Signs about rain, swallows to the rain. Rain at the wedding, on the road, on the Annunciation, in March: signs

Signs about rain, swallows to the rain. Rain at the wedding, on the road, on the Annunciation, in March: signs

Folk signs related to the rain.

In ancient times, each family had a small piece of land to grow everything necessary for use. In this article we will talk about signs related to the rain.  

Sign about swallows to rain

Rain is one of the sources of water that helped to resume the growth of garden crops, improving the crop. There are many signs associated with the rain, and they are based on the behavior of birds, insects, animals or even nature itself. The sign about swallows is very common.

A sign about swallows to the rain:

  • In ancient times, it was believed that a swallow is a kind of conductor between the world of the dead and living. The bird flies very highly, our ancestors believed that such a high flight was associated with communication with the other world, dead relatives.
  • After communicating with the deceased, swallows seem to pay tribute to the mother, thereby decreasing. They mourn the deceased people, as a result of which it begins to rain. However, scientists ornithologists explain the low flight of swallows a little differently.
  • The fact is that this bird never descends to the ground to look for food. She is very brisk, fast, so she does not get tired of flying, picking up droplets of water and food right on the fly. The basis of the diet of the feathered is small insects, midges and mosquitoes. Before rain, insects feel a decrease in atmospheric pressure, an increase in humidity, so they go down. Accordingly, swallows migrate along with the main source of food. This is what their flight is caused by close to the ground. 

Signs about the first rain

Our ancestors considered the rain water therapeutic, comparing with the living. With its help, herbal decoctions were prepared to care for the face, body and hair. They prepared a potion that eliminates warts, rashes on the skin, as well as arthritis and joint diseases.

Signs about the first rain:

  • A lot of signs are associated with the first rain. Our ancestors had a custom during the first thunderstorm to take off all the clothes, and to become droplets of miraculous moisture. It was believed that the first rain in the year helps to wash off all diseases, improve hair growth, and eliminate the ailments available on the skin.
  • This helped strengthen hair health and improve the appearance. If people dreamed of wealth, they extracted money from their wallets and sprinkled it with droplets of the first rain in the year. 
  • During the first spring thunderstorm, babies often bathed. Breakment will allow the child to be smart, and to speak early. Therefore, parents often collected such water as to wash their child’s wash.

Rain for the wedding: sign

A wedding is a long -awaited holiday for the newlyweds, for which they choose a day in advance, so it is almost impossible to predict climatic conditions and weather. Many newlyweds are upset, waking up on the morning of the wedding in the morning, finding rain. This can prevent a couple of walks around the city on the day of marriage, and also make the holiday gloomy. But folk signs talk about the opposite.

It is believed that it is moisture that allows the seeds to sprout, giving a generous crop. In the same way, it happens with the seeds of love that arise during the marriage. Rain helps “cultivate” love, strengthen it. Therefore, it is impossible to be upset in any case, because couples who have tied their bonds on a rainy day are usually very happy, and live all their lives together. 

  Rain for the wedding, omen:

  • If this is strong rain, then an update occurs. After all, a large stream of water washes away all the negative, misunderstanding between the bride and groom.
  • If the wedding is carried out in the spring, then the rain speaks of abundance in the family.
  • Strong rain in the summer speaks of an imminent birth of children.
  • If the wedding is winter, then the rain promises the move. Perhaps the newlyweds will have their own housing soon.
  • Autumn rain portends a memorable honeymoon, as well as strengthening feelings.
  • A small rain promises a family of joy and pleasant events.
  • If a rainbow appeared after the rain, then the family will become very rich. Such newlyweds should not be afraid to invest all their finances in risky projects and investments. Almost everything related to money will bring success.
  • If the rain began early in the morning, expect good news.
  • A good sign is considered if the rain begins to drift from lunch, and ends a day after the wedding. This suggests that the marriage will be long, and the newlyweds will not quarrel.

Rain during the wedding was often used to get well -being, happiness. It was recommended to moisten a red scarf or fabric in rain water, wrap the grains, and put under the pillow. You can’t remove the bundle the next morning, you need to sleep on a scarf for 3 days. This will help the newlyweds quickly have children. However, wheat grains were not always wrapped in a wet scarf. It could be invested under the pillow and just like that. This promised wealth, success, as well as mutual understanding. To wash off all the hardships, as well as disagreements between the newlyweds, a bakery loaf was directed under drops of rain. 


Rain on the road: sign

If you fall under the rain, it promises purification, as well as an improvement in material well -being.

Rain on the road, sign:

  • It is believed that if a person falls under heavy rain on the way to work, he will be successful in work. If it rain with hail, you must try to catch a few ice floes with your hands.
  • This promises an improvement in material well -being, as well as the unexpected receipt of money. It can be a lottery, inheritance, or a find of money. Perhaps some kind of business project will bring unexpected profit.
  • You need to look at the rain. If you stumbled during heavy rain, expect support for friends during difficulties. 
  • Our ancestors confirmed the fact of the influence of the weather on various life situations, therefore they came up with a huge number of signs. There are also signs related to the rain that has gone on the road. If you are going on a business trip or vacation, but suddenly it began to rain, you should not be upset. Good luck awaits you, and a fast road. You will move the move well and painlessly. 
  • Before leaving the house, you need to stretch out your hand so that a few drops fall on it. This is a kind of rite for good luck and eliminating negativity. If the rain went when you left, this is also a good sign. It was believed that the Higher Forces give the go -ahead to the trip, so the rain washes all the negative, foreshadowing success. If you return home after a business trip, it started to rain, it also promises well -being. They are waiting for you at home, get a delicious dinner, and a joyful trick. Rain will help remove bad thoughts, cleanse of negativity. 
Rain on the way
Rain on the way

Signs to rain about birds

Birds are natural weather stations that can predict weather changes. 

Signs to rain about birds:

  • The finch does not move, quietly, monotonously sings, expect the weather deterioration.
  • A large woodpecker hollows a tree, publishing a loud knock, also wait for bad weather.
  • Seagulls bathe in the sea - you need to wait for the storm.
  • The capercaillie usually does not make any sounds, and does not show signs of life before the bad weather.
  • If the pigeons flew all day, cooed, but then hid, wait for the rain.
  • The rain portends a strong cry of the finch. They usually sit down on a branch before the bad weather, and whirl.
  • Putings living in the forest usually fly deep into the forest before the bad weather.
  • If you saw that the rooks after the flight sharply go down, expect a thunderstorm.
  • Sparrows bathe in dust - to a strong downpour. It is also necessary to pay attention to other birds.
  • The fact is that before the rain, air humidity increases greatly, as a result of which the wings of birds become heavier. That is why they are forced to fly much lower than in dry weather, with high pressure.

If it rains for the Annunciation: signs

April 7 is a great church holiday called Annunciation. It was on this day that Archangel Gabriel appeared to the mother of Jesus, and said that he would soon give birth to the Son of God. 

If it rains for the Annunciation, signs:

  • The rain on this day portends a good crop of grain crops, as well as a large number of mushrooms in the summer.
  • It was also believed that after a thunderstorm there would be many berries and nuts. 

Rain in March: signs

If in March there are no rains, then there will be no precipitation for a month. It is worth expecting heavy rains, weather deterioration in April. If it is raining in March, but there is no thunder, you can see lightning, you need to wait for a very arid summer. 

Rain in March, signs:

  • A thunderstorm in March portends severe cold. Therefore, do not rush to hide winter clothes. If a strong thunderstorm, but there are no kidneys on the trees, then the year will be hungry. Accordingly, there will be a bad crop of grain crops, as well as fruit. The thunderstorm in early March promises a cold spring. 
  • People in ancient times believed, if during the first thunder to rest on a tree, then the body will not bother you all year. If in March there is snow on the ground that melts from the rain, it is necessary to prepare for the drought.
  • If there are a lot of tadpoles in puddles, wait for a good harvest. Swer and endless rains talk about a poor crop this year. If the rain goes on May 13, you need to wait for a rainy summer. 

Rain on Palm Sunday: signs

Palm Sunday is a church holiday is known, which was allowed not only to pray, to attend the service in the temple, but also to have fun within reasonable limits.

Rain on Palm Sunday, signs:

  • There are many rituals, as well as superstitions and signs related to the holiday. If on this day it is very cloudy, and a strong wind blows, you need to expect such weather all summer.
  • If it rains heavy, this indicates a good harvest of wheat and grain. If the sky is drawn in clouds, and all day is cloudy, then it is worth waiting for a good harvest after sowing various crops. 
Snops after the rain
Snops after the rain

Rain and bubbles on puddles: omen

Since childhood, we know about a sake that promises rain for the whole day. This happens if there are bubbles on puddles.

Rain and bubbles on puddles, sign:

  • This is not only the justification of the folk signs, but also the scientific one. It is believed that for the formation of bubbles, certain weather conditions, as well as atmospheric pressure are needed.
  • With low atmospheric pressure, the tension surface is quite dense. For the formation of bubbles during heavy rain, it is necessary that the drops are very large and the pressure is low. In such conditions, two sedentary weather fronts often encounter, which provoke long showers.
  • Accordingly, such an observation of our ancestors is scientifically justified.If a large number of large bubbles on puddles appear, the weather improved in the near future should not be expected. Most likely, the rain will drag on for a long time. 
The rain will be long
The rain will be long

Folk signs about rain

To see the approach of the rain, as well as determine its duration, you need to look closely at the world.

Folk signs about rain:

  • It is believed that with strong pensions of thunder, it is necessary to wait for long rains. Perhaps these are heavy rains, or per diem. If the sound of thunder is very deaf, wait for the downpour. If the thunder is sonorous, then there will be little rain, which will end soon.
  • If the rainbow after rain does not disappear for a long period of time, it is necessary to wait for a repeated rain. If you saw a double rainbow, then after a few days wait for the rain. If the rainbow is located low, then wait for rainy weather. 
  • It is necessary to wait for the rain if your pet eats little and sleeps a lot. If the toads in the swamp croaks loudly, this is to the bad and rain. The rain portends a large number of insects in the air. Therefore, if during a walk you noticed a huge number of mosquitoes and midges, wait for rainy weather. 

Rain on the day of the funeral: signs

There are several more signs associated with the rain.

Rain on the day of the funeral, signs:

  • If rain is observed during the funeral, it is raining, but at the same time you can’t hear thunder, then the tired has become calm, and went to heaven.
  • Many believe that this nature is crying for a good person who has left the world of people.
Day of Remembrance
Day of Remembrance

What signs are related to the rain?

If you are moving and it started to rain, this is a good sign. Most likely, homeowners will have a calm, happy life. 

What signs are related to the rain:

  • If the sun came out during a strong rain, perhaps one of the acquaintances will become a drowned man. If you dreamed of heavy rain, with a thunderstorm and lightning, you need to wait for financial losses. 
  • Do not rush to invest in risky business projects, and give money to someone. Try not to take money on credit or debt, as you cannot pay it off. If there is a heavy rain, but there is no thunderstorm and thunder, this promises enrichment, improvement of financial situation. 
  • If leeches appeared on the shore, expect a protracted rain. If you saw that the red clover is stretched in the stem, wait for bad weather. If you notice that the rainworms appeared on the surface of the earth, wait for thunderstorms and thunder, strong rain.
  • We felt a strong aroma of acacia, petunias, and above them a large number of insects, wait for the pouring rain. Usually, insects are in a hurry to gain a lot of nectar before the bad weather to hide in their shelters for a thunderstorm. This applies not only to bees, but also to other insects. 

Are you interested in signs? Then we advise you to read popular articles about signs:

If you sprinkle the wallet with drops of the first rain, you will not be terrible. To fall under such a rain is God's grace, and promises improvement of health, and success in all endeavors.

Video: Signs before the rain

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