How to buy an apartment correctly: we estimate its real value. How to buy an apartment in the secondary market, so that they do not deceive: legal issues, stages, necessary documents, 7 basic errors when concluding a deal

How to buy an apartment correctly: we estimate its real value. How to buy an apartment in the secondary market, so that they do not deceive: legal issues, stages, necessary documents, 7 basic errors when concluding a deal

This article will help you figure out how to properly buy real estate at a real value without losing money and housing.

Buying housing is an important and responsible moment in the life of every family. And real estate deal is one of the most difficult and difficult events. It is very important to prepare for the purchase, and not just accumulate money. If you do not want to become a victim of litigation or fraud, and already mentally cross the threshold of the purchased apartment with one foot, you should figure out many of the intricacies of the real estate purchase and sale transaction. To buy an apartment correctly, you should first study all the legal subtleties and moments.

How to buy an apartment correctly: we evaluate the real value of real estate - who is assessing?

To correctly buy or sell an apartment, you need to determine its real cost! The most important point in determining the price of housing is adequacy and objectivity. But for the seller, housing is priceless due to important events. And for you, as for a buyer, these are only walls and a potential house.

  • The easiest and most reliable way is Order services of professionals-estimates for a fee.Many Russians do not agree to pay extra thousands of rubles, but this method is considered official! The design period takes up to 7 days. The seller cannot sell housing below the value set by the appraiser. Although nothing prevents two sides from agreeing on their price. The only thing is that the tax will still be paid for the official assessment of housing. The main minus of the transaction is a guideline of such an assessment not to real prices, but for such offers.
  • Services of realtors will cost a little cheaper. The main plus is that the employee is already focused on the real cost of such apartments. But he will deliberately overestimate the cost so that there is an opportunity to bargain. And at the same time, we do not forget that the realtor has its own benefit - with any calls you can find a client on another object.
  • But you can do it yourself. To do this, study the market with such offers. But at the same time you must take into account:
    • age at home
    • the condition of the apartment
    • entrance, house territory and district

Important: if issues with housing are resolved with the participation of the court, insurance company or any other financial organization, then the assessment should only be carried out by appraisers!

We look!
We look!

How to buy an apartment correctly: we evaluate the real value of real estate - what affects the assessment?

The cost of housing is put forward by the seller at the stage of submitting an application. But the buyer, if he wants to correctly buy an apartment at a real price, should be approximately oriented in the price category.

The basic way to determine the price for the buyer - To study the prices for similar housing for placement, meter, condition. This will be your average indicative assessment, so as not to overpay. In this case, the buyer must understand how and what factors affect the price.

  • District and placement - prestige, infrastructure:

Plus to the cost: Transport stops, shops, parks, schools, kindergartens.

Reduces the cost: The presence of industrial enterprises, harmful factories, gas stations, noisy places.

  • Type/material at home:

Plus to the cost: brick houses and new buildings, the presence of a balcony, basement; good sound and thermal insulation; The possibility of completing/redevelopment.

Reduces the cost: Panel houses.

  • Floor:

Plus to the cost: Always in priorities medium floors.

Reduces the cost: the absence or malfunction of the elevator; Minus 5%if the first, extreme floor or corner apartment in the end (due to damp/safety/bad roof).

  • Repair state:

Plus to the cost: Individual heating, insulation of external walls, modern plumbing and double -glazed windows. According to statistics, they are looking for an apartment already with or without the need for large investments plus 10-15% to the price.

Reduces the cost: The absence of the above points.

  • View from the window, adjacent territory:

Plus to the cost: Concierge, security, repaired entrance, landscaping, children's and sports ground, beautiful landscape, cultural memos (this does not mean a neighbor on the garage of street art).

Reduces the cost: 2-5 %, if an unattractive entrance, a narrow courtyard without parking, a landfill opposite the house, etc.; Minus 5-10% if the windows overlook the noisy street.

Features of the real estate market - seasonal price fluctuations, economic situation. If the sale is urgent or there are problems with documents, illegal redevelopment is minus 5-10%.


How to buy an apartment correctly so as not to deceive: legal issues - what needs to be checked?

To purchase housing is not a candy to buy in a supermarket. When buying housing, even your 100% intuition and vigilance in both eyes will not help, since there are so many risks. Therefore, if your goal is to buy an apartment correctly, then It is better not to experiment without an experienced lawyer and a notary. But if you decide to act yourself, then you should pay your special attention to some individual points.

  • The personality of the seller - We study the documents, registration, marital status (necessarily written consent of the second half for sale and mandatory verification of the registry).

Important: you can check the authenticity of the passport by the FMS of the Russian Federation.

  • Documents for ownership:
    • an agreement on the purchase, privatization, donation, transfer from the developer, etc.;
    • if housing is obtained through an inheritance - a certificate of it. In the notary, to which there was also an appeal, one can exclude other applicants;
    • exclude the right of 3 persons to the apartment (court disputes, heirs, shared property);
    • extract from the house book and the Unified State Register;
    • cadastral and technical (if there) passport.

IMPORTANT: We check the residence permit on the house book. And we pay special attention to temporarily written out people!

  • Technical documentation:
    • we check the accuracy of the address - actual/documentary;
    • meter and other parameters (redevelopment).

Important: any changes in reality must have documentary evidence. For your own guarantee, better call an employee of the BTI.

  • Trust deal:
    • we check the power of attorney (lines);
    • the volume of powers;
    • the authenticity of the power of attorney, sending a written request to the notary, which issued this paper.
  • We check for the lack of encumbrances:
    • arrests, prohibitions, mortgages, judicial dispute (from the State Register);
    • tax prohibitions in the name of the seller;
    • debt for utilities (can be obtained at the MFC along with information, how many owners prescribed, how housing has passed into ownership);
    • the legal capacity of all owners.

Important: when drawing up the contract, it is possible to note the clause that in the case of municipal debt, the seller is liable!

  • We study the history of property, we are alarming if:
    • in a short time, there were several transactions with property;
    • if the ownership of the seller of housing on the basis of a court decision.
  • We find out if there are no open ship files about the recovery of money from the seller!
  • If the seller is a legal entity: we study the statute about its registration.
  • If one of the owners/owner is a minor - permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  • If real estate belongs to the prisoner: after serving the deadline, has the right to part of the already sold housing.

How to buy an apartment in the secondary market: 7 main risks

When there is a danger:

  • with an independent purchase without experience;
  • without competent verification of documents and the history of ownership;
  • when re -registered with an underestimated expert assessment;
  • when buying cheaply, not knowing the reasons for the price reduction;
  • the deposit is incorrectly decorated.

And these are far from all situations that may arise. Therefore, if you want to buy an apartment correctly, and so that the unscrupulous seller does not disappear with your money, or after a while the contract of sale was not invalid, Contact realtors and notaries with a good business reputation.

Risk 1-2
Risk 1-2
Risk 3-4
Risk 3-4
Risk 5-6
Risk 5-6
Risk 7
Risk 7

How to buy an apartment correctly: basic stages and necessary documents

To begin with, in order to buy an apartment correctly, it is necessary to discuss the conditions of the transaction in oral and written form. The main points that you should pay attention to when buying an apartment: price, payment of notary services, the deadlines for the exemption of housing by the seller, a list of furniture and other items that remain in the apartment.

The scheme of concluding the contract itself consists of:

  • Preliminary agreement and transfer of advance, deposit;
  • Preparation of all documents;
  • Delivery of the collected package of documents to the registration authority;
  • Documents receiving.

Collect all the necessary documents:

  1. An extract for an apartment from the Unified State Register;
  2. Documents confirming the ownership of the seller to real estate;
  3. Extract from the house book;
  4. The parties about the state registration of the transfer of ownership of the home (these documents can be created by a broker, or the fillings of filling can be found on the website of the federal register, or the MFC specialist fills it independently);
  5. Receipt of payment of the fee;
  6. Cadastral passport;
  7. Sales contract with confirmation of acceptance (three copies);
  8. Notarized consent of the seller’s spouse;
  9. The consent of the parents or the permission of the guardians (if a child aged 14 to 18 years participates in the transaction);
  10. Passports of all participants in the transaction.

These are the main and mandatory documents that will be needed when executing a transaction. It may also be required to provide additional documentation that should be provided on request.

9 steps to the acquisition of real estate!
9 steps to the acquisition of real estate!

How to buy an apartment correctly: important points in signing a preliminary contract and transfer of an advance payment, a deposit

The next stage in the purchase of real estate is the design and signing of the contract of sale.

Be careful to buy an apartment correctly, you need to draw up two contracts.

The first contract - Predhead!

He indicates that the parties are ready to draw up a deal and have decided on the full price of real estate. This agreement describes the place and terms of the transaction, the price and procedure for payment of real estate, The amount of the pledge and or the advance payment.

At the last moment, you should stop and explain the difference between these concepts a little in order to protect yourself and incur minimal costs in the event of a deal of the transaction.

Advance and a deposit are similar concepts, but with a fundamental difference!

The deposit has clear restrictions in attempts to violate the contract:

  • if the buyer refuses to buy an apartment, the amount paid is not returned, but remains with the seller;
  • if the seller violates the agreement, monetary compensation is equal to the 2nd inclinations. So to speak, the time spent and unfulfilled dreams of the buyer are compensated;
  • in case of force majeure circumstances that do not depend on any of the parties, the contract is canceled and the pledge is returned.

Important: the deposit is included in the account of the future payment and is necessarily fixed in the written contract! But the deposit must be distinguished from the advance.

What should be in the document about the transfer of the deposit
What should be in the document about the transfer of the deposit

Advance - partial prepayment, Which, like the deposit, is included in the account of the future payment for the transfer of property and is recorded in the written contract.

The significant difference between the advance and the deposit is that it in any case, it returns, regardless of whose fault the deal would break!

At this stage, the buyer still has the opportunity to check the legal cleanliness of the purchased object, the availability of arrears in the apartment/house and clarify the way to repay them.

Important: there must be a receipt on the transfer of money, ideally notarized!

The composition of the receipt
The composition of the receipt

How to buy an apartment correctly: the second agreement is the main one!

He confirms the transfer of ownership. This is the most important stage of the transaction, how to buy an apartment correctly.

  • The contract must indicate the complete data, in accordance with the passport, the buyer and the seller. To avoid deception and loss of money, the contract should be indicated in the contract.
  • If unforeseen circumstances arise in the future, as a buyer, you can return the entire amount of money. Also in the contract, the name and address of the object, area and data on redevelopment, cost and method of calculation are prescribed.

The contract must be notarized! Before signing, do not forget to subtract the contract of sale.

Information that must be indicated in the contract
Information that must be indicated in the contract

How to buy an apartment correctly: transferring money

  • If you buy an apartment or house for cash, Carry out the transfer of money at a notary and mandatory draw up a receipt. It is also very important that the seller is with you I checked the money for authenticity. Do not rush to give money, be vigilant with whom you are concluding contracts!
  • You can get installments. These aspects are discussed with the buyer - the average payment deadline is up to 1 year, but up to a maximum of 2 years. The amount of 50% with notarial confirmation of the transfer of money is introduced. The balance is divided into monthly payments or is paid by the entire amount at the end of the term. But not all sellers agree to such a deal.
  • You can also arrange a mortgage or maternity capital. But this aspect is not suitable for everyone. Since not everyone can get a mortgage, but for capital it is necessary to have from 2 children and the age of one of the spouses under 30 years.

Important: transfer a large amount of money is better with a notary employee or transfer of funds through the bank!

In order not to be deceived, you should carefully prepare for the purchase and study all the documentation. It is important to work with the originals of documents, not their copies. In order to buy an apartment correctly, you should not be overly trusting and it is best to contact professionals - highly specialized lawyers, trusted realtors and conscientious notaries. Good purchase!

Video: How to buy an apartment in the secondary market?

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