minced meat, onion and greens. We knead the ingredients and shake them with salt and spices.
  • After that, we send to the resulting mass breadcrumbs, they will give her density and special taste. Let the minced meat stand 10 minutes. And we begin to sculpt the meatballs.
  • Sprinkle each yoke with flour.
  • In a saucepan, fry the meatballs from all sides for 12 minutes. And we transfer to a heat -resistant shape or pan.
  • We will have gravy from sour cream and garlic. Garlic needs to be cut with a knife finely, small. Mix sour cream, garlic and a little water, salt.
  • Fill sour cream Meatel. They must be completely immersed in gravy.
  • We send the meatballs to the oven of the oven for 190 degrees for 15-25 minutes.
  • Then we take out the shape with meat balls and sprinkle them with grated cheese. We send to the oven for another 10 minutes.
  • Serve such ymples as in kindergarten with rice, buckwheat or vegetable salad.

Meatzers and meatballs with gravy like in kindergarten - This is a delicious meat dish that does not get bored even every day. As you can see, it is not necessary to limit yourself to a classic recipe for this dish, you can experiment and receive no less tasty meatballs and meatballs that deserve to be even on the festive table.

Video: tender meatballs with gravy

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Comments K. article

  1. I like it, I have prepared a yummy today. I love cream sauce very much, although you need to try with tomato. I think there will be a bomb in the oven. Thanks for the variety

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