How to write "here" or "here": rules

How to write

In this article, we will talk about how to write correctly - “here” or “here”.

The word “here” is always written with “h” at first and it is not considered a prefix, it enters the root. It is possible to determine the correctness of writing here or here, using the analysis of morphemic composition. That is, you need to understand what exactly the first letter of the word is considered.

How to write "here" or "here": rules

Here or here
Here or here

The word “here” causes some difficulties with writing because there are many other words that begin on “sd”. For them, the letter “C” is a prefix - to shift, dump, roll.

If you view all the rules of grammar, it will be seen that the prefix “Z” simply does not happen, there is only “C”. It happens in words even regardless of what the letter is following - consonant, sonorous or any other. To determine whether the prefix is \u200b\u200bindicated in the word morphemic composition.

The word "here" is an adverb that indicates that the subject exists in some place, but does not call it:

The great gallery of the artist is located here

To understand which letter will be indicated at the beginning of the word, you need to make out its composition and modify it. In our case, this is impossible, because the word "here" sounds as it is and is completely made of the root. To understand why the origin of the word will help.

The modern word turned out as a result of different changes in the original form of "Sedes". “C” previously meant “this”. At first, a soft sign disappeared, and the deaf consonant near the sonorous became ringing and this was already fixed in the final version. “Ce” had a weak phonetic position and was changed to “s”. So the word "here" appeared.

From all of the above, we can conclude that in modern Russian the word “here” is always written exactly so and it just needs to be remembered.

Video: How is it right here or here?

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