How to part and painlessly part with a girl who does not love you: what to do, what to say?

How to part and painlessly part with a girl who does not love you: what to do, what to say?

Methods painlessly and quickly part with an unloved girl.

Relations are a constant work that does not always bring the desired results. Very often people invest more than they get. This is the main reason why unwanted relations end. In the article we will tell you how to get away from a girl who you do not like.

How to quickly part with a girl?

In most cases, relationships are built on mutual feelings. People begin to meet because it is comfortable to spend time together. However, relationships do not always flow into the next phase. In most cases, after the candy-bouquet period, the time comes when it is necessary to make a decision on the transition to the next step. In most cases, this is a marriage, serious family relationships, or cohabitation. However, very often men are in no hurry to take a second step, as they are afraid to lose freedom. All this time, the girl can wait, but often it ends sadly. The girl does not wait for a sentence from her chosen one, cooling to him. Relations go into a sluggish phase, when people, in principle, no longer connects anything with each other, they live out of habit or because it is comfortable. It is quite difficult to establish a joint to be, to make living conditions comfortable.

How to quickly part with a girl:

  • Unilaterally. Accordingly, you come and tell the girl that the relationship is completed, feelings have passed, nothing connects you. 
  • By mutual agreement. Both partners in this case understand that the relationship has outlived themselves, and people connect nothing to each other. In this case, it is possible to survive the gap painlessly. Partners understand that the relationship has no future. 

It is impossible to resolve issues regarding relationships with friends. You can’t take friends and friends with you to talk with you. This does not expose you in the best light. It is necessary that the man remains a man. It should show rigidity, character, perseverance, as well as confidence. 


Why did love for a girl go?

Some of the girls in the process of breaking up relationships can hysteria, rolls scandals, manipulate a partner to glue relationships, or prevent parting. Therefore, in no case can you succumb to manipulation, go for reconciliation. This will not lead to anything good. 

Why did love for a girl:

  • Lack of feelings. It happens that at the beginning of the relationship, emotions are very bright, lover can not live a minute without each other. This period is considered one of the most beautiful. He is accompanied by courtship, compliments, pleasant pastime. Accordingly, many of the partners show demo version of themselves, the best, trying to suppress negative character traits. 
  • Over time, relations change, turning into a different direction. Partners begin to live with each other, or communicate in everyday conditions. In this case, the relationship may change, the number of romantic meetings is reduced, so the emotions are not so bright. After the extinction of vivid emotions, partners show negative character traits. Therefore, due to a significant number of disagreements, feelings can leave, partners understand that they are not suitable for each other. 
  • The mismatch of characters. People who were brought up in different families, social groups are characterized by character. Very often, two cholericians cannot get along with each other due to excessive emotionality and impulsiveness. In such pairs, quarrels most often occur. 
  • Lack of future. One of the partners understands, this is not his second half, not with this person he is ready to live the rest of his life and grow old together. 
  • A large number of scandals. Girls who are brought up in families where parents allow everyone, are spoiled. The partner must satisfy all their wishes. The girl expects the same relationship from her partner. However, he is faced with misunderstanding, lack of funds. On this basis, scandals, manipulations often occur, because the girl does not receive what she wants. 
  • If relations were built for selfish purposes. This happens if one of the partners maintained a relationship in order to gain benefit. Usually girls begin to meet with wealthy men, in order to obtain some material benefits. These are expensive gifts, beautiful clothes, romantic evenings. The lack of feelings is recognized by a man, so there is no point in maintaining such a relationship further. If money ends, or financial injections cease, then the relationship is terminated from the girl. Therefore, it is best to tear them independently until the relationship has gone too far. 
The end of the relationship
The end of the relationship

How beautiful to part with a girl?

It is best not to postpone a break in a long box. You waste your time, stealing the girl's time. This is especially true if the partners live together for more than a year.

How beautiful it is to part with the girl:

  • The girl most often in this case draws a white dress in the imagination, plans to meet her old age in the company of a large number of children in a country house. At this time, a man is not ready to offer his hand and heart, and is not going to continue the relationship. That is why it is better to break off relationships as soon as possible so as not to waste time each other. 
  • Try to pick up words and do it as delicately as possible. You should not do as it is described on a large number of men's sites, where men are recommended to simply turn into a tyrant, behave very rudely, humiliating, offending the girl, so that she independently decides to break the relationship. This is not worth doing.
  • It is better to part humanly. Most likely, it will not be possible to remain friends, but at the same time it will be possible to preserve the human appearance, to remain in the memoirs a real man who is not afraid of difficulties and make important decisions. Talk to the girl face to face, explain the reason for the parting, say that nothing else connects you. 

Why do girls live with unloved?

There are many reasons why girls continue to live with unloved partners. 

Why do girls live with unloved:

  • Revenge to a loved one. It is believed that one of the best ways to get out of a difficult relationship is another relationship. Therefore, girls are in a hurry to start new relationships with any available option. However, both partners suffer in such a relationship. The girl continues to think about her beloved, and the man feels indifference from the partner. Most often, such relationships end in collapse. It is not necessary to delay this moment, as partners take each other's time. Many men hope that over time the girl will love, but this rarely happens. Therefore, do not amuse yourself with illusions, it is worth immediately breaking off relations. 
  • Addiction.This happens in pairs that live together for more than one year, they have a joint life, children, business. It is very difficult to break the relationship, since people are connected with each other not only with feelings, but also with finances. Very often, a woman who has children depends on her man, and understands that he will not be able to raise children. However, if a man understands that feelings have gone, experiences a passion for another woman, it is worth breaking off relationships, but to convince the woman that the children will not suffer. 
  • Fear of loneliness. This happens to the girls in whose family parents divorced in childhood. The situation can occur if the girl has younger sisters, brothers, a large family. Most of the childhood, the girl felt lonely, with a large number of responsibilities associated with the upbringing of younger sisters and brothers. The girl seeks to get rid of loneliness, she wants to feel the necessary. Therefore, he can put up with an unloved person. 
In a quarrel
In a quarrel

How to part with a girl painlessly?

The most difficult thing is to part if the partners are dependent on each other. This usually happens in families who have lived for several decades together. Even if a man is financially independent of a woman, there may be a different dependence. 

How painlessly parting with a girl:

  • Most married men get used to comfort, a woman's departure. A warm dinner, clean bedding and clothes are waiting for them at home. The man does not understand how to be, a bachelor is difficult to arrange his own life. However, you should not be upset. Equipment and cooking services can be ordered in the relevant agencies. 
  • It is most difficult for men to break off relations, being married for several years or decades. The divorce is very painful, it is difficult to choose words, because any expression can hurt the second half.
  • It is better to think over everything in advance, not to make hasty conclusions, not to make quick decisions. It is worth considering in advance how life will flow without a wife and children. You need to take care of the apartment, housing, and provide children. The most unsuccessful option is to abruptly leave, throwing a woman with problems. It is worth smoothly preparing a woman to break the relationship, discuss issues that will concern housing, raising and providing children. 

How to part with a girl right?

It is impossible to part in one minute. That is why it is necessary to adhere to several rules. It is worth talking in a calm atmosphere, telling that there are no feelings, you no longer experience love, sympathy for your partner. 

How to part with a girl correctly:

  • Be sure to thank the girl, for the time spent, the emotions that she gave to you. You need to purchase a bouquet of flowers, some gift.
  • You need to start a conversation from the words: I am very sorry, but our relationship approached our logical conclusion. 
  • In no case should you switch to accusations, screams and reproaches. It is best to end the relationship not with a scandal, but a conversation. 

How to part with a girlfriend?

Many experts claim that it is not always possible to part with friends. This happens even if the couple parted amicably, calmly talking, without splating out each other emotions, negativity. In any case, one of the partners can be painfully closely communicating with a former lover or lover.

How to part with a girlfriend's girlfriend:

  • Experts recommend that if any mention, look or communication with a former partner causes pain, it is worth abandoning contact for a while. There is no need to disappear, it is advisable to explain everything to the partner, to tell that the meetings, joint pastime causes you severe pain. In this case, forgetting about relationships is quite difficult, and it is impossible to build a new life.
  • To recover as soon as possible, it is worth stopping communication temporarily, reduce meetings. If the family has common children, it will not work to completely stop communication. However, in this case, it is desirable not to face a former partner. It is worth agreeing for a certain time, leave the house so that the husband takes the children. If the children are small, it is worth asking parents, acquaintances, neighbors or girlfriends to hand over the children in their hands.
  • However, this does not mean that it is impossible to stay friends. Many partners successfully cope with this role, continuing to communicate. Sometimes, even with a re -creating family, partners continue to be friends. A friend is a person who you trust, you can tell everything secret, secret. This is almost impossible to do if the relationship has broken up due to treason, or the betrayal of a partner. It is impossible to trust a person who betrayed you at least once.
The end of the relationship
The end of the relationship

Read also:

  1. Tips, how to finally finish toxic relationships?
  2. 10 signs that it is time for you to part! How to understand that it's time to part with a guy?
  3. How to part with a man and not regret it?
  4. I can't part with my lover - what to do?
  5. How to part with a man finally: with a married, lover, beloved, loving man - a psychologist

If a man understands that he cools to the girl, nothing connects them, it is necessary to break this relationship. It is best not to break using social networks and messengers, a mobile phone. Men are afraid to talk about it, as they fear too violent reaction from the girl. 

Video: How to part with a girl who does not like?

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