What to enter the FSB after grade 9, 11, after the army? What to take upon admission to the FSB?

What to enter the FSB after grade 9, 11, after the army? What to take upon admission to the FSB?

The FSB, or the Federal Security Service is a large -scale structure, shrouded in legends and secrets. Knowledgeable people assure that they enter the FSB Academy either those who have been surrounded by this atmosphere from childhood due to hereditary traditions, or those who see romance in it.

It is quite difficult to enter such an institution, but, as they say, nothing is impossible. Especially if the applicant knows rare (compared to common English) languages \u200b\u200bwell - they can try their hand at the faculty of foreign languages.

What to go to the FSB?

  • To begin with, the applicant needs to go through a medical commission - and there are quite stringent selection criteria. Health should be on top, especially since it will be checked in the future regularly every 6 months.
  • Then - the passage of the polygraph. And at this stage, if the future FSB-Shnik does not have firm internal beliefs, I am not sure of the correctness of its choice, its chances of admission are significantly reduced.
  • Another test for admission to the FSB - The level of physical training. It should be noted quite high regulatory requirements established for pull -ups, running 100 meters, 3 km. Therefore, for physical weak and undeveloped applicants, this stage often becomes the last.
  • These stages are common to all educational institutions, preparing specialists of the Security Service. And you can always find out about all the nuances in the selection committee of the branch of the FSB Academy, in which the applicant plans to submit documents.
Admission to the FSB
Honorary place among applicants

What to take to enter the FSB?

In accordance with the excerpt from the reception rules, depending on the chosen profile and specialty, applicants are handed over to enter the FSB:

Items and points
Items and points

What to go to the FSB after grade 9?

  • For applicants to the FSB in the presence of any education, including after the 9th grade, many factors are taken into account. This is and health status, which should be impeccable, the lack of criminal records not only with the applicant himself, but also his relatives. Also, the applicant should not have relatives living abroad.
  • The admission after the 9th grade to the Academy of the FSB in Moscow is impossible. But for such graduates there are schools, in particular, the set after the 9th grade is made in St. Petersburg Cadet Corps.
  • In addition to the application mandatory for all applicants, which is considered a report, it is necessary to submit for receipt, a statement written personally about your desire to study in the institution. Such a statement is addressed to the head of the educational institution. A passport, birth certificate, documents that confirm the citizenship of the father and mother, in the form of properly certified copies are also attached.
  • The applicant will need to fill out and sign questionnaire, write (by hand) your autobiography. An extract from the training tablet will be required, in which grades are affixed for the first and second trimester of learning and a foreign language that the candidate studied is indicated. On the table, the stamp of the educational institution in which the applicant was trained must be affixed in the mandatory order.
  • Also submitted characteristic (either pedagogical or psychological and pedagogical), which is signed by the class teacher and director of the school, and the personal file of the applicant (copy). All these documents must also have a stamp of an educational institution. Photos of 3 x 4 (4 pcs.) Are attached, having a corner for printing right below.
  • It will also be necessary to provide policy, indicating compulsory medical insurance, financial-subject account, extract from a house or apartment book at the place of residence. All this is in the form of copies. And, finally, the parents of the candidate or his legal representatives need to take certificates at the place of work, also if the applicant has pre -emptive rights, this should also be confirmed by copies of the relevant documents.

What to go to the FSB after grade 11?

  • For admission to the FSB Academy, a graduate of the 11th grade is necessary analyze the motivesdetermining his desire to work in this structure. After all, the selection of applicants are approached very carefully, making their psychological portraits. Therefore, if experts consider that the candidate is not patriotic, law -abiding, does not have the required willpower and psycho -emotional stability, and his intelligence is not high enough - it is hardly worth counting on admission. In addition, the ability to logically build phrases, the ability to adequate self -esteem, endurance not only in physical, but also psychological terms are evaluated.
  • Practice shows that there are a lot of candidates that meet the above requirements, since the competition among those who are allowed to enter into entrance exams remains stably high, starting from ten people to one place. It should be noted that despite the fact that girls can count on admission only on certain faculties (in particular, correspondence and foreign languages), there are also many of them among applicants.
For admission, many factors are important
For admission, many factors are important

The requirements for applicants are as follows:

  • full secondary or secondary special education;
  • age: from 16 to 22 years, for those who have served in the army, the upper border is 24 years;
  • the required physical preparation.

Preliminary lists of applicants are formed by the FSB representatives themselves on the basis of the study of personal affairs, tests, exams.

The sequence of actions for graduates of the 11th grade who want to study at the FSB Academy is as follows:

  1. No less than six months before the introductory campaign starts, you need to write a statement about your desire to study and send it either directly to the admissions commission, or to the FSB body, closest to your place of residence.
  2. Having submitted an application, the applicant receives access to complete information regarding the list of specialties, exams, requirements, etc. This will help him better prepare for a compulsory interview, which is conducted by the dean of the faculty chosen by the eleventh grader and specialists-“personnel officers” from the FSB.
  3. The next stage is the passage of the medical board and the prec an prec an prec an precipitance of the polygraph is also included. Thus, the state of physical health and psychological qualities of the applicant is checked - components without which the candidate will not be allowed to enter into entrance exams.
  4. Directly competitive selection: delivery of physical training standards and entrance exams.

Exams upon admission to the FSB after the 11th grade

  • A graduate of the 11th grade participates in the competitive selection on the basis of the points received when passing the exam, as well as according to the results of the exams conducted by the educational institution itself. Depending on the chosen faculty, the results of russian language and literature, foreign language, history, social studies, physics, mathematics.
  • Medalist graduates have the right to pass one exam. If they can get the maximum score on it, the tests are completed on this, if not, they will have to continue on equal terms with the rest of the applicants.
  • At the same time, the USE points do not particularly affect the result of evaluating the knowledge of the candidate for admission, since the assessment takes place in the “test” format. “Negothe” is placed if the score in the necessary subject indicates the presence of a minimum level of knowledge.
  • Receipt in the FSB for the daytime department involves entrance exams in July, in absentia - in September. To evaluate the knowledge of applicants, a 100-bary system is used. Additional points are charged for insignia in study or sports (a medal for excellent study at a school or a secondary vocational educational institution, sports awards, the TRP badge, etc.).

Physical training standards for admission to the FSB after grade 11

  • As well as USE points, quantitative and qualitative indicators of the level of physical training are evaluated according to the test system or non -read.
  • The standards that allow you to obtain the test are set separately for young men and for girls. The minimum indicators in which the applicant will receive a set -off when entering the FSB for guys and girls differ.

For young men - 14.8 seconds in running for a hundred meters, 13.3 minutes in running 3 kilometers, at least 7 times - pulling up. Girls should run a hundred -meter no more than 17.4 seconds, a kilometer - no more than 5 minutes. 10 sec., And the press from the situation is to be able to pump at least 34 times in a minute.

Physical preparation plays an important role
Physical preparation plays an important role

What to enter the FSB after the army?

  • Army service is an undoubted advantage for those who decided to connect their lives with work in the FSB bodies. Former soldiers - like conscripts, and contractors - Due to the preparation, it will be much easier to cope with the standards established to assess physical training. And for such young people, a fight in hand -to -hand combat was also established as an additional test.
  • If the candidate has no higher education, but meets all the requirements, he can be given a referral for training at the FSB Academy, where he will become an officer of special services.
  • What needs to be done to the one who served the army service to get to the FSB? Start by paying a visit to the FSB branch, which is the closest. There, in the personnel department, they will be given a questionnaire that needs to be filled out, they will tell you which documents will be needed.
  • Further, as for all others who want to connect their lives with work in the organs, - medical examination, delivery of sports standards, testing, including the passage of the polygraph. Then, provided that all the stages have been successfully passed, the applicant awaits possible admission to secret information, including state secrets.
  • The list of documents necessary for admission to the FSB is similar to the above, with the difference that yesterday’s soldiers must attach a copy of a military ticket, marriage certificates, the birth of a child if he managed to get a family. Similar information will need to be provided with respect to the closest relatives. It will also be necessary to attach documents indicating the income, available credit obligations.

Is it possible to enter the FSB girls?

  • Girls, just like guys, can work in power structures, to which the FSB also relates. The conditions and stages of admission to the FSB are similar to them, with difference, of course, in the regulatory indicators of physical training. If the contender for work in the security agencies has an education in specialties in demand in law enforcement agencies: legal, technical, economic, related to the work of a signalman, translator, etc.
  • A girl can only count on the faculty of foreign languages.

How to prepare for admission to the FSB?

  • If the candidate is seriously and intends to devote himself to working in the security structure, then he needs to carefully read the history of the organization, read books and watch films dedicated to the work of the former KGB and today's FSB. You need to carefully view the official website of the FSB, including each tab in order to have a complete picture of what the work of the “committee” is.
  • Very benefit will be used to read publications in the media about how Russian and foreign security services work. Of course, you need to get acquainted with the legislative base regulating the work of the FSB in particular and the military as a whole.
  • All this information will give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat transformations took place in the structure, the work of the service, what duties the FSB employee has, what is the work of a particular specialty. So it will be possible to choose a faculty that is most suitable in all respects for admission to the FSB.
  • Having mastered the necessary concepts, it is necessary to prepare for entrance exams. This will not work in preparatory courses for the reason that they simply are not. Exit - diagnostic tests and olympiads carried out by the FSB Academy, and the study of previous examination tasks. Particular attention should be paid to physical training, striving for the development of the required standards.
Study the maximum information about the work of the service
Study the maximum information about the work of the service

For what reasons are they not hired by the FSB?

Before you enter the FSB, study whether you can go there after completing your studies.

After all, the list of prohibitions for work is quite large:

  1. Incapacity (full or limited) established by the court.
  2. The current court decision prohibiting work in the public service for a certain period.
  3. The existing disease or contraindication, which are stipulated in a special list of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  4. Availability party and participation in political activity.
  5. The result of competitive selection is not in favor of the candidate.
  6. Incomplete or obviously false mandatory information that the candidate is obliged to provide, the availability of false documents.
  7. Refusal to undergo registration admission to state secret.
  8. A negative result of professional psychological selection.
  9. Real estate available outside the Russian Federation (if this is not connected with official necessity).
  10. Refusal of fingerprint registration, survey, passing a lie detector, and a narcologist check.
  11. Limited fitness or unusable for military service.
  12. Subordination (control) in the course of the service to any of the close relatives.
  13. Insufficient physical and professional training, low educational level.
  14. Available harvestingincluding repaid due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, amnesty or by reconciliation of the parties.
  15. The existing second citizenship.
  16. If the audit revealed actions as a result of which a threat to the state can be created.
  17. Refusal to fill out a tax return.
  18. Lack of vacancy on the required profile.
  19. Constant residence (including close relatives) abroad, as well as the process of execution of the necessary documents for traveling abroad for this purpose or a residence permit in another state.

Forms of training for work in the FSB

  • At the FSB Academy, only budgetary training - there is no paid department.
  • Remote or remote forms are also not used - only daytime, full -time. Only existing law enforcement officers who increase their educational level can study at the correspondence faculty. You can not enter the FSB and those who already have a higher education.
  • The FSB Academy does not spend open days of open, like other universities, and does not accept listeners to transfer from other higher educational institutions.

Where to go to work in the FSB?

In the Russian Federation, you can get the profession of an FSB officer in such higher educational institutions:

Information about the establishments
Information about the establishments

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Video: How to enter the FSB Academy?

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