How to overcome constant anxiety? Our fears and fears - how to find peace of mind?

How to overcome constant anxiety? Our fears and fears - how to find peace of mind?

How to get rid of a constant feeling of anxiety and anxiety, find a sense of peace and joy - look for psychologists in our article.

A sense of anxiety is an emotional state familiar to everyone, which occurs for a variety of reasons. Sometimes such an unpleasant feeling passes quickly, in some cases - becomes a constant companion of a person, regardless of whether there is a real threat.

What is anxiety?

  • The concepts of “fear” and “anxiety” are essentially not synonyms. Fear is a basic emotion of a person based on the instinct of self -preservation and manifested in dangerous moments.
  • Anxiety arises from the expectation of danger or an unpleasant situation. Very often you may be disturbed by a feeling of anxiety without any real prerequisites. This condition is sometimes called a premonition or intuition, but if you always expect only the worst, then sooner or later it will happen.
  • Anxiety is the response of the nervous system to a stress load. Modern man, despite all the benefits of civilization, experiences stressful situations constantly. The frantic rhythm of life, problems in the family and at work, traffic jams, monetary difficulties - such a list can be continued endlessly.
Constant anxiety
Constant anxiety

Why are we worried: a constant feeling of anxiety

A feeling of anxiety does not arise on its own. The constantly experienced stress of the nervous system, combined with negative thoughts and the expectation of the worst, leads to insomnia, neurosis, prolonged depression and mental disorders. The causes of anxiety can be divided into several categories.

Events of life

  • We are always worried about something-we are preparing for exams or planned reports, worry about the health of loved ones and their well-being, calculate the costs, worry not to have time, not to be late, to look good.
  • These are everyday worries, so anxiety for these occasions is quite natural and not dangerous. As a rule, your anxiety takes place with the completion of the stressful situation or decreases if you switch attention to another type of activity, get help from someone.

Physiological processes in the body

  • Hormonal malfunctions can affect the brain and cause attacks of uncontrolled fear, depression, increased reaction to stimuli.
  • For example, this includes manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in women or impaired thyroid function.

Chronic stress

  • If a person is constantly in psychoemocial stress, the reserves of the body that are used to suppress it are gradually depleted.
  • Anxiety and anxiety become constant, while weakness, fatigue, and unwillingness to contact someone appear.


  • The concept of “depression” can often be found as a characteristic of a bad mood or a breakdown of strength. In fact, depression is a mental disorder that can be caused by a number of reasons. One of the symptoms of depression is anxiety.
  • Depressive conditions need appropriate treatment, including the help of a therapist, drugs and restoring therapy.

Anxious disorder

  • Anxious disorder is a mental illness characterized by constant attacks of anxiety, panic states that last for a long time and are accompanied by sweating, weakness, rapid pulse, loss of concentration.

To assume that it is precisely about a mental disorder that can be in some characteristic symptoms.

1. Generalized anxiety disorder

  • This means a state of constant and excessive anxiety on a variety of, sometimes insignificant reasons that cannot be controlled and is accompanied by a deterioration in well -being.
  • For example, you are trembling in your feet and pain in your heart are afraid of a call to the boss’s office, or if one of your loved ones lingers for a while, or take up any new business due to fear of making a mistake.
  • You can tremble from sharp sounds, worry when you are going somewhere, then worry that you didn’t close the door, they did not turn off the water or iron.

2. Sociophobia

  • This type of anxiety is associated with fear of communicating with people. You are afraid to be incorrectly understood, rejected, humiliated, very painfully react to the words and actions of others, you are afraid of criticism, experience great fear of public speeches.
  • Manifestations of anxiety suppress so much that a person feels insignificant, begins to feel fear of communication or any contacts with society, preferring loneliness.

3. phobias and irrational fears

  • Fear causes certain images, objects or situations. It can be the fear of a closed space, fear of height, flights, insects.
  • Phobias are characterized by the fact that a person, without experiencing any real danger, experiences an uncontrolled and all -consuming sense of fear.

All of the listed types of anxiety disorders negatively affect the quality of human life, and can also lead to serious diseases-nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems.

Advice: If you notice such manifestations in yourself or your loved ones, you should seek advice on specialists.

A doctor consultation will help you determine the cause of your condition
A doctor consultation will help you determine the cause of your condition

How to help yourself cope with anxiety?

Anyone can learn to control their state of anxiety using rather simple methods. How to help yourself cope with anxiety?

  1. Not everything in the world is subject to us. All phenomena and events in your life can be divided into controlled by you and not subject to you. Take a rule to yourself, do not worry about things that do not depend on you.
  2. Try to think positively - Think about the subject of your fear or an alarm event, imagining that everything is happening in the best way for you. Mentally, you have already overcame all the difficulties and are now experiencing a sense of peace and relaxation. Focus on a good result and keep in your thoughts the emotions of joy from this success.
  3. Let yourself be defeated. Most often, the cause of anxiety is the thoughts of the future. If you fail to tune in to a positive outcome of events, you assume a negative result and experience fear of this, try to just relax and think through your actions in case of failure. Have a “plan B” in reserve - how exactly you can get out of an unpleasant situation. Allow yourself to mentally survive the negative moments, cope with difficulties and thereby eliminate the reason for concern.
  4. Take care of any physical activity.Dances, a fresh air walk are perfect. You can also do work around the house or in the garden, devote time to your hobby - drawing, needlework. Play with children in board games, collect puzzles or constructor. All this will allow you to distract from disturbing thoughts, calm down and recharge with positive energy.
  5. Follow your breath - Try to breathe deeply and evenly, you can do it in the account. Scientists have proved that the depth of breathing is directly related to our emotional state. Study special breathing techniques that will help not only cope with stress, but also maintain health.
  6. Reduce the time at the computer and gadgets. Sometimes we do not even notice how much time we spend on social networks and instant messengers. If you are in a state of constant waiting for calls and messages, this enhances tension and anxiety. Leave only the most important notifications, everything else can be viewed at another time convenient for you.
  7. Review your lifestyle and daily habits. Some of them provoke depression and a sense of anxiety. Refuse alcohol, smoking, energy drinks.
  8. Follow the diet - Reduce the use of sweet, flour, fat, spicy, eat more natural products.
  9. Organize a good rest - Constant rush intense work schedule enhances stress and cause fear not to manage or not cope. Do not forget about breaks to rest, the duration of sleep should be at least 8 hours a day.
  10. Use relaxation exercises (yoga, meditation, breathing gymnastics, water procedures). Such techniques will help fight attacks of anxiety and anxiety. Gradually mastering the methodology of relaxation, you will understand how the manifestation of emotions is associated with physiological processes in the body - breathing, heartbeat, sweating.
  11. Play sports regularly. Physical activity increases the level of endorphins - hormones of good mood and allow maintaining the health of the body. Any physical exercises that you do with pleasure will help you weaken anxiety and calm down.
  12. Make a diary.Try to regularly record everything that causes you to you. This will help you analyze the situation, look at it, as it were, from the outside. Returning later to the described, you will notice that your attitude to an unpleasant situation is changing.

Video: How to get rid of anxiety? TOP 3 causes and consequences

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Comments K. article

  1. A lot depends on the person himself. Ready to work or not. We need meditations, practices with a psychologist. I am still Lithuania Helat Evalar I drink courses.

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