How to keep the post of Ramadan 2024, intention, what prayers to read for beginner men and women: step -by -step instructions. How many days can Ramadan keep for beginners? Is it possible to keep a post for another person or instead of him?

How to keep the post of Ramadan 2024, intention, what prayers to read for beginner men and women: step -by -step instructions. How many days can Ramadan keep for beginners? Is it possible to keep a post for another person or instead of him?

How to keep the Ramadan post correctly? The article has a step -by -step guide and explains in detail how the intention is done and when you need to read the DUA.

A month is approaching Ramadan, and people begin to be interested in the methods of traditional holding of the post and all the intricacies of this process. Below we will describe all the subtleties of Uraza in such an important month.

Read another article on our website on the topic: "Uraza 2024: calendar, schedule". You will also read useful information about the month Ramadan 2024.

Ramadan in 2024 March 11, and Uraza Bayramin 2024 April 10.

In the article you will find out what you can do, and what is impossible in a month Ramadan.

You will find useful information about when to fast, how to adhere to a Uraza to a woman, how to make a morning prayer, etc. Read further.

When it arose, Islam originated: what is it briefly when Islam appeared like a religion?

Naturally, a true Muslim knows what Islam is. But, if you only recently accepted this faith, then you have yet to immerse yourself in all terms and find out everything in detail. When did Islam arise? When did the religion appear? Here is the explanation briefly:

  • Islam - This is one of the oldest monotheistic world religions, the followers of which are called Muslims: their number reaches about 1.8 billion people.
  • This religion arose at the beginning of the 7th century In Hijaz among the Arab tribes of the Western accident.
  • Its founder was a man named Muhammadcoming from an influential kind of Hashim.

Developing under the great influence of other religions, in particular Christianity and Judaism, Islam has spread in the near and Middle East, and then in the Far East, in Southeast Asia and Africa.

The basic principles of Islam are presented in Qur'an, Muslims rely on him.

What religion was the source of Islam?

As mentioned earlier, Christianity and Judaism had a strong influence on Islam. It is believed that it was these religions that were the source of Islam. These three branches of a single tree appeal to the overall picture of the world, to the same mythology, personalities, ideas about world order and have common historical roots.

Islam The connection between this religion and Judaism arose in a pagan environment. Muhammad During living in Mecca n Medina, He managed to get to know Jews closely, after which he became a preacher of Islam.

What is Uraza Bayram?

Islamic Uraza is an exception of any food, drinks and sexual relations throughout the daylight, that is, from sunrise to sunset.

  • It is worth clarifying that only sexual relations are prohibited, and you can kiss and hug a spouse.
  • Relations between spouses should live every month and every day of the year, even in Ramadan.
  • You should not deliberately refrain from them, since according to the well-known statistics, because of this, the fire of the relationship fades, goes out and after some time completely disappears.
  • And the reason for this is not faith, but its incorrect interpretation and lack of a simple ability to live life with pleasure, happiness and a real sense of gratitude to each other and the Almighty.
  • After the sun sets, the prohibitions imposed earlier are removed, and on the next day with sunrise, the post again comes into force.

Eid al Adha - 1 of the two main days of the Islamic calendar, which indicates the completion of the post that continued during the Holy month Ramadan.

A Muslim who believes in Allah is obliged to desire exclusively for pleasure Almighty Allah, without pursuing his own intentions, for example, losing weight at the expense of Uraza or following some diet.

How to keep an uraza correctly - a post per month of Ramadan for the first time for beginners?

And although at first glance the rules of Uraza seem very strict, they are not so difficult to fulfill. It is necessary to get up early in the morning, even before dawn, to take food, the so -called Sukhur, and drink a lot of water so as not to experience discomfort from thirst and dehydration all day. How to keep it correctly - a post per month of Ramadan for the first time for beginners?

  • It is necessary to use food not saturated with burning spices and salt - all this in order not to torment thirst.
  • The diet should be selected, given the benefits for the body, physical activity and daily routine for the course of the post.
  • When the time for eating ends, you must stop eating, rinse your mouth in order to remove the particles of food, and make an intention.
  • At the same time, you can try food during cooking, but it cannot be swallowed, but you need to spit it out.
  • In the evening, the so -called Iftar is eaten.

Between the evening and the morning meal of the use of cooked dishes, you must sleep. After the last meal before sunrise, you also need to sleep a little, especially if a person then goes to work. Warm up and cold shower will help to accelerate drowsiness in the morning, it is permissible to use air conditioners and shampoos with a bright smell. On the days of fasting, the use of perfumes is allowed. Pleasant aromas surrounding the body will stimulate brain activity, create an atmosphere of the holiday, inspire and set up on an active and productive working day.

It is important to know: However, this does not mean that it is possible to oversleep the entire period of Ramadan, so as not to accidentally sin. Only lazy people and parasites are of this opinion. An important part of the life of every Muslim is labor and diligence, and for laziness everyone will appear before the court of the Almighty.

If the work during the period of Ramadan is difficult, you can take a vacation or agree on remote work from the house. It is necessary to reduce the number of useless affairs after work, eat right and balanced and, if possible, sleep on weekends. However, it is recommended to stay in its usual mode of operation, and then it will be possible to complete many important tasks, to which the hands did not reach before the constant breaks on tea and meal. During this period, productivity and efficiency increases greatly. The main rule for maintaining performance is to replenish the lack of sleep with any convenient opportunity. And proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will make the dream more strong and healthy.

Tooth cleaning with a toothbrush during a Uraza period is allowed, however, it is recommended to abandon the toothpaste so that it is not accidentally swallowed. But even after such a procedure, an unpleasant odor may appear during the day due to the mouth due to daytime starvation. To cope with this nuisance, you need to be more attentive to brushing your teeth:

  • Use not only a brush and paste, but also with a dental thread in the morning and Misvak at night.
  • At the same time, pay special attention to cleaning the tongue, because it contains the main volume of microbes, which is why the smell appears.
  • Perfume, applied in the abdomen or chest area, can help in solving such a problem.

Visit to the sauna and hammam in the period Ramadana Not forbidden even in the daytime. It is recommended to do this shortly from Iftar, because after high temperatures a person will feel weak and lack of energy. You can also take a shower, swim in reservoirs. The main condition is that during swimming or washing you can not swallow water, then the post will not be broken.

Iftar: What is it?


Iftar is a conversation, the use of cooked dishes in the evening during the Ramadan. It is produced after evening prayer. It begins immediately, as the sun comes in, do not pull for a long time with the process of eating food.

  • Before pronouncing the prayer, eat a little food and beat something.
  • After that, Muslims begin the main meal.
  • According to the Sunnah, it should be overwhelmed with water and dried or fresh dates, which should be an odd number. They can be excluded and replaced with any other sweet dish.

You should try to focus on water at least half an hour before eating, so as not to make gastric juice less concentrated before the meal.

Doctors argue that the Iftar should be balanced - to contain fiber due to fruits and vegetables, poultry and meat delicacies, bread products, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and grain. Be sure to use berry and herbal teas, serum. However, you should not eat fried and fatty dishes, since they will be digested for too long: it is better to leave such difficult food for Sukhur.

Advice: After eating, wait for a clear sense of thirst. Thus, the speed of digestive processes will relieve and increase.

Intention on the Uraz in the morning

Some Muslims do not know what needs to be pronounced when you fast, which of the prayers to read and how to close the post. In fact, everything is simple: the intention is committed in the morning, and in the evening - a prayer, the so -called dua.

The intention to the URAZ in the morning may look something like this:

Intention on the Uraz in the morning
Intention on the Uraz in the morning

However, it is also allowed to pronounce it in Russian:

After you have spoken the intention, it is forbidden to stop fasting, without a good reason, to fade or swear with anyone. If the Muslim missed Sukhur, then he has the right to continue to fast, if he made an intention.

Disagreement in Ramadan, prayer or dua after Iftar

After the sun has disappeared from sight, you can start to flare up in Ramadan, for this, as mentioned earlier, dates or ordinary water are used.

After the process of conversation or Iftar, the words of prayer are read - Dua:

Disagreement in Ramadan, prayer or dua after Iftar
Disagreement in Ramadan, prayer or dua after Iftar

It is allowed to pronounce a prayer in Russian:

It is alleged that in this period of time the Almighty accepts such prayers of Muslims, for this reason it should be treated with a certain DUA or a request, no matter what language it speaks in. After the prayer process, it is allowed to eat food.

The time when you need to fast

Muslims who first decide to keep the post are asked by many questions on his organization: where and how to find out the time of Uraza, at how long it is possible to eat, how much can be eaten, how long it is necessary to adhere to and whether the follow -up of Uraza is required on Friday. The time when you need to fast:

  • In specific orientation in time, the time of prayer for each city, village, village will help.
  • The temporary period of the commission of Sukhur is mentioned in the morning, and the time of conversation, that is, the sunset sunset, coincides with the magrist prayer.

The post must adhere to Ramadan for a whole month, and Fridays are no exception. Some enjoy only 3 days. In any part of the month, but this is absolutely wrong.

How to make a morning prayer prayer - conditions: what needs to be said before prayer, washing, step -by -step guides for men and women for beginners

Sumikhara From the Arabic language means "Search for good." The believer uses this prayer when he has to make a difficult choice between certain actions, then the Almighty indicates the path preferred to him. It is known that after the implementation dua Sumikhara, a Muslim may not worry about the results of his work, since the outcome in any case will be the best, if the matter planned by him is truly good. What do you need to say before prayer? Here is a step -by -step instruction for men and women for beginners:

  • Anyone who wants to commit the morning prayer must understand that such a prayer is read to a specific case.
  • There is no specially approved period of time in which the prayer must be carried out.
  • Prayer can be read anywhere and at any time, excluding places where it is forbidden to pronounce the name of the Almighty, and the time when it is forbidden to pronounce a prayer.
  • The best moment for the implementation of the prayer prayer is the last third of the night.
  • It is recommended that the prayer is read before Vitr-Namaz is pronounced, according to the wishes Prophet Muhammad.

Before the implementation of Susekhar, the believer must fulfill the ablution and pronounce another prayer of Svechar in two rakaats. Only then is it allowed to read the Dua Sudahar:

Dua Sumikhara
Dua Sumikhara
Translation of the Dua Sudahar
Translation of the Dua Sudahar

Important: It is worth learning the text of the Dua and Sudahar by heart, however, it is sometimes allowed to test from the paper.

After the end of the prayer, the believer needs to reach out to the sky, thus expressing humility Almighty And understanding His Majesty and strength. After the Dua, the Muslim should ask for advice from the sages in the topic of interest to him. And then the believer can trust Allah And His wisdom. However, you should not think that the believer can be inactive, on the contrary, he is obliged to make even more efforts to achieve his goal, but without doubt.

The prayer of the Vlacar is most often performed only once. But if a person believing in Allah did not notice certain “hints”, he does the whole procedure again. It is recommended to perform a prayer for the righteous no more than 7 times in a row.

Kamat in front of the prayer

Kamat speaks to the very prayer of the fact, so as it will end, prayer is immediately carried out. It is not necessary to pronounce the kamat, however, every believer in the rank of the macakada, i.e. actions that Prophet Muhammad I almost did it constantly. Nevertheless, if the Muslim does not personally read the kamat before the prayer, then no sin will be imposed on him. This applies both to pronouncing prayer at home and in the mosque.

Kamat in front of the prayer:

Kamat in front of the prayer
Kamat in front of the prayer
Kamat in front of the prayer
Kamat in front of the prayer

Namaz for the fulfillment of desires: Guide

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires is called haja-namaz - Prayer on a voluntary basis, containing two rociators. It is read for the fulfillment of some desires or needs. You can pronounce some kind of dua in Haja-namaz, but this condition is optional. Here is the leadership:

  • It is allowed to pronounce prayer words in any hours of day, not counting undesirable periods.
  • The most proper time for hazha-namaz - The time between night and vitr prayers.
  • The process of prayer in books is described in detail Tirmizi And Ibn Maji.
  • According to them, for a start, washing is carried out, then it is important to read two rociators of prayer, and then call to Allah.

Here is the text:

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire
Prayer for the fulfillment of desire

You can translate like this:

Translation of prayer to fulfill desire
Translation of prayer to fulfill desire

Haja-namaz can be carried out in two rockets or in 4. In the first case after pronouncing Surah al-Fatikha We need to read Ayatul-course, and in the following - surah Nilas, Falyak and us. Thus, in the 2nd, 3rd and fourth rociators, you need to read all three suras in each.

What time can not be made by prayer?

Each prayer is obliged to be carried out in a specially allocated time period. However, the time is determined when to perform any prayer is not recommended.

  • It is forbidden to read prayers in the period from dawn to complete sunrise.
  • At dawn, the morning prayer containing 4 rociators is read.
  • After two racatas of Fard, the nafil of the prayer is prohibited before sunrise.
  • At the same time, after dawn, reading another Sunnat or nafil of the prayer is considered macrukh.
  • When the solar disk is located at the zenith, it is forbidden to read Nafil Namaz and Knamaz.

Besides, in 30 minutes Before the sun hides over the horizon, when it acquires a red tint, it is forbidden to read something, with the exception aSR NAMAZ current day. Also, after pronouncing the ASR namaz, nafil namaz is prohibited.

What needs to be read, speak after prayer?

Allah Almighty I like it when believers often turn to him with various petitions and prayers. What needs to be read, speak after prayer? A person believing in Allah is obliged to comply with certain rules.

IN The sacred Qur'an It is indicated:

Thus, after the end of the prayer, the following are read:

Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer
Dua after prayer

When reading a prayer, the believer must turn aside Cybyls and contact directly to Creator and read a dua with intention Almighty. During pronouncing prayer words, you should hold your hands in the face, turning them with your palms up. The tone of the voice should be quiet so that no one else can hear it, and the eyes do not need to be raised to the sky. If a person wants to express a very important petition for Allah, then for starters he should be abloved.

After the end of the DUA, it is important to say again the words praising Almighty Allah, and then read salavat to the messenger of Allah. Prayer dua - This is the gun of the believer that gave him Almighty.

Is it possible to keep an uza without making a prayer

Is it possible to hold Uraza, without prayer? In fact, this should not be done.

  • Fasting is the duty of believers in Islam to Almighty, just like a prayer.
  • Namaz and Uraza - These are different pillars of religion, and individual sins are also counted for their non -compliance.

Nevertheless, a person must cultivate a firm intention in the near future to begin the commission of a five -fold prayer.

Video: How do I keep a post if I do not read prayer?

How to keep an uza to a woman?

They often ask whether women need to keep an uza, including pregnant women, and how to do it right.

  • The difference between a female post from a male is that if the menstruation women fell for a month of Ramadan, then she cannot adhere to a Uraza.
  • After them, it is necessary to compensate for this pass for a good reason, already at the end of the month.
  • It is allowed to replenish such days on winter days, when daylight hours ends very quickly.
  • Pregnant and nursing Muslims are not required to adhere to the post, as this may be dangerous for them and their children. Due to the danger to his health and health, there is an opportunity to postpone the process and conduct it at another time.

Even in one of the hadiths this is confirmed:

A lot of useful information below. Read further.

How many days can Ramadan keep for beginners?

If a person first decides to keep a post, he must follow all the above rules. How many days can Ramadan keep for beginners?

  • If before that a person was not a Muslim or did not realize his religious beliefs, then there is no need to restore missing days.
  • If the Muslim did not intentionally fast, then it is necessary to make up for this gap, starting from the moment of puberty or the moment when the conscious faith came.

Every Muslim should know this. Read further.

Is it possible to keep a post for another person or instead of him?

It will not be possible to keep a post instead of another person or for his sake. The post, just like a prayer, as a result of which everyone is obliged to do it on their own.

Remember: No one can make a prayer or keep an uza for another person, even a family member.

Who is released from post in Ramadan?

Small children can be freed from post in Ramadan
Small children can be freed from post in Ramadan

As you know, children do not have to adhere to a Uraza. However, as respect for others and in order to gradually get used to keeping a post in the future, children can begin to fast, for example, until noon. As soon as the child becomes sexual, and according to Islam, such children are already considered matured, prayer and uraza will be mandatory for them. Who else is released from post in Ramadan?

  • In addition to pregnant Muslims, breastfeeding or Muslims during the period of menstruation, poor people and travelers are freed from Uraza.
  • However, this does not mean that they may never fast: later it is necessary to compensate for the post.
  • After all, the patient will recover sooner or later, the traveler will return from Safar, and women will end with menstruation.

People who are under the yoke of the disease for a long time and cannot fill the pass of the post, pay for fidia - A kind of bunch for every missing day. One day, as a rule, costs exactly as much as it would be needed to feed one poor man with a minimum number of dishes for a whole day.

Ramadan is a favorable period of the formation of personality and personal growth. This is the upbringing of not only the body, but also the soul, so this month must be filled with self -discipline, kindness and well -being. It is recommended to refrain from obvious sins, including the most common sins of the language:

  • Swear
  • Gossip
  • Speaking
  • Lies

For this reason, you should be more silent, and speak exclusively good.

Some people criticize the post. You need to learn to put up with this. During this period, it is important to reduce the volume of negative emotions and tune in to positive ones, learn to direct the formed free energy in the right direction: in the morning - work with your head, and in the afternoon - in the body. If you concentrate all your energy, words and thoughts on priority deeds and plans, then there will be no time and effort for resentment and negative emotions.

Video: Ramadan - What do newcomers need to know?

Video: Question - How to make an intention to post correctly?

Video: What to say in the morning before the start of the post?

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