Spelling of the word "scoop". Analysis of letters and prepositions.
In the Russian language there are many nuances related to spelling of words. Often they should simply be known, remember, so as not to be known as a little -educated person.
Continuing the topic of analyzing such exceptions, we will dwell today at such - “scoop” and “Savka”.
How is it spelled correctly: Savka or a scoop for garbage?
The item for collecting garbage after sweeping is called a scoop. This word is written through the letter “o” after “C”.
You should remember its correct spelling, since there are no test options for it. Or remember the association. Silch is an object that is being poked. In other words, it can be thrust. In the last word, the stress falls on "o".
How is it spelled correctly: no birds sovka or scoop?
In nature there are such birds - Savka. Since in the nominative case after “C” there is “A”, it does not disappear anywhere and does not transform into “o” upon declination. That is, the correct answer - there are no birds of Savka.
How is the word scoop written?
This word is written like this:
- vowels in order - oh, e, e
- consonants - s, in, h, to
- the stress falls on the second "o"
- the total number of letters is 7, syllables - 3
How many prepositions are in the word scoop?
Depending on how to break the word in question, the prepositions in it will be 4 or 6.
- in the first case - with, o, in, to
- in the second - C, C, O, B, V, K
So, we examined the correctness of the spelling of the word “scoop” and determined that “Savka” also exists. They dismantled him into letters and prepositions.
Be competent!
Nonsense. Savka is written.