How to give a cat tablet correctly? How to give a cat a pill of antibiotics, from worms, a tabletoper?

How to give a cat tablet correctly? How to give a cat a pill of antibiotics, from worms, a tabletoper?

Ways to feed the cat tablets.

In most cases, animals resist when they are given a pill. This happens for the reason that the medicine can be bitter, too large, it is difficult to swallow it. In this article we will tell you how to give a pill correctlycat.  

How to give a cat a pill antibiotic?

There are several ways, but not all of them are completely and completely safe. In most cases, the animal bursts, resists, can bite and scratch. Moreover, this happens with the owners whom the cat loves very much. Therefore, you can simplify your task and act in a barbaric method.

How to give a cat a pill antibiotic:

  • For this animal, they are simply wrapped in a bedspread, like a baby. After that, lay out on their forearm, clamped with a brush of one hand, and with the second hand they insert a tablet deep into the throat.
  • It is necessary to put it on the root of the tongue, in this case, the animal with one hundred percent probability will swallow the tablet. But there is a possibility that the animal can simply bury the medicine, the tablet will come back.
  • This is due to the fact that the cats have a kind of digestive system that is adapted to frequent vomiting. Thus, pets simply get rid of shocks of wool, which is in the stomach.
  • In exactly the same way, a cat can get rid of a tablet in its stomach or throat. The fact is that such tablets often cause discomfort while in the esophagus, irritate it. Therefore, there is no surprising vomiting after taking the medicine. Look for a more suitable way when the cat does not notice that you gave her a pill.

How to give a pill to a cat tabletoper?

People who are not the first to give an animal pill use a specialtabletter. This is a device that resembles a syringe, but with a cut cannula. You can build such a device at home.

How to give a pill to a cat tabletoper:

  • In this position, the cat is in an absolutely defenseless state, so it will not be able to bite its owner. With helptabletter The medicine is administered deep into the mouth, lower the jaw and clamp in the palms of the mouth.
  • For these purposes, an insulin syringe is optimal if the tablet is small. It is necessary to cut the thinnest part with a hot knife, and mourn the edges above the gas.
  • Thus, they will become smooth. After that, the lower part of the syringe is diverted, a tablet is invested and inserted into the mouth of the cat.

How to give a cat a pill for worms?

Check with the doctor whether it is possible to dissolve the medicine in water. If possible, this will greatly simplify the task. The easiest option is to give a small amount of wet food with a crushed tablet.

How to give a cat a pill for worms:

  • You can enter it into special goodies that are sold in a veterinary store. These are goodies for cats, which in their form resemble pockets. A tablet is invested inside the hole, and the treat is given to the animal.
  • A cat with one hundred percent probability will eat a tablet. If there is no time, or means for acquiring such pockets are not enough, you can resort to other tricks. Pull the medicine into powder and mix with a small amount of sour cream or cream.
  • Lubricate the nose of the animal or chin in this mixture. The animal will be forced to cleanse itself from pollution, and eat everything that you applied to the muzzle.

How to give a cat a pill without stress?

So that the tablet does not irritate the walls of the esophagus, it is best to feed the animal after the medicine, or give it water. However, if you did everything right, you put a pill on the root of the tongue, but the animal does not swallow it even after stroking movements from the kadyk to the breast, you can resort to cunning and blow in the nose. Please note that cats do not want to use bitter tablets and can spit them out.

How to give a cat a pill without stress:

  • Try to put the medicine in the freezer. The fact is that the cold is felt much faster than bitterness. Therefore, the animal will swallow the medicine without problems. You can also in the process of feeding the medicine, deceive the cat and distract its attention.
  • Play with a laser flashlight, or take your favorite toy. Thus, the animal may not understand that he was given a pill. Use food to hide the tablet that you give the animal every day.
  • In order for the animal with one hundred percent probability to swallow the medicine, it is necessary to give any food a few hours before manipulation. That is, it is necessary that the cat get hungry.
  • After that, in a small amount of food, dissolve the medicine and give the animal. As soon as the cat eats all the food, pour adds to it, but already withoutmedicines. 

How to be forcibly give a cat's pill if it rests and breaks out: a list of pastes and pockets

The safest way to feed the cat tablets is the use of special masking products. Among them, you can distinguish pate, as well as means that resemble plasticine. The tablet is completely coated with a means and is given to the animal. Thanks to the stylish smell, the pet does not feel an unpleasant taste. 

How to force a cat pill if it rests and breaks out:

  • The safest option for the owner and cat is the use of special pastes and pockets. However, the animal can be cunning enough, and after eating a tablet, to tear out somewhere in the corner after a few minutes.
  • Below is a list of the most popular pastes and pockets for masking pills. They are distinguished by a pleasant salmon or chicken flavor and a rich aroma. Thanks to this, the smell and taste of the tablet are completely masked.
  • But the animal can tear out a pill or spit it out quietly somewhere. Therefore, the most unsafe, but reliable is the methodsviolence.  

List of masking pastes and pockets for pills:

  • Pill Pockets for Cats Camouflage pockets for cats for cats with the aroma and taste of chicken
  • Pill Pockets for Cats Camouflage pockets for cats with aroma and taste of salmon
  • Tomlyn Pill-Masker
  • Vetoquinol Pill Wrap Oral Paste
Pockets for pills
Pockets for pills

How to give a cat a pill for worms, vitamins in tablets?

That is, the cat is standardly wrapped in a blanket or sheet, tied with ribbons and stuffed a tablet deep into the mouth. The most desperate for these purposes use fingers.

How to give a cat a pill for worms, vitamins in tablets:

  • Please note that some animals are fighting not for life, but for death. Therefore, even the most obedient pets can be very aggressive, bite the owner, scratch. Therefore, it will be useful, if you are before the start of treatment, the cat will take to the veterinarian and cut off his claws.
  • In special pet stores, you can purchase a bag for an animal. It resembles a dense fabric inside which is a synthetic winterizer. She is on Velcro and in special puffs. Thus, the animal fits into this bag, the tape is delayed. The cat is thus completely immobilized. It remains to be hanged by the handles on the doors of the cat. After the opening of the mouth, the cat is administered with the help oftabletter 
Open the mouth
Open the mouth

How to open a cat's mouth to give a pill?

How to make the cat open your mouth? You can take it by the scruff of the scruff, that is, for the withers. Thus, the lower jaw independently lowers and the entrance to the mouth remains open.

How to open a cat's mouth to give a pill:

  • It is necessary to blow in his nose. Only in this way will the animal swallow the tablet. After that, it is advisable to give food or water so that the medicine does not get somewhere in the esophagus, and does not cause unpleasant sensations. 
  • In many animals, in the process of feeding drugs, stress may occur. So that it is not, you can dissolve the tablet in the water. But this method is advisable to use only if the medicine dissolves well and does not leave the sediment. In this case, the liquid is typed in a syringe and injected into the mouth of the animal.
  • If the animal does not swallow the medicine, holds it in the mouth or on the root of the tongue, it is necessary to raise the animal's muzzle up and make stroking movements from the tub to the breast. Thus, the animal will haveswallowing reflex And it will swallow the pill. 

How to give a cat a large pill?

In general, it is best to purchase special animal tablets. They are already initially distinguished by taste, and mask the nasty organoleptic properties of the medicine itself. Thus, the animal does not have problems with the use of a tablet.

How to give a cat a large tablet:

  • The situation is otherwise if the pet is prescribed by human pills that differ in a bitter taste. In this case, it is necessary to disguise it. However, what to do with large pills?
  • The easiest option is to grind a pill and give it in small portions or in a mixture with food, water. The animal will not be able to swallow a large tablet, and with one hundred percent probability will tear it out. This is due to the structural features of the digestive system of cats.
  • You can also use other methods. Usually there is a difficulty in how to open an animal mouth? You can use the method with hanging behind the withers, or try to insert a finger into the mouth in the lower jaw. However, this method is for extremals, in this case, it is best to use a glove so that the cat does not bite a finger. 
Introduction of the pill
Introduction of the pill

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Video: How to give a cat pill?

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