How to sew the curtain tape to Tulia and hang tulle on hooks: instructions, assembly coefficient

How to sew the curtain tape to Tulia and hang tulle on hooks: instructions, assembly coefficient

From this article you will learn how to sew a curtain tape to Tulya.

For each interior, it is important that the curtains beautifully framed the window. Tulle adds comfort, makes curtains more tender, beautiful and stylish. To create the originality of the assembly, a curtain tape is often used. In particular, designers like to make a beautiful assembly for tulles. Read this article on how to sew a curtain tape to Tulia, with step -by -step instructions and assembly factor.

Types of curtain ribbons: review

Types of curtain tapes
Types of curtain tapes

A curtain tape is a fabric strip that is sewn to the back of the product. In the ribbon are cords that allow you to adjust the size of matter in width.

The braid is able to create a chic draping of any fabric. It is also convenient that you do not need to sew additional hooks for hooks. This reduces the time of sewing tulle and helps to quickly pull off with a thread on the sides. The braid allows you to adjust and fix the width of the curtain.

Designers use several types of curtain ribbons. Here is their review:

  • Narrow ribbon - up to 4 cm.
  • Wide - up to 15 cm.
  • With spins.
  • Forming bows.
  • With a small amount of lingering pockets for hooks and increased amounts.
  • Different in assembly coefficient - from 1.5 to 3. It depends on how often the folds on the product will be located.
  • Sewing - mounted on the product with the help of the Sweden. cars.
  • Glued to the product with a hot iron.
  • Fastened on the cornice with a sticky ribbon with loops.

Also, a curtain ribbon can go complete with such items:

  • Rings for eyelets
  • Special seals
  • Pockets for mounting on hooks
  • Snow cords.

When selecting braids, it is necessary to take into account its length, depending on the size of the folds, which you want to create on the product.

Tulya assembly coefficient on the curtain tape: what does this mean?

Such a term denotes the ratio of equal fabric to already collected using a ribbon. It depends on the complexity of the pattern and there are such assembly factors:

  • 1,5
  • 2
  • 2,5
  • 3

For example, if you buy a strip with a coefficient 2, then from tulle width 4 m, You will receive exactly 4 meters Beautifully draped transparent curtain. This indicator can be found on the package for accessories.

It is worth knowing: The assembly coefficient is also taken into account when buying the ribbon itself. After all, it is attached to an even fabric and is pulled out only before it needs to be hanged.

To find out the required length, multiply the width of the cornice by the assembly coefficient +6 cm to the edges.

How to pick up the tulle and correctly sew a curtain tape, hang tulle on hooks: step -by -step instructions for beginners, photo, video

Properly sewn curtain tape to Tulia
Properly sewn curtain tape to Tulia

Choose a curtain tape for tulle, given the number of laces piercing it. The number of folds will depend on this. Weeks must be bought 25-30 cm More in length than the length of the tulle itself.

So, the braid is chosen and purchased, now make it mount to the product. Here is a step -by -step instruction for beginners, how to pick up the tulle and correctly sew the curtain tape:

Bend the edges of the tulle
Bend the edges of the tulle
  • First cut off the excess length. Now bother the edges of the tulle and sign them manually.
  • After that, the subhyders are drunk with an iron. The fold line will turn out to be flat and beautiful.
Stitch the edges of the tulle
Stitch the edges of the tulle
  • Then go all that you scheduled for the SHV. typewriter. Swate stitches long. Do not fasten the threads at the end of the lines. Just tie them together.
Go on the sewing typewriter what you outlined
Spend to the mound. the typewriter what they outlined
  • It remains to combine the braid and tulle. Be sure to attach the strip so that the loops on it are outside, that is, look at you. This will then easily hang the product on the cornice.
  • At the end, remove the estimated seams.
Spend the tape on the sides
Spend the tape on the sides
  • Sew the tape on the sides.
  • Now, on the one hand, tie the laces on the braid, and on the other, pull as you need, making assemblies.

Advice: If you make stitches in the middle of the curtain tape, then make sure that the line does not touch the laces, otherwise then pull the tape and make the folds on the tulle.

It is worth knowing: Do not forget that the ribbons should be 25-30 cm More in length than tulle length. This will make additional bends taking into account the shrinkage of the fabric after washing.

When the ribbon is sewn, the product is processed from the sides, and a drapery is made, you can hang the product on hooks. On the ceiling cornice:

  • First put hooks on the ribbons. To do this, make a calculation: divide the width of a tight tulle into the number of hooks. You will get the distance that will be between the hooks.
  • When the mounts of the fastening are picked, take the tulle in your hands and start hanging one hook on the cornice.
  • At the end, close the move on the cornice with a plug.

If the cornice is window, then the tulle needs to be hung immediately on the hooks that are already hanging on it. Similarly to the previous instructions, calculate the distance between the hooks and begin to fix it.

Watch a video that tells in detail how to sew a curtain braid to Tulya.

Video: sew the curtain tape to the tulle.

Tulle-net: how to sew a curtain tape?

The curtain tape is sewn to tulle
The curtain tape is sewn to tulle

For tulle nets, it is recommended to use a translucent ribbon from Kapron. In this case, the ribbon will be less noticeable. Choose tone of fabric. The width of the strip no more than 6 centimeters. How to sew a curtain tape to Tulya-net? First prepare tulle and tape:

  • Leave additional in the braid 3-4 cm from each side.
  • Also leave additional centimeters ( 3-4 cm) on the fabric.
  • During operation, it is impossible to allow strong tension of fabric and threads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Moving the whole tulle. Bend 1 centimeter of the fabric on top and iron.
  • A curtain ribbon is applied to the bent matter. Retreat from the edge 5 millimeters.
  • Fasten the tape on the fabric with thread.
  • Straightly stitch on a typewriter. How many cords are in the tape, so many lines.
  • Cut the tape so that each edge is shorter than one and a half centimeters than the fabric.
  • Make two holes at the fabric. First, bent completely, then to the part of the tape.
  • Sew the edges of the fabric. The main thing is that the cords are not sewn into the gap.
  • Pull the tulle to the required width.

To fix the tulle, it is most convenient to use special clothespins.

How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia and make folds: instructions, photo

Curtain tape with which you can make folds
Curtain tape with which you can make folds

To slightly change the boring interior, it is not necessary to rush to the store for building materials and wallpaper. It will be enough to change the curtains on the windows. Such a step will not only save money and time, but also add novelty to the room. For example, buy a new tulle and sew it to a wide curtain tape. Here are the instructions on how to sew such a braid to Tulya and make folds:

First you need to choose the right tape:

  • For tulle, you need to take a transparent braid, so it will not shine through and will not spoil the appearance of the curtain.

The next step will be the correct calculation of the necessary length of the tape:

  • The length of the tape should be proportional to the length of the tulle.
  • The calculation of the length of the tulle and accordingly the tape is made based on the size of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.
  • For example, the length of the window 1 meter, then the tulle is recommended to be taken in the coefficient 1/2 or 1/3. Where 1 - This is the length of the window, and 2 or 3 - The length of the tulle, respectively.
  • That is 1 meter window lengths must be taken 2 or 3 meters Tulya.
Curtain tape sewn to Tulia
Curtain tape sewn to Tulia

Next, we consider the process of sewing the tape to Tulia:

  • First of all, you need to flash the side and lower part of the tulle.
  • We make the backwater of the upper edge on 3 centimeters (no more) and iron the bend.
  • By applying the tape from the wrong side, retreat 1 centimeter From the upper edge, and fix the tape to the tulle. You can put or use pins and needles.
  • When the tape is fixed, go along the upper and lower edge. If the folds are supposed to be complex, you need to flash the tape near each cord.

After the tape is sewn, it is necessary to make folds by pulling the cords. When the folds are ready, hang tulle on the cornice.

How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia: instructions, photo

Narrow curtain tape sewn to tulle
Narrow curtain tape sewn to tulle

If you decide to change the design by replacing curtains and tulle, you need to know some rules. First, this must be determined what folds you want to see on your future curtain. If you like complex folds, then you need to take a wide curtain braid. Well, if this is a light transparent tulle, then it is better to take a narrow curtain tape. Here are the instructions on how to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia:

  • Calculate the required amount of tulle and the tape itself. Remember: the length of the curtain tape is equal to the length of the tulle +25 cm.
  • The calculation is made in strict dependence on the length of the window opening. If you like a lot of folds, then the tulle needs to be taken in the coefficient 1 to 3. That is 1 meter window lengths, 3 meters Tulya.
  • If you want to make a design with a small number of folds, then the coefficient, respectively, will be less.
  • Now sweep and stitch all the sides of the tulle except the upper. On the upper side, bend is made on 1-2 centimeters.
  • After the bend is made, the curtain is well -wrapped in an iron.
  • Retreating from the upper edge 0.5 centimeters, attach the curtain tape and outline it manually.
  • Now set up the tape from the upper and lower edge.
Tie the edges of the cords on the curtain tape
Tie the edges of the cords on the curtain tape
  • When the tape is sewn, make folds. To do this, pull a special cord and tie the edge onto the knot.

After that, we level the folds along the entire length of the tulle and hang the curtain on the cornice.

How to sew a curtain tape to Tulia diagonally: show in the instructions

Curtain tape sewn to Tulia diagonally
Curtain tape sewn to Tulia diagonally

Today's designer delights are full of unexpected and unusual solutions. Curtains or tulle hanging diagonally, no exception. If you have a design idea in which the tulle will hang on the baguette is not entirely usually, then you need to approach this idea accordingly.

Having decided on the size and number of folds, you need to choose a curtain tape. For a light tulle, a thin transparent braid is perfect. Calculating the required amount of curtain tape is easy:

  • In the usual case, the length of the tape is equal to the length of the tulle.
  • In our version, the number of meters of the tape will be equal to the length of the tulle, folded diagonally.
Curtain tape sewn to Tulia diagonally
Curtain tape sewn to Tulia diagonally

All other actions, the same as in the case when the tape is sewn along the upper edge. We show in detail in the instructions on how the curtain tape is sewn to Tulia diagonally:

  • First, bends are made from all sides.
  • Each bend is ironed with an iron and sewn on a sewing machine.
  • When all four sides are ready, the tulle is folding diagonally, in the form in which it will hang on the cornice.
  • At the place of folds, tulle must be ironed.
  • Fasten the fold with pins or make a whale along the entire length.
  • Then attach the tape, retreating from the edge of several millimeters.
  • Fix the curtain tape on the tulle using pins.
  • Stitch the tape along the entire length of the tulle, from the upper and lower edge. Make sure that the line does not cross the cord of the tape.
  • Keep the tape at the time of sewing, like tulle.

When the tape is already sewn, pull it with cords, thereby forming the folds. Next, spread the tulle on the cornice.

Video: How to pick up tulle from organza or kapron? How to sew a curtain ribbon?

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