How to enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9, 11, after the army, what to hand over upon admission to the Ministry of Emergencies?

How to enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9, 11, after the army, what to hand over upon admission to the Ministry of Emergencies?

What needs to be done to be hired at the Ministry of Emergencies. Positions in the Ministry of Emergencies, educational institutions that train specialists.

You can enter the Ministry of Emergencies very differently, the fact is that the law does not prescribe any special conditions regarding education, except for the presence of a diploma of completion of 9 classes. But working on work is possible only if there is a vacancy, and on a competitive basis. To enter the Ministry of Emergencies for a number of posts, you need to take complex tests for physical training, have the first health group. A diploma of education in a special educational institution of the Ministry of Emergencies and military service are also pluses. Those who have chosen this noble work may try to get the desired position in different ways.

  • It will turn out to enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9, choosing school with a suitable specialty. We will talk about these schools below. Only male persons will be accepted to the “firefighter” direction. But for girls, there are also specialties related directly to the Ministry of Emergencies, this is “protection in emergencies” and “fire safety”.
  • There are still 14-16 years old for teenagers Cadet corps departmental universities. Only young men are accepted into cadets.
  • Enter the Ministry of Emergencies after army services - One of the most popular ways to get into the ranks of firefighters. The vast majority of them served in the army. But there may be exceptions from this rule - a person can graduate from a university with a military department.
  • There are departmental ones higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergencies. Their diplomas are needed in order to raise and receive an officer position in the department.
Representatives of the fire and rescue college
Representatives of the fire and rescue college

What to go to the Ministry of Emergencies to work?

To get a job at the Ministry of Emergencies, contact a personnel specialist in your city. You can find the phones of these experts on the official website of the Ministry of Emergencies. First select your territorial district and city, and then click on the section "Contacts" And find the phone number of the personnel department.

A vacancy for a fireman or a driver may be there, or may be absent. The situation with personnel staff in different cities may vary. If there is a vacancy for the position of interest to you, you will be offered to collect documents, submit physical standards, pass an interview, and then get around the medical board and proceed to duties.

Work in the fire department

For those who want to enter the Ministry of Emergencies, it is important to know that some fire parts can be entered to work, and in other parts you can be accepted for service. And between employees and employees there is a big difference in wages. Employees receive approximately twice as many employees. The employees of the Ministry of Emergencies have a rather low salary, especially given the complexity and danger of their everyday life. The work and employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and employees of the department perform the same. Here is such injustice at the moment.

Firefighters work after three. Being on duty between urgent challenges, they are engaged in special classes and disassemble potential dangerous situations. They also train on special equipment and on ordinary sports grounds. Firefighters prepare their equipment, machines and equipment. At any time, the firefighters can cut off the siren, and then the change on duty should gather in a minute and go to the call.

Video: one day in the fire department

Who, besides a fireman, can you work in the Ministry of Emergencies?

In most of us, the Ministry of Emergencies is associated precisely with the employees of the fire department. But there are other services. Who, besides a fireman, can you work in the Ministry of Emergencies? There are still separate ones mountain rescue units, who are engaged in the salvation of the miners, and arrive in the case of a serious accident underground, in which people were injured or can suffer. You can enter the Ministry of Emergencies and this work. I must say that the main rescuers for miners are still the miners themselves. Colleagues are the first to find themselves at the scene, usually they themselves disassemble the collapse and raise the trauma to the miners “to the mountain”. The mining service arrives later, it needs time to get to the scene underground.

Mining and rescue service
Mining and rescue service

Search and rescue units - These are also departmental units of the Ministry of Emergencies. Among them there are detachments that specialize in rescue operations in reservoirs or in the mountains. There is a dog-for-end unit and an airmobile unit that can work in the most difficult conditions and arrive at the helicopter disaster. Many search and rescue units can be called the elite of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Those who want to enter the Ministry of Emergencies will be interested in the list of rescue units, which can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Emergencies. At the disposal of the Russian Emergencies Ministry there are sea vessels, aviation and even drones.

Special units of the Ministry of Emergencies
Special units of the Ministry of Emergencies

Fire safety inspectors - These are also employees of the Ministry of Emergencies. Also, many specialized specialists are working in the staff of the department, for example, psychologists and personnel.

Can a girl go to the Ministry of Emergencies?

Girls are now not at all taken to firefighters, who directly go to the challenges, it is also problematic to get a female person in the mountain rescue service. But in the special emergency units of the Ministry of Emergencies there are a lot of girls, they help people in emergency situations on the roads, in the case of natural disasters and so on. You can enter the Ministry of Emergencies, in any direction, except for the specialization of the "fire". For the fair sex in the Ministry of Emergencies, there is also a lot of responsible and serious work.

To enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9 (we mean schools), girls, like the guys, will have to go through Physical training tests. And the requirements for physical training are not small. You also need to have good health and bring the appropriate medical certificate.

Girls work emergency dispatchers. The exit detachment of firefighters is formed from men. But they take the calls, evaluate the situation and send girls usually on firefighters. The work of the dispatcher is very responsible, sometimes it happens that more than half of false challenges come in a day. You need to be able to distinguish false challenges from real ones. To be able in a very short time to find out the maximum information about what happened and send the most suitable equipment and personnel to the scene. All this is spent for about a minute. The dispatcher should receive information from completely different people and often from people in a stressful situation. In the next photo, the emergency dispatcher is engaged in a reference transmission.

Emergency manager
Emergency manager

It is not necessary to enter the educational institutions of the Ministry to work in some other positions. For example, a psychologist, of which the department has a fairly large number, also in the bodies of the Ministry of Emergencies have accountants and personnel officers. Specialists with specialized education take these positions.

But the future fire safety inspectors After the 9th or 11th grade, they teach the Ministry of Emergencies in schools and higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergencies.

What to enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9?

In Russia, there are only 3 departmental educational institutions to enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9. Two of them are located in Moscow, and one in St. Petersburg. These educational institutions are departmental, they are on the balance sheet of the Ministry of Emergencies and their main profile - just the training of future rescuers. Although, for example, in the Moscow Fire and Rescue College it will be possible to master other specialties, for example, a car mechanic or a hardware and software adjuster.

Departmental educational institutions after grade 9
Departmental educational institutions after grade 9

There are many other colleges and technical schools that train specialists for rescue services. For these educational institutions, this is not their main profile. For example, Volgograd Medical and Ecological College Teaches by profession "firefighter".

I would like to talk more about those very three departmental educational institutions, what to go to the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9, and study in them?

Fire and rescue college in Moscow

The first thing that was not very pleasantly surprised - the college accepts only Muscovites on the budget. In order to get to the selection committee, you need to sign up through the website of the mayor of Moscow, and for this, in turn, at least a temporary Moscow registration is needed. But then we realized that this is probably due to the fact that the college simply does not have a hostel. Nonime training is also possible, but only on a contract basis.

You can enter this educational institution after 9 and after grade 11.

To enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9 in the specialty, fire safety, protection in emergencies, firefighters need to be overpowering for those who arrive at physical. preparation. The cadets who managed to act say that it is not so simple to pass them. And if you are not an athlete who already trains every day, then you need to prepare in the Ministry of Emergencies. And it is better to start doing it at least six months before the tests.

How to enter the Ministry of Emergencies after grade 9: Standards for boys and girls

Physical training balls for admission to the Ministry of Emergencies
Physical training balls for admission to the Ministry of Emergencies

The maximum number of balls that can be scored is 100. Obturients who scored more than 68 balls are considered to have submitted physical training. The higher the physical training balls, the greater the chances of admission. An important role is played by the average score of the certificate. Also, applicants undergo written psychological testing, because rescuers should be calm and hardy.

College training includes not only the educational process, but also patriotic education. Students are formed and engaged in combat training.

Cadet Corps of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies in Moscow

Only young men are accepted into the cadets. For admission, you need to go through fairly complicated physical tests. preparation, among which:

  • Running 100 meters.
  • Running 1 km.
  • Pulling up on the crossbar.

The cadets over the school year live in the territory of the educational institution. They have a strict routine of the day, scheduled literally by minute.

Cadet corps
Cadet corps

Fire and rescue college in St. Petersburg

The college accepts students who graduated from grades 9 and 11. Upon admission to “fire safety” and “emergency protection”, it is necessary to undergo physical training tests and provide a certificate from the therapist certifying good health status.

Standards for young men
Standards for young men

The fair sex, in order to enter the Ministry of Emergencies, needs to master push -up standards instead of testing. A long distance that needs to run less.

Standards for girls
Standards for girls

The dormitory does not provide college. Students are required to wear the form of the established sample.

In addition to training in colleges, you can enter the Ministry of Emergencies by graduating from a university. These educational institutions are accepted by those who graduated from 11 classes or college.

Universities of the Ministry of Emergencies
Universities of the Ministry of Emergencies

Video: How to get a job at the Ministry of Emergencies?

Video: Training in the Ministry of Emergencies The most popular questions and answers to them

Video: Special training exam in college

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  1. Hello! My name is Shokhin for 16 I will finish the ninth grade this year, I want to become a firefighter, I live in Tyumen and here they will take only after 11. What should I do?

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