How to tie a bandana on the head of a man and a woman: Popular ways

How to tie a bandana on the head of a man and a woman: Popular ways

Ways to tie a bandana on the head of a man and a woman.

The bandana is a common decoration for cowboys and rockers, as well as workers in sushi bar. However, if earlier it was intended to protect the airways from dust, now it is a stylish accessory, which is often used to decorate and add the image.

How to tie a bandana on the head: popular methods

Initially, the bandana was used in order to prevent hair and sweat in the face. Typically, accessories were used by people who play sports, there is also a version that pirates used bandans. They were necessary so that growing hair that was dirty, did not climb into the face and do not interfere with work.

How to tie a bandana on the head:

  • But the most popular option for using this accessory is as a dressing on the head. Usually tie it in a classic, standard way that pirates used. To do this, it is necessary to fold a rectangle, in the shape of an equilateral triangle, the center of which is placed in the center of the forehead. Next, the angle is started into the back of the head and pressed to it. The tips are binded by each other, and the angle is refueling under them. It turns out a casting in the form of a scarf. Usually, men who do not want sweat or hair fall on the face in this way. Also, the method is used by athletes, rockers.
  • Another excellent way that will allow you to tie the bandana is suitable for men and women. To do this, fold the bandana so that the equilateral triangle is obtained, and then twice, until the straight strip is obtained. The center of the strip is laid on the forehead, starts in the back of the head and tied. If necessary, the bandage can be moved from top to bottom so that it falls in the forehead or hair.
Bandan on the head
Bandan on the head

How to tie a bandana on the girl's head?

Women often use a different method for tying bandana.

How to tie a bandana on the girl's head:

  • To do this, it is necessary to fold it 2 times, until the triangle is obtained, and then again to get a strip.
  • The center of the resulting strip is laid in the back of the head, and the ends turn forward on top on the forehead, a slightly higher level. Further, the ends are crossed together and refuel on the back of the head, bind.
  • It turns out something like a turban. It looks very stylish, pretty, suitable for long -haired girls.
Stylish option
Stylish option

How to tie a bandana on your head beautifully?

Now, like several years ago, an interesting, unusual way called Solokha is sometimes used. The option is suitable for girls who also have long hair.

How beautiful it is to tie a bandana on your head:

  • It is necessary to fold the bandana twice until the triangle is obtained.
  • After that, it turns into a thin tape, the center of which is laid out into the back of the head and slightly shifted to the side.
  • Now it is necessary to tie two corners among themselves on a knot. Spread them to stick to the sides.
Stylish option
Stylish option

Ways to tie a bandana on the head: Ideas

You can use another interesting, unusual way. Usually it is used if it is necessary to supplement the image in the style of the sixties.

Ways to tie the bandana on the head:

  • It goes perfectly with the hairstyle that Amy Winehouse wore. To do this, fold the bandana until an equilateral triangle is obtained.
  • After that, the center of this segment of the fabric is laid out on the back of the head. The corner is stretched in the forehead and refuel under the tips that are binded into a knot. As a result, it turns out that the hair holds the bandana. Beautiful, stylish option.
  • It can be used to fix this bandana invisible, because with an insufficient size of the bandana, the forces of the nodules are not enough. They are poorly tightened and can slide off the hair.
Stylish options
Stylish options

How to tie a bandana to a girl with short and long hair?

There are several rules that should be guided when choosing a bandana. Rapers, as well as bikers, usually use leather scarves for these purposes. In order to emphasize your musical style, you can wear bandans with inscriptions of rock groups. This is a kind of way to point out musical tastes.

How to tie a bandana to a girl with short and long hair:

  • The shorter the hair, the less it should be covered with a cloth. Otherwise, it will seem that you are in a hat.
  • Try to pick up the bands to the color of the outfit. If the dress is monophonic or you wear light trousers with a t -shirt, then a stylish scarf or ornament will be the perfect option. It looks quite stylish and unusual.
  • And if the outfit contains a large number of different colors, then it is best to use a plain bandana for these purposes.
  • If it seems to you that the bandana looks very boring, you can supplement it with a beautiful brooch with rhinestones. Rings, jewelry are often used for these purposes. This option goes well with long hair.

Long and short hair bandana
Long and short hair bandana

How to tie a bandana on a man's head?

One of the interesting and unusual ways to tie a bandana on the head is a cowboy method.

How to tie a bandana on the head of a man:

  • To do this, it is necessary to fold the scarf in half in such a way that the triangle is obtained. Next, you need to start the corners by the neck and cross in this area. At the same time, the scarf itself hangs on the chest.
  • Next, the ends after intersection are turned forward and tied with a double knot. The tips are left quite short. Next, the node is refueled under a large segment of the fabric that hangs on top. The upper part of the bandana is wrapped up so that there is a small gap on top, about 12 cm wide.

Such a bandana can be covered with your mouth during active work or cleaning the house. It will protect you from dust. It is such an option that cowboys were used, and also used in some countries on stamps and jumps.

Cowboy or pirate method
Cowboy or pirate method

How to tie a bandana: schemes

The bandana can be tied even like a turban. To do this, take a scarf, fold it in half in order to get a triangle. Now the corner is cunning inside, in order to get a trapezoid. The top is applied to the back of the head, and the base is located in the area between the topic and the back of the head.

Next, you need to start the corners for each other, but not cross them, but simply lay out. The ends are refuel inside. Thus, the illusion of a turban is created, it looks very pretty and unusual. It is well combined with selected hair, a high hairstyle. Below are the schemes that allow you to tie the bandana.

How to tie a bandana on the head of a man and a woman
Türban from the bandana
Türban from the bandana
Use options
Use options
How to tie a bandana on the head of a man and a woman

Now the bandana is used as a beautiful, stylish accessory, which is tied to the neck and hand.

Video: Tie the bandana on the head

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